Visiting the Family (DBSK)

Shatter My World

EunJi sighed. Her days seemed to keep getting busier and busier, from magazine photo spread, filming, CF, interviews EunJi couldn’t remember the last time she had had a good nights sleep. She loved it, but it could get tiresome. On top of this she hadn’t seen Minho in a while either. She had been tracking their performances on Mnet and music programs. Finally a day was found where both Minho and herself was free. Unfortunately for Minho, it would be as tiresome as a normal days schedule. PD wanted Minho to meet EunJi’s “family” seeing she had already met his group. EunJi texted a warning a night before to Minho that he should get a good night’s sleep, because tomorrow was going to be tough. She got a reply back scoffing at her about how much she worried. EunJi thought of the schedule that PD had put together and winced at the thought of it, well she was going to be exhausted at the end of the day.

EunJi woke up the next morning to Yunho shaking her awake. All of boys were cleaning the dorm, seeing the cameras were going to be there.

“Jae is freaking out, we need you down stairs” Yunho said apologetically. This had been the first day in a long time that she could have slept in. EunJi nodded her eyes still closed and practically sleep walked until she got to the kitchen. The pots and pans banging and Jaejoong yelling snapped her out of her dream mode.

“Yah Jae, what’s wrong?” Emma jumped and sat on the counter.

“Get off my counter. And I don’t know what to make!” EunJi laughed.

“Jae they will love anything you make! You’re a good cook, just make your favorites” EunJi jumped down from the counter and washed her hands. “Here let’s make the mondu together and you can figure out the main dished while we cook.” The morning consisted of a lot of stuffed and folding of mondu wrappers, Jae yelling at everyone to clean better, and EunJi turning the music up really loud to drain out Jae’s screaming. When the clock hit 12pm EunJi went up to change. She had to go pick Minho up, and bring him to the dorm. Minho was just told that he would be meeting EunJi’s family and nothing more. She yelled goodbye to the boys and told them she would text them when they were on their way back, before running to the park nearby.

“Minho!” EunJi yelled when she got close enough to see him standing near the park bench. She saw him wave at her and jog over. He was carrying a bunch of flowers. EunJi tried to hide her laugh. DBSK was going to crack up when they saw the flowers. “Are you ready?” She smiled and gave him a hug. The camera crews came in close to film their reunion. They were given a card,

[Time to meet the family, don’t leave a bad impression.]

“Well thanks for the encouragement,” muttered Minho, slightly sweating from nerves.

“Don’t worry they will love you!” Eunji was trying her best to reassure the nervous boy, but she could see that it wasn’t helping.

“Yeah,” Minho shifted from foot to foot.

“Come on then, we can walk back, it isn’t far.” When walking back to the dorm, they talked about their schedules, recent news, and gossip. “Ah we are here!”

Minho had been very worried the night before. He only knew he was going to be meeting her “family” that could mean anyone. Key and Taemin had speculated who PD had meant. EunJi’s text warning didn’t help his nerves either. The next morning he decided that flowers were probably the safest gift, it would be good for practically anyone he met. Key had dressed him and sent him off early so he wouldn’t be late. At the park he paced back and forth waiting for EunJi to come. When she finally did she looked anxious. He really wanted to ask her about Kim Hyun Joong on the walk back to her place, but thought that he should wait until they were alone. Ideas about what if her family didn’t like him swirled around his head. He hoped that it wasn’t actually her family, because he was not mentally prepared for that.

“Ah we are here!” EunJi’s voice cut through the chaos in his mind. They were standing in front of a dorm, very similar to the one SHINee lived in, but it was definitely nicer. She gave him an encouraging smile and before walking in. “Yah! We’re back!” Minho was stunned. He saw EunJi hang her jacket up on the coat stand. But before him was Dong Bang Shin Ki, the rising gods of the east. EunJi lived with DBSK. How had he not known this? He saw Changmin laughing at him silently.


