CHAPTER 18: Just like my Father

We are a bit Different





"Aish..!! I need to go there fast..!! I'm late.." Kai said to himself while fixing his hair

Earlier that time:

Kai is still lying in his bed reading some comics when suddenly, his phone vibrates

To: Kim Jong in

From: Choi Uiza

Yah..!! You can now come here.. At the train station don't forget.. I'll be waiting.. ^____^

"*suddenly stands up* Shoot..!! I forgot..!!" then immediately run towards his wardrobe to change his clothes

Present time:

Kai opened the door and obviously in a hurry when he suddenly saw Krystal standing infront of the door "Woah!! *shocked* What are you doing here??" Kai asked "Wae?? Do you want me to leave??" Krystal asked back. 

"No it's not like that.. It's just that ummmmmm...." Then scratched the back of his head "Well I just came here to talk to you.. Let's go.." Krystal said happily "But I-" Kai wanted to leave but Krystal dragged him away so it's too late to leave now

"*looked at his watch* Aishhh..!! Where's that freaking guy..!!" Uize said while sitting at the train stop waiting for Kai "*touches his * My 's already hurt..!! Jinja!! Where are you Kai?!" Uize complained

Krystal is still dragging Kai "Where are we going??" Kai curiously asked "To the place where you and I were the only person there.." Krystal replied "You know we could go there but not now.. I really need to go somewhere right now..." then Krystal suddenly stopped then faced Kai. 

"But we're here already.." Krystal said then pouted her lips "*noticed the play ground nearby* Oh!! You still remember this place?? *ran towards the swing* Ahahahaha!! Come here quick.." Kai dragged Krystal to the swing happily "Woooooooo..!! Ahahahaha!! This is fun like we used to do back then.." Krystal said while enjoying the swing 

"Yeah.. Ahahaha!!"

"*looked up to the sky* Do you still remember what you've said when we're here back then??" Krystal suddenly asked then Kai just stared at her with a blank look "You don't remember, don't you?? *sighed* Before I go to America back then, You confess that you like me here silly.." then Krystal chuckled. 

Kai looked away because of embarrassment "You still remember that??"

"Of course.. That's the first time that someone confessed to me like that.. And I'm really happy about that.." then Kai chuckled too "D-do you still have feelings for me??" Krystal suddenly asked and that question makes Kai shocked "B-bwoh??"

"Because I still like you.." Krystal confessed. Kai said nothing and don't know what to do so he suddenly stands up and was about to walk away "*grabbed Kai's wrist* Wait don't go.. Stay here with me.." Krystal said with a sad tone. 

"*turned around to face Krystal* But I really-" "Please just stay here.. I don't know what to do if you leave me here.. Please.." Krystal pleaded. Kai suddenly felt his phone vibrates and he knows that it's Uize "*Sorry Uiza.. I don't have a choice but to stay here..*" Kai said to himself then sat at the swing next to Krystal


Uize start to worry because Kai didn't answer his calls. He didn't even text Uize where is he now or even a single dot "That's great KAI!! You make me feel like a stupid here... And I'm waiting here for about 2 hours already!! *sighed* Maybe he'll be here if I'll wait for him a bit more.." Uize said while looking around. 

A few minutes later, a heavy rain came "Wow!! *mess his hair* THIS IS BECAUSE OF YOU KAI!!! Aishh!! Eottokhae?! *sighed then rest his forehead on his arm* This is your fault too Ms. Uiza.. If you didn't trust that easily then this wouldn't happen.. Now you're like a rain-soaked puppy.. Hayzzzzz.." then stomped his foot in annoyance. 

Uize suddenly surprised when he doesn't feel any rain dropped in him anymore while resting his head in his arm "Oh!! Did the rain stopped already??" he asked to himself

"What are you doing here??" then Uize startled and looked up to find out who's that "Oh!! Jinja!! You gave me a fright..!!" there he saw Tao standing next to him with an umbrella "I said what are you doing here??" Tao asked again. 

"*sighed* I'm just waiting here for a person that will never come.." Uize said lazily "And who's that?? Your girl friend??" Tao joked but noticed that Uize didn't laugh "Oh.. I guess not.."

"And you?? What are you doing here??" Uize asked "I have a training and that place is nearby here" Tao informed "Training?? What training??"

"I'm learning Wushu.. A traditional Chinese martial arts.."

