CHAPTER 12: Is it really a happy fieldtrip??

We are a bit Different



Kai's residence:

"Aw!! Aw!! Easy dude!! That hurts!!" Uize complained to Kai who's putting ointment in his bursts. "If you just hold still it wouldn't hurt that much!!" Kai said while holding Uize. Uize have no choice but to hold still and just stared at Kai. "*I don't want to lose my best friend.. But what should I do??* Ammmm Kai?? Can I ask you a question??" Uize asked.

"Nae... What is it??" Kai respond "Well you see what just happen to me right?? They just bully me because of that rumor and they can even kill me if they saw us together again.. So is that mean we can't have a chat at school?? Or even eat together or something??" Uize asked worriedly.

"If it is for your own good, then we have no choice.." Kai said and obviously sad "But you're my best friend...! I can't do that..! I lost my two best friend, and that's Nana and Shiny.. And- you?! I just can't.." then Uize cried "*hugged Uize then rubbed his head* I know it's hard for the two of us but I don't want to see you hurt by someone because of me.. *released the hug* We could still talk here, right??" Kai comfort Uize.

"*nodded* But how about the fieldtrip tomorrow?? I can't enjoy it without you.." Uize pouted his lip "*pinched Uize's nose* Ohhh!! I'm so touched..! Hahahaha!! We can still talk but in a private way.." Kai said then winked

"Well, if your not that popular then this wouldn't happen.. Hayzzzz I hate you for being popular...!" Uize joked with a cute voice "Don't worry.. We can work this out together okay?? Just remember I will always be your best friend.. And no matter what I will always be.. Fighting!!" Kai said with a smile

The next day:

Kai leave in his house first before Uize so they can't be suspicious. "Okay class listen up!! *looked at her watch* The time now is 6:00 am.. We will arrive to our destination at 8:00 am, you got that?? So please cooperate okay??" the principal announced with a megaphone. 

"Yes ma'am!!" everyone's respond then saw Uize running "*so irritating!! Everyone's looking at me!! Am I that popular now because of that rumor?! Aishhhh!!*" Uize said to himself while covering his face.

"Okay children!! Go in and choose whatever seat you want.." then all of them immediately took their seats while Uize was having a trouble in choosing a seat because they don't want to sit next to him "*choosing a seat* Where to seat?? *suddenly saw an empty seat next to Kai* Yes finally!! A seat..! *suddenly stopped* Wait!! I forgot!! I can't sit next to him..! They can kill me here..!" Uize said worriedly. 

While his in trouble making up his mind, someone noticed his problem then suddenly pulled Uize next to his seat. "Yah!! Stop walking around the bus, you make people annoyed..!" Xiumin said "*shocked* A-ahh is that so.. Okay then, may I sit here??" Uize asked "Well you're already seated right?? Then go ahead.." Xiumin added with a smile. 

"At last!! *faced Xiumin* Cheongmal kamsahamnida!!" then Uize grabbed Xiumin's hand then shook it "Don't mention it..!" Xiumin said then smiled

"*suddenly saw Xiumin's baozi face* Ohh! Kyeopta!!" then Uize pinched Xiumin's cheeks really hard "Aw! Aw! Aw! That hurts! *that's weird, only Uiza could pinch my cheeks like this..*" Xiumin complained while glaring at Uize "*eye smile showed up in Uize* Hahahaha!! I just want to tease you dude..!" Uize suddenly hit Xiumin playfully. 

"Ahh so you're saying that I'm not cute..!" Xiumin joked "Aniya! Aniya! You're really cute..! I just want to cut off that baozi cheek of yours so I can pinch it everyday without any complain from you..! Ahahaha!!" Uize joked again.

While they were teasing each other, Kai's watching them secretly and can't control his jealousy thing "*so, she found a new best friend now..! And Xiumin hyung was my replacement?! Aishhh that girl..!! Because of you I feel weird!!* Ssshhhhh!! Be quiet!!" Kai yelled then pretend that he's texting. Uize and Xiumin suddenly turned to face Kai. 

"*jealously?? I bet his not.. What am I thinking..!* Mianhae!!" Uize yelled too as his response.

At the venue:

"*yawns* Wow this place looks great!!" Shiny said while jumping like a kid "Ouch!! My hurts!!" Nana complained while rubbing her "I'm hungry!! Aishhh I wish for delicious foods!! Let's grab some foods guys!!" Chanyeol butted in "You're always hungry Chanyeol!! *startled when Chanyeol suddenly grabbed her hand*"

"Come on noona!! I'm so hungry!!"

