CHAPTER 22: My dream like reality

We are a bit Different







One day left for Uiza. She starts to feel nervous now. She's scared. What if this whole thing is just a waste of time, Uiza thought.

"It's funny right?" Tao laughs then hit Uiza's shoulder lightly. He tells what happened earlier at school "And do you know who's Byun Baekhyun?? He just confessed at Nana- Are you okay??" Uiza just stared at him with a blank look on her face. 

"Hey what's wrong?" Tao shook Uiza a bit then notice that tears on her eyes was about to fall "Yah.. Tell me what's wro-" Tao was surprised when Uiza suddenly hugged him then cried. Uiza feels sorry for Tao because she involved him to her problem. What if their friends got angry with Tao too instead of her only.

Those concerns hit Uiza's conscience "I'm really sorry Tao.." Uiza apologized, gripping the back of Tao's shirt "For what?? Did something happen here?? Did you accidentally break something??" Tao joked, tapping Uiza's back. 

Uiza shook her head "I'm sorry for everything okay?? You feel nervous everytime, You need to hide something, you have to make lies just to cover me up, and I feel that I'm being a burden to you so I'm really really sorry for everything.." she cried out.

Uiza's right about what she said but Tao didn't mind all of that "You know, all of what you've said were right.. About me who felt nervous sometimes and what so ever but you know what, I didn't even blame you once for all of that.. Because it's just a new experience for me and I'm very thankful that you let me experience that.." Tao semi-tightens the hug that makes Uiza feel calm and relief. 

He felt Uiza's heart beat beats fast "I know that you're nervous and scared at the same time right??" Uiza took a deep breath before she nods "Just don't let it overcome you okay?? Just relax and accept everything that will happen tomorrow.. Think positive..!!" Tao cheered to make her feel better. 

And it works, She feels better and trust Tao's words(and maybe because of the hug also) "It's time to sleep now.. *release the hug* Just sleep comfortably tonight okay?? Don't think too much or else you'll get stressed for tomorrow.. Do you want to look like a zombie tomorrow??" Tao joked then Uiza laughs a bit before she shook her head. 

"Good.. Good night then.." Tao smiled then mess Uiza's hair who smiled at him then said good night too.

"I thought at first that Tao is a scary person.. Everyone will think the same right? Because of his fierce image.." Uiza sighed then laid on the bed. She can't force not to think about tomorrow and felt nervous "I can do this.. Just trust yourself and everything's going to okay.." she said then slowly closed her eyes

Someone shook Uiza to wake her up "Uiza!!" she slowly opened her eyes, then saw Kris who look like there's someone's chasing after him "*yawns* Kris?? What's going on??" Uiza asked while rubbing her eyes because of the blurred vision. 

She thought that Kris was just fooling around, but then she saw in Kris' eyes that he is really worried and terrified with something "H-he's already here.." Kris said nervously that makes Uiza felt nervous too "W-who's already here??" Kris looked at the opposite direction before he look straight at Uiza's eyes. 

Kris was about to speak when he suddenly felt like someone's stabbing his chest and that makes him growled in pain "*widen her eyes* Kris!!!" Uiza yelled worriedly and was about to help Kris up when suddenly, she stopped and saw something in Kris' arm

It's like a unique symbol that makes her speechless for a second before asking what is it, but seeing Kris' situation makes her feel that it will be a burden to Kris if she asked so she didn't mind it and help Kris. 

"Kris are you okay??" she rubbed Kris' back then Kris nodded as a response. After a few second, the ache was gone and Kris finally held Uiza's hand and stands up "Could you tell me what's going on?" Uiza's still confused about the whole thing "The angel of death is here and-" Kris suddenly stops and widen his eyes like he saw a ghost or something. 

"And what?? Hey Kris??" Uiza shook Kris and realized that he's really staring at someone so Uiza turned around and saw a guy with a wing-like fire in his surrounding, staring at them with red eyes that gives you the chills when you're the one who his looking at. 

Uiza can't see his face clearly because his red eyes stands out. The only thing that caught her attention is the unique symbol in his arm like what she saw in Kris' arm earlier

"Go away!! She's nothing to do with our deal just leave her alone!!" Kris yelled then place Uiza at his back, protecting her "I-I don't understand? Who's he?? What's going on!?!" Kris look back at Uiza with a worried look on his face. 

"He wants to kill you because you survive my curse.. All of the people who we curse were suppose to die.. But since I'm not a bad like him, I don't kill innocent people.. I'm just cursing them, not to kill them, but to teach them some lesson.." Kris' explained that makes Uiza speechless and shocked for a moment before she took a breath deeply "W-What?!" she yelled in disbelief

"You traitor!! Just give her to me Kris!!" a deep and scary voice was heard from the guy "I'm begging you!! Just leave her alone!!" Kris pleaded but the guy didn't give up that easily. He flew towards their direction then moves Kris out of the way. 

