Part 5

Love Wrecked


It was dawn. The sun hasn't risen but it was unbelievably hot. The waves touching the sand continued its dance as he shifted from the grainy feeling beneath him.


Scrunching his head, he sat up.


He was still on the same island, nevertheless, the hope that everything was nothing but a dream remains. Unfortunately, it wasn’t.



He rolled on his side, feeling the pain course through his back. He rubbed his eyes and opened them slowly, only to catch up a familiar form a few feet away. Just like that, the tingling of his lips returned and the warmth of his face intensify a thousand fold, knowing well it was not the heat that caused it.


He cursed silently and stood up not wanting to reminisce on the instance the previous night.


He silently walked, closing his eyes as he let his mind rest from everything that's been bothering him. All he could hear is the sound of the waves, and the sweet breeze silently caressing his skin. It felt so good that it made his mind relax, even just for a while. He suddenly missed the cruise that he was in a couple of days ago, how everything seemed so perfect.


He can’t anymore remember the times he was too pre-occupied with work, family and Ryeowook. He was enjoying too much of the peace that even getting stuck in an island didn’t bother his mind.


And then, the thought struck him.






How is he? What is he doing at the moment? Did he cry for him? Did he think he’s dead, eaten by sharks in the vast ocean? Is he even searching for him?



The thoughts made his chest clench and he chose to ignore the pain. He turned to the waters and pouted.




“Luck, we need all the luck in the world.”




Moments later, he felt soft rumbles around. Scrunching his brows he turned his head.


Around ten second later, there it was again and it took him one full minute to realize that it was his weird stomach. He cursed silently.


He walked back to where their fire and shelter are, as he knew too well not to ignore his stupid tummy.


He stopped as he saw Sungmin still peacefully sleeping, even just the mere presence of the man near him sends shiver all throughout his body. He tried to take his gaze off Sungmin's sleeping form as memories of last night still flash clear in his mind but the older man was lying close to the fruits that it was impossible so he silently walked towards the gathered food, just grabbing whatever he could put his hands without sparing the other man a glance.


He then froze as Sungmin his sleep, the other's body brushing towards his leg, the mere touch of skin sent soft shingles down his spine. What is wrong with me? He found himself turning around and looking at the man which could be the worse decision he could've ever make because the desire he feels inside him increased ten-folds. It was like the other man’s face was a dam magnet, pulling him closer and not allowing him to push back. No, he can’t.


Giving in to his urges, he found himself leaning closer to the sleeping guy. He tilted his head so as to get a perfect view of the face. He’s perfect, a voice inside him shouted but he chose to ignore it. His heart was beating rapidly, like a freaking sledgehammer pounding inside his chest. It was getting harder and harder to breathe as he inched closer to the man.


Damn lips, he thought as his eyes landed on the perfect M-shaped softness. Then, Sungmin scrunched his eyes, slowly opening them as he immediately jerked up and moved away before the other could even register what was happening.

His ears were beating, his throat clenched too tight as he took a banana on his hand and started peeling it off.



"You're awake." He muttered as the blond yawned, taking not how he does it cutely without any effort. He shook his head. The seven-year old is taking over the other’s body once again and it surprised him that he sees it adorable. It was supposed to be irritating for goodness sake.



"I… I’ll just finish this." He waved the banana weirdly and walked away, sighing in relief when the stupid pounding in his chest started to calm down.



He was sitting peacefully on the shore when the smaller guy approached him, a piece of roasted sweet potato on hand. He eyed the root crop menacingly.


“Where did you get that?” He whined.


“I roasted this last night but…. Well, you fell asleep immediately after the…” Sungmin trailed off as he handed him the food. He accepted willingly, devouring half of it in one bite.



He almost choked when the other’s words sank in. He turned to him.



Seven-year-old was eyeing the sand, his arms hugging his knees like the kid he likes to portray. "About last night…" 



He froze, his appetite forgotten as the smaller man continued: "I know it was an accident so it would be best if we just forget about it...”



The amazing taste of the other's lips to his own, the wonderful sensation it gives him… How can he forget all about it?



"We have no idea how long would we be stuck here so I don’t want us to be awkward with each other. It’s not like we both wanted it.”


He sighed; knowing Sungmin had a point but the man got him so bad that it's so hard to think rationally when it comes to him.


"... So we're good, right?"


He looked up, meeting Sungmin's expecting gaze. The other’s doe eyes shining with hope, making him give in as he wordlessly nodded, but his world halted as Sungmin smiled widely at him, the other's face glowing. He felt like something inside him is melting.


