[Truth Or Dare Part 1]

They're The Source Of My Hope


Chapter 23

(Eun mi’s POV)

After Heechul oppa kicked me out of our house. Yes it’s OUR house I’m his twin sister. I waited for the bus to arrive so I can go the apartment. After my parents got divorced I lived a crappy life and I still do. omma married appa without her parents knowing because she got pregnant. After her parents knew they never acknowledged her of being their daughter.That’s why I never met my grandmother and grandfather from my mother’s side. Appa still pays for my living expenses and school, but he never helped us in anything else. I can’t believe Heechul embarrassed me in front of HER! I won’t let her live peaceful life.

*Beep*  *Beep*

Oh the bus!

Man: Are you coming in or not?!

I took bunch of coins out of my pocket and handed it to him.

Eunmi: Yes….here.

I sat on the back seat and then took my cell phone out of my bag so I can call Hana.

Hana: Hello?

Eunmi: Hey Hana how are you?

Hana: I’m fine…what’s up?

Eunmi: Uh…I was thinking maybe we can prepare something big for Eunmi.

Hana: I won’t forgive that …come over to my house so we can make the preparations.

Eunmi: Okay, but when will you return to school.

Hana: After the vacation, I think I’ll have a friendly talk with Chan when I return back.


(Chan’s POV)

After we finished the stupid competition it was already dinner time so we went back. After eating everyone went back to their dorms.

‘’Great now I can read ‘Me and My Brothers’ manga now!’’

I took the 8th volume out of my bag and sat on the sofa…..The characters in the manga do remind me of the guys in some way hmm…..Ah ha! Reminds me of Masashi’s stupidity! (^_^) Takeshi reminds me of Kangin not the figure but the attitude. Just when I was about to start reading someone knocked on the door...more like kicked or punched from the sound of it (-_-;)

Chan: Who is it?

Kangin: Chan open, it’s me Kangin.

Great just when I was about to read my book. I opened the door to reveal…all of them shoving each other. sheesh

Chan: What the….Hey stop!

Kangin: Yah! Stop she already opened the door!

They all smiled at me then entered without even asking for permission.

Kyuhyun: I brought games so we all can play in here.

Heechul: I brought some green tea facial mask for your face.

Kibum: Don’t you have another colored mask so you can add another Tweenies character?

Heechul: I brought a raspberry facial mask, you want to try it?

Kibum: I was sarcastic you pabo!

Eunhyuk: Let’s first play truth or dare!

Siwon looked suspiciously at Eunhyuk then raised his brows.

Siwon: No ert thoughts monkey you hear me!

Eunhyuk: Yeah yeah….

The dorm was big enough for 13 guys and me so we made a circle and then sat down. I sat beside Kyuhyun and Donghae. It was a little awkward..because our knees were beside each other. You know….touching….I tend to get sensitive when a guy sits beside me excluding Kyuhyun because I’m used to him.

Eunhyuk took out an empty bottle out of his bag and then he put it in the middle. Then he looked at everyone.

Eunhyuk: Who’s gonna spin it first?

I looked at everyone which were hesitating and mumbling things to themselves.

Chan: I will, I see that I have cowards in here.

Sungmin: I’m not a coward!

Chan: Yes you are, then why were you mumbling to yourself hm?

Sungmin: I…I..was

Chan: See! Then I’ll start first which would be much easier because I’ll just think of the question or the dare.

I span the bottle which stopped on Heechul.

Chan: Truth or dare?


Chan: Hmm……I dare you to dye your hair back to black.

Everyone in the room tensed up and starred at Heechul. He had a blank expression while Chan had a smirk on her face.

Heechul: Okay I will, at least my old man will stop nagging me.

Chan: You can dye it here in my bathroom.

I took out a box and handed it to him.

Hangeng: Wow you’re even prepared for it.

(Kyuhyun’s POV)

Did that girl just ask for her death wish?! I saw how awkward she was with Heechul in her first week now she wants to get awkward with him again?! Seriously….

I saw her getting in the bathroom with Heechul so she can help him dye his hair… Chan peeked out from the door and said ‘’Guys do anything until we’re finished it won’t take long’’ I brought my  ‘wii’ so we can play. Donghae, Sungmin, Ryeowook, joined me in playing. While the others were either reading, talking, or playing with their laptops. I hope the atmosphere in the bathroom is fine…

(Kibum’s POV)

I signed in my world of warcraft account. I couldn’t stop thinking about Chan and Heechul….She’s the first girl to make him do something too extreme. I’ve known Heechul since we were 10 and he’s one stubborn guy. I don’t know why he was silent though…..I couldn’t read his expression.

(Chan’s POV)

I bought a chair so Heechul can sit on it. He sat on it and then looked straight at me with a blank expression. Is he mad…..did I go too far?

Chan:…..I’m sorry

Heechul: Why’re you sorry it’s a dare.

Chan: I didn’t mean to go that far…..it’s just I know that you’re innocent but with your red punk hair it makes people think of you as a punk.

Heechul: Then that’s how you thought of me…..

Chan: Well….I didn’t think as a ‘punk punk’…but I thought you were a cold person. I’m sorry….

His blank expression changed. He smiled sweetly at me and patted my head. Although he was sitting he sure has long arms….or I’m just short (-_-‘;)

Heechul: You don’t have to apologize. I didn’t take it the wrong way, I know you’re advising me.

Chan: Okay let’s get started….it’ll take 15 minutes.

Heechul: I remember it takes half an hour.

Chan: Not with the product I have, wait for 15 minutes and then wash it off I’ll stay and talk with you. I’ll even wash it off for you.

Heechul: Bowh?!

Chan: Wash it off in the sink you idiot!

Heechul: Oh…..

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OHGIUEBGE *shoots the old hag*
Why do I feel I'm the most 'awkward' and 'distanced' author in AFF?! XD <br />
I'm friendly, but I'll try improving myself. Especially in my side comments ^^;<br />
Thank you @KyuMinnieParkJiSung and @peodbear for commenting! =)
Man 1: Why are the boys so heavy?!<br />
<br />
Man 2: Luckily I have the girl. <- lol xD
LOL I wish they'll teach me self defense so I can beat up those hobos D: xD
lOL This was hilarious xD
HAHAAHA Heechul was counting XD! And bummie is much a better driver than Teukkie :D
"Shindong: Sir,….they’ll think you’re gay and a when you hug us and Chan." ohhh Shindong aren't you straight foward? >.> LOL update soon <3
@KyuMinnieParkJiSung Kyu doesn't want ANYONE to get near Chan actually not just Minnie hehe!