He was fast like a thunder bolt "Kris!!" Uiza yelled out then run towards Kris but before she got there, the guy grabbed her shoulders then gripped it really hard "S-stop it!! It hurts!!" Uiza's trying her best to free herself from the hands of the guy but she fail "Don't worry.. It won't hurt if you don't struggle too much.." the guy whispered. 

"Please don't hurt me..!!" Uiza begged, forcing herself not to cry but ended up crying because the hands of the guy were hot like a fire and she felt the sting of it. She look up to see the guy's face "*W-what the?! He looks familiar to me..*" she thought then examine his face more and realized that he looks like "Chanyeol.."

"Uiza.. Hey Uiza!!" Tao shook Uiza for the 5th time now but no response from her. And that worries him "Please don't tell me that you're in a comma.." he thought nervously then shook Uiza again. This time, she wakes up "Kris!!" she called out that makes Tao startled and jump off of the bed. Uiza nervously examine the surrounding while catching her breath "Why did you do that?? It freaks me out you know? Are you okay??" Tao sat at the bed again while rubbing the spot that hits the floor.

Uiza pulled Tao into a quick hug and thanked him for saving her life to that guy in her dreams. What if Tao didn't wake her up? Maybe she's already dead by now because of that nightmare, she though. 

"I'm glad that it was all just a dream.." she said with a relief tone "What about it?? And who's Kris??" Tao asked who's scratching the back of his head in confusion "It's all over now.. Let's not talk about that freaking nightmare of mine.. I don't want to think about it anymore.." Uiza was about to cry again because that nightmare of her's like real "Okay okay.. It's just a dream right?? Really far from the reality so erase that nightmare to your mind and cheer up.." Uiza smiled then nodded

"I will just take a shower kay??" Tao nodded then Uiza headed towards the bathroom "Perfect time.." he mumbled then quickly get his phone to call someone "Yes I'm the one who get a reservation last time.." Tao said to the other line "We will be there after 2 hours got that? Thank you.." Tao ended the call then smiled.

After an hour of waiting, Uiza's finally done and exited the bathroom "Let's go and get you ready for tonight's party.." Uiza startled when Tao suddenly appeared in front of her and tilted her head "Why would I??" she asked that makes Tao face palmed "I forgot to tell you that you will be my partner for tonight's party.." Tao smiled then dragged Uiza towards the front door. 

"Wait!!" she stops "What are you talking about? This is not part of our deal?! Our only deal is that I will tell them the truth when the party ends, that's all right?" Tao didn't mind Uiza and just continue to drag her "I'm including it now so it's now part of the deal.." Tao said while leading the way but Uiza keeps on removing Tao's hand in her's. 

"I don't want to!!" she yelled then sat on the ground like a child "So you want to play hard to get huh??" Tao smirked then lifted Uiza up before she could struggle

"Please Tao I don't want to!!" she cried out while hitting Tao's back but it's no use "Stop struggling.. It's just a waste of energy.." he said lazily but Uiza didn't gave up and shout for help multiple times. Unfortunately, no one help her.

Poor Uiza.

Uiza finally stops when she realized that there's nothing she can do to free herself with the hands of Tao. And besides, she's tired of struggling and shouting for help that no one gives a helping hand. Tao finally stops in front of a building or more like a Mall. 

"We're here.." then Tao put Uiza down "Let's go.." but Uiza walk in the opposite direction and was about to escape, luckily Tao has a long arm that easily grabbed the back of Uiza's shirt then let out a sigh "Stop trying to escape.."

"Let me go..!!" she commanded. Don't force her to do it. Just think of something that can change her mind "Okay.. If you really want to run away, then go.. You're free now.." Tao then let go of Uiza's shirt. She's surprised about Tao's sudden decision but felt relieved afterwards 

"Thank you then.." she said happily then walk a few steps away from Tao "But remember, when you leave at this very moment, I will tell them the truth about you this instant.." Uiza stops when she heard what Tao just said then turned around to face him "What did you say??" she asked, quite annoyed "Do I have to repeat all of what I just said? You want to go right? Then leave.." Tao then get his phone, slowly walks away from Uiza

"Yah!! W-what are you planning to do with that?!" she yelled while pointing the phone that Tao was holding "Nothing.. Just want to call my friends and tell them about SOMETHING.." Tao teased but not obviously. 

It's more like real to Uiza so inside of her, she's panicking like there's no tomorrow. Good job Tao, now you will kill her in this kind of method. Tao just shrugged

"6.....5.....4" Tao slowly counts in his mind "3.....2.....1"

"WAIT!!" Uiza yelled then Tao smiled before turning around to face her "Oh you're still here??" he faked surprised "I-I will-" Uiza feel that this is not a good idea "What is it??" Tao came closer to Uiza. He knows that he won anyways so he's very confident now "I will do it.." Uiza said while staring at her shoes and gripping her fist nervously. 