"Good! So let's go ahead and gather more pieces of woods and leaves so we can build a larger shelter. I can't stand you sleeping here outside."



Taller gulped, he's gonna be into so much trouble.






Kyuhyun was standing at least a meter away from Sungmin, not trusting his own urges when it comes to the other man, although he was still trying to answer the man's questions, not wanting the man to notice that he's still feeling awkward around him.



He was doing fine, but the unbearable heat made him tired so he looked around to ask Sungmin if they could go back but the other seemed to love teasing him as he was welcomed by the sight of Sungmin taking his shirt off, the heat he feel on his body increasing.



“C’mon, let’s bathe!” Sungmin said gleefully as he laid the stuff on his arms and jumped to the small spring he was in yesterday.



He averted his gaze, hoping against hope that his freaking urges would stop. "Can you please stop taking your shirt off like that?" He grumbled.



The other looked at him with a confused expression. "What's the problem? You’re weird.” Sungmin turned away and splashed himself with fresh water, gulping some in the process. Two minutes later, he looked at the still frozen man and smirked. “Unless…you’re thinking of erted thoughts about me?” He wriggled his eyebrows.



Kyuhyun scoffed, hiding the blush that was obviously flashing on his face. He eyed the man with a shy glare and retorted, "You wish! Who would want to see all those baby fats?"


Sungmin scowled, his hand automatically rising to cover his stomach. "Hey! I'm not that fat!"  


"Whatever you say, princess." He smirked back. The pretty face of the blond was now adorned by a pretty blush. He snickered quietly.


Not wanting to be bullied by the seven-year-old, he decided that a quick dip on the spring would help clear his mind. He started ing his white shirt that had been glued to his skin since the shipwreck.  He bit his lip as he rid himself of the fabric and pulled his pants down, leaving a pair of shorts covering his lower half.


He smirked as Sungmin stopped splashing and stared at him. His mouth was agape as he inched closer and dove onto the water, waking Sungmin up in his reverie of his body.




“What?” He smirked. "Thinking of erted thoughts about me?" he reiterated the familiar words from the other. “We’re both guys, anyway.” He mocked Sungmin’s pitch and dipped his body ‘til his neck.


The water was cold and fresh.  He liked how the coldness wrapped his skin, washing away the stickiness the salty ocean had stained him.



"I'm not!" Sungmin protested before looking down and walking to the farther side of the spring. He pouted quietly as they bathe themselves.



They took their time in the spring, not wanting to leave the fresh water just yet.


How long they stayed in the water, they did not know, but the sun was high up when he stepped out of the place and ran to the seashore.





Kyuhyun was left as he picked up the pieces of wood and fruits that were left lying on the ground. He used his discarded shirt to pick them all up.


Pulling his dried pants to his waist, he walked back to where the seven year old was.


“What are you doing?” he inquired as the other searched the survival kit for something. He laid the stuff on the sand and peeped on the box. “What is it?”


Sungmin raised his head abruptly, hitting his head on the other’s chin as they both let out a yelp of pain and scoot away from each other.




“Ugh, what the hell is wrong with you?” He asked and the smaller guy shyed away, rubbing his head lightly.


“Sorry…. Uhm… nothing.” Sungmin replied timidly. He noticed that the blond was gaping at his body and was blushing immensely. He smirked.


“ert.” He mumbled and walked away, laughing to himself as he finally get to tease the other. It’s his turn to suffer. When he heard a soft grunt from the other, he was pleased.





Days passed by fast. It would almost be a week, and they had stopped counting on their third day as each day proved to be a struggle. Soon enough, one of them would break down; one of them would lose his cool and throw a fit. They had, though, on the first day, when they woke up after the deluding storm.


But this time was different and little by little, the hope was drifting away.


Stick on hand; he started poking the coals made by the fire, his mind flying. The sun had once again died down, and the night sky shone darkly, they settled on the bonfire they had created, shirts discarded.


It was quiet.


No bantering, no fights.


He was heating the sweet potatoes, the only good food they have as of the moment plus a bunch of bananas. Soon, their resources would be scarce. Soon, one of them would break down. Every single day in the island was proving to be difficult.


He sighed, emotions filling him in as the night grew deeper. The silence was not helping. Kyuhyun was equally silent, his eyes darting to the seas.


“Do you think the people we know are bothering to look for us?” He asked quietly. He had the same thoughts for the past days but because of the need to survive, he managed to push them off.

