CHAPTER 23: Don't abuse her kind heart

We are a bit Different







"So you're Tao's girlfriend that we saw at school?! And we all believe that you are but you're really not because you are freaking Uiza that pretends to be Uize!!!" Nana burst out of anger then slammed the door open "Please if you could just-"

"Stop it Uiza..!! What kind of a friend, no, I mean Best friend are you to not tell us about this?! BEST FRIENDS should tell problems with each other right? We can help you with this but how could you lie to us?! All this time?!!" Nana said angrily, tears continuously falling in her eyes. 

All of them can't say anything at this moment. Only Nana can tell whatever her mind and heart is telling her. She doesn't care whether you're hurt with her words, the important is that she let out the pain inside of her

"I'm so sorry.." Uiza apologized, can't look straight into their eyes "Sorry? Do you think we can move on just like that? We're so worried about you and we even believe all of the lies that you made, do you even think of that?" Shiny looked Uiza in the eye before she walks away, can't take the pain anymore. 

Shiny's really angry at Uiza and she knew that Uiza's crying inside, shouting for help and that cause Shiny so much pain so she leaves right away, also crying. Suho followed Shiny to comfort her "Did you enjoy hurting us?!" Nana rolled her eyes before she leaves too.

Earlier that time:

"Okay here we are.." Tao said while holding Uiza's wrist, avoiding for her to escape. Uiza took a deep breath "I-I don't know Tao, maybe we shoul-"

"Let's go.." Tao interrupted Uiza by dragging her inside. Many students were seen inside of the venue. They all look dashing with their gowns and tuxedos. "This place looks cool huh? Well, eat first before you- OH MY GLOB A PANDA MASCOT!!" Tao suddenly yelled excitedly then points at the panda that he saw

"Where!?! Where!?!" Uiza quickly look at the opposite directions, searching for the panda that Tao's talking about "There!! Let's take a picture with it.." Tao jumps like a kid "You said it.." Uiza jumps like a kid too then they approach the panda excitedly "I'm so excited to hug that Panda.. You know, I really love mascots.. How about you??" then he turned to face Uiza but stops when he saw that she's not there with him. 

Poor Tao, talking to himself like a crazy guy "Oh?? That's strange.. She's just here beside me earlier.. Where is she??" Tao asked himself while scratching the back of his head, wondering where could she be. Then after a few turns of his head, searching for Uiza, he finally saw her running towards the balcony "There you are.." then followed her.

Suho noticed Tao even from a far "Oh? Is that Tao?" he asked "Where? *saw Tao's back* Oh yeah it's Tao.." Chanyeol followed Tao's gaze "Did he saw us or not?" Shiny asked, wondering why Tao running to the opposite direction "We should call him later.." D.O said while mixing his beverage with a straw playfully. 

"Guys wait.." Nana interrupted then suddenly stands from her seat that makes all of them turn to face her "What is it?" Shiny asked curiously. Nana stared at it more first before speaking "I think I saw something.." then walk towards it. They shrugged before following Nana

"What to do?! What to do?!" Uiza nervously asking herself while walking back and forth. Wondering why she suddenly run away from Tao? Not because she wants to escape, it's because she saw them(their friends) near the Panda Mascot. 

Uiza really wants to hug any kinds of mascot because like Tao, she somehow feels like a child again whenever she hugs mascots. Uiza and Tao wants to feel that feeling again and it's their lucky day to have a mascot in the party and take note, the mascot is a Panda so they're really happy and excited then run towards it but unfortunately, Uiza froze at the sudden view then run to the opposite direction, leaving Tao behind. Wrong timing, she thought.

Tao finally reach then opened the door of the balcony and saw Uiza there, walking back and forth nervously. "Yah.. Are you okay?" Tao then closed the door a bit "I-I suddenly saw them, a-and I don't know what to do s-so I run away.." Uiza then bit her lower lip. 

"And?? Of course they're here with us and you'll definitely saw them here no matter where you go.. Why are you so scared?" Uiza also don't know why she's scared.

She's really ready for that day, even Tao knows that. But when Uiza saw them there earlier, she suddenly felt her heart stops beating and even the world stops spinning. It suppose to be her chance to tell them but yeah, she admits to herself that she's a very coward person

"W-what if-"

"What if what Uiza?! You already set up your mind right?! You told me that you're ready!! We have a deal Uiza..!!" Tao yelled that make Uiza gripped her skirt. Absent mindedly staring at Tao. She wants to run away and hide forever. At first she thought that maybe this decision will be easy. All she have to do is to tell them that she pretends to be Uize because Kris, the angel-like guy suddenly curse her to be a boy. 

