A Nap

Shatter My World

EunJi was stunned. HyunJoong had just leaned in and kissed her. They were going to pretend to kiss but he just went in. It shocked her. She wasn’t sure how to feel. Just that she wanted this day to be over. She felt confused. He had never willingly kissed her before. To tell the truth she had developed a little bit of a complex about it. She felt uncomfortable and unnatural when he had leaned in. She knew these fears were uncalled for and stemmed from her insecurities, yes her mind told her that, but her heart told her different.

That kiss.

She would lie if she said that her heart didn’t jump just a little bit. That her mind didn’t reel in surprise. But she knew that it was for the drama. It wasn’t EunJi and HyunJoong, but MiYoung and ChangHo.

She avoided situations where they had to be together. Even though she was happy for HyunJoong and Hyori, it still hurt to see them together. She hoped that would fade in time.

EunJi had decided that she was just unlucky in relationships. She didn’t want to get into another one, because the fear of that stabbing, thrashing pain in her chest kept her from trying. The DBSK boys had tried setting her up with guys, but she wasn’t interested. Most of the guys would be interested in her because of her boys and not her.k

She didn’t have much time to think about that, seeing her schedule kept her insanely busy. She went form filming, to photo shoots to CF filming all day. By the time she got home she would collapse on the couch, before Jae would force her to eat something and someone would carry her to bed. She liked being busy. It kept her mind off of other things. Many magazines requested both her and HyunJoong, but both of their managers circumvented the situation.

 “Hello!” EunJi pasted a smile on her face and walked in. She tried to not to get at her coworkers or staff, it wasn’t their fault. She didn’t want to project her anger onto others. Even if that meant to pretending to be happy, she did it.

“Ah, hello Miss EunJi! Don’t worry, todays photo shoot for W will be easy.” She smiled and bowed as she walked into hair and make-up. EunJi liked photo shoots, she just moved and somehow got great shots.

“Miss EunJi, today you will be working with another model, have you two met before?” EunJi shook her head but smiled,

“Hello, I’m EunJi”


The production of the drama was about half way over. It was definitely the hardest drama so far to shoot and make seem real. The cast and crew were amazing. She felt safe when she was shooting intimate scenes. The drama was also getting a lot of good press. They said that it was a realistic depiction, that the acting was superb. This made EunJi happy but also put a lot of pressure on her to perform. 

EunJi had been up almost all night. She had to finish a school assignment, along with her phone constantly going off from text messages, she was up very late.

“BED, LET ME LOVE YOU!” She collapsed on the twin sized bed. Her tiredness even outweighed her animosity for this scene.

“Come up EunJi, get up, you will get plenty of time on the bed today.” She wandered around set until shooting was ready. HyunJoong was already on the bed. She pouted.

“Yah! You kick me off the bed, but let him on it?” The director laughed,

“Calm down, he just got on, you can too.” Suddenly she felt very self conscious. She was only wearing a  large button down shirt. She had read the script and knew what she was supposed to do. He was only wearing sweatpants, and made her movements towards him all the harder. She carefully climbed into the small next to him. The blankets were wrapped around them. She could smell his body wash, the cool mint scent intoxicated her.

“And Action”

EunJi drew herself into HyunJoong wrapping her arms around his neck. This was a flashback shot, so they had to act in love.

“Oppa, why can’t we stay in bed a little longer?” She pretended to place light kisses up his jaw.

“MiYoung, you know I can’t. This deal is so important. Stop acting like a child.” EunJi drew back. That last part wasn’t in the script. That was all HyunJoong. It wasn’t the first time she had heard that either.

She got up from the bed, “Sorry, I didn’t know my presence here was so horrendous, I thought you wanted me to be here.” She smirked to herself, let’s see how he gets out of this one.

“There you go acting childish again, you jump to the extremes. Go back to bed, I’m going to the office, because I am doing this for us.”

“Us?!? She scoffed. EunJi didn’t know if these emotions were from their past or from their characters, but it hit home. “You are doing this for us? We all know this isn’t for us, it is for you. For you to feel better about yourself, for you to get the recognition and fame, for you to get ahead. Don’t you dare make this about me.”

