The End

Shatter My World

“Ask me again.” He took the ring and gave it a good look. He slowly went down to one knee.

“Lee EunJi, will you marry me? I want to grow old with you, Minhwan, and Kyungsam. I love you. I love the boys.” She looked at him for a second before breaking eye contact.

“I didn’t think you would succeed. I thought some scandal would come up or you would lose interest. I am scared that you didn’t and you are still here.” She voice faltered at the end.

“EunJi, I was horrible in the past. I lived for the days you and the boys would visit me in the army, I hung Minhwan’s picture near my bed. I waited. Because you are worth the wait.” She stared at him for a good minute or two before nodding her head.


“Yes?” his breathe hitched.

“Yes.” He stood up and kissed her, he could feel her fingers threading through his hair. When they broke away he slid the ring onto her finger. It looked so right there.

The ruckus the ring made was ridiculous. The fans immediately saw it and started talking. His name inevitably was pulled into the mix, but neither side said anything definitive. Neither of them wanted the media attention.

They had told their friends beforehand and it was a mix of threats and degrading comments from their friends saying he wasn’t good enough jokingly. They both took it in stride. Underneath it all, their friends were supportive and more importantly kept it a secret from others.

He left the wedding planning up to her. Instead of the wedding hall it was held at a catholic church. She said she had grown up thinking about being married in a church, like they did in America. He had no problems with that, and her decision on a Catholic church made his side of the family happy. There was no MC or wedding singer present at the actual ceremony. It was held in the spring time, because EunJi wanted lilac flowers and that was the time they were in season. There were no interview session before hand and no reporters present at the ceremony. Her parents flew in from America and he got along quite well with them. Her father took him aside and they drank together, that was when he knew that he was being accepted. EunJi had no problem with his fmaily, they already loved her. His mother was glowing all the time and fussed over the wedding details with EunJi. EunJi went along with the entire Catholic traditions well and without complaint.

There was no announcement. EunJi didn’t want that. It was a quite affair, where their close friends came to wish them well. It was star-studded, but EunJi smiled and treated everyone the same. When the church doors opened and EunJi came around the corner with her father, he didn’t think he could breathe. She looked wonderful in her white strapless wedding dress. It was an elegant and timeless dress with a long veil; she was glowing as she walked down the aisle towards him. With an “I do,” he felt happiness flow through him.

The reception was fun. There was food, music, and their good friends around them. Minhwan walked around the dance floor. He didn’t realize that the people he was pulling on were top stars in their professions; they were just his parent’s friends. Little Kyungsam was fallen asleep after the whole busy day.

To say he was happy was an understatement, he felt at home surrounded by their friends and sitting next to his wife and friend Kim EunJi.


When EunJi thought about it, she had a pretty normal life after the wedding. Hyun had started to design a house for them when he was in the military. She would say he was an arrogant s.o.b to be that sure that she would agree to marry him, but it was nice to have a home almost right away. The house was perfect. She had a sneaking suspicion that it was loosely based off of her Sims (EA Game) house she had made with him a long time ago. It was an open floor plan with a lot of light and two floors. The kitchen was perfect and the openness made it so she could watch the kids.

Hyun and she both agreed that they would have one of them home for the children every day and family dinners at night. She was fierce about letting their kids have a normal life. That meant that she had to adjust her drama schedules and Hyun did less touring during the school years. They both agreed touring in the summer was best, but not every summer. To say that their friends were helpful was an understatement. Shinhwa was over multiple times a week to play with this boys, especially Andy, and Yunho and Jaejoong practically lived at the house. They adored the children and the kids loved their uncles.

Two years later Youngki arrived. Minhwan took it in stride, but Kyungsam took it hard. The attention between the three had to be more equal, as Kyungsam got more and more possessive of her when the baby arrived. He would cry and cling to her, shaking his head in refusal to anyone and everyone. Hyun and her instituted a policy for specific days for each child that they would have with each of them. Her heart broke thinking that any of the boys would think that they favored one of them over the other.

