Chapter 1

My Mistake {editing}

   Have you ever watched American shows where high school revolved around popularity, bullying and ? Well my life is different, the school I go to is different too, and here everything revolved around morals, values, academics and school clubs. For ten years of my life I have gone to the same school. It’s not that bad...I mean there's no bullying just teasing and the rules are pretty strict here too, there’s no making out in the halls or the use of cell phones during class, practically speaking it’s a goody-goody school if you ask me.

   Before I go blabbering away, let me introduce myself I’m Maria Cho but my friends call me Ria. Yes, I have friends. I’m not that rebellious my introduction seems to pull off or whatever you may think of me, I don’t smoke or skip classes, not to brag but I’m in the top section of my batch. To sum it up I’m not rebellious, delusional or stupid, I’m just normal. I go to school every day with a lot of complaints, I study cause it’s needed, I laugh with my crazy friends and I love my mom.

   To let you know why I have a bipolar attitude in me it's because of my mom; no, she isn’t a drunk, abusive or that workaholic parent that thinks of the keeping the family in a good status but really it's about the money. She‘s a regular mom who cooks in the morning and picks me up after school, the only downside is she got knocked up by some guy and the ending result is me. I love her and don’t blame her for anything...why would I she gives me education, three meals a day, clothes on my back and a roof above my head. I just wished she told me more about that dude. The only thing I know is his last name [obvious enough].

Two hours later

“Joshell Cabral”

“Maria Cho”

“Diane Choi”

   They’re doing a role call for our graduation ceremony later, and another fact about me is that I’m a fifteen year old senior. Why? It’s because I entered school early. I’m thrilled to be graduating; I can finally move out and live inside the dorms of a university. Ten minutes left before this ceremony starts, I can’t help but stare at my classmates with complete families.

“Ria, it’s time to go!”

   That was one of my best friends, she’s smart when is tries but can get noisy, sometimes annoying and crazy but maybe that’s why we get along so much, opposites attract right? In take my place next to her and the march begins. The honor roll is called; I see the others with their parents and smiles up to their ears as they hung the medals. My name was called, as usual I always expect my homeroom teacher to hang it, out of pity to the girl with no parent by her side because her mom can’t get a off her work from eight to twelve noon. I go up the stairs with an unknown man accompanying me. He hung my medal and posed with me for a picture. I don’t know this man but I do know that he doesn’t work for this school. Both of us go down and before I could question him he was gone.

AN: Thank you all so much for waiting hope you like the first chapter even though it kinda, sorta lame and please comment :)


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baby16 #1
Chapter 32: Sweetie! I love you and all and you know that but dude freaking update this story and your other fanfics too IT HAS BEEN MONTHS! AND ZELO AND MARIA HAVENT FREAKING MADEOUT YET COME ON!!! AND THEN THERE'S KAI! DUDE!

congrats on your first month in college by the way

Chapter 32: Omg i was so happy when I heard that bap is gonna be part of dkfc2 but then i cant go too huhuhu
Chapter 29: author-nim please make more chapters!!!!!XD
Chapter 29: make more chapter such a gggoooooooooooddddddd story!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Chapter 28: Love the story so far! ^-^
Chapter 27: Update soon great story!!!!!
Chapter 26: Yay! Update soon!~~~~~~ ^.^
purplekcs04 #8
Chapter 25: Keep up the good work~! riacho15 :)) <3 Cannot wait for the new chapters to be released
omg thank god i found this fic, i finally found a zelo fanfic so happpy :)))) update soon *thumbs up*
Badass-Kid #10
Chapter 21: Kekekeke, author-nim you're back!
I've been waiting for you~:3
nice fanfic and please update