That's all.

A piece of cake. 

But then, when the day that she will tell them came, all of the "what if" question suddenly hit Uiza's mind. She now believes that it is easy to say something but doing it is hard

"Do you think this is easy for me Tao?? To tell them the truth about me who's been curse to be a guy?! What if they'll not believe in that? What if they'll just think of me as a crazy person who's telling them nonsense things?!" the tears in Uiza's eyes wants to fall but she's forcing not to. 

Tao gasp "So you're gonna keep all of this forever?! Hiding is not the answer for this kind of things.. You need to tell them now!!" Tao grabbed Uiza's wrist then dragged her out of there but Uiza stops

"That's none of it matters now.." Tao suddenly stop dragging Uiza then slowly turned to face her "Wait wait.. What? None of it matters now?" Tao released her hand, looking at her with a shocked look "None of it matters? How about the people who misses and wants to see you so badly? How about your family and friends who loves you? Who adores you? Is that not matters to you?" that questions from Tao stabbed Uiza's heart. 

All of it was true, and that hurt Uiza so much because she said such a nonsense thing. Didn't even think first before speaking, Uiza thought. "Stop it Tao.. I-I don't know anymore..!!" she run towards the door and opened it to leave when her eyes suddenly widen. There she saw Nana and Shiny standing in front of her, tears continuously fall in to their eyes

Present time:

The rest of them leave as well, except Kai "K-kai?? Please.." Uiza then slowly grabbed his wrist "Why? Why do you keep all of this to me? We're supposed to be team on this right? How could you not tell me that you're already back!!" Kai yelled that makes Uiza feel like crying but forcing not to. 

"I have no choice Kai okay?" Kai can't control his temper again "Have no choice?! Why? Because of Tao?" Tao who currently can't speak at the moment suddenly surprise on the sudden mention of his name "What are you talk-"

"What am I talking about?! Do you know what I've been through all this time?! You don't right?! And you know what I feel for you right? You know that *hesitates before speaking again* That I like you and yet you choose to be with Tao rather than me?!" Kai removed Uiza's hand on he's violently that makes Uiza stumbled but luckily, Tao caught Uiza to prevent her from falling 

"Could you stop.. She's already hurt mentally.. Do you want to hurt her physically too?" Tao asked with his arms around Uiza's shoulder that makes Kai exhale shortly "Stop like you're concern!! You know what I feel towards her but what did you do?!" when Kai felt that his tears was about to fall, he look away, avoiding their stares. 

"Do you think I want to end up like this? No one wants this, I don't want this too Kai okay?" Uiza sighed.

"I know.. But because of what you did to us and to me, it's like you wanted it too.." Kai slowly shook his head. And after a few silent moments, Kai decided to leave as well. He's hurt. He's jealous. And it's all because of Uiza. 

Tao and Uiza's having a mental breakdown right now. Tao didn't expect their reaction about this, but Uiza expects it. Between him and Uiza, only Tao insist that everything's going to be okay but it's not actually.

Thunder were heard from the sky, the sign that it will rain sooner. After a few thunder sounds, the rain drops starts to fall one by one until it pours heavily. Tao looked up before he grabbed Uiza wrist "Hurry!! Come on inside!!" but Uiza didn't move a bit. 

She can't hear anything but the hurtful wordings from her friends "We're so worried about you and we even believe all of the lies that you made, do you even think of that?" "Why do you keep all of this to me?" 

"What kind of friend, no, I mean Best friend are you to not tell us about this?!" it keeps on repeating in her mind that makes her blame herself for all of that. Yes, she's hurt too but for her friends, the pain is double.

Tao noticed that Uiza's just forcing herself not to cry because he said that crying symbolizes weakness. He's so mean to say that! Who would not cry after all of what just happen right? But Uiza resist it to prove that she's tough enough. 

"They said that it's okay to cry when you're outside and soaked up by the rain.. You know why?" Uiza look up to face Tao with a questionable look. Tao just smiled, took off his jacket then put it around Uiza's shoulder. 

"Because they can't tell if it's a tear or just a rain drop in your eyes.. You've been tough Uiza.. You can cry and can be weak for now.." Tao hugged Uiza then patted her back, letting her cry "I'm not gonna cry.. I'm a big girl now.. Big girls don't cry right?" Tao shook his head

"But you're still a human being that needs to cry right?" Uiza can't force herself anymore and let herself cry quietly, burying her face on his neck. She's free to cry now anyways so she cried until those tears in her eyes were drained out.