As the time went by EunJi watched her children grow and change. She was firm in the fact that the kids were to go to public school. She had gone through it and felt that a private school wasn’t needed. School could be tough and she didn't want them to be picked on, but she didn't believe her children should be get special treatment for having famous parents.

Minhwan took to languages right away. EunJi spoke English a lot in the house, he also got Korean from Hyun and their friends, and Max would speak in Japanese to him. He was a good student, studying Spanish, French and Italian. He was tall, around 6 feet tall with a lean build. He was never interesting in sports, but preferred cooking. Since he was young he would climb up next to her in the kitchen and watch her cooking. His favorite pass time in the winter was taking some of the bread dough she was making and play with it. At the age of 18 Minhwan decided that he wanted to try and be a model. They had never hidden their jobs from their kids, but then again the kids didn’t think it was weird that they could jump on Shinhwa, tackle DBSK, or attack SS501. The rules of the house were that they had to finish high school, but at the age of 18 they could decide if they wanted to join the entertainment business full time. After modeling for a few years Minhwan told her he wanted to go to France to learn how to cook professionally. It broke her heart, and Hyun had to tell her that this was natural for the kinds to leave the house. He spent 2 years over in France and Italy before returning to start a restaurant. Every day he would call or email home updating the family on how things were going. That pacified her a little bit.  

Kyungsam, who decided he wanted to go by Johnathan, again was different. He was definitely a mommy’s boy more than the other two. He would spend days just clinging to her as she worked. What he enjoyed the most was going with her to work and watching her in her dramas. He was a quiet boy. He connected a lot with Max and Dongwan. He was smart but not as driven as Minhwan in school. He was Trilingual as well in English, Japanese, and Korean, but didn’t persue any other languages. He met his birthfather when he turned 8. He cried the whole way back from the meeting, asking her if that meant ‘Appa (Hyun) wasn’t his appa anymore.’ As he got older his relationship got better with his birthfather, but he always ran back to her when something would go wrong. He too decided to go into the entertainment as well. He signed with SM entertainment under Max’s guidance. He started as a model, but sought after acting roles. Kyungsam was 5 foot 9 inches tall. He had taken after Hyun and dyed his hair different colors, which she would just sigh and shake her head. His first drama was a flop, but his second drama started to garner attention for him; by his 5th drama he was acting as the lead. To say EunJi was proud was an understatement.

Youngki was a ball of energy. EunJi immediately decided that he was going into as many sports as possible to try and wear him out. He participated in football (soccer), hockey, baseball, basketball, snowboarding, and track and field. He grew to be 5 foot 11 inches tall and slim muscles. Being the youngest he always tried to tag along with Kyungsam and Minhwan. He idolized his brothers and of the three, he was fiercely loyal. He had inherited his father’s voice and would go to the studios with Jaejoong or Hyun just to watch. Unofficially he was being trained by Top Ent. (Andy’s company), but he couldn’t commit until he was 18. School was not Youngki’s thing, he was like his father, good at math, but all the other subjects bore him. He switched before high school to an online program. Minhwan and Kyungsam sat Hyun and herself down and as a family they agreed if Youngki could keep up with school he could debut as a singer earlier than 18. That was what he was passionate about and the whole family supported him in it.

She and Hyun always made it clear that both Kyungsam and Minhwan could search for their birth parents if they wanted. It was important, but Minhwan never was interested and Kyungsam was fine with his birth father and them in his life.

Yoo Jaesuk motioned with his hand for them to all walk out. It was the first time they had all been in one interview together.

“Tonight we welcome, for the first time, this well-known family, Kim Hyun Joong, Kim EunJi, Kim Minhwan, Kim Kyungsam, and Kim Youngki.” They all stood and bowed. “Aigoo, I remembered when you two,” He pointed at Hyun and her, “were younger than your children! How old are you boys? Introduce yourself!”

