CHAPTER 19: Thank Goodness I'm BACK!!

We are a bit Different






Shiny and Suho explained everything about the marriage thing and all of them can't believe it "And you're saying that you didn't marry that guy because you love Suho more than him??" Nana asked then Shiny nodded. 

"Mianhae for not telling you guys.. I just can't tell you yet because I don't have the strength to tell about this.." Shiny apologized while looking down "You can tell us because we're your friends.. You can trust us and we can even help you with this.." Uize said then Shiny thanked him

"Where's Kai anyway?? He should be here with us right??" Xiumin asked then Chanyeol replied "He's with that Krystal.. I think they're going somewhere.. Date I think.."

"Aish..!! That playboy guy..!!" Xiumin said angrily "*As usual.. I'm sure they're on a date right now.. Tssssssss..*" Uize said to his mind and obviously annoyed

"Anyway, Congrats for the both of you.." Xiumin said happily to break the awkward aura "Yeah.. Congrats guys.." Chanyeol added then pat Shiny and Suho's back "Let's stop this quarreling thing and just be happy for the both of them okay??" Tao offered but Nana was still upset 

"*sighed* That's right.. We should stop and let's just be happy for them.. Even Shiny didn't want to end up like this right?? *Shiny nodded* So let's just wish them the best.." Uize said with his eye smile on to cheer Nana up but still Nana didn't smile with that. 

"*with a sweet and cute tone* Nana-sshi.. Don't get mad at me and just smile jebal.. I'll do aegyo just for you if you want.." Shiny said while hugging Nana "But of course you don't want to-"

"Then do it.." Nana said with no emotion and that makes Shiny shocked "*Jinja?? You're letting me do this?? Aish!! But I'm worst in doing aegyos..!! Ottokhe?!* Y-you really want to see??" Shiny asked nervously then Nana nodded lazily. 

"Promise me you will be happy if you saw an aegyo okay??" All of them were staring at her and waiting to do aegyo "*took a deep breath* Okay here goes nothing.................... Bbuing! Bbuing!" Shiny said with a really cute voice while poking her cheeks. 

At first they all went quiet when Shiny's doing it but she suddenly burst out of laughter so they burst out of laugh too except Nana.

"Aish..!! You didn't even laugh or smile a bit.." Shiny said disappointedly then something came up with her mind "I know..!! *pointed at Chanyeol* He will do the aegyo for me.." Shiny said happily then Chanyeol shook his head. 

"What!! Why me??" Chanyeol said in disbelief while pointing himself "Nothing.. You just suddenly came to my mind.. *do her cute eyes* Please do it for me.. I just want Nana to smile again.."

Nana was just staring at them and waiting for Chanyeol's answer "*Hesitating* O-okay this is the first and the last time that I'm doing it okay??" Shiny nodded happily then Chanyeol sighed. All of them are staring and focusing at Chanyeol

"........................ Bbuing Bbuing!!"

This time when Chanyeol did it, Nana can't force herself not to laugh "Yeahey..!! My Nana laughed again..!! *faced Chanyeol* Gumawo Chanyeol-sshi.. *faced Nana* So you're not mad at me now??" Shiny asked Nana but Nana can't stop laughing. 

"Ahahahaha!! Wait..!! I can't stop..!!" Nana is now crying because of too much laughter "*wiped her tears* I'm not angry at you.. I'm just fooling you around Ahahahaha!! I just want to test if you're really willing to do anything just to entertain me and you really did it.. *faced Chanyeol then pinched his cheeks really hard* You're cute while doing that aegyo.. *smiled at him then faced Shiny again* Saranghaeyo Shiny..!!" then Nana hugged Shiny tight "Just don't keep a secret anymore okay??" then Shiny nodded

"All of us, let's promise that we will never keep a secret to each other no matter what because we're friends..!!" Nana offered her hand then all of them agreed except Uize who's looking down on the ground nervously. Tao noticed it and stared at Uize with a suspicious look "*this is now my chance to figure that out..*" Tao said to his mind

"Hey Uize.. Are you alright??" Xiumin asked then Uize just nodded nervously "*How could I possibly tell them that I'm Uiza?? I know that I can't keep this forever but it's too complicated to-*" Uize suddenly startled when Tao grabbed his wrist then dragged him to the forest nearby them. 