“Minho you know Changmin, this is Yunho, Jae, Junsu, and Micky.” EunJi pointed at each when she said their name. Minho of course knew who they were. They were one of his heroes in the industry. “Jae made a delicious lunch, and you will need the energy later.” EunJi said with a smirk. Changmin fell into step next to Minho on their way to the dining room table.

“Don’t let hyungs scare you, they are very protective of EunJi, especially Jae and Yunho, so don’t do anything to make them mad” Changmin whispered to him. Minho had known Changmin for a while he was a great older brother kind of friend. But right now he was getting the over protective food monster vibe from Changmin, which was scarier because he wasn’t protecting food but EunJi. DBSK was mentioned last night of potential “family” he would meet, but they were quickly tossed out because of how busy and popular they were right now. Key said that she had been seen round them a lot, making a good number of anti-fans of Cassiopeia. As Minho walked he saw how EunJi comfortably moved around with DBSK. Minho saw a table filled to the brim with food. They all sat down and started passing the food around.

“So Minho, why should we accept you being married to our EunJi?” Yunho asked him very seriously. Minho nearly choked on his food. He looked around. The scariest was definitely Jaejoong, he reminded him of Key, the motherly or Diva aura surround both of them.

“I will treat her right and make sure that she is happy” Minho tried not to sound like a little boy in his answer, but it failed. Yunho just nodded.

“I’m glad to hear that, if you make her sad, then we will need to talk” Jaejoong jokingly, but Minho could hear the undertone threat of that statement. He had heard Key use that same tone when protecting Taemin. He knew that both Key and Jaejoong meant it. He gulped, trying not to choke on the food.

“Yah Jae.” EunJi nudged him. “How do you like the food Minho?”

“It is delicious.”

“Jae is an amazing cook!” EunJi beamed at Jae. The rest of the lunch the boys asked fairly easy questions about Minho and SHINee. Minho answered the best he could. EunJi pushed them into the living room while she cleaned up. Minho was nervous without EunJi next to him.

“Minho as you may have heard, EunJi has been wrapped up in…rumors about her relationships. We hope,” Yunho motioned to all of the guys “that you won’t add to that.”

“Are you saying the rumors are true?” Minho slipped out, as Changmin did a face palm. Immediately he realized what he had said was wrong. The room got eerily quiet and he felt the glares.

“Why?!” raged Jaejoong “Would it change how you feel about her? Why do you care? The rumors have already impacted how people see her. Does it matter if they are true or not? Are you a coward? Asking us and not her….Yunho I don’t like him for our EunJi.” Jaejoong’s glare burned through Minho’s skull.

“Calm down hyung” Junsu went over to the eldest. “EunJi will hear you if you keep yelling.”

“I’m sorry…I didn’t… I’m sorry” stuttered Minho.

“Minho don’t ask that ever again today, Jae’s reaction will look tame in comparison.” Changmin said. What caught Minho’s attention was the suggestion that he would be meeting others today.

“Wait what do you…” Minho was cut off when EunJi came into the room.

“Are you guys playing nice? You know what is ahead of him, don’t wear him out completely.” Minho saw Jaejoong pull EunJi down on his lap and wrap his arms around her protectively. It made Minho jealous. Yunho seemed to have seen and pulled EunJi off of Jae’s lap and onto the couch.

He noticed Jaejoong pouted as Yunho moved EunJi from his lap.

“You guys are so awkward,” EunJi laughed. She went over and clicked the karaoke machine. “Three teams, Junsu, Changmin and Yunho as team one, Micky and Jaejoong as team two, and Minho and I as the last team. We each sing two songs and see who has the highest score combined. We can’t do songs of our own!” The tense atmosphere relaxed as each group huddled.

“What songs should we do?” EunJi asked looking up at Minho smiling. “We HAVE to win.” Minho smiled he liked that she was as competitive as he was.

“Do you know Turbo’s song Nero?” Minho wondered if that was too late for her, seeing she had grown up in America.

“Black cat?” EunJi tilted her head as in a question.

“Yes, that one.”

