Part 17

Love Wrecked

Six years.


Six long years of a fruitful relationship ended just like that.


Six years… they were together for six years, and those were thrown away in a conversation in less than six minutes? Is a six-year relationship worth putting to an end within six minutes of talk on the phone using six words such as ‘It’s not working… you know that’? That’s it?


There is no perfect relationship; they’ve had their ups and downs, and he’ll admit he’s at fault for several times.


He cannot say that he’d never noticed the sudden change of his boyfriend after the man was rescued from the island. Kyuhyun had definitely turned independent, which should be a good thing, yet, he had longed for his immature Kyuhyun who would always depend on him. It might be selfish, but it made him realize his worth. Now that the boy he babied all throughout had grown, he felt like he was not needed anymore.


Ever since he had heard of the news regarding the sunken cruise ship where Kyuhyun was, he had grown weary. Aside from worrying, he’d felt alone. He knew he shouldn’t have lost the hope that Kyuhyun was still alive when his name wasn’t included on the list of the victims, yet he convinced himself not to expect the positive for he didn’t want to get hurt in case the exact opposite of it is the truth.


Within those weeks of Kyuhyun’s disappearance, he’d met a guy. A guy born with a powerful singing voice that seemed to be reflecting the same sorrow as his just by listening at him. It was dark around him; a ray of slightly dim light shining down upon the singer on stage, making him look the most stunning in the place. Even if he can’t see the reactions of the other customers, he knew all of them could feel the emotions of the singer. With the way he closed his eyes to feel the song, the way he placed his small hand on his chest; every gesture and notes hit expressed him. And the singer was successful in letting them feel his message.


He knew he felt heat envelope his entire body while watching the singer seductively graze his fingers on the microphone stand, as if pumping something. All throughout the performance, he wondered how those fingers would feel on his skin.


How long he stared at the handsome singer, he doesn’t know. All he knew that when their eyes met, their orbs showing despair, they were just suddenly into each other. No one knew how fast it happened.

They used each other’s company to temporary fill the emptiness, and it actually went on for weeks. Both played with fire, and they enjoyed it.


The man introduced himself as Yesung.


That was the only detail he knew about the raven-haired, aside from his phone number and him being a singer at that bar where they met. They shared pain and pleasure, which was something new to him. He found it thrilling and addicting that he’d immediately grown attached to the tall man hiding his emotions beneath his sharp kohl-lined eyes.


Yesung presented himself more like as a challenge. He had tried figuring out the real personality of the man. He had tried tracking what he does, but the man was too secretive and sneaky, and so he decided to do the same. They only know each other’s names and contact numbers, but they have never talked about more. Only actions. Not much words except for profanities when in bed.


He definitely knew he shouldn’t, but in a short span of time, he found himself ready to fall for the mysterious Yesung. No matter how wrong the mere thought of it is.


That was until that day when the police informed him they had found Kyuhyun in an island and then at the pier, he saw Yesung running to the blond, who was the one stranded in the island with Kyuhyun. His eyes almost dilated when Yesung kissed the man named Sungmin.


Lee Sungmin. That was the name of the man who had survived in the shipwreck with Kyuhyun. That was the name of the man who had taught Kyuhyun on how to be independent. That was the name of the man who is the best friend of Kim Jongwoon, who apparently is Yesung. And most probably, Lee Sungmin was the cause of Yesung’s desperation back then, and the cause of Kyuhyun’s change of heart.


Is fate playing with the four of them?


If ever Kyuhyun and Lee Sungmin had an affair while they were at the island, hell, he has no rights to complain; he himself did it during that time. The act was merely because of deprivation of intimate physical contact, no more, no less. He’d prefer it to be that way.


But why did Kyuhyun break up with him? Why the sudden coldness towards him? He’s pretty sure it wasn’t that Kyuhyun is still on his recovering stage because the young CEO looked better than before. Then, why?


Was Kyuhyun attached to Lee Sungmin just like what happened to him towards Yesung? Is this what they call karma?


Truly, karma is a , for just a few blocks away from him, there he saw that familiar mop of black hair, and felt the same chills on his spine as those pointy eyes stare back at him intensely. Immediately, he knew they were thinking of the same thing.




He desperately clung onto the other man’s sweaty back as the slamming of their hips sped up and grew more violent. They cannot think of anything, but both are moving angrily. Both wanted to dominate; both wanted to just reach their high. They were too focused on releasing their frustration that they can’t even hear each other screaming their loved one’s name, not each other’s.


They lay next to each other, keeping a good distance, their breaths still heavy and ragged after three rounds of heated . Every part of their skin has angry marks. He will have a hard time hiding it, though Kyuhyun would surely not go back until tomorrow. Should he deliberately show this to the younger? Will Kyuhyun get jealous just like how he felt when he saw a purple mark on Kyuhyun’s neck a weekend before when nothing had happened to the both of them yet?




It was not from him, but his thoughts were voiced out. He turned to his side and saw Yesung looking at him tiredly. For a moment, he admired the singer’s features. He is manly, no arguments about that, but when you stare at him at this range, the man is more beautiful than him. Sharp eyes, sharp nose, sharp jawline, and thick lips; they are all screaming seduction and masculinity; however, there seemed to be something different now. He had never looked this vulnerable before.


“Why did you do this? You are in a relationship, right?”


Again, Yesung said that question he had wanted to ask himself and Kyuhyun. But it was not already applicable to him. If Yesung have asked him that a few hours ago, he wouldn’t have any answer to it.


“I’m not in a relationship.” He whispered.


Yesung let out a weak chortle while shaking his head. So he’s not the only one not believing it. “Come on, Ryeowook-ssi. You still think I don’t know about you and that CEO?”