"Yah..!! You startled me.. Where are we going??" Uize asked Tao and waiting for a response but Tao remained silent and continued to drag him

"Oh.. Where are they going??" Suho asked curiously then Xiumin shrugged "I don't know.. Maybe somewhere private.." then Xiumin and Suho suddenly stared at each other, wiggled their eye brows then burst out of laughter "Yah.. Don't think of that..!!" Xiumin yelled jokingly then hit Suho's arm. 

"You started it..!! erted Baozi ahahahaha!!" Suho teased Xiumin then they laugh together while the rest of them were curious of what they're laughing about "They've gone crazy, aren't they..??" Shiny said then they nodded "Just let them be.. You wanna grab some Ice cream guys??" Chanyeol offered. 

"We want but your treat.." Nana said then winked "Of course my treat.. Let's go..!!" then Nana linked her arms to Chanyeol "I want some Choco fudge Icecream okay??" Nana said with a cute voice "*pinched Nana's cheeks* Aigoo..!! What a baby.. Fine fine.. Let's go now.." Chanyeol said happily then they all went to the Icecream store nearby


"Wait, I can't catch a breath..!!" Uize complained while catching his breath "Yah.. What's your problem?! Why did you suddenly pulled me here?! You're weird.." Uize was still confused about Tao and with his actions. 

"*came closer to Tao then shook him back and forth* Yah..!! What's wrong with you?? You make me scared with your attitude.. Just talk and tell me what's with you.." but Tao remained silent while looking down in to the ground like his thinking deeply "*do I really need to do this?? What if I'm really wrong all along.. Hayzzzzzzz*"

"*sighed* Playing silent mode huh?? Well if you're gonna continue this, I'll just leave now.." then Uize looked at Tao but still no response from him so he decided to step backwards slowly "I'm really leaving now.. *no response* I'm leaving you now..!! *still no response* Okay if that's what you want.." then he turned around and was about to leave when suddenly. 

"I know that I don't need to think those things that bothers my mind.. Yes it's hard to believe and even myself needs to forget what I feel when I'm with you.. *took a deep breath* Your actions, the feeling when you're beside me, it's so different when I'm with Kai, Xiumin and with the other guys.. The time when I hugged you, I used to feel normal since we're both men but...........when you, I sense that I feel that hug with someone else before.. And one more thing that bothers my mind is when Jessica told you that you were together last night.." Tao said nervously and can't control his actions because he really wanted to say the things that bothered his mind.

Uize froze when Tao say those things to him, and makes him think "*Did Tao really knew everything now?!*" then turns around to faced Tao "What do you know about last night??" Uize said while trembling. 

"Did Jessica did that to you too??" Tao curiously asked then Uize widen his eyes "I-I'd like to ask you too about that night.. Y-you text me that you will show me something at school right?? Where were you then??"

"No I didn't..." then Uize do his questionable look then came closer to Tao "But it's your phone number.. How could it be that it wasn't you??" Uize assured "That's what I'm talking about.. I didn't do it because Jessica did it on purpose.. You think that she only did it to you??" Uize was stunned when Tao revealed the truth and shocked at the same time because Tao knows everything. 

"Did I tell you that she's dangerous.. She always did it whenever she likes to do it.. When she knows that I knew the guy that she likes, she sneaks out to my house then uses my phone to text that guy and go to a certain place like last night.. And all of them-" that explanation from Tao makes Uize gulped. 

