The precious time we spent

My Fiance is a Prosecutor



Dujun’s pov



I called Dad and told him about Yoseob. Dad sounds worried and in the same time: blaming on me. he told me to take care of Yoseob as best as I can. He also suggested me to bring a maid from our house to take care of Yoseob when I’m on working.




“He’s okay. It just a simple bruises and he ached his whole body..”

“Whole body?” dad emphasized the last word and the conversation turned to a question-answer session. Ah, dad. Why cant he believe me? I’m not doing anything…


“You nasty son. Did you both…”


My eyes shot wide open as soon as I figure out what is Dad trying to say. Clearing my throat, I quickly denied him and told him some white lies. My face blushed when the last night’s scenes kept rewind in my head.






“You didn’t ‘touch’ him, don’t you?” dad asked me and he breathed soft, but enough to be heard by me. Gulping, I denied him.


“ Of course…...”

“Yes or no?”

“Y-yes no I mean no. yah, can’t you believe me?!” I stutter when Dad keeps on asking about that. Haish really…


“You’re better not, okay? For today’s attendance, I can make it up. Only for today,” I nodded and thanked him for giving Yoseob a day off. I thanked him again before the line cut off.












Yoseob’s pov



I stir a bit in my sleep and my hand roam to my left side. I try to touch or at least poke someone..or something but the bed is empty. I turn to the left and open my heavy eyes.


“Ah..h-hurt..” I groan a bit and rub my waist. I can still feel the sore from last night due to that un-education king kong. How could he throw me..


Talking about that..where’s he? What’s time… I look the clock on the wall and shot my eyes open. My heart beats faster.

Darn. 9 am?! 9 AM?!!


I sit up on the bed and glance around the room. I get off from the bed and rush to the living room, to the kitchen and to the final destination, to the bathroom.

I grit my teeth.

That idiot..he left me?! he left me?! Oh God, my practical…



I rush back to the wardrobe and take out the clothes, my doctor coat and my underwear. Next, I run to the bathroom and take the quick and fast bath in my life history. I wipe my wet hair, get my clothes, wear them and suddenly, my phone rang.



It’s from that stupid.



“You bad fiancé! Why didn’t you wake me up?! I’m late for my practical already! Haish, your Dad must be mad and worried now. Yah! Why don’t you wake me up instead of leaving me alone in this apartment?!” I attack him with the words and questions, not letting him to speak at all.


“I don’t have any transport too..ahh, I’m going to be very very late…” I whine a bit and Dujun giggles in the phone. Again, I yell to him for that.



“Have you finished?”

I wrinkle.


“My cute baby, I told Dad already that you wont be able to go to hospital because you are not well. Dad will tell to Dr. Im about this. ahh, please don’t worry. It’s all set.”


I sigh and rub my temple. I went to the bed and took a sit.

“Why don’t you tell me earlier? I’m all done now. I’m almost wear my pant-“


“Wear your pant?” Dujun asks me and he laughs loudly. Darn it. My face blushes immediately. Why did I tell him? How can I easily blurt it out?!






“Seobie..there’s some food in the freezer. Heat them up if you wanna eat,” he told me and I heard someone was talking to him, audibly. I sigh and squeeze my eyes tight. That’s still hurt. I think I get some bruise on my waist.




“Arasso. Just go back to your work. I’m cutting off the line,” I said brief and before I ended it up, I smiled and giggled. How could I miss that important part in a phone call?



“Dujun-ah,” dujun hums and my smile grows bigger.

“I love you.” Dujun laughs happily.” That’s my wife. Neh, I love you more Yoseob-ah. I love you more than myself.” He says cheekily and I scoff.


Wife. He keeps on calling me that as if I was already his illegal wife. Haish, is he that desperate to make me his?


“Arasso. I will wait you to come home from work,” I say and cut the line.
















Kikwang gave me a call earlier and he asked me either I am fine or not. He said he got the feeling telling him that I’m sick and probably had a fever but I told him I’m all fine.


I thought Dujun told him that I’m not well but it wrong. That pabo friend told me something else, something that made me jumped off from my seat. And like a mad and stupid boy I was, I searched all over the place and yelled to him.




They had a cctv in our apartment?!! Darn. That’s explained why Kikwang said that to me. they must watched what we had done last night!!



I’m swear I will kill you, Noona! I will get you and kill you by drugging you!! I yell around the place and give Gna noona a call. That witches answers me and she giggles.