“It has always been about you, protecting you, providing for you, you just never appreciated me.” EunJi glared at him.

“So it is okay to…” she was about to say cheat, but she caught herself, “it is okay to use me. ChangHo, we both know you are only using me….” EunJi felt the pent up frustration burst.

“MiYoung, do you truly feel this way?”

“You should have ended it instead of this. Instead of giving me hope. WHY AM I HERE?” EunJi crouched down holding her head in her hands screaming. All the memories flooded back. She felt someone pull her into a hug. She desperately tried to get away, pounding on his chest. She was pulled back on the bed and held.

“CUT. Wow guys, that wasn’t in the script but that was, that was great…” EunJi was trying to gasp for air as she was still fighting him. She didn’t want to be calmed down by him, to have him relax her or to have him sooth her. She wanted to stay mad at him.


HyunJoong held EunJi, he felt her fists pounding on him, her body twisting and turning trying to escape. He just held her tighter. Those words. It wasn’t MiYoung, or maybe it was, but it was definitely EunJi.

“Let me go.” Her voice was raspy. He slowly released her and she scrabbled away from him. He looked as the set was being reset up for the shot. The words and thoughts scrabbled in his mind. He should have ended it instead of keeping her. He couldn’t remember why he hadn’t. He had made her feel so insignificant.

By the time HyunJoong saw EunJi come back to set, she had composed herself. He saw her smile and bow to the cast as she passed by.

“Let’s go by the script this time,” HyunJoong heard her murmur as she sat down on the bed.

The different scenes were long and drawn out. It was literally hours of takes and adjustments. They were on a rare break where PDs were looking at the footage that was shot. EunJi was laying on his chest, almost on top of him, seeing the bed was so small.

“EunJi, we can get up now.” He waited but she didn’t move. He craned his neck and saw that her eyes were closed. A part of him felt awkward having her asleep on him, but the other half felt as if this was natural. This had happened so many times in the past, he had forgotten the feeling, but it came back. He didn’t know what to do, wake her or stay put. He opted to stay as still as possible. He smiled as he looked at her. EunJi’s hands were resting on his chest while her head was in the crook of his shoulder. Shakily he brought his hand up and moved her hair behind her ear. She moaned and shifted. He froze. He rested his head so he was looking at her. He pulled the blanket up on them, and that was the last thing he remembered.

There was noise around him. He didn’t want to open his eyes. He was warm and comfortable, even though there was weight on top of him. He breathed in. He wasn’t met with the sweet banana and coconut smell of Hyori or the scent of vanilla and lilacs of EunJi. It was a spicy scent. His eyes flew open. He looked around and saw the crew smiling at him. He did slight bows, but focused on the girl on his chest. It was indeed EunJi, but her smell wasn’t right. It didn’t smell like her. His movements seemed to have disturbed her sleep. He felt her nuzzle deeper into his neck.

“mmmmmmmmmmmmmmm” The vibrations went to his spine.

“You have a good nap?” He looked up and glared at the director.

“When we have such a demanding of perfection director, we will grab sleep whenever we can get it.” The director just laughed,

“Do you want to wake her or me?” HyunJoong hesitated,

“I will.” The director nodded

“Okay, everyone get ready!” The crew started up into a flurry. HyunJoong slowly shook her shoulder. As predicted EunJi tried to shake off the disturbance. The first time he had ever tried to wake her, he was scared. He had seen Max’s and Jaejoong’s ability to wake up and most times the messenger got hurt. EunJi wasn’t a violent waker-uper, but she wasn’t pleasant either. She would try to hide from whatever was waking her up, she used to look like a hamster burrowed in the comforter and sheets. Most days she woke up well, just like Yunho, but when she was tired it was heartbreaking to wake her up.

“EunJi it is time to film….” HyunJoong heard a whimper as she drew the covers over her head. Seeing she was sleeping on top of him, he was pulled under as well.  He sighed. “EunJi! Wake up…” He tried to sound strict but faded off in the end.

