CHAPTER 11: You don't BULLY him!!

We are a bit Different




"I know now why everyone's staring at you in the canteen.. It's because of this freaking picture of ours!! WHO THE HELL DID THIS NONSENSE THING!!" Kai suddenly burst out of anger then punched the wall.

Everyone's suddenly stared at Kai cause of shock. "Ohhh!! Eottokhae Kai oppa?! Are you hurt??" a fan girl of Kai suddenly hold Kai's hand "LET ME GO!!" Kai can't control his anger then he removed the hand of the fan girl of him violently. "Yah!! KAI!! *pushed Kai* She just cared about you!! Why did you do that?! *faced the girl* Are you alright??" D.O asked worriedly. 

The fan girl just nodded and obviously wants to cry. "I DON'T CARE!!" then Kai just leave. Uize followed him but he noticed a group of gangster-like guys were headed in his direction.

"Are you the gay who flirting Kai?!" the guy with a shades asked Uize *WHAT!! GAY?! FLIRT?! What the hell is he talking about!!* "Who?? Me??" Uize asked while pointing his self "YEAH!! You, jerk!!" the other guy said and suddenly grabbed Uize's collar. "You better stay away from him!!" then pushed Uize away

"Yah!! What's wrong with you?! He's my friend so don't tell me what to do!! Telling me to stay away from him?! Wae?! Are you the owner of Kai?!" Uize asked and obviously angry

"Yah!! What's going on?? Are you guys hurting Uize??!" Jessica just popped out of nowhere "*faced Uize* Are you okay?? *suddenly glared at them* You guys better get out of here or I'll report you to the principal..!" Jessica warned

"We're sorry Ms. Jessica.. We just want to talk to him.. *whispered at Uize*  You jerk!! My sister likes Kai so better stay away if you don't want to get hurt..!" then they left them. "Aishhhh!! Those guys!! Are you alright??" Jessica asked "Nae.. I'm fine.. Gumawo Ms. Jessica.. I really need to go now, can I?" Uize pleaded.

 "*smiled at him* Of course.. But be careful next time, okay?? Let's have a chat some other time.." then Jessica offered her hand to Uize "Okay..*smiled at Jessica* I will.." Uize shook Jessica's hand then he take his leave.


"Hayzzzzz why do I feel like this?! I thought that I hate her because she's a feeler, but when I shook her hand, I feel strange.. Aishhh I can't!!! STOP!! STOP!!" Uize said while hitting his head. "Where's Kai?! I hope his alright.. *suddenly stopped when he saw Kai crying alone* Ohh!! There you are Kai.." Uize wants to comfort Kai but he remembered:

"My sister likes Kai so better stay away if you don't want to get hurt..!"

"Eottokhe..! What if someone sees us again..! JINJA!! I can't even comfort my friend because of this stupid rumor!!" Uize said while rubbing his head.

Kai can't forget the rumor thing so he keeps on thinking who did it. "Who the hell are you..!" suddenly remembered:

Kai and Uize were also in shock when they saw Tao standing right in front of them "Ohhh Tao..!! What a surprise!! What are you doing here??" *did he saw us??!*" Kai said and obviously felt nervous.

"I knew it!! It's Tao all along..!" then Kai suddenly stands up to search for Tao "Ohhh!! What the!! Why do you keep on running Kai!! Aishhh!!" then Uize immediately followed Kai

"Where are you dumb !! I'm sure that you're the one who took that picture because you're the only one who saw us..!" Kai said to himself. Then he suddenly stopped when he saw Tao sleeping in the clinic. 

He can't control himself that he suddenly run towards Tao and punched him while his asleep. "*trembled* Yah!! What are you doing!!? Can't you see that I'm sleeping here..! What's your problem?!" Tao said while wiping his lip

"You!! Tell me the truth..! I know that you're the one who took those pictures!! And-...... And you even spread it all over the school!! You freak!!" Kai was about to hit Tao again but Uize stopped him. "KAI!! What are you doing?! Do you have any evidence that Tao really did it?!! And that attitude of yours..! Do you think it can help us to solve our situation?! Don't make a move easily..!" Kai didn't say anything of what Uize just said because it's all true so he just take his leave.

