First Call And Sound Of Laugh

When A Stranger Calls


A phone rang. Someone picked it up but there was no answer from the caller when she greeted it .

She put back her phone, her face full of wonder who had called her at late night like that.


A few minutes later , her phone rang again. That girl  reluctantly picked it up and asked "who is this? '. But just as before, no one answered. She mumble something, cursing who was that.

Alarm at that home suddenly rang, indicating someone  maybe at her front door. That girl then checked who the person at the door, but no one was there.

Slowly fear began to cover her . She tried to comfort herself, let's just say it was a coincidence . Maybe the cord slightly got disruption and make fake alarm . She thought as she laid down on the couch.

Her  phone rang again. She was pissed off  with this situation and ask.

"Who is this? What do you want? '



 Scream could be heard out both from TV and  behind a pile of blankets, fulfilled that dark-room in a second.

He stopped scream as he held his chest.

Oh my GOD.

He felt his heart  wanted to b. He breathed with relief when he found out his  phone rang.

He press the "pause" button to stop the movie he was watching and immediately he grabbed his phone which is located not far from the stack of snacks,  with one reach hand.

He looked at the screen which blink in the space.

Huh? Private number? Who is this? Who is the hell on earth make a call in midnight ?


He pressed  "reject" button to ignore that call. And continued his film.

But without him knowing, he was pressing "accept" button. And thats call is active for some time.


Burst  laughter suddenly rang out from the dark room. Of course from the creature who sat in front of television.

"How come she didn't know where the light switch when it was her own home. Paboo..." he said  as he try to manage his laugh.

How could anyone on this earth who watch horror movies with a laugh?

Yup, one of the facts of the horror movie that he can't understand is when the homeowner is in a dark room in their own house, they would fail or not fast enough to turn on the lights because they do not know where the location of the switch when it is their own.

After a while when things calm down, without him knowing it, a shadow passed the window. And the phone rang again. But where the phone????

He groaned  in frustration when he found out his phone rang again. Not a  phone in the movie he was watching. Same as before. Private number.


Pshaw, you want to scare me like in the movie. NO WAY!!!

He mumbled but did not answer the call. He pulled out his phone battery and re-watch the movie.

The movie was finally completed. He put back his battery phone because he needed to set an alarm on  since he did not have an alarm clock. Yup, a few days ago, he slammed his alarm clock because its can not stop making noise in his room while he was fully conscious.

He try to laid  on his bed, ready fly in his  dreamland, but the phone rang again. He stare in his screen phone. Again, That  Privat Stupid Number.

Enough is enough. You want to scare me? Let's see who wins.

He muttered to himself, push receive call button, but didn't move from his sleep-position.

He received the call but did not make any noise. As well as  the caller. They were both silent for a few minutes. No noise and no conversation, until he asked.

"Who is this? What do you want? If you want to scare me, forget it, I'm not easily scared"

But there was no answer or even the slightest sound from there.

What is someone trying to put  terror on me  like in the movie, then come to my house and try to kill me?

He shuddered and turned off the call. And after that, phone does not ring anymore.


"Did you call me last night, using private number?" He asked his friend who sit besides him in class  when he realized what happened last night.

"No. Why would I use a private number?"

"If I find out who the owner of that number, I would bite it alive"

"What did they do to you?"

"Someone called me at midnight and silent. Did they want terrorized me?"

"Midnight? You do not sleep in the middle of the night? Do not tell me you're watching a horror movie again?

He laughed and the answer already knowing by heard his laugh.

"Reduce your habit for watching too many horror movies. You poison your own mind. Maybe it is just the wrong number. Don't worry and don't

exaggerate about it"

"I wish like that. Do you have other horror movie ?" He gives his best smile to his friend, hope his friend will lend his others horror dvd.



A/N First chapie then hide myself...

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This is sooo good!! :D Woogyu Cutee :D ♥
I loved ♥
Chapter 17: This is so cute ♡♡♡
Chapter 17: waaaaaaaaaa!!!! yous story was so adorable and cute!
Definitely, that Doc was awesome...keke and naughty....
Woogyu is love!
Chapter 17: This story is so cute. Thanks. Enjoyed reading It a lot:)))
Chapter 17: 2 thumbs up for ur story! It's so interesting and sweet~ ^^
fuschiapinks #6
Chapter 17: oh my God!!! this is so good.... it started really angst at first but sooo fluffy in the end. a really good plot... can u make a sequel?? maybe woohyun can meet gyu's friend or all... i really love your story... keep on writing... good job!!!
kaziie #7
Chapter 17: the story is soon cute

changkyu13 #8
Chapter 17: Awww this story is so cute ^__^ i loved reading it