“Ara..ara..i will tell you. I feel guilty, too. I think I had made a small mistake by-“

“YOU CALL THAT SMALL MISTAKE?!!”  I scream and Gna noona laughs. She next tells me where they put the CCTV and I cut the line on the spot.


I lift my face higher and curse. They- they put it on a very high place. h-how could I take it off from there? It’s too high and I don’t think either I could take it off though stepping on a chair.


Idiot. Now I had to figure out on something else to cut it down. I might cannot take it off but I can make it switched off, right?


I guess that’s the only choice I have now.















Dujun’s pov





I scrutinize the place and smile when I saw the sleeping figure on the couch. Stepping inside, I switch on the lamps and head to that sleeping head. I put the cake, flower and chocolates on the kitchen counter but then I decided to bring them into the room. I thought I could give him a surprise with those Valentine’s gifts.



I put my coat onto the bed and once again, head to the living room, switch off the television and stare my cute and lovely Yoseobie.

I curve my lips.


“You can’t stop from reading, don’t you?” I gingerly take the medium-size book from his hand and caress his falling hair on his forehead. Yoseob had his Thomas’s sock on both of his foots and I guessed he must be cold so that I grabbed the red scarf and wrapped his upper body.


Yoseob is sleeping in sitting position so that I try to reposition him.


“Ah, I’m so-sorry,” I step backward a bit when Yoseob stirs and awakes from his sleep. That cute boy blinks his heavy eyes for several times before he met his eyes with mine.


“Y-You’re home..” he said huskily and looked around. He sighed and stood up from the couch. The red scarf that has been wrapping around his body fall and he picked it up.


He wraps it back around his upper body and smiles.


“I will heat the food.” He says lovingly and giggles.” Ani..i don’t know how to cook. The delivery man gave the foods earlier,” he says and laughs when I widen my eyes a bit.


“You sleepy?” I ask him and pull him into my hug. Yoseob doesn’t push me back instead of enjoying the warm hug I gave. He wrapped his arms around my back and laid his right fluffy cheek against my chest. He inhales.


“A bit,”


“I gave this day off for you to take some rest..why did you read? I thought you can rest all day long,” I say and ruffle softly on his hair. Yoseob giggles and he tightens the hug.

“I’m not reading.. it’s not a book but a di..”

“A di..what?”


Yoseob pushes me and smiles. He scratches his head and giggles.” Ani..Dujun-ah, go take your bath. I will prepare for the dinner,”  he puffs his cheeks and I nod.


“You’re a lovely cute wife, I like you the best,” I say, bend down my head for a little and lean closer to his lip. I gave him a quick kiss on that plump and soft little thing.


“Be cautious when you use the microwave, you might burn your fingers..” I warn him and Yoseob nods. I warn him more about the fire, sharp knives but Yoseob cups his tiny hands on my mouth and asks me to stop.


“I’m not a little kid and I’m not a ….eeewww!!!” he immediately pulls his hands from my mouth when I poke them with my tongue. Yoseob grits his teeth and forces me to go to the bathroom.










“Happy Valentine, Sweety,”

Yoseob widens his eyes and stares me. His eyes next lay on the gifts I gave him one by one. He stares me back.


“I should buy you a big calendar from now on. Today is 14..”



I nod and ruffle his hair. Yoseob sighs and he grabs my hands. He inhales deeply and bites his lip. Yoseob stares me long before he managed to say something.


“I’m sorry..” he utters the sincere word.” I’m really sorry. These days I was too busy until I didn’t know what date is today,” he squeezes my hands.


“I am ..really..”


“Ani. It’s fine, pabo. Valentine is special for you and..” I pause for some effect and Yoseob raises his eyebrows. I smile.


“…white day is for me. you can pay me back for these in next month,”

“W-White day?”


I nod and stand up from my seat. I went to his chair and hugged him from back. I kiss his cheek and say, “Yes, white day. You can make it a special day for me,” and ask him to enjoy our meals.










No one’s pov




Yoseob sits on the kitchen counter ( again ) while having some the cake Dujun bought for him. He watches Dujun doing his works on the couch intensely and smiles. Yoseob keeps on staring his fiancé from time to time.







“N-Neh?” Yoseob stutters and he stares Dujun that is looking on him too. The boy immediately runs away his eyes and eats the cake. A soft and sensual giggle comes out from Dujun.


“Your phone..there’s a message.”



Dujun nods.


“Uh, o-okay.” And the boy put down his cake on his side and gets down from the counter. He heads to Dujun’s place and takes his phone.


He sighs and stares Dujun.









