CHAPTER 2: My first KISS!!

We are a bit Different

"OK byieeeeeeeeee see you!!" Uiza said

"Yah Uiza.. Chanyeol is so cute!!" Nana suddenly popped out in front of Uiza "You scared me dude!! Yes I know" Uiza rubbed her chest because she's still in shock of what Nana did

"Ayieeeeeeeeeeee, Uiza!! You didn't tell us that you have Kai!! Opppppppsss " Shiny and Nana teased Uiza happily but then Uiza suddenly stops

"OMG guys!! That's what I'm talking about" then Uiza stared at the beautiful girl named Jessica

Uiza was not looking her way to Jessica

"YAH!! UIZA LOOK OUT!!" Nana and Shiny yelled at Uiza

Then Uiza accidentally kissed someone on his lips because she's not looking her way

"Yah!!" Uiza suddenly covered her lips.. All of them was like O.o

"What's going on!! Are you ok oppa?? Are you hurt?" Jessica goes to Tao immediately "Yes yes I'm alright.. *turned to face Uiza* Please miss if you are in hurry, please watch your steps.." Tao said to Uiza then suddenly left

"What are you doing?! Do you know who that is?! You stupid clumsy girl!!" angry Jessica said to Uiza with an annoyed look

"Yah who do you think you are to talk like that!!" Shiny said while helping Uiza up "I'm ok guys.. Sorry miss, is that your boyfriend?? I'm really sorry" Uiza really feel sorry for what happen

"Well, his my future boyfriend, Zi Tao.. So don't you ever dare to fall in love with him, EVER!!" Jessica warned them because he really likes Tao.. Then she rolled her eyes and walks away

"Future boyfriend?? So it means that she's not the girlfriend yet?! WTF!! Then why did she reacted like that.." angry Nana said

"I'm alright guys, hayzzzzzzzzzz she's my ideal type but............. Tsk she has the most irritating attitude that I dislike the most.." Uiza said disappointedly

"I know that attitude, ...........FEELER!!" then Nana and Shiny stared at each other then burst out of laughter because they have the same thought

"I need to be alone for a while, see you guys later.." Uiza obviously sad and embarrassed

"Wait Uiza!!" Shiny was worried about Uiza "Let her go, she just need to have a space to think.. We all know that this is the first kiss that she experienced, right...?" Nana said

"OMO!! I remember now!!... So that's why she was so shock when she kissed that Zi Tao." Shiny said while rubbing her head

While Uiza was walking alone , she felt that someone was following her.. At first she ignore it but then, she turned around to figure it out who that is "Hello!! Who's there??!" she obviously scared because her voice was kind of shakey. When she turned to face the direction that she's walking to, a good looking tall guy was facing her face. 

"Hello there!! I'm Kris!"

"Ahhhh!!" Uiza was so shocked that she accidentally punched Kris

"OMO!! Mianhae!! Its your fault because you scared me dude!!" Uiza said while helping Kris get up

"Okay fine its my fault" then he pinched Uiza's cheeks "Are you a transferee here??" then Uiza remember that he is the handsome tall guy that they saw earlier "OMO!! Now I remember, your that tall guy!!" Uiza can't believe it

"Yes yes that handsome tall guy was me!! And that guy that you noticed at your classroom that staring at you, that's also me " then Kris pointed his self "Ok!! So what are you doing here?? You know you're super creepy!!"

"I'm here for my mission" then Kris winked at Uiza "What are you talking about?? Mission?? You're a weird guy" Uiza is still confused

"You see, you have the looks, you have a cute face *pinched Uiza's cheeks* but you're wasting it... You acted like a guy and even wish to have a y cute teacher ." Kris said

"Wait a minute!! So you're telling me that I don't have the rights to have a crush to someone like me?? A girl??!" Uiza said like she will gonna explode any minute "And how do you know that I want that kind of teacher?! "  

"Calm down, calm down... I'm just saying" Kris was scared

"Okay I'm out of here!!" Uiza said and walks out

"Ok see you!!" Kris yelled because Uiza was too far away "Tsk tsk tsk!! That poor girl.. Do I need to do this?!" Kris said to himself


"What did he say?? Wasting it?! Hahahaha who the hell think he is" Uiza can't forget what Kris said earlier

While she's talking to herself, someone grabbed her hand "Are you alright?? I heard that you accidentally kissed Tao??" a familiar voice again and yes its Xiumin

"Xiumin?! XIUMIN BABY!!" then she hugged him tight "Wait! Wait! I can't breath!!" Xiumin complained. "Don't remind me that please!!" Uiza pleaded while hugging Xiumin ( Xiumin is Uiza's childhood friend.) 

"You're also a student here?? And where did you get that kissy news thing ?" Uiza asked Xiumin "Yup I'm also a student here... And I just heard that kissy news thing.." Xiumin showed his eye smile "AIGOOOOOO!! Kyeopta!!" then Uiza pinched Xiumin's cheeks

"Grrrrrrrrrrr!! Stop it you.." Xiumin complained "OMO!! I almost forgot, Kai wants to see you..." Xiumin added

"Ahh pabo-yah I forgot that we have a dance practice right now!!" Uiza tapped her forehead "Ok see you!! Byieeeeeee Xiumin baby" Uiza pinched Xiumin's cheecks again "Yah!! Stop calling me baby!! I'm older than you!! Hayzzzzzzzzz.." Xiumin said while rubbing his cheeks

"Annyeong!!" then Uiza run as fast as she can

While she's running, she didn't even notice an upcoming car 

"Ahhhhh!!" then someone pulled her to save her life

"Are you alright??" Tao asked Uiza worriedly "N-ne-NEH" Uiza's still in shock 

Then Tao stands up and just walks away

"Wai-wait!! I didn't say thank you yet! Hayzzzzzzzzzz... Oh the dance practice!!" then she runs again

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Chapter 25: Is it finished?! Di ko nagets yung last T_T
Chapter 13: Okay... I'm half-way throughout your story... Uize's pretty girly despite his boyish tendencies and Jessica is really creepy in my opinion...
Just reading the description made me hit the subscribe button! Can't wait to read the whole thing dongsaeng^^ (Am I older than you? hahaha)
Chapter 26: *Humming
Tee-hee! :)

Tsk! Tsk! That scene! so epic... xD
Chapter 26: Naloka ako doon sa scene ah!

Medyo bitin, dre TT^TT

Buti kapa may natapos na ako wala pa O u O
ang saya
Chapter 23: I will bite you..!! XDD thanks for cleaning it for me ^_^
Chapter 23: -____-
*Le cleans the confetti
Make sure to clean your confetti after throwing them, mmmkay? xD
Hihihihi... :3
Chapter 22: XiuHan FTW!!! XDD
Chapter 22: ERMERGERHD!!! XIUHAN!!
Chapter 22: Kai-oppa! If you really love the past you won't be in love with the present you know? :3