Call Me Later

When A Stranger Calls

His dumb-phone  vibrate exactly at 00.00 am
Without looking at the caller ID, Sunggyu already know who is it. He doesn't plan to change his phone number again because it is an exhausting job. He had to contact all his friends to tell his new number and besides that,  woohyun once said if he could find a his phone number again if he replaced it . And Woohyun already prove it.

The only way is not picked up from Woohyun.

His phone vibrated again. He try to ignore it. Sunggyu who couldn't sleep last night because of a phone call from woohyun, thinking that this time he will not get caught again. But reality says otherwise. Sunggyu pressing the receiver button, get innoyed because Woohyun still calll him.

"WHAT DO YOU WANT NOW?" "Sunggyu half-shouted. Of course Sunggyu know that answer. Talking to him with useless conversation.

"Sunggyu-ah, if you scream, you can ruin your vocal cords "

"DO NOT ADVISE ME .." Sunggyu was still half-shouted.

"Sunggyu, lets talk .."

"NO .."

"You already pick up your phone . So what the meaning of it, if not to talk to me? "

"We already talk from last second ago. THEN WILL I TURN OFF NOW" Sunggyu will press the button to turn off the call, but  he heard woohyun voice again ..

"Hey wait ... Your promise .. Real men never break their promise"

Sunggyu hate that phrase. Real men never reneged on their promise. His father was always repeating it to him. Trying to teach him good things, without him knowing it was even tortured him now.

"Gezz. Okay Woohyun-ssi.  Talk rapidly  then"

"Hey, you can call woohyunnie. Woohyun-ssi is too formal "

"In your dream. You call me Sunggyu-ah, you do not even know if maybe I'm older than you "

"So Sunggyu-ssi, how old are you now? Are you old enough to get involved a love relationship?"

WOohyun accidentally say something like that just to make long conversation between them. And of course as woohyun expected, sunggyu would nag to him. Woohyun could not hold back his laughter.

"Why you so care about my relationship? I'm not the minors."

"Is it true?"


"Hey, i am not a kid. I am 19 years old now"

"Tsk, I dont ask your age"

His age 19 years. He in same age with me. God, Why i care with his age.

"Hey I've been visiting a store this afternoon. I bought an apron. I have difficult to determine what color would I choose. My favorite color red is red, so I bought the red one"

"Who cares about the color you like and what items you buy" Sunggyu cant believe why Woohyun should tell him stuff like that.

Woohyun chuckled.

"So what you favotite color ?"

"I like white because its identical with daylight. You know, during the day,  there is no middle-night intruder like you" Sunggyu curtly replied it.

Woohyun chuckle.

"Do I really disturbed you?"

"You need to ask?? Woohyun-ssi, why did you have to call me the middle of the night like this?

"If I called you during the day, Would you talking to me?"

"Just answer my question"

"If I may answer your question, can i talk to you in long long long conversation?

"Dont ask me like that, Just answer my question!!!"

Woohyun chuckle again.

"Just i said, i like your voice"

"No, its not the answer. You can hear my voice even you call me in the day time"

"So now, i can call you in time what i want?"

"Gezz, dont make me to make another promise to you"

"I think You should not need to know "

"Why? You bother me, so i desert to know why"

"I think its not important. Hey, I have a white rabbit. If you see it you will surely love it.


"Hey sunggyu-ah, I gave him the name Gyu"

"YAH! Why dont you answer my question before. Wait, Gyu? You call your rabbit with gyu? It sounded like my name?"

"Do I need to call you Gyu too?"

"What? NO!!, Am  I your rabbit?

Sunggyu laughed, how can he equated with the a rabbit.

"Hey, you laugh ... "

"so what if I laugh? "

"I like your voice"

"I know that. You ever said it"

"Hey. laughed again .. "

"No. .. "
"Please .... "
"NO .. Why should I laugh? "

Hey wait, why am I talking to him for so long time like this? He is a good talker. I got trap again. I should hang up now.

"Woohyun, i will hang up"

"You dont want to talk to me again?? "

Woohyun's voice sound sad. The Fact is , woohyun trying to sound so pitifull to make Sunggyu feel little guilty.

And now Sunggyu felt a little guilty. But why? Why his care. Wae??.

"Call me next time .. "

"Jjinjaa?? I can call you again and we can talk? "

"Yeah, you always call me and we always talk even i dont want it ... Are you amnesia? "

Woohyun chuckle again.

I love his "chuckle" voice. Why Suddenly I love his voice chuckle. Wait, it sound like i am "voice" maniac now.

"Sunggyu-ah, you promise, right? "

"Ne .. Okay, bye then .. "

Sunggyu directly off the call. In others hand Woohyunstill  grinned.

"Gyu, he promised to talk to me again tomorrow .. " Woohyun gently his white-hair rabbit. The rabbit just silent. #of course, there is a rabbit can talk like human.

Woohyun yawned, glancing at clock in the wall. He took a notebook and write something there.

"Well, I had an advance today. Wow, it 10 minutes faster than usual.  Mr.  Jung  certainly glad to hear it. Gyu, time for bed now. We'll see Mr. Jung  tomorrow"  Woohyun gently his rabbit for last time before he fall  to sleep.



(a/n)  I ever had a rabbit. I dont know what time they sleep. I always see my rabbit playing all time and not have certain time to sleep even its above 00.00 am. It name is hebring. LOL. Her color is brown and white, looks like a  cake.

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This is sooo good!! :D Woogyu Cutee :D ♥
I loved ♥
Chapter 17: This is so cute ♡♡♡
Chapter 17: waaaaaaaaaa!!!! yous story was so adorable and cute!
Definitely, that Doc was awesome...keke and naughty....
Woogyu is love!
Chapter 17: This story is so cute. Thanks. Enjoyed reading It a lot:)))
Chapter 17: 2 thumbs up for ur story! It's so interesting and sweet~ ^^
fuschiapinks #6
Chapter 17: oh my God!!! this is so good.... it started really angst at first but sooo fluffy in the end. a really good plot... can u make a sequel?? maybe woohyun can meet gyu's friend or all... i really love your story... keep on writing... good job!!!
kaziie #7
Chapter 17: the story is soon cute

changkyu13 #8
Chapter 17: Awww this story is so cute ^__^ i loved reading it