Yoseob’s pov



I sigh and stare Dujun that is looking at his papers. I approach him closer and stand next to him.



I shake my head and when I am sure that Dujun does not look on me, I secretly pout and bite my bottom lip. I keep on pouting for a while before I decided to get to my cake back.



“Omo, you scared me!” I jump when Dujun grabs my wrist out of sudden. That prosecutor chuckles and he puts down all of his papers onto the table. Roughly, he pulls me and I fall onto him, on the couch. He wraps his arms around my waist.


“Don’t make those cute faces when I’m not around. Not for that rascal Daehyun, too.”

I giggle.


“What’s wrong?” he managed to ask me and I sighed. How perfect he was until he could realize that something is wrong or change in me. oh, he made me fall hard for him..again.


“Ani…it’s nothing..”


“You lied.. tell me.” his hands snake around my waist and he tightens the cuddle.

“Let go off from me.”

“No..tell me first.”




Dujun sighs and he releases his hands from my waist. I get up and fix the scarf on my body. I walk to the kitchen counter, hop on it and take the cake I left earlier. I take a bite and finish the cake I ate.




I turn my sight to Dujun and blush. Oh my…he’s soo handsome sitting like that!! He turns his body, facing me with his legs cross. His right hand support his face as he put his hand under his chin.


I gulp when Dujun smiles, showing his sparkling teeth.


“Your heart went wild for me again, didn’t you? tsk, you’re naughty these days,” Dujun laughs and I clear my throat. I denied him.



He raises his eyebrows and I sigh. I told him about tomorrow’s night and next three days that I will be on call to make up today’s absence. I could not be at home in next four nights due to the on calls.


“F-Four nights?” Dujun startles and I nod weakly.




“I’m sorry..i can’t accompany you in next four nights..I hope you wont mad,” I say and Dujun stands up from the couch. He walks to my place and lifts his face to see mine.


“That’s long enough to make me go crazy without you,”

“I think so,” I replied him instantly and cupped my darn mouth. I cursed silently.

“Wow…what happened to my stubborn alien? Didn’t you just saying that you will miss me too in next four nights without me?”


I rock my hanging legs and shake my body left to right, slowly.


“You are soo cheesy!! I think I need to give you a reward for pleasing your husband’s heart.” Dujun says and he pulls my face closer to him. He smiles happily and pecks my nose.


“Shall I kiss you..on your lips?” though I was blushing badly to his cheesy words, I nodded and he grinned.


“Thank you for letting me,” he smiles lovingly and pulls me more to his face. “..for this kiss,” he says and presses his lips on mine with a soft and gentle way.































Last update for today and until I'm back from the hiatus~~

I hope this last update make your day. I'm sory for not being able to double update yesterday's night. I'm very sorry..

I hope this chapt. is fluffy enough~~




 you , is it fluffy enough? I hope i made your heart went wild! Ahahaha.. Thanks for reading, subscribing, and commenting!

I love you guys and I'm really appreciate every single comment and support you give me.


Till then, bye-bye T,T


(let's spamming before I left )





















Till then..pyeon-pyeong~~~




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The ending is complete! I will post it before the end of march ^^


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Yunsiuyeji #1
Chapter 4: So far so good
Chapter 33: I'm confused. The ending of the last chapter was about yoseob told doojoon that he will be on call for 4 days straight and will stay at the hospital. But on the next chapter, which means the one I read and commenting-chapter 30, they were on a shooting contest then yoseob is getting shot by a gun??? Like, I thought I opened wrong tab on my phone but apparently no, it's the correct tab.

Although this is an already finished fic, but I hope you could fix the grammar and try not to confuse the reader with the storyline. It doesn't matter if you're not fluent in English, but a fic with a well written storyline will become a much greater fic than it was before!

Keep up your spirit on writing!
Lera222 #3
Chapter 8: Oh my god wath did i give too doodoo *○*
alejandra1 #4
Chapter 8: Jajaa great chapter
Chapter 9: HAHA. i'm priceless! I thinks that was true. tch! Lee Sonia, you're so bad. . HEHE.
KiwiPrincess #6
Chapter 46: finish it, now going to read the sequel.. see you~
oh.,btw, this is an awesome fic.. ^_^
KiwiPrincess #7
Chapter 46: finish it, now going to read the sequel.. see you~
oh.,btw, this is an awesome fic.. ^_^
LoveUAll #8
LoveUAll #9
Chapter 8: Why did you write my name in the story??
Now Yoseob oppa will hate me!!!
LoveUAll #10
Love you too <3 !!!