Her Comeback

Are We Destined To Be Together ?

*sorry i've to delete the chapter * I don't want any chapters anymore , so yea . Sorryyy for all subscribers . Here comes my next chapter :)

Chapter 7 : 

It was break in school , since exams were over , there were no more lessons , everyone was just fooling around in school ." Sulli-yah , have lunch with me today ? " Minho asked Sulli sweetly . " Aniyo , today i'm not free , i'm going out with my friends to Lotte , unless you want to tag along . "

" I'll just hang out with Onew hyung and others instead then . " 

It was lunchtime , Sulli went to find her friends while Minho did the same . However , Taemin did not go with them . " Onew-hyung , where shall we go today ? " Jonghyun asked Onew . " How about the club ? Its been long since we went there though . " The others all agreed , as they're about to move on to their destination , a girl , appeared . She has long hair , and wore simple clothing , but that made her naturally beautiful . But who exactly was that ? It was actually Minho's ex-girlfriend , Krystal . 

" Oh my god , its Krystal ! " Jonghyun shouted , appeared very shocked . Everyone of them were shocked too , and Krystal just stood there , smiling innocently at them . Something more shocking is that , she seemed very pale , looked like anytime she would faint . 

Minho , stood rooted to the ground , and stared blankly at her . They were still together last year , however , he caught her with another guy , and she initiated a breakup with him . From that point onwards , he had lost trust in relationships , till he found his loved one , Sulli . He was like Sulli , that depressed when she left him , but actually he still could not forget her until now .

Krystal walked towards them , in a slow pace . " I think we should go first , later then you look for us then . " Onew uttered , and dragged Key and Jonghyun out of the scene . " Hi Minho . " Krystal said , embarassingly to break the awkward silence . Before she could continue , her eyes shutted , and her fragile body fell onto Minho . 

" Krystal ! Krystal ! " Minho shouted to her . No response . He carried her , all the way to the side of the road , used his free hand and hailed for a cab . He brought her into the car , and told the driver to go the nearest hospital . " Doctor ! Doctor , she had fainted , save her ! " Minho said to the doctors and nurses in the hospital . He was panic-stricken , he was afraid that something will happen to her . Although she made him sad , as well as angry last time , when they were together , they had happy times . 

The doctors and nurses brought her into the emergency room , as Minho sat outside , with his head down , his mind was all thinking about Krystal . Suddenly , the doctor came out , Minho went in front of him without further ado to ask him , " She's alright , she just have low blood sugar , that caused her to faint . Don't worry . " he patted Minho's shoulder and walked away . Soon after , Krystal was pushed out of the room , lying on the stretcher , and needed to be hospitalized for 2 days .

Krystal woke up , she found Minho putting his head down on the bed , she touched his pointy nose gently , and his kissable lips . That reminds her when she first met him , the first impression on him , he was perfect . The first thing that attracted her , was his pearl-rounded eyes , his lips , and she soon fell deeply in love with him . After which , Minho confessed to her , even before she did so , and so , they got together ...

Minho fidgeted a bit , and woke up from his nap . " Hey Krystal , you have waken up ? " Krystal nodded her head lightly , thank goodness she told the doctor not to tell him about her illness , and he shouldn't know about it , forever . 

* flashback * 

She was pushed into the emergency room , and suddenly , she regained her consciousness . She held the hands of the doctor , " please don't tell the man outside about my illness , I don't want him to know . " The doctor just agreed to her request , even though he was a little reluctant , he pleased her , in order not to aggitate her . Soon , the asthemia (sorry idk whats the spelling . hehe ) effect took off , and she fell asleep again , as the doctor started checking on her ...

* back to reality *

" Are you okay ? Any more headaches or anything else ? " Minho's over-worried character appeared again , he was always like that , that caring to people . Kystal his hair , " I'm sorry oppa , for last time . " as a tear flowed out from her eyes . Minho removed her hand away from him , and gave her cold shoulders , he had already been attached to Sulli , he couldn't fall in love with Krystal again , never ever again .

Minho left the hospital , and strolled through the park , the mind thinking about Krystal . There was something really amiss , how could she be alright ? Her face was pale and as white as a ghost . She doesn't look as if she just have low blood sugar , there's something more he don't know .

" Minho oppa ? " a voice called out to him . He looked up and realied its Sulli . " Why are here ? I thought you are with the others ? " Sulli asked him . Even before replying her , he pulled her into a warm embrace . " What are you doing oppa ?! We're in the public ! " she pushed him away from her . " I just want a cuddle with you so badly . " as he giggled , and both of them started laughing .

How could he even tell her about Krystal ? If he said that his ex-girlfriend had came back , of course she would feel sad and thinks that he wants to reconcillate with her and ditched her away ...

Sorryyy , i'd not been updating for long . My exams are ending soon , so I made an update for you guys in the weekend . Hope you'll like it , ik my chapter is short again , sorry again :) After exams , I promise , I'll give an update for all my beloved subscribers <3 

I just at writing long chapters . hehe . Subscribe and comment okie ? All comments are welcomed , and used as encouragement for my next update :) 


xoxo , rainzswag 


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korinna26 #1
Chapter 19: Awww.w...I wants minsul back now..plz update
marifelhojas #2
Chapter 19: oh my pls update authornim if you still there
zangsia1 #3
Chapter 19: she's pregnant and still wants to give minho to krystal...
thanks for the update authornim
kimipuys #4
Chapter 19: authorim, next chapter pleaseee... minsul again :D
Chocolate_loves #5
Chapter 18: Poor Sulli
Update soon plzzzz
kimipuys #6
Chapter 18: authornim why u took so long to update? :( i miss your story,im waiting next chapter, update please! when minho knows sulli pregnant, im really curious next chapter. update soon please!
Chapter 18: Update soon :)
Chapter 18: I really miss MinSul moments here..Anyways,thanks for the update!Waiting for more Minsul moments soon as you update!
EaillieMae #9
Chapter 17: I hope that Minho will become happy if he heard that his a father now.!! Please update soon..:)