Will The Problem Be Solved?!

They're The Source Of My Hope


Chapter 10

  While Chan was having her examination in P.E to know what’s she good at, the boys were having a conversation.

Donghae: I told you Hana is the mastermind she won’t come to school for a month.

Sungmin: Won’t the other girls do something to her without having Hana to guide them?

Kyuhyun: You mean that Hana girl is their leader?

Ryeowook: She’s the one who usually leads them Kyu.

Leeteuk: All what matters now is that we should find a way to protect Chan.

Kangin: From the group of girls I usually see there is a girl who’s always beside Hana, she’s kind of familiar.

Yesung: Yeah, from the dozen times you saw her that’s why.

Siwon: Chan only face them when she goes to the toilet and in the dorms. Donghae already talked to the nanny for the bathroom problem so it’s solved.

Hangeng: She might encounter them in the hallway too.

Couch:’’ Kyuhyun you’re next!’’ Kyuhyun:’’ Yes coach, see you guys later!’’ Chan’s examination had finished, so she approached her classmates.

Chan:’’ What’s up?’’ Everyone didn’t want Chan to know, so they quickly changed the subject.

Shindong: Hyuk your feet always stink when we have P.E, is that some kind of curse?!

Eunhyuk: Yah! What do you mean?!

Donghae: I’ve had set-ups with him today, *tsk tsk* Hyuk you can’t hide that one.

Eunhyuk lowered his head from embarrassment and said ‘’…….Why do you always have to embarrass me in front of Chan?’’

Chan: Ha ha that’s okay, there is nothing to be embarrassed about. It’s normal, you should just scrub your feet every night when you take a bath to get rid of the smell.

Yesung: ‘’Chan….nothing works on him’’ Kangin: ‘’We tried EVERYTHING and I mean EVERYTHING!’’

Chan: ‘’Ugh….that’s weird. I’ll try searching about this on the net. By the way who’s Eunhyuk’s roommate?’’  Ryeowook slowly raised his hands and said ‘’unfortunately’’

Eunhyuk: Yah! What’s unfortunate about it?!

After P.E they had to change, Kyuhyun this time escorted Chan to the changing room.

Chan: Everyone’s making me feel like a baby from all that special treatment oppa.

Kyuhyun: That’s called caring, we care about you Chan!

Chan: I know you all care but it’s just a matter of bullying, not life or death.

Kyuhyun: Who knows what’ll happen?!  You heard what Teukie said, they’re not normal girls.

Chan:’’ I know…..but still some of their acts are plain school pranks,…okay now I have to change wait here.’’

After Chan changed her clothes they both went to the dorms with the boys.

Donghae: Chan I talked to the nanny take a bath in her bathroom. Don’t be shy she agreed.

Chan: Thanks! After everyone takes a bath, where should we meet up?

Sungmin: I’ll come and fetch you Chan! Today is  an open day so we can go to the mall! Yay ^^

Kyuhyun: Wow we have an open day every week in here?! Cool

Leeteuk: Yup, that’s what you get from a rich school. It’s not a plain boarding school.

Chan: Great! Bye guys.

From the second floor someone was looking from the window at Chan and the boys ‘’ Your happiness won’t last remember that’’


Chan went to her room to take her things, after she found them she got out of her room. She’s pretty much used to this place right now, so she easily located the nanny’s room. She hesitated but then knocked the door.

Nanny: ‘’Yes! The door is open!~’’  (Mary Poppins kind of nanny)

Chan opened the door and found the nanny was sewing….a hat [?] ‘’Uh…I came here to take a bath, may I?’’ The nanny just smiled at Chan then stood up and pinched her cheeks, ‘’Yes you may my sweety don’t hesitate consider me your second mom’’ Chan smiled brightly at the nanny then went to the bathroom.