"Yah!! NOONA!!? We're at the same age dude!!" Nana yelled then pinched Chanyeol's ears very hard "Aw! Aw! Aw! Aw! That hurts!! Okay okay mianhae..! Mianhae!"

"Good boy!! *messed Chanyeol's hair* Well then, let's eat now.. Shiny...! Do you want to come??" Nana offered "No it's okay.. I'm fine.. Just want to walk around and check the place.. Want to come Uize??" Shiny asked "Ummmmm no thanks.. *suddenly pushed Suho to Shiny* Suho wants to walk too, right Suho??" then Uize winked at Suho

"Ummmm hehehe well yes I do.. *whispered to Uize* What are you doing dude?? What if I embarrass myself??" Suho said while scratching the back of his head "Well then..! Let's go Suho..! *grabbed Suho's hand* Let's go there first!!" Shiny said and obviously excited.

"*whispered to Suho* Good luck on your date!! Fighting!!" Uize said then waved at them. "Yah!! This is not-" Shiny suddenly cut off what Suho wanted to say by pulling him to the direction where Shiny wanted to go.

"All of them went out and here I am lonely in our happy field trip..! Aishhhh I want to ask Kai to teach me the dance of Two moons, but unfortunately I can't because of this stupid rumor!!" Uize said and obviously bored. Then he just went to the playground that he saw earlier.

Suddenly remembered:

"Some people will act as your friend but has a different intention on you.." Kris warned.

"What does he mean by that?? How am I suppose to know who's that person?! Aishhh Kris!! You're the headache of my life!!" Uize yelled "Who's Kris?? Another lover of yours??" Tao asked jokingly. 

"*startled* Yah!! Will you stop suddenly appearing right in front of me..! You always giving me a fright!!" Uize complained while rubbing his chest "Ahahaha!! Mianhae.. Mianhae.. I just can't help myself.. That's my habit so just understand me.. By the way, you didn't answer my question.."

"Are you one of them too?? Are you gonna bully me too like the others do??" Uize said, disappointed "Ahahaha!! No I'm not.. And I'm just kidding dude why so serious??" Tao said honestly "Why so serious?? Get your crayon!! Wahahaha!!" Uize suddenly sang Get your crayon by G.dragon. 

"*his too cute to bully* Ummmm..! Dude if you're having a problem, just tell me.. *tapped Uize's shoulder* You can count on me.." then Tao gave him a smile before he leaves "Oh!! Did he notice that I'm having a hard time right now?? Am I too obvious??" Uize curiously asked himself.


"This place is very nice!! I hope we can sleep here comfortably.." Tao said and thinking about sleep again. While his walking alone, he heard someone's talking about Uize so he immediately hide himself to listen

"You ready for tonight's plan guys??" one random guy asked "Yup..! I'm so excited that I want to do it now..! But what if we fail??" one guy's respond "We better play safe!! I don't want to fail this one..!" "Do we really need to do this?? I'm scared..!" another random guy said while shivering because of the cold weather. 

"You're acting like a gay!! Stop acting like one cause if you do, I'll make you suffer like Uize!!" their leader-like said. Tao suddenly enlarged his eyes when he heard them. "Eottokhe!! What if I tell this to Uize then he'll not believe me?? Aishh!!" Tao said worriedly. After Tao heard all what they've plan, he can't take his eyes away from Uize's direction because they can attack him any minute.

"Okay children..! We have a very special dinner tonight!! So please enjoy your meal!!" the principal announced. All of them enjoyed their meal except Tao who's still staring at Uize. "Hey dude.. Are you alright?? You need to eat.. Stop staring at Uize like you're gonna smack his face any any minute." D.O said while chewing his food. 

"Just eat dude..! If you're mad at Uize we're smack his face later on.. Just finish your food.." Chanyeol joked. Nana suddenly hit Chanyeol when she saw Tao was not laughing so they suddenly stared at each other then finished their meal quietly.

After their delicious meal, one random guy whispered at Uize then pulled him. "*suddenly stands up* Wait guys.. I need to go somewhere.." then Tao immediately followed them.


"What is it you wanted to tell me??" Uize asked "Just wait.." the guy pulling Uize said. They've reached the forest then the random guy tell Uize what he wanted to say "Yah.. You see that tree over there.. *pointed the tree* I saw some pandas there and also baby pandas.. You can have one if you want.." 

"JINJA!! CHEONGMAL!!? Are you sure about this??" Uize said excitedly "Of course ..! I just saw them a while ago so you should hurry up..!"  