It was now his turn to laugh. It was no joyful; the laugh was ten seconds of bitterness that small amount of tears escaped the corner of his eyes. The only thing that made him really laugh was the bewildered stare Yesung was giving him.


“I am now y, free and single, Yesung-ssi.” As much as he wanted to call the vocalist by his real name, he still liked it more the way the name Yesung smoothly rolls on his tongue. Plus, he believes he’s the only one calling him like that. It was one thing he owns.


“Are you serious?” Came the doubtful question from Yesung. The black-haired’s after voice is the best music he had ever heard.


“Yes. We just broke up two hours ago. And it was on the phone… on the freaking phone! No explanations! Unbelievable, right?” he started blabbing while tears uncontrollably fall from his eyes. He shouldn’t rant about his broken love life to the person he cheated with. To hell with it, he doesn’t give a . Let Yesung know how miserable he is right now. Let the world know.


“Is it because…” Of us? He’s sure that was what Yesung meant.


“No, no. We haven’t had any contact ever since they got rescued. He doesn’t know a thing.”

Instead of looking relieved, Yesung’s eyes turned wide in shock. He watched the other man abruptly sit up, angrily running his short fingers through his hair. Though he had a hunch on why Yesung was acting that way, he didn’t say a thing for he doesn’t want his thoughts to be confirmed.


“Does that mean that Kyuhyun and Sungmin are now free to do whatever they want?!” Yesung screamed, glancing at him with slightly teary eyes.


It took him a few seconds before he got what Yesung implied. Oh, . So it was true.


Realizing what he had done, Yesung covered his mouth and turned away, staying frozen for a while before getting out of the bed and dressing up.


He, too, stood up, wanting to get more answers from the taller male. He grasped Yesung’s arm and made the black-haired face him. “What do you mean by that?” But Yesung stubbornly pried his arm from his grip and put on his shirt.


Before Yesung could reach the door, the former looked at him and spoke with a firm voice, “I will not explain further. I am sure you know what I meant,” he slightly gasped and covered his mouth as Yesung continued, “I need Sungmin in my life, Ryeowook. I will do anything to get him.”


With that, Yesung bolted out of the room with heavy steps, slamming the door shut.



Lee Sungmin. He doesn’t want to judge the guy; he barely knows him. However, no one snatches away from him what is his. And that Lee Sungmin snatched the two people who became a part of his life. No one gets in the way of Kim Ryeowook.






He carefully rolled to his right then to his left for several times, unable to find a comfortable position. This uneasiness had been going on for almost two hours now. 


He just wanted to carelessly move around the bed, but he didn’t want to wake his sleeping lover up. Not with the perfect face inches away from him. Ever since his phone conversation with Ryeowook, he was uneased.


Moments more and he finally released a sigh and sat up, his hand rubbing his face in irritation.


He really should be glad now that he's free, but he can’t help but think about it over and over because... it was plainly easy. Too easy infact. It was so fast that both of them probably were not prepared about it. Like it was just a defective piece of device that finally shut off and you have to throw it away. 


He shouldn’t have ended it that way. It should have been him meeting up with Ryeowook and explaining the reasons why it should be over. It should have been a face to face deed at least to show some compassion for the six-year relationship. But no, he had to be a coward and end it over a telephone line. 


But somewhere inside him blames Ryeowook about it. Maybe he was just too scared to admit that he was the weak one. It just had to be that Kim Ryeowook had to call and ask what was happening and... It caught him off-guard. He had to tell the truth.


He was pulled away from his thoughts when he felt familiar short arms wrapping around his waist. He relaxed immediately and smiled as he leaned to the embrace.


"Did I wake you up?" He turned to the other and leaned back onto the bed, his elbows supporting their weight


Sungmin moved closer to him and nuzzled his neck, his blond haor tickiling his cheek. "I felt you move." Sungmin sleepily mumbled, hugging him tighter like a teddy bear “Is there something wrong, Kyu?”


He smiled and hovered on top of him, leaving a peck on his forehead before whispering, "Go back to sleep. I'll stay here beside you." 


"But I don’t wanna sleep anymore." Sungmin pouting. He was unconsciously being cute, and he found it hard to resist it. He’ll probably be whipped if Sungmin will always use this against him.


"Then what do you want to do?" He asked, kissing the other's pout away.


"Hmm… What do you suggest?" Sungmin asked as he dipped his face onto the juncture of his shoulder and nape and nibbled on the skin there. And then he whimpered and moaned all at the same time. How he did that, no one would ever know.


And just like that, all worries had been pushed to the back of his head. Sungmin was like the wind, wiping off all the cloudiness of his mind and allowing the light to shine in. He smirked as he moved his legs, trappping the smaller guy beneath him. Sungmin finally released his neck which was probably bruising and stared at him, his eyes twinkling in anticipation, lower lip beneath his teeth. 


"Why don’t I just show you, then?"


And the room was finally filled with soft giggles and sweet nothings.



To be continued...

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dillas #1
I love this story, please update
Chapter 18: i love this story please update soon ........
I miss this story so much ㅠㅠ please update ㅠㅠ ㅠㅠ
kyussi #4
Chapter 18: I want moreeeeee :( i feel like ryeowook is gonna do sth bad :/
Miss this story and I wish you'll update it :(
Anna101shark #6
Chapter 18: stumbled upon this the other day. i love it! :-)
oh wait you did say that this was inspired by a movie. oH wElL haha. The story between Kyu and Min did become very interesting after they got rescued :3
Chapter 18: I am no expert but I must admit, the first parts gave me plain feelings. I was like "ahh, one of those movies I've seen again" but something inside me wanted to finish the fic and poof! tada! I frikin love this <33333333333333333333 pls update :3
Chapter 17: Omg pls Update! *-*
Pumpkinita #10
Chapter 18: updaaaate pleaaaseee