"Oh Jinja?! Woah can you do it here?? Since there's no people around us and there's a special effect, the rain.. *chuckled* Please I really want to see a live Wushu kick.." Uize requested like a kid "Aish!! So childish.. Fine just don't get too amazed when you saw it okay?? Ahahahaha..!!" Tao joked and Uize laugh too "Okay here it goes.."

(Do his wushu skills)

"Woah!! DEABAK!!" Uize said while clapping "Jinja deabak..!! It's like in the movies.. And your eyes was so cool when you're doing Wushu... You should do it often.."

"Ahahahaha!! Of course I'm cool.. I'm a cool guy.." then strike a pose "Ahem!! Ahem!! I feel like dying!! Ahahahaha!!" Uize joked again "*came closer to Uize* Aigoo.. Look at you.. You're wet now because of the rain.. Why didn't you bring your own umbrella??" Uize felt warmth because his face was too close from Tao's chest. 

"I didn't expect the rain so I didn't bring one.. *looked up to faced Tao* You're like my father.." "Wae?? Did I do something cool??" Tao asked "Nothing.. Whenever you're with me, I feel my father's presence.. Just so you know I really miss him.." Uize informed with a sad look on his face 

"Where's your father then?? If you miss him, then you should visit or see him.."

"That's my plan for today.. But as you can see that FREAKING person didn't show up to come with me so I probably go home now.. *sighed* I'll visit him some other time.." Tao noticed Uize that he really wanted to see his father right now so he grabbed Uize's wrist. 

"I'll come with you if you want.." Tao offered "*suddenly smiled* Omo..!! Jinja?! Yeahey!!" then hugged Tao while jumping because of his excitement "You don't how much I'm happy right now.. *noticed that his still hugging Tao* Oh.. Ahehehe.. Let's go father.. Ahahahaha!!" Uize joked to break the awkward aura. 

"Ahahaha!! Father?? So childish.. Why didn't you go there alone?? I like to travel alone because it makes me calm.." Tao informed then took a deep breath "I can't travel alone because................... That's my weakness.. Don't laugh or you'll dead..!!" Uize warned. 

"That's not funny at all why would I laugh?? And besides we have our own weaknesses right?? *mess Uize's hair* Wait you mean you'll go there with wet clothes?? You'll catch a cold if you go there like that.." Tao said worriedly "Don't worry.. I'm strong like you.. And besides we can't stay there too long.." Uize said happily and Tao just sigh

Before they go, they wait until the rain stops so they can travel safely. They rode the train to their destination for a couple of minutes.

"Where here.." Uize informed "Where here?? You mean your Father is here at the hospital??" Tao asked in disbelief and Uize just nodded "What happen??" Tao asked curiously. 

"He's here for a long time now.. I think since I was 6 years old.. *sighed* When I was a kid I always wanted to go to the beach where I can fish, swim and even see the stars together with my family but my mother didn't allow that so I went to my father to ask him.. He agreed right away but my mother didn't so my father decided to go with me alone secretly since my mother didn't like it.. We're heading towards the beach when suddenly a car accident occurs.. My father didn't saw that there's a big rock in the center of the road and lost control.. The first thing that he do is to hugged me to save my life and thankfully I'm saved.. Honestly we're both alive but sadly my father is in comatose.. Back then my mother almost abandoned me because she's blaming me to what happen to my father.. As a child I thought everyone hates me now even my mother didn't love me anymore so I commit suicide to end my miserable life, but luckily my mother stopped me and I found out that she's still love me. And I'm very happy about that.." Uize explained while tears dropping in his eyes

"*pat Uize's back* I'm sorry for what happen to your father.. *sighed* Anyway, what happened to Uiza?? What's her reaction from that accident??" Tao asked but Uize don't know what to say "Le-let's go in.." then dragged Tao to his father's room.

At first, Uize was checking the room if there's any relatives of him there but luckily the room was empty so he immediately entered the room. 

He slowly walked towards his father's bed and was about to cry "*turned around to face Tao* Here wear this headphones.." Uize commanded "Wae?? Why would I do that??" Tao asked with an innocent look "I don't want you to hear what everything I'll say to my father so wear that so you can't hear me.. Arasso??" then wear the headphones to Tao. 

"*sighed* Arasso.." then turned the music on "Is there any EXO songs here?? *searching* Oh!! Here it is..!!" then start to bang his head. Uize called him to secure that he can't hear anything 

"Tao.. Tao!! TAO..!! Good.. *faced his father then held his father's hand* Appa.. It's me Uiza.. Mianhae if I didn't visit you here often because I was so scared.. *sighed* Appa, please give me strength to face all my problems.. Look at me now, I'm a boy because someone cursed me.. Don't worry it's not because I'm a bad person okay??" Uize didn't control himself and started to cry.

