dr. Jung

When A Stranger Calls

Almost two weeks have passed since woohyun's last missed-call. And Sunggyu used to wake up in the middle of the night. He began to feel unwell because lack of sleep.

"You look unwell. Did you sick?" His father suddenly visited his apartment and found his son  lying on couch in  living room.

He and his parents are living separately. His parents chose to stay around the hospital where his  father worked, but Sunggyu decided to stay in a house that is located close to his school.

"Its okay, Dad. I'm just tired"

"Don't underestimate exhaustion. Are you rest well?"

"I think so"

"When did you last medical check-up?"

"About nearly two years ago"

"I think you should do it. Tomorrow i will wait for you to come"  His father sent him for a medical check-up at the hospital where his father worked.

"All is okay" His father has received a medical check-up result  his son.

"Like I said, Dad. Nothing to worry about" Sunggyu sat lazily on the couch in his father work room.

"But look at you. You pale, not energetic, your weight is also down. See ,your chubby cheeks, where  they go?"

His father pinched Sunggyu's cheek.

"Dad, don't do that again. I'm not a kid anymore" Sunggyu pouted, try to remove his father hand from him.

"Why don't you come back to stay with us?  Your mother can arrange your food"

"No, Dad. I'll be fine. Just lately I often wake up in the night"

"Since when it that happen?"

"I'm not sure, maybe 2 or 3 weeks before"

"You say 2 or 3 weeks ago? And you said you were just tired? Course because you lack sleep. What makes you keep awake in the middle of the night?"

"I don't know. I think I'm fine with it, just a little lack of sleep" Sunggyu try to find comfortable position on the couch as he listen his father.

"2 or 3 weeks of sleep deprivation is not good for your health. Are there problems at school?"

"I think not"

His father nodded.

"If there is other problems that bothered you?"

"I think not"

Only woohyun never again call me, but come on, how can it make me  less any sleep? Woohyun isn't a reason why i woke up in middle night. its just my new habit.

"Maybe you need a little help here. Sunggyu, your physical condition is fine, but it may be problematic come from your psychological side"

"psychological? Dad, you  thought  that i  was suffering from mental diseases?"

"Look, you often wake up in the night and you don't know what causes it. People don't realize that they may be exposed to stress"

"Dad wanted me to go to a mental hospital?"

"Hey, doesn't mean you should go to at mental hospital. Maybe you need a bit of guidance and counseling. Nothing wrong, we will see the changes. Get some counceling does't mean you got mental diseases, kid"


"Sunggyu-ah .. " Someone broke into his father's room, and sunggyu  that looks like a dead body on the couch, immediately embraced by someone.

"Jung Hyung .. "Sunggyu scream, no less happy to see his favorite hyung. They hugged like teletubis.

"Let go of my son, you can kill him" Mr. Kim Sunggyu tried to pull his son from his junior's arm. But dr. Jung did not want to let Sunggyu go .

dr. Kim and dr. Jung is a senior and a junior at  hospital. dr. Kim as a general practitioner, while dr. Jung was a psychiatrist. They love spending time together, so dr. Jung like family to dr. Kim.  In addition, dr. Jung is younger than dr. Kim. And Sunggyu  considered dr. Jung as his brother.

"I'm have  patient. I'll leave you"  dr. Kim  hug Sunggyu after he shoved playfully  dr. Jung.

"Sunggyu, don't forget coming home from here to visit your mother. He cook your favorite food to day" Having said that, he left them alone.

"Ne, Dad .."

"Sunggyu, come to my room. I have something for you" dr. Jung said when dr. kim  left and Sunggyu follow it gladly.

Dr . Jung workspace was very different from his father's place. Its a bit messy and he would clean it up if there is a patient who wanted to consult with him.

"Sunggyu, sit wherever you like .. I will show you something. Just wait"

Gezz, sit wherever I like? But there was no place to sit except on the floor because the couch was filled with a stack of files and snack pack.

He moved some files from couch and sit there while dr. Jung was busy fiddling with his desk drawers, or unpacked some boxes are arranged next to his desk, looking for something.

While waiting for the dr. Jung found the object he was looking for, he read some papers owned by dr. Jung, a little curious what his hyung job on this one.

