Best Friends

Are We Destined To Be Together ?

The phone call was finally answered . It was definitely by Taemin , she guessed .  

" Yeoboseyo ? " 

" Sulli-ah can we ... meetup ? You had not answered my question yet . " 

" Neh , i've something to tell you too . Let's meet at the old place again , okay ? " 

" Of course . " 


The line got hung up . Sulli , stood up from her comfy bed . Her eyes was b with tears , and her cheeks was all watery , her eyes and nose were very red , very obvious that she had cried for hours and hours . She unlocked the doorknob and went outside the living room , her friends were all there , worried about her . 

" Sulli-ah , are you okay ? " Luna asked her . 

" Ne , im alright now . " Sulli replied her in bubbly voice , that voice , came back once again . She wiped away the tears on her eyes , and said , " Noonas ! I'm going out for a while , i'll be back . " she smiled at them , and went out of the house . 

" Lucky she's alright , she'd been hurt in relationships already , and now again , it happened , of course she would be sad . " Victoria sighed . " Then we should care for her more nowadays . " Amber said . " Of course we should . " Luna responded .



Sulli reached that ' place ' . The place where they used to hang out at , date at . Its Dacheon Beach , the place where they like to go when they're upset , or stressed . They always sat under that shady tall tree , and always lay back at the tree , viewing that wonderful scenery . Although it may seemed boring , that was the place Sulli likes to be at . That was the place where Taemin confessed to her , and also the day , where he broke up with her . ( Remember that ' old place ' i mentioned in chpt 2 ? yes , it was this place . )

Previously , she had came with Minho once , because she said that was her favourite place , they came here for the sake of her . Minho doesn't like to do these sort of things , but he tagged along with her , just to keep her company .



* flashback *

" Oppa ! I want to go to Dacheon Beach for the scenery , and now viewing the sunset from there is awesome , and i had went there a lot of times . It was my favourite place ! Accompany me there maybe ? " Sulli begged Minho for that small small request . Reluctantly , Minho agreed to her , although he finds all these stuffs boring , he agreed , just to accompany his ssul-baby . 

" Isn't the view nice ? The sunset is so pretty ! " Sulli exclaimed . 

They sat back on the tree , Minho hugging onto Sulli , and they both was admiring the sunset and the wind was brewing at them , making them feel cooling . The seawaves was crashing , making a fantabulous scene . From the back of them , it seems like a picture , picture of a couple , sitting under the tree , viewing the admirable scene . She had never ever felt so good when she was with Taemin , but this was the first time she felt so loved ...



* reality *


Sulli would never forget that day , even though Minho seemed reluctant , he agreed to her small request , in the end the trip ended up fun and enjoyable . When she reached the place , Taemin was sitting under that tree , yes , that tree , waiting for her . 

" You're here . " Taemin said , and stood up . 

" Remember that question i asked you ? Whats your reply ? If we could get back together again ? " Taemin asked her , patiently waiting for her to respond . After much hesitation , before she could utter anything , Taemin said again , " I heard from Minho hyung that you still loved me , is that true ? Or you're just using an excuse to ditch him away ? " Taemin stared at her .

" Mianhae oppa , you know what recently happened right ? Minho and Krystal  ... " Sulli said to him , but got interrupted by him , his hands was cupped on , implying her to stop . 

" I know , i know sulli . You don't love me anymore , because i betrayed you . But i already told you about the reason , everything was a lie . Why won't you accept me once again ? " Taemin pleaded her . 

" Sorry Taemin , you asked me out last time , and apologised to me ......



* flashback *

" Why did you asked me out , you should just accompany your Eun Hee . " Sulli rolled her eyes on Taemin , and specified the word " Eun Hee " . 

" Sorry ssul-baby , i know you're very disappointed in me , i know everything is my fault . But i just found out the truth , Eun Hee wasn't pregnant at all , she was faking it from the real start , she was simply jealous of us , and wanted to ruin our relationship . But Sulli , you know I always loved you , i never loved Eun Hee at all , and now since everything was a lie . I'm really sorry . Can we get back again ? "

" But , im already with .. Minho . Now the one i loved is Minho , and nobody else , i'm sorry . " Sulli said to Taemin , feeling apologetic to him , but just walked away .

" IT'S OKAY ! I'LL WAIT FOR YOU REPLY . " Taemin shouted to her , but she just ignored him , and turning her back on him . S



* reality *

" Sorry Taemin , you asked me out last time , and apologised to me . I know your request , but i can't agree to go back to you . I know you already heard that i already broke up with Minho , but im not ready for another relationship , somemore the same man i had dated before , and broke my heart . If we can't remain as a couple , can we just be friends instead ? "

she had already forgave Taemin , just that her heart was already deeply engraved with Minho's name . Her heart couldn't fit in another guy anymore , only the one and only Minho , and even though she can't be with him . The memories with him , was also deeply etched in her mind , the times they had , it wasn't long , or short . The times when they studied together , their first kiss , his confession , his care for her , she won't forget it , forever .

It broke Taemin's heart , he loved her a lot , and now they couldn't get back , however , he wants Sulli to be happy and doesn't want to force her , hence , he agreed , to be friends , just friends

" Best friends forever ? " Taemin sticked out his small finger , and Sulli too , knotting their fingers together , they promised , they would be friends forever . Friends who will care for one another , take care of them when they're in troubled .



Don't be upset ssul , whenever you're in trouble , i would be forever the first guy friend who will comfort you , although we can't be a couple , i'll still care for you like last time . However , i'll still love you , and your existence will be deep inside my heart , and i will never forget the times when we used to be a couple , the bad and good times . I may had betrayed you before , but i hope that will be erased from your heart . The Taemin now , shouldn't be the boyfriend you knew who had did something wrong , but the best friend that will be always by your side . 


I'm sorry Taemin , i know you love me , but i dont love you as much anymore . my small and tiny heart only can fit in Minho . Even if he had forgotten me , i don't mind , at least i still love him , it will be kept as a souveneir in both my mind and heart . Taemin-ah , i don't blame you for betraying me anymore , i know it wasn't your fault , i was just a mistake , a mistake made by Eun Hee . Since we can't be a couple , lets be best friends instead , alright ? 


Best friends forever 


Hi readers ! A new update ! Okay , so the POLL is decided , Sulli gets pregnant ? :O Omo , i need to start thinking of that storyline , but i already had some etched in my head . I hope this chapter is interesting to you . hehe . 

i love all my subbies okay ! thanks for subscribing . xoxo 






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korinna26 #1
Chapter 19: Awww.w...I wants minsul back now..plz update
marifelhojas #2
Chapter 19: oh my pls update authornim if you still there
zangsia1 #3
Chapter 19: she's pregnant and still wants to give minho to krystal...
thanks for the update authornim
kimipuys #4
Chapter 19: authorim, next chapter pleaseee... minsul again :D
Chocolate_loves #5
Chapter 18: Poor Sulli
Update soon plzzzz
kimipuys #6
Chapter 18: authornim why u took so long to update? :( i miss your story,im waiting next chapter, update please! when minho knows sulli pregnant, im really curious next chapter. update soon please!
Chapter 18: Update soon :)
Chapter 18: I really miss MinSul moments here..Anyways,thanks for the update!Waiting for more Minsul moments soon as you update!
EaillieMae #9
Chapter 17: I hope that Minho will become happy if he heard that his a father now.!! Please update soon..:)