Minhwan nodded his head down “Hello, My name is Kim Minhwan, I am the head chef of ‘Catch Bites.’ I am the oldest son at 26.”

“Hello, I am Johnathan, the second oldest at 25. I am an actor, best known for Oh BaekHo in ‘Don’t Leave Me.”

“I’m Youngki” EunJi smiled as he still was bouncing in his seat. “I am 23 and a singer under Top Ent.”

“Ah, Youngki you are quite active in the variety shows, on ‘Show me’ you display your strength a lot!” Her son smiled and nodded his head.

“Thank you.”

“What did you all think about being raised by such famous people?” The boys looked at each other.

“Well,” Minhwan started out, “we didn’t really realize they were famous. We just saw our parents on TV and their friends. Mom or dad was home when we got back from school and well people who were famous were just our uncles to us.”

“Yeah, but it was weird that people would come up and ask for mom or dad’s autograph when we were younger.” Kyungsam added.

“Did they want you to go into the entertainment business?”

“No. they didn’t care either way. They just wanted us to be happy.” Minhwan stated, the others nodded.

“I didn’t care if they wanted to join, but I wanted them to get their education.” She said smiling at her boys. “I am very proud of them all!”

 “I just didn’t want them to think we wanted them to be famous,” Hyun added, placing a hand on Minhwan’s shoulder.

“Minhwan is head chef at one of the most popular restaurants, Kyungsam is making his dent in the acting business with many CF’s, and Youngki is a well-known model and his last tour was all sold out. EunJi you are just finishing up a drama and HyunJoong you have a CD coming out soon. Are you all still close when you are all busy?

“No we all talk to at least one other member of the family every day. The way mom and dad raised us, we are all really close.”Kyungsam interjected.

“What do you mean?”

“We were always the most important thing. Family dinners, us all going to Youngki’s sport games, helping each other with homework, or even doing regular things like go to the zoo or go to public school; I have heard stories of other celebrity parents and their kids and we were not raised thinking we had it easy.” Minhwan said firmly.

“I had to do chores at home! We never had a maid or nanny. I still hate that I had to get a job to get an Ipod.” Youngki grumbled, making the whole studio laugh.

“The best decision in my life was marrying EunJi.” She smiled and squeezed Hyun’s hand.

“I can’t imagine my life without any of family from Hyun and the boys to our family friends who are family to us now.” EunJi said in agreement.

Who would have thought that coming to Korea, getting signed, having a ‘relationship with Hyun,’ breaking up, going on WGM, and acting would bring this life forth? She smiled. He couldn’t wait to grow old and play with her grandkids and finish watching her three beautiful sons grow up. She dropped her hand down to entwine her fingers in Hyun’s who looked over at her and smiled. This was her happy ending, maybe not perfect but perfect for her.

The End.


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2028 streak #1
Chapter 33: wow! Such a beautiful story... Though I felt like the epilogue could be done a little slow, instead of rushing off with their lifes... I still feel it was good. I enjoyed reading it :)
Chapter 33: Honestly, last part went too fast. It was like a whirlpool and swept everything away. Anyways, enough of me pointing all this. I loved the whole story. It was beautifully worded. Thanks for hard work.
Chapter 32: Ahhh he got rejected?? Huhuhu
Chapter 32: I really hope that she give him a chance. Thanks for update.
Chapter 31: Love it, I like him trying hard. Let's see what happens next.
Chapter 30: This s going to be interesting. Eun ji taking care of baby and HJ trying to gin her trust back. Will love to see him trying hard. I think she is just toooooo goooooddddd for him. He is a real idiot ( atleast in this ff, don't hurst me for saying this. Peace).
I like your ff. I only read first chapter. still I gave a vote. Im really impressed..
Chapter 29: thanks for updating,,, update soon authornim.
Chapter 29: Thanks for updating after long. So finally he realised that the life he was living was just a lie in itself. Great going author. Can't wait to read what happens next.