Isn't a Psychiatrists must look busy? But dr. Jung was very relaxed undergoing work. He was also a bit surprised that his hyung who looks like an idiot (but sunggyu liked it very much)  have a lot of patients.

"Hyung, what do you do now?"

"As usual, only deal with human beings about their  psychological problems"

"My father told me to consult about something too. He think i might got some stress"

"You're welcome then"

"But I think I'm okay with it"

"Do you know someone with mental problems or stress, they don't even know if they are suffering from it? So that  why we needed as Psychiatrists?"

"Hyung, what you say is not much different from what my  father says. Are you two conspire at me?" But dr. Jung only laugh at it.

"Hyung, Do you like your job?" Sunggyu ask only to chase away his tiredness which come suddenly in this time.

"Of course, they come with a variety of problems. But the interesting thing is I was handling patient with  cold-blooded killer case. The sad thing is he's still young. His future still long. But he need psychologist to help his soul"


dr. Jung said as he continued to unload is the drawer of his desk. Still looking for something .


"It sounds creepy. What if he suddenly turn to kill you? I heard they are expressionless when they kill someone"

"That's not creepy. Was very fun, because its my first case. Besides, I'm also treating patients with compulsive obsessif case"

"It was awful too, hyung"

"You will not understand how much I love this job, and I really love those poor patients"

"Love them?" Sunggyu put grimacing face.


The phone in the room rang. Both dr. Jung and Sunggyu checked their phone. dr. Jung soon pick it up his phone as Sunggyu stare at his phone because he thought  its come from his phone. He hope Woohyun will call him . He just sigh.

Am i really in stress condition? Why i so badly want to talk with Woohyun?

"Sunggyu-ah, I'll be right back. The headship wish to meet me. And if there are patients who visit me, please tell them,  I'll be back soon"

dr. Jung put on his doctor coat and hurried out of the room. While waiting for the dr. Jung returned, to distract his mind from woohyun, he wanted to tidy up some medical records were scattered on the table also on the couch, some on floor.

His eyes traced some of the names of patients. A little curiosity haunts his mind, regardless of patient's name, he read the diagnosis of their health problems that person. He was a bit surprised after he read some diagnosis.

Ah, maybe this patient was referred to dr. Jung. He was quite young.  Sunggyu nodded his head.

He placed the medical records with other medical records. He also found some medical records were scattered under the table. Some of  medical records spilled  of coffee. He read their names that shown on the front cover randomly.

Jung Juri
Kim --- gil
- -Woohyun
Shin Hyo ra -

Wait .. Sunggyu re-check the name on the front cover before. Woohyun. It sounds very familiar.

Am i missed Woohyun so much until i see his name in medical record? I think i need counceling NOW.

He tried to remove the coffe stain that cover the person's family name but apparently its can be removed.

Hyung was always a messy and sloppy, how can he be a doctor?

He will open the first sheet that medical record book, curious about the identity of the patient, but a knock the door interrupted him.



(a/n) There is many people think that go to for conceling or visit Psychiatrists, its mean that you got mental disease. Too many case in this world that they dont know if they had stress and need counceling because who know their stress can be more worst. Stress is one of way to going be mental disease.

i am not going to be mysterious writer. Its just too many word in this chap. I usual write in 1.000 -1.400 words so i must stop here for this chap.

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This is sooo good!! :D Woogyu Cutee :D ♥
I loved ♥
Chapter 17: This is so cute ♡♡♡
Chapter 17: waaaaaaaaaa!!!! yous story was so adorable and cute!
Definitely, that Doc was awesome...keke and naughty....
Woogyu is love!
Chapter 17: This story is so cute. Thanks. Enjoyed reading It a lot:)))
Chapter 17: 2 thumbs up for ur story! It's so interesting and sweet~ ^^
fuschiapinks #6
Chapter 17: oh my God!!! this is so good.... it started really angst at first but sooo fluffy in the end. a really good plot... can u make a sequel?? maybe woohyun can meet gyu's friend or all... i really love your story... keep on writing... good job!!!
kaziie #7
Chapter 17: the story is soon cute

changkyu13 #8
Chapter 17: Awww this story is so cute ^__^ i loved reading it