She knows that if she suddenly show herself to them like nothing happen, it will be embarrassing and for sure, they will not forgive her that easily. That concern hit her but what can she do, Tao will do something more embarrassing so she agreed. 

"What did you say??" He leaned his ear closer to her lips that makes her annoyed a bit. Tao heard it already but he only wanted to tease Uiza

"I SAID I WILL DO IT!! DEAF!!" Uiza yelled right in front of Tao's ear that makes him startled and stumbled down on the ground "Yah!! What's that for?!" Tao yelled while rubbing his ear. Uiza laughs "It's your fault because you're deaf.." she teased then laughs again. 

"Aish.. Stop teasing me you little twerp!!" Uiza laughs again that makes Tao let out a sigh "Let's just go.." then dragged her inside of the mall-like parlor with Uiza, still laughing at Tao just to happily


"Here.. I think this suits you well.." Suho picks a beautiful pink dress for Shiny who shrugged in response "I think so.." The four of them including Chanyeol and Nana, planned to meet before the party starts it's because Shiny and Nana don't know what to wear in that day, so Chanyeol and Suho volunteer to help.

Earlier that time:

Suho pressed the doorbell from Shiny's house continuously "Is any one home??" he said to himself while scratching the back of his head, wondering if Shiny's home. Suho was about to pressed the door bell again when Shiny suddenly opens the door violently. 

"Why do you keep on pressing that door- Oh hi Suho.." Shiny smiled awkwardly because she suddenly yelled "What brings you here??" she added "Well I just want to check your dress for tonight's party.." Suho said excitedly, forcing himself to go in but Shiny blocked him "W-wait..!! That's the thing that I want to tell you.."

"I just want to check, come on.." Suho said with a cute tone but Shiny still didn't let him in and her hands still blocking the door "I don't know what to wear!!" she yelled that make Suho stop "What??" Suho's brows lifted in surprise. 

"Actually, me and Nana have difficulties in this kind of things.. So could you help us??" Suho sighed "Well, what can I do? Of course I'll help you.. I'll tell Chanyeol to help us too kay??" Shiny nodded happily "Thanks.." then kissed Suho's cheeks. Suho froze then felt his cheek's heat "O-okay let's go.."

Present time:

"Aish..!! Curse this prom!!" Nana yelled inside of the fitting room that startled everyone who's in that shop "Yah.. Could you keep it down?" Chanyeol whispered from the outside of the door where Nana is inside. 

Nana open the door a bit with her head out of it, revealing her head only "Why would I?! I look ridiculous..!!" Nana's annoyed right now because she looks girly with all the dresses that Chanyeol picked for her. But all of them were beautiful and elegant (Nana is the only problem here). She don't know why but she hate to look like that. Her reason? It's because her body is for boyish clothes only.


It's a dress dude. Of course you'll look like a lady with that. Try wearing a tuxedo, for sure you'll look like a guy with that. "Let's see.." Shiny then walk towards Nana but she suddenly closed the door "No!! You will just laugh at me.." Shiny knocked softly "Why would I laugh with my own best friend??" Shiny asked that make Nana realize what Shiny just said was true. 

"Come on Nana.. I'm sure you look stunning with that dress.." Suho added with a big smile on his face. The three of them were really curious about Nana. They really want to see Nana now, it's because this is the most awaited time for them. To see Nana wearing a beautiful dress. And take note, this is the first time that they'll see Nana wearing a dress.

A Few moments later, Chanyeol stood in his seat then stomp his feet in annoyance "Let's not force her.. If she don't want to wear that, then let her.." he said with a serious tone then search for another clothes for her, quite mad. 

Chanyeol's action made them surprised especially Nana since she's inside of the fitting room and didn't saw Chanyeol's reaction afterwards. He's really mad, she thought.

Nana always hit, punched or even annoyed Chanyeol but he dosen't care and just enjoys it with an idiotic smile. This is the first time for her too to hear Chanyeol like that. So this time, she slowly opens the door, slowly revealing herself "Laugh all you want it's okay.." Nana stated while her eyes were closed to avoid their reactions. 

After a few minutes of waiting for a laugh or any kind of reactions, she wondered why there's none. So she opened them and saw the three of them, staring at her with their mouths opened "Oh my glob you're so beautiful Nana..!!" Shiny yelled out of happiness then hugged her tight "I told you.. You'll be stunning with that dress.. And you really are.. Right Chanyeol??" then Suho turned to face Chanyeol who can't let his eyes away from Nana. 

She's so damn beautiful, Chanyeol thought "Yah.. Stop staring, you might end up melting her with those stare.." Chanyeol trembled when Suho shook him that makes him snap back to reality "Huh?? Aish!!" Chanyeol rubbed his nape out of embarrassment. 

"Okay let's pay for this and fix our selves kay??" Shiny looks satisfy with the dresses that the boys picked for them anyways so they paid for it right away

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Tsk! Tsk! That scene! so epic... xD
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Medyo bitin, dre TT^TT

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ang saya
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