Chapter 2

Is The World What It Really Seems to Be? [Hiatus]


"Jihyun?" I whispered to the voice.

"Saemi... I'm sorry." 

"How... what, why... how are you talking to me?" I stuttered as I asked the voice

"I'm a soul now. Once you discover your true self you'll understand. I must go now. I hope we will meet again someday..." She whispered and the voice faded.


Saemi ran out of the building unable to contain herself. *My FIRST actual friend is gone. Why?* She cried and the tears hit the ground. Sparkles came from the tears that fell onto the ground and sprouted into beautiful flowers. She stood and looked at them confused. They continued to grow into beautiful roses each all a different color. There were 12 different colors. It REALLY looked like a rainbow. There was Blood Red, Pink, Yellow, Gold, Orange, Light Green, Dark Green, Baby Blue, Navy Blue, Purple, Bronze, Silver and a very violent shade of black. They all seemed to scream something at her. Black was her favorite color and she knew no plant is EVER a shade of black like that. She touched the flower and her mind seemed to stick to it. The word torture appeared in her head. She soon had a strange attachment to this flower. She quickly ripped it out of the ground and ran home. 

The flower symbolized torture. Saemi never realized this and was unable to let it go. The thorns on this flower always cut her and for some reason she liked the feeling. The flower had a really strange power. One day when she went to school she was holding the flower and some people gave her strange looks for having a flower that didn't exists and the fact that her hands were scratched everywhere. She met up with SNSD and Seohyun screamed when she saw the flower. All the rest of SNSD started to panic. They were unable to tell her what was wrong and Saemi was more confused. She wanted to throw the flower away because it kept scratching her and causing SNSD to scream but she wasn't able to. Suddenly Seohyun picked up Saemi and they teleported away. 


These past couple days the flower seemed like it was following me. It was REALLY beautiful. I walked to school and everthing else that happened became a blur. The school building seemed to get farther and farther away as Seohyun brought me somewhere. Ok. I do not believe in magic, so I was hoping I would wake up soon but it never happened. Jihyun said something about me discovering my true self. I didn't know what the hell she was talking about, but I knew she was a really smart girl. She has reasons. Maybe I'm not who I think I am. Suddenly Seohyun and I were in this place filled with some of the same flowers I saw earlier. Pink, Yellow, Gold, Orange, Dark Green, and Baby Blue were there. The black flower I was holding suddenly turned into ashes that sunk into the ground. 

"Saemi." Seohyun said to me


"Do you realize what you are?" 

"A human? Like we all are?"

Seohyun laughed. "You aren't human. Neither is SNSD or 4minute. And that Himchan kid, hes a demon. And I'm not saying metaphorically."

"You are a fairie. Of darkness." Seohyun said to me.






I did NOT just hear her say that.



So I have a crush on a "Demon" and I'm evil.




What a thing to hear.



Hi guysss! Sorry for the short chapter. Things are going to heat up soon in the story! The other character will appear soon and you will realize what they are! So far, what I came up with was that Himchan is a Demon, Seohyun is part farie and mermaid and the rest of SNSD are part angels and part mermaids. I'll reveal who the others are later~~ I hope you are enjoying the story and please let me know what you think or if there are any mistakes I didnt catch. I am still looking for a main image, it wuld be lovely if someone made one for me. ^^ Thank you! Comment and subscribe!


1/25/13 at 4:38 EST


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ilovebap13 #1
Chapter 20: Please do I like yor story hehe I am a silent reader sorry
kgrl123 #2
Chapter 13: is the suit something? or the wand?
SunHan21 #3
Chapter 9: Thank you for updating! ^_^ I miss reading your story. I actually thought that you will stop updating TTATT hehe :) btw I love your poster ^_^
SunHan21 #4
Chapter 6: thank you for updating! please update soon ^^ hehe :)
SunHan21 #5
Chapter 4: thank you for updating~ ^_^
SunHan21 #6
Chapter 3: I love your story!!!
please update soon ^^