[Meeting New People]

They're The Source Of My Hope


Chapter 6

(Chan’s POV)

First days usually don’t start with studying immediately, yes as everyone knows school loves to suffocate us with assignments, but they usually give us a break in the first week. It’ll be great for both me and oppa to blend in with the students in here. Everyone is kind in this class, just Heechul is from the mysterious type I guess. After taking our lessons we took a long break, it’s a boarding school so they give us some slack~ I’ll tell you about my awkward story that starts after I get out of the class. Here it goes….

(Normal POV)

Kyuhyun: Chan try to stay beside me all the time I know we won’t be staying in the same room, but if you really need me I’ll come for you Chan.

Chan: That’s really kind of you oppa, I’ll be fine don’t worry

Kangin: We know both of you are siblings but stop it with the complex thing, I’m annoyed and we just met today!

Sungmin: Ah let them be, you’re just jealous *merong*

Kangin: Yah! Do you want me to pound your face!

Heechul: Pssht both of you are loud, I’m leaving.

Heechul glared at them and left. Sungmin and Kangin took a long pause then Sungmin ran while Kangin was trying to catch him.

Leeteuk: Our breaks are long in here they take for hours, we’ll tour you around the school. Okay who’s in raise his hand~!

Leeteuk,Shindong,Kibum,Siwon,Ryeowook,Yesung,Hangeng,Eunhyuk tagged along, but Donghae dismissed himself from class because he had things to do. They explored the school both Chan and Kyuhyun were amazed by it. But in their little tour Chan noticed some girls whispering and glaring at her, she ignored that fact. Kibum and Yesung noticed those girls they just stared coldly at them. They had a powerful stare that shoo-ed the girls.Boy things gonna get crazy in here thought Chan. Hangeng started talking

Hangeng: Kibum I don’t get why you’re here, you usually like reading in the garden side by yourself..?’’

Kibum: Nah touring new students isn’t routine thing to do, I’m just interested in Kyuhyun and Chan.

Eunhyuk: Hope that ‘interest’ thing isn’t what I’m thinking of Kibum.

Kibum: Yah! Monkey don’t create scenarios in your head!

Eunhyuk just flashed his gummy smile on Kibum, Chan was wondering what happened to Sungmin and Kangin. Just as she was thinking about them she noticed Sungmin coming to their direction panting.

Sungmin: Ha..ve…you…seen..Kan..gin??

Shindong: Nope! But we all do love both of you entertaining us.

Ryeowook: There he is!! He’s running that way Sungmin!

Sungmin quickly catched his breath and hid behind Siwon. Kyuhyun  and Chan were both entertained by their stupidity.

Kangin: Yah! Where is Sungmin?!

Leeteuk: Are you a robot? You’re not even panting!

Kangin: Well DUH! I’m Kangin who do you expect me to be…Ryeowook?

Ryeowook: Yah! Looks sometimes trick people, even with my figure you’ll be amazed by my strength!

Just as they were talking Sungmin looked at Chan and flashed her a wink, then sneaked out. She couldn’t help but chuckle at his cuteness. Kangin noticed him and they continued their Tom and Jerry time.

Siwon: Here goes Tom and Jerry again.

Kyuhyun: Tom and Jerry!? Hm....it actually suits them.

The legendary fans weren’t around but they do have a fan club, and spy’s! One girl was hiding behind a tree taking a video of what’s happening, Heechul was walking near the area then noticed what she was doing.

Heechul: What do you think you’re doing? Huh?!

Girl: Op..pa  uh…..nothing! I’m just trying to take pictures of…..KIBUM OPPA!......We don’t usually see Kibum……that much that’s why!

Heechul looked at her in disbelief while she was obviously trying to make up her own story. He glared at her and started walking. That won’t be a pleasant day…I can feel it He thought.


It’s lunch time, so Shindong and Eunhyuk took over the tour to the cafeteria. Chan and Kyuhyun were again amazed by the school’s building structure. They have a private table, so all of them sat in a  huge long table. A women brought them food like in the hotel Chan and Kyuhyun saw. Shindong started saying……stuped stuff.

Shindong: ‘’I,Shing DongHee, pledge to…’’He was cut off by Yesung

Yesung: Yah! Do you see the flag in front of you or food?!

Everyone laughed at Yesung’s remark, Shindong was embarrassed then started eating his chicken. Everyone started eating, even if it’s a private table where no one can actually disturb them. Chan noticed something flashing outside the window beside her. It’s starting…she thought. Non of  her class mates noticed neither Kyuhyun, but she just kept it all inside.

After having lunch they decided to rest in the garden, the garden is really beautiful.

Kyuhyun: The garden is breath taking….

Leeteuk: You can’t compete with this place it’s the best place in the school.

Just as they were talking Kangin and Sungmin approached them , the funny thing is Kangin was holding Sungmin from his collar like a lost cat while walking. When they reached us he let go of him.

Chan:….uh…I need to go to the toilet, but I don’t know where it is?

Sungmin: I’ll come with you!

Sungmin was the first one who spoke , so Chan went with Sungmin. While they were near the toilets Sungmin started speaking.

Sungmin: The boys toilet is beside the girls toilet so it’s easy to locate Chan.

Chan nodded her head then she pointed to the toilets and went inside. Sungmin waited for her outside till she finishes from her business. The toilets are quiet huge, they can’t be countable. Chan done her business and went to wash her hands. Just as she was washing she heard some girls talking. ‘’Did you see that girl in class 1-A…..’’ ‘’Yeah she’s the first girl..’’ ‘’I hate her she’s already clenching into our oppas….’’ ‘’Yeah I’ll make sure she’ll have fun in her first day in the dorms…’’ ‘’Yeah every single girl in the dorms is a legendary fan, our oppas are just perfect!’’ Chan was shivering…..what will happen to me?! She immediately got out of the toilets without them noticing. Sungmin greeted her with his  smile but he noticed her worried face.

Sungmin: Chan….you look like you saw a ghost is everything okay?

Chan: I shouldn’t worry him over silly things Ah yes everything is fine I was just struggling with something in there I’m not used to the toilets…..Tell me all about what happened in your Tom and Jerry journey!

Chan tried to change the subject, but Sungmin knew something was wrong. 


Guys I'm gonna add Chapter 7 and maybe 8 today so be prepared! 

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OHGIUEBGE *shoots the old hag*
Why do I feel I'm the most 'awkward' and 'distanced' author in AFF?! XD <br />
I'm friendly, but I'll try improving myself. Especially in my side comments ^^;<br />
Thank you @KyuMinnieParkJiSung and @peodbear for commenting! =)
Man 1: Why are the boys so heavy?!<br />
<br />
Man 2: Luckily I have the girl. <- lol xD
LOL I wish they'll teach me self defense so I can beat up those hobos D: xD
lOL This was hilarious xD
HAHAAHA Heechul was counting XD! And bummie is much a better driver than Teukkie :D
"Shindong: Sir,….they’ll think you’re gay and a when you hug us and Chan." ohhh Shindong aren't you straight foward? >.> LOL update soon <3
@KyuMinnieParkJiSung Kyu doesn't want ANYONE to get near Chan actually not just Minnie hehe!