"So how is it??" Jessica asked Krystal while heading home from the party but she just looked at Jessica with a blank look as a response "Oh? What's with the face? Come on you can tell me what's wrong.." Jessica said while rubbing her sister's back. 

They're finally home when Krystal hugged Jessica and cried "He love's someone now!! He doesn't like me anymore!!" Krystal cried out "Tell me who??" Jessica curiously asked. Krystal just semi-tightens the hug "Ah let me guess.. It's Kai right?" then Krystal nodded "Aish!! That no good Kai.. And who's this girl that he like?!" Jessica punched her fist. She doesn't want her sister to be hurt by anyone, so you know what's going to happen with that girl.


"I-It's Uiza.." Jessica suddenly widen her eyes in the sudden mention of the name "What?!" then releases the hug "It's Uiza, unnie.. *covers her face with her hands* I heard what Kai said about his feelings towards Uiza at the party and it really hurts me to know that the girl that he likes is my friend.. Our friend.." Krystal's tears didn't stop falling that makes Jessica feel more angry.

Whenever Jessica sees her younger sister crying, she feels hurt too. So Uiza's back, Jessica thought "Don't cry.. I will figure something out okay?" Jessica then wipe Krystal's tears before she leaves, probably to punch someone.


Uiza and Tao got home like rain-soaked puppies. They didn't talk too much while walking their way home because of what happen. They still can't recover about what happen earlier. Tao opened the front door for them to walk inside when someone suddenly speak "So you're back Uiza.. What a surprise.." Tao and Uiza startled. 

"Who's there!!" Tao yelled then place Uiza at his back. The random person chuckled "Why don't you figure it out yourself?" Tao quickly switch the lights on "Jessica? What are you doing here?!" Jessica who's staring at them with an annoyed look stood in her seat then slowly walk towards them. 

"You didn't even tell us first before you showed up.. *clapped her hands* Great job.." Uiza and Tao look at each other's eyes in disbelief. Did Tao said to Jessica about the truth too, Uiza thought. Tao thought the same too

"Could you please leave now.. This is not the time for that.." Tao commanded but Jessica didn't mind him and just continue "You know what? I really don't want anyone to hurt my sister's feelings.. But right now, she's in pain because of you!!" Jessica burst out that makes the two wondered why. 

"If you want a fight, don't do it here.. You're in my house, my property.. So could you please.." Tao said with a serious look on his face. Okay we can really say now that he's mad.

"You want to know why?! Because Kai likes you!! The guy that Krystal likes is the one who likes you!! Do you even get that?!" Jessica wants to get Uiza but Tao blocked her "And yet you're staying here with Tao?! Are you even a human being?!" Tao grabbed Jessica's arms, stopping her "Let me go oppa!! Let me teach this snake a lesson!!"

Snake?! Is that what Uiza heard from her? How could she! Uiza gripped her hands really hard. That's it. She's done with just standing there and not doing anything. 

After hearing that, she suddenly gripped Jessica's collar then punched her really hard that makes Jessica stumbled down on the floor. That punch is not just an ordinary girly punch but like a muscular guy punch so Jessica's nose and lip bleed at the same time nonstop. She feels like her jaw was about to fall

"What if Kai likes me? It's not my fault.. If there's someone to blame here, it's Kai's feelings not me.. You can do whatever you want, punch me or what.. But don't you ever EVER judge me.." Uiza said that gives you the chills. 

Jessica didn't expect that, even Tao didn't expect that from Uiza. She's like a very wild beast that wants to eat you alive "Leave now or else" Uiza then points at the door, glaring at Jessica. For the first time in the history of Jessica, she felt terrified so she stood up, holding her nose and lips that bleed then leaves right away. 

Tao widen his eyes because it's the first time that he saw Jessica being like that, punched by someone without punching back. 

Woah!! Awesome and cool Uiza, Tao thought. Tao noticed that Uiza's trembling while staring at the blood that has been spread all over the floor. She removed Jessica's blood on the floor using her hands "I'm so sorry Tao.. Your floor's dirty and it's all because of me!! It's all my fault!!" Uiza cried again then wiped the blood to herself.

Tao stopped her by hugging her "Please stop now.. It's going to be okay.."