Tao noticed it so he got curious and take off the left ear of the headphone so he can hear what Uize was saying "Eottokaji?! I miss omma even my friends..!! I can't even go near them because I know they'll think of me as a stranger..!! And how can a guy that I like behind me would actually like me..!! Appa Eottokhae?!" Uize cried while resting his forehead to his father's arm. 

Uize startled when Tao wear his jacket to him "It's cold so you need it.." Uize looked up and just stared at Tao innocently "Wae?? I think we should go now.. It's getting late.." Tao said "*nodded* I think we better get going.. *kissed his father's forehead* Wake up soon okay??" then they took their leave

The awkward moment is back again when they're walking back to the train station. Uize can't speak a single word because something bothers him "*What if he heard what I've just said at the hospital?! Aish..!! Why didn't I control what I'm saying back there?? Maybe because of my emotions??*" Uize said to his mind while walking. 

"*He likes me?? What the?? Maybe I misheard what he just said earlier or not?? *sighed* But I feel sorry for him..*" Tao was thinking too deeply that he didn't even notice that he's heading towards the wall "YAH!!! TAO LOOK OUT!!" Uize yelled to warned Tao but he's too late. Tao hit the wall by accident

"*run towards Tao* Are you alright??" Uize asked worriedly "N-nae I'm okay.." Tao respond like nothing happen "*widen his eyes* Omo.. Your nose..!! It's bleeding..!!" then Uize touched Tao's cheeks and came closer to check his nose. Tao felt his heart beats faster and froze for a while 

"Jinja..!! What are you thinking and you hit the wall.. *get his handkerchief then wiped Tao's nose* You should be careful next time.." Uize startled when Tao suddenly grabbed his hand then touched his forehead

"Wae??" Uize asked nervously "*sighed* I thought you said to me that you're strong.. You have a fever and you didn't even tell me.." Tao said worriedly "*removed Tao's hand* I'm not sick.. *noticed that the train is arriving* Here comes the train.. Forget it and let's go .." then dragged Tao in the train

The train's door was already open when they saw that the train was full. That's the last stop so they have no choice but to go in. There were no seats left so they need to stand until someone leaves and have an available seats for them. 

"*noticed that all of the girls there were staring at them* Are you okay??" Tao whispered then tapped Uize who's falling asleep "Huh?? Nae I'm okay.." Uize informed lazily "Where do you leave then??"

"*widen his eyes* Oh.. I forgot about that.. *Jinja?! I can't go to Kai's house now..!! After what he did to me?! Eottokhae??..... Ahh..!! I have an idea* Ummmm.. Tao.. Can I ask a favor.." then Tao looked at Uize who's doing his puppy eyes on "What is it??" Tao replied. 

"Do you know that you're really kind to me.. And I'm very thankful because of that.." Uize said then Tao looked at him with a suspicious look "Okay what do you want.." Tao knows that there's something that Uize want. He noticed that his phone's vibrating, he checked it and it's Kai so he ignored it and continued what he wanted to say. 

"Can I sleep in your house??" Tao was about to speak up but the train suddenly stopped so Tao stumbled down over Uize's body "AHHH!!" they were so shocked because of the sudden break of the train.

All of them suddenly stared at Tao and Uize who's lying on the ground "*his really hot!! Should I let him?? Hhmmmmmm... I guess I'll let him?* Are you okay??" Tao asked then helped Uize up. 

Uize just nodded but Tao knows that he's not "Y-you can.." Uize suddenly looked at Tao with a questionable look "I said you can.." Tao said then place his hand in his pocket "JINJA?! Yeahey!!" then give Tao a quick hug "Promise I won't bother you.." He was so happy that he can't hide it 

"Okay Okay.. Just hold the handle, you might stumble down again.." Tao said then Uize held the handle just what Tao said

In front of Tao's residence:

"Omo!! I'm here again..!!"

"Bwoh?? Again?? You mean you've been here already??" Tao asked and Uize just shrugged nervously "M-maybe I saw it somewhere else??" Uize lied "Whatever.. Let's just go in.." then Tao dragged Uize in. 

Tao search for his old and tiny clothes that can fit Uize's body "Here you go.." Tao gave the clothes then Uize thanked him. Tao went to the bathroom then took his shirt off "Yah.. You want to shower together??" Tao offered while his in the bathroom. 

