Your Voice

When A Stranger Calls

Because woohyun kept call him and it was a bit bothered him, he changed his phone number and spread to his friends only. And made ​​them promise not to tell his new number to people they do not know.

On the other hand, in the middle of the night Woohyun still tried to call sunggyu 's old numbers. And he was a little disappointed when for the umpteenth time, he heard notification the  number is now out of reach.

"Did he change his cell phone number?

Woohyun thought for a moment.

"Wait, wait. If I know your name, what you will continue to receive a call from me? "

Just received a call? Sunggyu, you turned out to be a smart guy.

Just received a call does not mean to talk to me, do not you?

Receiving a call could mean, hit accept button, then turn it off, right?? Aishh paboo. I have to make an appointment that is better than this.


"So you change your number because the caller was named woohyun?" Sungjong , one of his closest friends ask him disbelieve.

"Yup, he sounded a bit like a maniac. He always called midnight. Maybe by changing my phone number, he will not call me anymore"

"Sunggyu, can i see his number ?"

"I didn't save it in my contact. Besides, he would not have found my new number. He only randomizing number and called it"

"What if he found you again?"

"That is not possible. As you said, we're not in the horror movie scene. And before i forget...!" Sunggyu pull out something from his schoolbag.

"Sungjong, this horror movie  that I promised" Sunggyu handed horror movie DVD  that hr already watched it.

He took out some things from his bag and walked toward the back seat.

"Hoya, this is your food box" He came to Hoya, who was busy copying  sungyeol's task.

" Sungyeol, This is Tshirt  that I promised " He handed a wrapped Tshirt to  sungyeol direction.

"Sunggyu, thank you. But you must not forget to buy me  the white one, right? "

"YA..Lee Sungyeol. Do not try to fool me. I am never promised that."

Sungyeol just grin because his trick is useless.

"Dongwoo, I'll buy you a meal after school "

"Sunggyu, we participate .. " Shouts Hoya, Sungyeol and Sungjong together.

"No. Now is Dongwoo's turn." Three of them just sigh.

"And where Myungsoo? I had an appointment with " Sunggyu immediately circulate his eyes, looking for creature named Myungsoo .

"Sunggyu, it looks like you have a lot of promise to our  friends" Hoya ask him.

"As you can see. I do not know why I have so much promise. Maybe because I am a good person"

And these words are  only make his friend  feel sick instantly. And sunggyu happy to see his friends look like poisoning of his word.

Promise. Talking  about the promise, there is nothing strange with that word. Something sound like  oblivion.
Sunggyu check a list of his small book. He was checking some promises which he has write. He was not  a forgetful, just make sure all the promises that he made, he keep it just in time.

He believes there is nothing wrong, but it seems he's forgotten something. As he thought, his eyes landed toward Sungjong, playing with his  phone.

Probably something to do with the phone, he thought.
This is not possible if he promised someone "a phone"  while he also want a new phone.
His eyes could not be separated from sungjong's  phone and he immediately unify  of memory a few days ago and now he knows the strange promise almost forgotten it.

And the promise was Nam Woohyun. NAM WOOHYUN. NAM WOOHYUN.

But I've received a call, right? I did not break my promise, right? So the promise is paid off. He's just a stranger. He's just trying his luck and ended up calling a random number in my phone so I need to change my  phone number.

Sunggyu looking for an excuse to calm himself.

His father taught him to always keep his promises he made. And it's become a habit until now and probably forever. And because his friends know his good habits is, not infrequently they always cheat on Sunggyu. And that is the reason why all his promises, he wrote so that he cant  forget and no one tried to trick him.

Sunggyu, you have been keeping your promise. You're a good boy. He says to hisself.

A few weeks passed. Sunggyu had forgotten the man named  Woohyun.


As usual the weekend, he was spent watching horror dvd. Some snacks and drinks laid on the floor like that. The TV screen showed illustrations from the movie.

His  phone vibrates.

"Hello"  He answered it  friendly, indicating he was in a good feeling though this time the caller was bothering him in the middle of busy watching.

"Hi, Sunggyu"

"Who is this?

"Forget me?"


"To Remembering You,  Let me say my name. NAM WOOHYUN"

"Oh, Hai  Woohyun. But sorry I dont quite remember from where class are you in schoooooo .. "

Suddenly his eyes widened after realizing who was across the telephone there.

"Surprise, .." Woohyun said cheerfully.

"Hey, how can that be?"

Since he changed his number, there are some friends who dont know and he did not keep their numbers. So he did not hesitate receive  each new number into his phone, hoping they are friends. And now he's STUCK.

"How I know your number? It was easy. But I do not want to tell you. If you change the number again, I'd do the same way to find  yours .."

"Are you a stalker?"

"No.. I didn't know before. As I said. This coincidence."

"So why do you want to spend your time talking to strangers like me and please  leave me alone .."

"I do not know. During the call the first time, you receive my call and..." He stopped for while.

"And what?"

"I love your voice"


"You know, it's a little bit of people I met, while on the phone, their voice away from their original sound. Probably rather less euphonious"

He's a maniac. Voice maniac. Sunggyu think.

"You just bothers me because want to  hear my voice? Are you crazy?"

"No, I really love your voice"

"Woohyun-si, do not waste your time calling me. Call your  friends, they'll be happy. Or find someone else who have melodious voice"

"But no one of them raised if it had been the middle of the night like this .."

"So you mean, you do not want to disturb them, and instead want to bother me at midnight. Did you think I do not need sleep like them .."

"But the proof , you still  continue with this talks. Then you have not been sleeping right?"


. Sunggyu grumbled.

"I'm hung up now" Sunggyu hung up that call.

Beep .. beep .. beep.

Woohyun looked sadly at his screen phone after Sunggyu hung up.

Previously, he also randomize the numbers, but no one responded it.

And Sunggyu  is first. Sunggyu didnt immediately turn off the phone. The first time he call Sunggyu, Sunggyu laugh at that phone, only laugh, not talked to him. But its make Woohyun little curious about that man. 

He track Sunggyu's new number, thank to his brother who work at one of the telecom department.

His laugh are so adorable. After that he can hear Sunggyu's voice, its soft too. And he try to keep talking to him even though he sounded angry when he receive woohyun's call. This is one reason why he continues to call sunggyu even he nag to him.

Additionally sunggyu has a soft voice. It would help for something. To resolve his problem.



A/N : Hope you remember when the first time woohyun call sunggyu -about his laugh-. (Chap 1)

Happy reading, thank you for wash your time to read this... ^_^

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This is sooo good!! :D Woogyu Cutee :D ♥
I loved ♥
Chapter 17: This is so cute ♡♡♡
Chapter 17: waaaaaaaaaa!!!! yous story was so adorable and cute!
Definitely, that Doc was awesome...keke and naughty....
Woogyu is love!
Chapter 17: This story is so cute. Thanks. Enjoyed reading It a lot:)))
Chapter 17: 2 thumbs up for ur story! It's so interesting and sweet~ ^^
fuschiapinks #6
Chapter 17: oh my God!!! this is so good.... it started really angst at first but sooo fluffy in the end. a really good plot... can u make a sequel?? maybe woohyun can meet gyu's friend or all... i really love your story... keep on writing... good job!!!
kaziie #7
Chapter 17: the story is soon cute

changkyu13 #8
Chapter 17: Awww this story is so cute ^__^ i loved reading it