"Are you alright?? Aishh that psycho guy.. *getting his handkerchief* Here you go.. Mianhae.. Just understand him.." Uize said while wiping Tao's lips. Tao can't say anything because he can't relate of what just happened. All he can do is to stare at Uize's eyes. 

"*he has this beautiful eyes just like an innocent girl......... Aishhh here we go again!! Am I a gay now or what!!?*" Tao said to himself "Here you go.. I think your fine now.. Jinja mianhae.. *bows*" Uize was about to leave but Tao grabbed his hand then pulled Uize to him "Do you think Kai tells the truth??" Tao asked while his face was near to Uize's.

"We have no evidence so we can't tell who really did it.." Uize said nervously then he pushed away Tao "Okay then you may take your leave now.. *yawns* I'm still sleepy.." Tao said lazily then goes back to bed.


"How do I solve this without you Kai.. Hayzzzzz when there's a problem you're not here!!! Eottokhae!!" while Uize was talking to himself, someone hit him. "Hello GAY!! Wassup!!" a random guy said "Do you want to hug me too..? Ahahahaha!!" the other guy teased. 

All he can do now is to run away not because his scared of them, it's because Uize don't want to make another problem that affects his image. Some of his schoolmates bullied him because of that rumor.

At the corridor alone:

"*catching his breath* I think I lost them..! Hayzzzz I can't take this anymore!! EOTTOKAJI!! What if they kill me the next time they saw me.. Kai!! Are you really that important to them that they need to bully me this way!! *sits down lazily* Curse this curse of mine!! KRIS!! Where are you?? I have so many question that I want to ask...! *covered his face* Please show up..!" Uize said while crying like a kid.

"Don't cry... *touched Uize's head* Remember, you're a boy now not a girl..." Kris suddenly appeared in Uize's side.

"*trembled* Omo!! KRIS!! *suddenly hugged Kris while crying* I'm so scared.. What if they'll kill me?? There's so many girls out there that you may curse, but why ME!!!"

"You gave me a fright dude!! I thought you're gonna punch me again..! *Pat Uize's back* Just let it out... Jinja mianhae. But you're the only one who can break this spell.. And this situation of yours right now is part of the curse.." Kris said. 

Uize suddenly released the hug "WHAT!! What are you talking about..??" Uize asked "It is up to you.. But beware..! Some people will act as your friend but has a different intention from you.." Kris warned. Then someone called Uize "Uize..!! Are you there??"

"*faced the person who called him* Ohhh! Ms. Jessica.." Uize immediately stands up then bows. "Is someone there??" Jessica asked. "I'm just talking to- *turned to face Kris' direction* Well that's just great..! He's already gone!! AGAIN!!"

"*saw Uize has a burst on his forehead* Ohhh!! Are you okay?? Did someone hurt you again??" Jessica asked worriedly then she came closer to Uize's face to check his burst. "*NO!! NO!! NO!! Please don't make me fall for you!!* N-nae.. I'm alright.." Uize said nervously

"*suddenly held Uize's hand* Just call me Jessica, okay?? Talk informally it's okay.." Uize enlarged his eyes because of what Jessica did, then he just nodded.

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Chapter 25: Is it finished?! Di ko nagets yung last T_T
Chapter 13: Okay... I'm half-way throughout your story... Uize's pretty girly despite his boyish tendencies and Jessica is really creepy in my opinion...
Just reading the description made me hit the subscribe button! Can't wait to read the whole thing dongsaeng^^ (Am I older than you? hahaha)
Chapter 26: *Humming
Tee-hee! :)

Tsk! Tsk! That scene! so epic... xD
Chapter 26: Naloka ako doon sa scene ah!

Medyo bitin, dre TT^TT

Buti kapa may natapos na ako wala pa O u O
ang saya
Chapter 23: I will bite you..!! XDD thanks for cleaning it for me ^_^
Chapter 23: -____-
*Le cleans the confetti
Make sure to clean your confetti after throwing them, mmmkay? xD
Hihihihi... :3
Chapter 22: XiuHan FTW!!! XDD
Chapter 22: ERMERGERHD!!! XIUHAN!!
Chapter 22: Kai-oppa! If you really love the past you won't be in love with the present you know? :3