Uize suddenly froze then faced Tao "Bwoh?! Shower?? TOGETHER?!" Uize yelled in disbelief. Tao walks out in the bathroom "Nae.. Wae?? We're both men dude what's the big deal??"

"Jinja!! You got to be kidding me dude.." Uize said then looked away since Tao is shirtless "Xiumin, Chanyeol, Suho, D.O and even Kai-" 

"Wait... You mean..... You-" Uize can't believe and can get what Tao wanted to say "Yes.. We used to take a shower together.." Tao informed "OMG..!! Seriously?! Jinja!! These guys..!! How can you-" Uize was totally shocked and can't say the proper words. 

"What?? You know, All of us have this *pointed the private part* So what's the difference.." Uize wanted to laugh but he can't "For me it has a difference.. *sighed* Whatever.. Really trying your best huh?? Just take a shower okay?? I'll go and get change now.." then walks to the room "Ahahaha!! Okay Okay!! *something's smells fishy around here.. Really strange*" then Tao walks to the bathroom again. An hour later, Tao finished take a bath and prepare himself to sleep.

He was about to sleep when he suddenly noticed Uize, shivering to death "*widen his eyes* Yah!! Uize!! What's wrong??" then noticed that Uize's cheeks were freaking hot "Aish!! What to do??" Tao didn't know what to do so he place many blankets in Uize's body but he still continues to shiver

"I'm going crazy..!! He's still shivering.. *thinking what to do* Ah I know..!!" then Tao wrapped his arm to Uize, hugging him "Body is the best warmth in this kind of situation.. I saw it in many movies.. I hope this would work.." Tao said happily. 

"But is this really necessary?? *thinking* Aish whatever..!! I don't want him to die here anyway.." then falls asleep while waiting for Uize to stop shivering. Few minutes later Uize stops to shiver too and they slept like that.



The morning came. Suho can't calm himself and don't know what to do so he immediately call Uize

"*calling Uize* Jinja!! Pick up your phone jebal!!" Suho said while walking back and forth "Aish this is useless!! I'll go there by myself.." then Suho picked up his jacket and walk towards the door. 

He suddenly stopped when he remembered something "Oh..!! Aish!! I forgot that I need to tutor Tao in this day..!! *hit his head* Pabo-ya!! *sighed* Okay.. Just calm down Suho.. Just go to Tao's house and tell him that you can't today.." then Suho run as fast as he can

Tao's residence:

"*catching his breath* Finally..!!" then Suho let himself in and didn't even pushed the door bell because his in a hurry. Suho yelled Tao's name but he didn't hear a single response so he went to his room. He slammed the door open. 

"Yah..!! Tao!! We can't-" Suho suddenly stopped and widen his eyes when he saw Tao hugging Uize while they're sleeping. He was so shocked that he walked backwards until he suddenly bumped a vase and fall in to the ground. 

Tao and Uize startled in the sudden noise and made them awake "Y-you guys.. W-what are you doing?? I-I mean w-why you two-" Suho can't express his words properly because of what he's seeing right now

"*widen their eyes then stand together at the same time* IT'S NOT WHAT YOU THINK!!" Tao and Uize chorused "*faced Tao* What happened?!" Uize whispered with a surprise look "Yah.. I just hugged you to warmth your body because you were shivering to death.. I didn't do anything so stop that surprise look thing.." Tao informed to the both of them. 

"Okay.. That's a good reason.. But why are you shirtless??" Suho asked while pointing Tao "Huh?? *looked down and found out that he's really shirtless* Omo!!" then Tao covered himself with a blanket. 

"See!! That's the proof that you-" Suho was interrupted when Tao threw a pillow at him "Don't you even think of that you ert!! Maybe I just took it off when I'm sleeping because it's hot.. Aigoo..!! So green minded!!" then Tao wore his shirt

"There's no time for that..!! Uize.. And you too Tao.. I need your help guys..!!" Suho said then grabbed their wrist and start pulling them "Wait.. Where are we going??" Uize asked. 

"I'll explain later okay?? The important is we need to go there as fast as we can before it's too late.." then the both of them just go with Suho without questioning him


Shiny is now facing the mirror unhappy while her mother fixing her make up for that day. Shiny can't smile because she's marrying a guy that she doesn't love "Yah.. Shiny dear.. Please smile okay?? You should be happy in this day because you will be Mrs. Oh soon.." then Shiny just looked at Mrs. Lee who's smiling for her. 