“Hmmmm I have heard, but if I have the lyrics I should be fine.” EunJi crinkled her brow in concentration. “Well we can sing a DBSK song, do you know mirotic?” Minho smirked, it was as if she had read his mind.

“I won’t be able to hit Changmin’s high note….” Minho thought aloud.

“I can….” EunJi said quietly.


“I think so…”

“Okay, let’s do it.”  EunJi and Minho sat down as Team one went up. They sang Shinhwa’s T.O.P and SNSD’s Genie. By the end EunJi was laughing so hard she was laying down holding her stomach. The boys tried to do the dance and failed. Poor Changmin had such long legs he kept tripping over himself. They got an average score of a 94.

Team two of Micky and Jaejoong got up. “I bet they do a H.O.T song,” whispered EunJi to Minho. Then ‘Hope’ by H.O.T came on and EunJi was laughing again. Minho enjoyed watching her in this environment; she was so free and happy. Jaejoong and Micky’s next song was BoA’s id:Peace B. The end result was a combined score was a 91. It was Minho and EunJi’s turn. They silently agreed to do the Turbo song first. The song’s first note hit and Yunho started laughing. He got up and started doing the old dance that Turbo used to do to this song. They got a 89 at the end of the song. Minho could see the frown on EunJi’s face. Minho pressed some buttons the familiar sounds of Mirotic came on with protest sounds from the peanut gallery. Minho sang as hard as he could. He watched EunJi concentrating on the words. He wondered if EunJi was going to be able to hit the note, it was pretty high. It was coming up she saw EunJi tense. 2:14 it was time, she opened and she hit it, not in the scream like Changmin, but a pure tone that hit it. She cringed a little at her own voice. Minho almost forgot to sing. She could hit it. She did hit it. At the end of the song they waited for their score. A 97 flashed on the screen. EunJi deflated. That averaged them a score a 93.

Minho watched as group one did a happy dance, while EunJi pouted along side Jaejoong. He laughed those two looked identical, legs raised to the chest, crossed armed, and pouting.

“This is normal,” Micky assured him.  

“We have to go soon to our next place. I’ll be home later, not exactly sure. I’ll text you after my event. I might just go back and crash at one of their places.”

“Make sure you do, so we know where you will be,” Yunho said firmly.

“Yeah don’t make Jaejoong flip out”, Micky smirked at the eldest.

“Do you need a change of clothes?” Jaejoong stood up, ready to prepare a bag for her.

“Nope I can get the fashion guru to help me.” Eunji laughed.

“Okay you better get going, I don’t want to get a call tonight about how we made you late to getting to the next house” Yunho said. These vague terms were killing Minho slowly. He wanted to know what was going on.

“Let’s go Minho!” EunJi took his hand and pulled him out of the house.

“Where are we going now?” He tried to sound nonchalant. EunJi smiled,

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2029 streak #1
Chapter 33: wow! Such a beautiful story... Though I felt like the epilogue could be done a little slow, instead of rushing off with their lifes... I still feel it was good. I enjoyed reading it :)
Chapter 33: Honestly, last part went too fast. It was like a whirlpool and swept everything away. Anyways, enough of me pointing all this. I loved the whole story. It was beautifully worded. Thanks for hard work.
Chapter 32: Ahhh he got rejected?? Huhuhu
Chapter 32: I really hope that she give him a chance. Thanks for update.
Chapter 31: Love it, I like him trying hard. Let's see what happens next.
Chapter 30: This s going to be interesting. Eun ji taking care of baby and HJ trying to gin her trust back. Will love to see him trying hard. I think she is just toooooo goooooddddd for him. He is a real idiot ( atleast in this ff, don't hurst me for saying this. Peace).
I like your ff. I only read first chapter. still I gave a vote. Im really impressed..
Chapter 29: thanks for updating,,, update soon authornim.
Chapter 29: Thanks for updating after long. So finally he realised that the life he was living was just a lie in itself. Great going author. Can't wait to read what happens next.