I'm So Sorry

Are We Destined To Be Together ?

" I don't want to add the burden to you , Minho . " Krystal whispered to herself . She continued to write the letter ...




Minho searched the whole hospital , but he could not find the trace of Krystal . He went back to her ward room , when he realised a letter lying on the side table

' to : minho '


 Dear Minho , 

I don't you to come back to me , but i just want to tell you that , i love you , i never ever stopped loving you . It was my mistake , the biggest mistake i ever made . I shouldn't had betrayed you , and two-timed with Kai . But everything was wrong in the first place , i'd an one-night stand with him , i know i was very wrong , but it was the mistake of alchohol . I fight with you last time , i'm really depressed , so i just used alchohol to overwhelm myself . I'm really left with no choice , as i'm pregnant with his child , im sorry . But i then knew that he was actually just playing with me , i caught him playing with another girl .

Yes , from that point onwards , i know that everything was wrong , nothing was correct . My child had been miscarridge , and months later , i came back to seoul again , finding a chance to meet you , never to know that you're actually attached to Sulli , but anyway its my fault . ' I don't want to add the burden to you ' ... 

The girl who will always love you , 



He finally know the truth , the truth that had been hidden for months . Krystal , had been suffering so much . He then noticed the small blood stain at the side of the letter , he ran out of the ward , and immediately went to find the doctor , he really wants to know what exactly happened to Krystal .

" Doctor ! What exactly happened to Krystal Jung ? Why won't you tell me the truth ? What disease is she suffering from ? What exactly she is hiding from me ? " he shouted to the doctor , he don't care anymore , as long as to find her , he would resort to anything else besides that . 

" Calm down sir , actually.. Krystal was my patient all the long , when she knew that she was pregnant , she consulted me , besides that , she actually contracted cancer and at that time was already near the terminal of the cancer . However , I told her to abort the baby , but she refused to do so , and she actually miscarridge when its already at the terminal of the cancer , i can't do anything about it anymore . "

After hearing everything , he could believe his ears , Krystal was dying ? No ! It can't be ! She was alright , nothing should happen to her . He ran out of the hospital , desperately finding for her , he searched all the places they used to go to last time , but she was nowhere to be found , Han's River , EVERYTHING . She wasn't there , he searched the last place which is the beach they went to the previous year to watch the sunset , still not there . 

He sat down on the bench , lowering his head down and feeling blues , his mind was all about her , Sulli was totally forgotten from him . Suddenly , he saw a shadow formed in front of him , the perfume scent was very familiar , he seemed to smelt it before . He turned his head up , it was Krystal ! Finally , she appeared , he was as happy as a lark , he gave a warm embrace to her , " Kry , where had you gone to ? You made me worried sick , don't hide from me anymore , I already knew the truth . "

" Minho , I don't want you to take care of me and give up on Sulli , she was a good and kind girl that was suitable for you . Don't make me be the third-party that destroyed your whole life , i don't want be that evil woman . " a tear dropped from her eyes again , her eyes was b with tears , what she said wasn't directly from her mind . She really really wants to have Minho , but she can't , she can't steal it from somebody , she only had a few months left to live , who gives her the rights to steal someone's man ? 

" Aniya , I'll explain to Sulli , she'll understand . Let me take care of you , i don't want you to suffer anymore . " he hugged even more tightly to her . " I don't want your pity ! I would rather take care of myself , I don't want you to leave her because of me ! " she pushed him away and began to run away from him , wiping the tears away from her eyes .

Her vision out again , and she fell onto the ground again . " Krystal ! " Minho shouted to her . He carried her all the way to his house , brought her to his bed , his mind praying that she would wake up soon . 

After a few hours , which is already in the night time ...


" You woke up ! " Minho exclaimed in excitement . " Go away ! I don't need your concern ! " she said to him weakly , and was prepared to leave his house , morever , Minho stopped her , " Krystal , stop acting like this , I want to take care of you . Really , im serious . " Minho , once again , brought her into his wide and warm arms . Krystal heart went soft , she laid her head down on his shoulder , tears kept streaming down her cheeks .

All of a sudden , breaking of something could be heard , it was Sulli , seeing that sight . Her jaws dropped , she couldn't react to anything else , she stood rooted to the ground , staring blankly at them . 

" Ssul-baby , " Minho let go of Krystal and went towards Sulli , he knew that Sulli would really get the wrong idea , he wanted to explain everything to Sulli so badly . " Sulli-yah , let me explain this . " " Choi Minho ! I hate you ! " she screamed right into his ears , running out of the house , without hearing his explanation . " Ssul-baby ! " he took to his heels , chasing after her . After no long , he caught up with her , grabbing her small and tiny waist . " Let me explain everything , listen please ? " Minho said to her . " What's more to hear ? I had seen it clearly , what exactly both of you are doing . " Sulli retorted , her eyes were already filled with water . 

" She was my ex-girlfriend , and she... had cancer , which is already in the terminal stage . I need to take care of her for the last few months she was left with , and I need to le...ave you for that period of time , ssul-baby . " Minho stuttered . Sulli was extremely shocked , she wanted to reject the idea , she don't want her loved one to be shared by another girl , however , her kind personality made her agreed to it . Minho sent Sulli back to her home , the journey back was awkward silence , they did not utter a single word at all . 

When they reached the door , Minho finally said , " Sulli , I'm so sorry , but remember this , I'll always love you . Don't be upset anymore , i would still be with you whenever you asked me to , just that its not too often . " tears fell down from her eyes again , " Aigoo , don't cry anymore , I'll stay with you tonight okay ? " he gave a peck onto her forehead . " Oppa , promised me , you would still care for me . " " Of course would . " Minho replied , cuddling her tightly .

Hai , next chapter . I hope there would be more subscribers okay ! Hehs , goodnight then , its already quite late in my time here . :D And my another story Failed Revenge , which cast Daragon , hope you'll like it :)

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korinna26 #1
Chapter 19: Awww.w...I wants minsul back now..plz update
marifelhojas #2
Chapter 19: oh my pls update authornim if you still there
zangsia1 #3
Chapter 19: she's pregnant and still wants to give minho to krystal...
thanks for the update authornim
kimipuys #4
Chapter 19: authorim, next chapter pleaseee... minsul again :D
Chocolate_loves #5
Chapter 18: Poor Sulli
Update soon plzzzz
kimipuys #6
Chapter 18: authornim why u took so long to update? :( i miss your story,im waiting next chapter, update please! when minho knows sulli pregnant, im really curious next chapter. update soon please!
Chapter 18: Update soon :)
Chapter 18: I really miss MinSul moments here..Anyways,thanks for the update!Waiting for more Minsul moments soon as you update!
EaillieMae #9
Chapter 17: I hope that Minho will become happy if he heard that his a father now.!! Please update soon..:)