"*sighed* Do I really need to wear this?? It's so itchy, I can't take it anymore..!!" Shiny complained then stands up from where she's sitting "Oh come on dear.. You're really pretty wearing these wedding dress.." then Shiny noticed that her mother was about to cry so she came closer to her. 

"What's wrong omma??"

"It's noting.. I'm just happy for you.. *touched Shiny's hair* It's just that my Shiny is going to be a married woman soon.. And I'm sure you will be happy with him and you don't need us anymore.." then Mrs. Lee cried. 

"*sigh then hugged her mother* Omma.. Look.. You know that I love you right?? *Mrs. Lee nodded* Even though I'll marry Sehun *Or should I say that kissy thief guy* I will always care about all of you who took care of me.." Shiny was about to cry too but she forced not to. 

"*wiped her tears* Arasso.. Arasso.." the both of them startled when Sehun came in "Oh! *released the hug* I'll leave you both now okay??" then Mrs. Lee whispered at Shiny "Don't make it awkward arasso??" and gave a smile at Sehun then Sehun smiled back "See you.." then Mrs. Lee walks out, leaving the two have an awkward moment

"Y-you look beautiful t-today.." Sehun said while looking at Shiny "A-ahh.. Gumawo.." then Shiny bowed "Don't feel awkward around me okay?? I'm sorry for those words that I said to you back then.. I really not meant that.. And about the............... *laugh awkwardly* You know.." Sehun said while scratching his head out of embarrassment "It's okay.. Just forget about that okay??"

"Why do you suddenly change your mind??" Sehun suddenly asked that made Shiny feel nervous "W-why do you ask??"

"You know just curious.." then Sehun startled when Shiny grabbed his wrist "*sighed* Let's just go.." Shiny said with a sad tone. Sehun can't talk while Shiny was pulling him. He felt his heart beats faster knowing that Shiny's holding his hand. 

"*I'm so happy that I'll marrying a girl like you right now, but still I feel that there's something bothering Shiny.. I really want to know how she end up like this..*" Sehun said to himself

"Oh! There you are..! The ceremony was about to start.. Let's go.." a random guy suddenly informed them "Okay.. Just give us a second and we'll go there.." Sehun respond then faced Shiny "Are you ready??" Sehun asked and Shiny just nodded. 

"Well, I'll go first okay??" then Sehun run towards the altar "*sighed really deeply then sit on the ground like a kid* Eottokhae?! I'm just fooling Sehun if I marry him like this..!! Argh..!! I really don't know now..!!" Shiny can't calm herself and really having a mental breakdown

"Yah!! Shiny!! What are you doing there sitting like that?!" Mrs. Lee yelled and Shiny trembled "Don't yell like that.. They might here you from here.."

"Aigoo!! *pulled Shiny up* Stop acting like a kid and let's go.." then pulled Shiny where the ceremony is being held and ready her to walk closer to Sehun. The wedding ceremony music started and Shiny started to walk too. All of them were watching her walk until she's closer to Sehun. They're now facing each other nervously

"Oh Sehun.. Do you sincerely love Lee Shiny in front of you and promise that you will always love her no matter what happen??" the priest asked Sehun and was about to answer when he suddenly saw Suho, watching them from a far "*Suho-sshi?!*" he said to his mind in disbelief. He saw Suho's tears that telling him that he's very hurt in what he's witnessing right now.

All of the guest started to wondered why Sehun didn't give his answer yet "Oh Sehun.. I repeat my question.. Do you sincerely love Lee Shiny in front of you and promise that you will always love her no matter what happen??" the priest repeat the question "*Yes.. I will always love this girl in front of me but the question is, Is she really love me too??*" then Sehun noticed that Suho nodded unhappily then walked away. 

"*Is he really walking away and giving up like that?! Just like that?! Jinja Pabo-ya..!! If I were you I'll run towards Shiny and pulled her away from here. But as you can see, he's walking away and just giving up Shiny to me like that..* Wait!!" Sehun yelled and all of them are startled

He faced Shiny then held her two hands tight "I know this is sound weird and really crazy thing to do but you need to run away from here and catch Suho there quick..!!" Sehun said that confused Shiny "W-wait.. I can't underst-"

"You don't need to understand just go okay.. I know you don't really love me and you just force yourself to marry me because of some reason.. And I know the man that you love is Suho.. You don't need to feel sorry for me and about your family, I can handle it myself, the important is you need to get going okay??" Shiny can't understand her feelings on that time. 