"No it's not okay!! I didn't mean to do it!! To lie and to hurt anyone!!" Tao hushed Uiza and rubbed her back until she calms down "Forget about everything okay? Do you know that you look scarier than me? And I admit it.. You are scarier when you're angry so I will not make you angry from now on.." Tao then pat Uiza's head. 

Why are you being like this to me? Uiza thought then slowly falls asleep, still in Tao's embrace. When Tao noticed it, he smiled then thought that she fell asleep because of the tiring day she had. Tao cleaned and removed the blood on Uiza's skin first before he laid her on the bed "Sleep tight tough girl.." Tao said before he leaves the room


Weeks had past, the Uiza that Tao knows became a different person. She's not the cheerful, talkative and active Uiza that she used to be. She only locks herself in her room all day and didn't even eat her meals properly. 

She slowly gets thinner and thinner because of lack of food. And that makes Tao worried a lot "Hey Uiza?" Tao knocked at her door "I'll go to school now kay? I'll be right back as soon as the classes ends.." Tao waited for a response before he leaves "And Uiza, eat the food that I made please.." Uiza just hummed as her response.

At school:

The silence between Kai and Tao makes an awkward aura to the rest of them. The both of them can't even look at each other's faces "What's with this two?" Xiumin whispered at D.O's back, making D.O turn to face him too then shrugged "I don't know either.. I've never seen them communicating for this past few weeks.. What's going on?" D.O whispered back. 

They just shrug it off then bring back their attention to the lecture.

The class finally ended. The rest of the students leave as soon as the professor said that they can now go home. But as always, all of them including Nana and Shiny stayed at the classroom for a little chat before they leave. 

Since Tao knew that they're still mad at him, he always leaves first. They didn't mind also because before he leaves, Tao always waved at them and say his goodbyes even if they don't respond. But this time, he speaks

"Guys.. Can I borrow your few tiny minutes to listen? Even if you don't want to listen, it's okay.. I just want to say sorry to all of you.. Uiza said so too.. She's not here with me because she's still terrified, but she really wants to make it up to you guys I swear.." they bring all of their attention to Tao who's raising his left hand. 

"It's true that what she did was wrong.. But what can she do? She's also a human being that can feel scared and terrified too.. So we're really really sorry if you're still mad at us.." Tao smiled then bowed at them before he leaves.

They followed Tao's gaze until his gone then stared at each other's eyes "What just happen??" Chanyeol asked in disbelief "Is that Tao? What food does he eat?" Suho added. What Tao did was right but Nana and Shiny who can't relate wondered why they reacted like that. 

"This is the first time that Tao apologized.. You know, even though he's the one who made the mistake, he will not say his sorry no matter what.. So you're the one who will apologized first or else, the fight between you and him will be forever.." Kai explained that makes the two girls widen their eyes in disbelief. 

"So that Tao who apologized just now is definitely not him.." Xiumin joked

"Well, he definitely change after all.. That's a good thing.. Someone changed him.." D.O then wiggled his eye brows "Aish stop it D.O!" Kai shouted then threw his jacket on D.O's face "Yah! This rude boy!" he shouted too then punched Kai playfully. 

"Kaisoo.. Kaisoo.." Chanyeol whispered happily, making Suho and Xiumin giggled. After hearing that, D.O and Kai who currently hitting each other playfully stopped then glared at Chanyeol "Yah! Stop it!" they chorused.

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Chapter 25: Is it finished?! Di ko nagets yung last T_T
Chapter 13: Okay... I'm half-way throughout your story... Uize's pretty girly despite his boyish tendencies and Jessica is really creepy in my opinion...
Just reading the description made me hit the subscribe button! Can't wait to read the whole thing dongsaeng^^ (Am I older than you? hahaha)
Chapter 26: *Humming
Tee-hee! :)

Tsk! Tsk! That scene! so epic... xD
Chapter 26: Naloka ako doon sa scene ah!

Medyo bitin, dre TT^TT

Buti kapa may natapos na ako wala pa O u O
ang saya
Chapter 23: I will bite you..!! XDD thanks for cleaning it for me ^_^
Chapter 23: -____-
*Le cleans the confetti
Make sure to clean your confetti after throwing them, mmmkay? xD
Hihihihi... :3
Chapter 22: XiuHan FTW!!! XDD
Chapter 22: ERMERGERHD!!! XIUHAN!!
Chapter 22: Kai-oppa! If you really love the past you won't be in love with the present you know? :3