(Chan’s POV)

The nanny is lovely, and I love how she pinched my cheeks~! X)  I don’t get why Kyuhyun hates it. After I took a decent bath, I went out and found the nanny sleeping on the coach. She’s really kind, I took the blanket that was on the bed and then put it over her. I really miss my mom….I don’t really remember her. She then left to her room to dry her hair, after drying he hair she changed her clothes to go out. ‘’ Today will be fun!’’ When Chan got out of the dorms she saw Sungmin waiting by the tree, he noticed her then waved. ‘’Chan let’s go, Leeteuk would be driving us last week he got his license’’ Both of them went to a huge van, I don’t get how they managed to get that. Everyone was already inside and Leeteuk was wearing a dorky Peter Pan’s hat and those dorky glasses. I chuckled at him then said ‘’and what are you supposed to be? Link from the Legend of Zelda?!’’ Leeteuk blushed.

Everyone in the van laughed even….Heechul?! Why is he here, oh my god this is my first time to see him laugh! He doesn’t smile often he should.

Leeteuk: No……I’m Peter Pan don’t you get the hat and the ears.

Chan: You know they look familiar…..Kyuhyun isn’t that yours?

Kyuhyun: I tried convincing him that it’s not Peter Pan’s hat I even showed him the game’s box!

Leeteuk: ‘’Enough talking! Now everyone get into their seats!’’ Where should I sit? Hmm there is an open seat beside Heechul which I’d rather not sit beside him it’ll be awkward. Everyone already has someone to sit with…except for me and Heechul.

Kibum: ‘’Chan it’s not rocket science there is only one empty seat beside Heechul go sit beside him’’ Great now it’s obvious that I’m hesitating. Heechul had his plugs on and was looking out of the window. *Phew* he didn’t hear that. I went and sat beside him.

Hangeng: ’’Let go! ^^ ‘’  Yesung: ’’Geng you mean LET’S go’’  Hangeng: ‘’Yeah yeah….’’ In the middle of the ride everyone was holding into their chairs,…you ask why? Because Leeteuk is damn fast!

Kangin: Yah yah yah! Slow down, I’m too handsome to die yet!

Ryeowook: I didn’t even have my first kiss yet!

I held tightly into my chair, but accidently bumped Heechul’s shoulder when Leeteuk took a U-turn. We heard a police car behind us, me and Heechul were sitting in the back seat so we turned our heads. Yay busted! -_-

Leeteuk parked the car on the side way and waited for the cop to come. The cop knocked on the window for Leeteuk to open it. Leeteuk opened the window ‘’May I help you sir?’’ The cop had a serious look, but that soon changed after he saw Leeteuk.

Cop:’’ Ha ha ha what are you 9?! Young boy it’s not Halloween yet!.....ahem show me your license.’’ Leeteuk showed his license then the cop looked at Leeteuk, ‘’ I won’t charge you this time young boy but slow down you don’t want to get into an accident’’

After the cop went everyone laughed at Leeteuk. Finally after the long ride, yes after the incident he really slew down. We arrived into to the arcade, one huge arcade I tell you.

Chan: ‘’Wahh! *Excitment* ’’ Someone was actually following them in a taxi.  

??: Thank you sir, here’s your money! Chan we’ll have fun today! I’m looking forward for it.


Here’s for the 10th  chapter! Hope you enjoyed it, I’m trying my best to involve all SUJU in the dialog I don’t want to make someone left out. Please comments~ ! 

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OHGIUEBGE *shoots the old hag*
Why do I feel I'm the most 'awkward' and 'distanced' author in AFF?! XD <br />
I'm friendly, but I'll try improving myself. Especially in my side comments ^^;<br />
Thank you @KyuMinnieParkJiSung and @peodbear for commenting! =)
Man 1: Why are the boys so heavy?!<br />
<br />
Man 2: Luckily I have the girl. <- lol xD
LOL I wish they'll teach me self defense so I can beat up those hobos D: xD
lOL This was hilarious xD
HAHAAHA Heechul was counting XD! And bummie is much a better driver than Teukkie :D
"Shindong: Sir,….they’ll think you’re gay and a when you hug us and Chan." ohhh Shindong aren't you straight foward? >.> LOL update soon <3
@KyuMinnieParkJiSung Kyu doesn't want ANYONE to get near Chan actually not just Minnie hehe!