Maybe that’s how surviving is, the only thing in your mind is the present. The future, the past, the silent wishes, they don’t seem too important. He did not know of it until he was part of it. He pouted silently, realizing how much he is dreading to leave the island.


“I miss my bed.”  He murmured hopelessly when his companion refused to answer. He must be drowning in his own thoughts.


Kyuhyun scooted to his side; he has this sad smile on his face. His eyes were moist but he kept his cool. Maybe, Kyuhyun was right; he was the kid in there.


“I’m not really sure if we’re lucky or unlucky,” The other finally spoke, voice low. “Lucky that we survived the shipwreck, or unlucky that we have to force survival on us.”



He heard him sigh. “I’m not used to… to this.” He spread his arms indicating the state they’re in. “I… I was pampered, everything I need is always there, and well, you know how I am.”


“I miss Jongwoon hyung.” Sungmin softly said, not entirely digesting Kyuhyun’s words. “I miss my room, my bed, my school. I miss my friends and…”


A hand landed on his shoulder. He turned and saw Kyuhyun smiling at him.


“Me too. I miss everything,” the brunet said. “I fought with someone before I boarded the cruise. Must be karma.”


A sigh escaped Kyuhyun’s lips, “He’s probably not looking for me anymore. As for you… well, your friends and family are looking for you,”


“Why? Why won’t anyone look for you?” 


"I don't have anyone," Kyuhyun smiled bitterly. "And I abandoned the only person who cares for me. I'm a mean person. I...."


"Don't say that." He stopped him.






“Hey, Sungmin-ssi,” The other called him softly.





“Do you want to play?”




His wrist was being dragged and the next thing he knew, he was running around, playing tag with Kyuhyun. It was supposed to be senseless since there are only two of them. But then, he enjoyed. Corny, yes, but it was still fun. He was laughing, something that seemed so foreign after getting stuck in the island.


When he collapsed on the sand, he was still giggling, with Kyuhyun following suit beside him.


“That was… insane.” He panted.


“For a seven-year old, you haven’t played tag?”


“I’m twenty-seven years old.” He replied with a pout.


“Wow, you’re older than me? Stop joking.” Kyuhyun answered as he pushed his head up a little, his elbows supporting his weight.


“I’m not! A lot of people tell me I don’t look my age as well…” he turned to face the other but regretted what he did.


Both of them froze. Their faces were mere inches apart; their breaths mingling in between their lips. He swallowed audibly as his eyes roamed Kyuhyun’s face. He was not as flawless as he knew, his face was not perfect but he was handsome in his own right. When his gaze landed on Kyuhyun’s thick lips, which he found darn y, he stopped and gawked at it.


His chest was beating wildly he can’t breathe properly. He bit his lip.




It was no accident this time. It was not caused by a fall or anything similar. It was done because one of them moved; one of them leaned closer until the space in between their lips was gone.


It was soft, it was tender, almost calming. But Kyuhyun pushed him deeper, making him gasp. Younger though, did not stop and even slid his tongue inside his mouth.


Much to his surprise, he did not pull back. He did not push the other away who was now hovering on top of him. Instead, he allowed him to lead the kiss, he allowed him to tower him and glide his hands on his sides. He allowed the kiss to become deeper and hotter. He curled his tongue onto the other’s. He tasted every bit of Kyuhyun and he even pulled him closer until they can’t breathe.


His hands were massaging the other’s scalp, threading the brown locks that had made rough by the seas. Their bare chests rubbed and the friction sent him on fire. Kyuhyun was not stopping and he did not want him to stop either.


Then, just like that, his chest thumped, a single thump that told him all.






Damn he is in so much trouble.




To be continued...


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dillas #1
I love this story, please update
Chapter 18: i love this story please update soon ........
I miss this story so much ㅠㅠ please update ㅠㅠ ㅠㅠ
kyussi #4
Chapter 18: I want moreeeeee :( i feel like ryeowook is gonna do sth bad :/
Miss this story and I wish you'll update it :(
Anna101shark #6
Chapter 18: stumbled upon this the other day. i love it! :-)
oh wait you did say that this was inspired by a movie. oH wElL haha. The story between Kyu and Min did become very interesting after they got rescued :3
Chapter 18: I am no expert but I must admit, the first parts gave me plain feelings. I was like "ahh, one of those movies I've seen again" but something inside me wanted to finish the fic and poof! tada! I frikin love this <33333333333333333333 pls update :3
Chapter 17: Omg pls Update! *-*
Pumpkinita #10
Chapter 18: updaaaate pleaaaseee