"Yesssssssss!! Finally I can have one..! CHEONGMAL GUMAWO..!!" then Uize immediately run as fast as he can. The guy just stared at Uize until his gone "Ahahaha!! What a loser..! This should be a lesson to his gayness!!" he's about to leave when Tao suddenly kicked his face and that gave him a fright.

"You piece of crap!! Where's Uize?!" Tao asked while catching his breath. The random guy didn't answer and was about to leave but Tao grabbed his shirt then hold his neck "Tell me or I'll break your neck!!" 

"Okay!! Okay!! I'll tell you!!.. Just don't hurt me!! H-his there *pointed the tree* If I don't do this, they'll make me suffer too like Uize..!"

"That freaking rumor!! What's the big deal of that?!" then Tao released the guy "You tell to whoever command this to you, I'll make him pay for these!!" then Tao immediately followed Uize

"OMG! OMG! OMG! I'm so excited to hug those cute pandas.. Their fluffy cheeks like Xiumin's!!! Grrrrrrrrrr I'm gonna die!!" Uize said like a kid. He starts to worried when he can't find the way out of that forest. 

"Okay!! That's great!! I can't find my way out and the worst part is that I can't find those pandas..! Aishhhh!!" Uize stomped his feet when suddenly, he slipped. He was going to fall in a cliff *not a high cliff* when Tao suddenly grabbed his hand. But unfortunately they fall together.

They have no conscious for an hour "Awww!! *touches his head* My head aches.!! *saw that his in Tao's chest* Fudge!! *suddenly stands up* What just happened??.............. Oh!! I remember now.. We fell together!!" then Uize poked Tao's cheeks. 

"Yah... Tao!! Are you okay?? Aishhhhh of course his not *hit his head* Pabo!!" then Uize noticed that Tao is waking up. 

"Yah!! Tao..! *waving his hand right in front of Tao's face* Hey dude..! Wake up..!! Aishhhh he's still asleep.. Eottokhae!! This is all my fault!! What if he dies now?? NO! NO! You can't!!...................... *examining Tao's face* OMO!! I wish for this kind of nose..! *touches Tao's nose then suddenly felt his heart beats faster* Aishhhhh!! What are you doing Uiza?! You're supposed to wake him up but what are you doing!! *poked Tao's cheeks again* Yah!! Please wake up Tao!!" Uize pleaded. 

Then Tao suddenly gain his consciousness when Uize pinched his cheeks really hard "Oh!! Tao!! *suddenly hugged Tao because of his happiness* Thank goodness you're okay!! I thought your dead! *noticed that his still hugging Tao so he immediately released the hug* Are you okay??" Uize asked "Nae.. But where are we?? Do you know that the guy who told you to come here is only fooling you... You can't just trust people here you know!!" Tao scolded Uize. 

"But he said there's a panda around here.. I can't resists those babies you know.." Uize said "Jinja!! He said that to you?! Aishhhh such a liar!!" Tao said then scratched his head "Mianhae... Because of me, you're always in trouble too... Cheongmal gumawo for saving my life.." Uize said and feel sorry for Tao "Just don't trust that easily okay?? *tapped Uize's head* Here.... *gave him a panda necklace* Don't lose it okay just keep it.."

"Omo!! Gumawo!! *wear the necklace* It's so cute I'm gonna die!! Ahahaha!!" Uize thanked Tao "Kyeopta!! Ahahaha!! Just don't lose it okay.." Tao rubbed Uize's head. 

Uize felt dizzy then suddenly fell down "Oh!! UIZE!! *tapping Uize's cheeks* Yah!! Yah!! Wake up!! *saw some blood in Uize's arm* Crap his bleeding!!" Tao said worriedly then piggy back Uize.


The whole student was looking for Tao and Uize and all of them are worried about them especially Kai. "UIZE!! TAO!! Where are you!! Aishhhh this is not a good idea..!" Kai said worriedly "Oh!! Is that Tao??!" Shiny said while pointing Tao who's running towards them.

"WHERE'S THE FIRST AID HERE?! QUICK!!" Tao yelled "What happened?!" Kai was going to get Uize from Tao "It's okay I can carry him.." Tao said then quickly went to the clinic

At the clinic:

"*I hope Uiza's okay.. I can't forgive myself if anything happens to her..!*" Kai said to himself while waiting "I hope he's okay..! Hayzzzzz we're in a big trouble if anything happens to him.." Xiumin said worriedly "He'll be okay.. He's strong remember.." Nana added "Ohh! Here comes the doctor.."

"How is he??" Kai asked the doctor worriedly "He needs a little rest then he'll be fine.." the doctor said then leaves. Kai immediately went to check Uize but he suddenly stopped when he saw Tao in Uize's side.





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ang saya
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