“Please, let me sleep, I’m so tired,” she mumbled as she tried to hide even more under the covers. He could feel her breathe against his skin; every movement seemed to be amplified. He wanted her to sleep, to let her catch up on her rest.

“I can’t we are filming,”

“Filming” her groggy response made him smile. “FILMING!” She shot up and looked around. “How long have I been sleeping?” he watched she tried to calm her hair and straighten her clothing.

“Not that long he lied.” She sighed in relief.

“That’s good!” She yawned and stretched slowly.

“Why are you so tired?” This was the longest conversation that they had had for a long time. The longest conversation they had, by far, by their choosing.

“It was a late night.” He hated her vagueness. He knew she never wanted to bother people with her troubles, but by doing the vague answer, it made it more bothersome then a straight forth answer.

“Did you change your shampoo or detergent?” She turned to look at him and frowned.

“No why?” He could almost feel his face turning red.

“Oh when you were laying there, you didn’t smell like you used to…” The sentence sounded awkward as it was coming out of his mouth. He wished he could grab it and shove it back in his mouth. Hopefully she would attribute it to his 4d personality, but she knew him too well and wouldn’t believe it was just an awkward statement. He watched as her face slightly reddened.

“Ah, well….last time I showered I didn’t have my stuff with me so I borrow some from my friend…” Her answer sounded just as awkward as his question. Their conversation didn’t continue, seeing the director stepped in.

“Okay, ready? Action.”

HyunJoong was intrigued, he wanted to hear more about why she smelled the way she did. He yearned to hear the story behind it, know why and what happened. Did he have that right still?

Shooting wrapped up around 8:30pm. He looked over to see that EunJi had changed back into her normal clothes and was talking to one of the PDs. He had been trying to pluck up the courage to drive her home. He wanted more time to talk to her.  

 The next he looked over he saw a car pulling into their filming area, and a man getting out. He frowned as he saw the male walk towards EunJi and the PD. He covered her eyes, and she jumped in surprise turning around to face the guest.

HyunJoong had seen enough, he walked over to the two. The atmosphere shifted as he approached.  

“Oh, HyunJoong,” EunJi greeted him with a bow. He nodded a little bit, but he was staring at the male beside her.

“Oppa!” He didn’t look around, not even when Hyori laid her hand on his shoulder and kissed him on the cheek.

“Well who is this?” He could hear the smirk in the tone of her voice.

“Oh Hyori, this is my….my friend Yoo SeungHo.” HyunJoong couldn’t tear his eyes from SeungHo who was standing a little too close to EunJi for his liking. From JungMin to SeungHo, he didn’t like these guys in her life. It made him realize how little he actually knew about her life since he saw her walk out of his.

He leaned forward to bow and SeungHo bowed to. The scent of his hair caught HyunJoong's attention. He stepped back glaring. He really hated this guy now.


**Forgive me I might not update for a while, I have school stuff and stress and life happening....I'll update soon hopefully!

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2029 streak #1
Chapter 33: wow! Such a beautiful story... Though I felt like the epilogue could be done a little slow, instead of rushing off with their lifes... I still feel it was good. I enjoyed reading it :)
Chapter 33: Honestly, last part went too fast. It was like a whirlpool and swept everything away. Anyways, enough of me pointing all this. I loved the whole story. It was beautifully worded. Thanks for hard work.
Chapter 32: Ahhh he got rejected?? Huhuhu
Chapter 32: I really hope that she give him a chance. Thanks for update.
Chapter 31: Love it, I like him trying hard. Let's see what happens next.
Chapter 30: This s going to be interesting. Eun ji taking care of baby and HJ trying to gin her trust back. Will love to see him trying hard. I think she is just toooooo goooooddddd for him. He is a real idiot ( atleast in this ff, don't hurst me for saying this. Peace).
I like your ff. I only read first chapter. still I gave a vote. Im really impressed..
Chapter 29: thanks for updating,,, update soon authornim.
Chapter 29: Thanks for updating after long. So finally he realised that the life he was living was just a lie in itself. Great going author. Can't wait to read what happens next.