Is it Happiness? Because Sehun, himself letting her go? Or is it feeling sorry for him if she leave Sehun there?

"Sehun-sshi.. *stared at Sehun's eyes* I'm really really sorry because I can't love you back.. *then hugged Sehun really tight* Nomu kamsahamnida Sehun-sshi.." then she cried and run away. Sehun just watch Shiny as she run away until she's gone "*you're free now.. Saranghaeyo Shiny-sshi..*" the last word that he says then leave "YAH!! SEHUN YOU BRAT!! WHAT DID YOU DO!!" Mr. Oh yelled and Sehun just ignored it


Uize and Tao were waiting outside, curious about what's going on inside "Yah.. Should we go inside and find Suho??" Tao offered but noticed that Uize was still recovering from his mental breakdown "H-how could she possibly keep this marriage thing from us?! I mean-" Uize suddenly stopped talking when he saw Suho passing by in front of them. 

"Oh! Suho.. What happened??" Tao asked Suho but he didn't respond "Suho-sshi wait.. *blocked his way* Did you saw them?? Are they married now?? Tell me..!!" Uize was too curious to know what happened that he didn't even notice that his shaking Suho back and forth "Yah..!! Stop it!! You're making things even harder for him.." Tao stopped Uize by holding his wrist

Suho was just staring at them with a sad face then continued to walk forward with no single word from him "*sighed* I feel sorry for him.. It's just so painful to watch your love one marrying another guy.." Uize said then Tao just nodded and feel sorry for Suho too

"SUHO-SSHI!!!" someone called Suho so the three of them faced the direction where the voice came from. The three of them were shocked when they saw Shiny standing from a far "Shiny?!" they chorused in disbelief "*run towards Suho then gave him a hugged* Jinja Mianhae Suho-sshi.. I'm so stupid to marry a guy that I don't really love.." Shiny cried then Suho hugged her back. 

"Don't cry.. Everything's going to be alright so don't cry.." Suho comforted Shiny who's crying on him "I know that you're mad because of what happen.. So it's okay if you let it out.." then Suho break the hugged "It's okay really.. The important now is you're here with me.." Suho smiled at Shiny but she didn't smile back

"But you-"

Suho interrupt Shiny by pressing his lips on her lips and that makes Shiny shocked and widen her eyes for a second before slowly closing it

"Look at those two.. *chuckled* We're like watching a romantic movie huh??" Uize joked then Tao looked at him "You want to do it too don't you??" Tao asked then wiggled his eyebrows at him "Yah..!! Why would I..!! Jinja..!!" then hit Tao's shoulders lightly "Ahahahaha!! I'm just kidding dude.." Tao said while rubbing the area where Uize hit him

"Yah!! Get a room guys..!!" one familiar voice yelled from a far then they faced the person who said that. It was Nana who's approaching them angrily "Annyeong Nana-sshi.." Uize greeted but Nana ignored him and just walked towards Shiny. 

"What happen to Nana??" Tao asked Chanyeol who's stopping Nana "She receive the invitation that Shiny's mother gave to her.. She was so shocked because she has no idea about this so she burst out of anger and end up like this.." Chanyeol informed then continued to stop Nana. 

"You.. *points at Shiny* And you too.. *points at Suho* We need a serious talk you got that?!" then Shiny and Suho shook their heads "You two have to explain this to us.. Follow me..!!" Nana said then the rest of them followed Nana

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Chapter 25: Is it finished?! Di ko nagets yung last T_T
Chapter 13: Okay... I'm half-way throughout your story... Uize's pretty girly despite his boyish tendencies and Jessica is really creepy in my opinion...
Just reading the description made me hit the subscribe button! Can't wait to read the whole thing dongsaeng^^ (Am I older than you? hahaha)
Chapter 26: *Humming
Tee-hee! :)

Tsk! Tsk! That scene! so epic... xD
Chapter 26: Naloka ako doon sa scene ah!

Medyo bitin, dre TT^TT

Buti kapa may natapos na ako wala pa O u O
ang saya
Chapter 23: I will bite you..!! XDD thanks for cleaning it for me ^_^
Chapter 23: -____-
*Le cleans the confetti
Make sure to clean your confetti after throwing them, mmmkay? xD
Hihihihi... :3
Chapter 22: XiuHan FTW!!! XDD
Chapter 22: ERMERGERHD!!! XIUHAN!!
Chapter 22: Kai-oppa! If you really love the past you won't be in love with the present you know? :3