"Y-you mean t-they've all touched J-Jessica?!" then Tao nodded "She always uses me to get the guy that she likes.. That incident of you makes me think, how could you possibly resist that lady?? Did you know that you're the only guy that resist Jessica like that.. And that's one of the signs that makes me feel that there's something wrong about you.." Tao stared at Uize who can't look up at him and biting his lip. 

"W-what's wrong with you?! Why are you acting like this?! Please stop..!!" Uize yelled because he was so scared

"That's what I want to ask you.. What's wrong with you and Why are you acting like this??" then Uize startled when Tao grabbed his collar then pulled it down, revealing Uize's shoulder "And this scar too.. I seen this before.." Tao said while staring at Uize's scar. 

Uize immediately removed Tao's hand in his then moved away "H-how c-could you *gulped* possibly *sighed nervously* know these-" Tao interrupt what Uize was trying to say by saying "Before we leave this place, I want to clear things in my mind and don't want to get bother by it anymore.." then looked at Uize in the eye and Uize did the same but obviously terrified. 

"*Is he an detective that can solve crimes just by seeing their movements?! It's very impossible to figure that out just by collecting some details that no one can believe...!! *looked at Tao* But this guy in front of me.. *sighed* His sensing were very impressive.. How can I explain everything about this to him now?!*" Uize said to his mind while slowly moving backwards

"There is one more thing to check.." then Tao suddenly came closer to Uize that makes him startled with the sudden movement of Tao. At first Tao was hesitating to do it but then he grabbed Uize's nape and pulled him to kiss him. 

Tao suddenly remembered:

Uiza was not looking her way to Jessica when suddenly "YAH UIZA!! LOOK OUT!!" Nana and Shiny yelled at Uiza. Then Uiza accidentally kissed Tao on his lips because she's not looking her way

Uize widen his eyes then pushed Tao away that makes Tao snapped back in to reality "What's wrong with you?! Are you in drugs?!" then Uize wiped his lips. Tao can't believe that his senses were true. 

"*Lips don't lie* I hate to ask you this but, a-are you really Choi Uize?? *gulped* Or Choi Uiza??" that question makes Uize speechless for a moment "*Eottokhae?! He knows everything now..!! Aishh..!! I need help here..!!*" then Uize felt his phone vibrates and when he checks it "*IT'S KAI!!*" he was about to answer it but he suddenly felt dizzy then fainted. 

"Oh!! Uize..!!" he came closer to check Uize but he suddenly felt dizzy and fainted too. Now they went unconscious because of some unexplained reason

"Uiza.." someone called then turned around to figure out who it is "KRIS..!!" Uize yelled in disbelief then came closer to Kris "What are you doing here??" Uize asked curiously

"Wae?? You don't want to??" Kris asked, disappointed "It's not like that I don't want to.. I'm just surprised that you're here with me.." Uize startled when Kris touched his head then smiled at him "You did great.." then Uize looked up on him with a questionable look "Great?? About what??"

"About everything.. You conquered all your fears and most of all you didn't gave up so easily when there's a problem that hits you.. *pat Uize's head* Look at yourself now.." Kris said then faced Uize in front of a mirror. 

Uize can't believe what he saw and widen his eyes when he saw that his back to normal again "I'M UIZA AGAIN..!!" then faced Kris "H-how did- I mean w-what happened??"

"It just happened.. You just need to thank yourself and the one who break the spell.." Kris informed then Uiza looked up at him "You mean there's someone who really broke my spell?? Then who did??" Uiza asked innocently. 

"Well, if you really wanted to know just wake up.." then Kris suddenly poked Uiza's cheeks continuously that make Uiza annoyed "Yah.. Just tell me who it is.." Uiza commanded but Kris' still poking her cheeks "Just wake up.. Bbuing Bbuing!!"

"But I'm awake..!! *held Kris' hand to make him stop* Stop fooling around and just tell me who did??" this time, Uiza said it seriously then Kris came closer to her face "Just wake up then you'll know who it is.." the last thing that Kris said then he slowly vanished. 

"WAIT KRIS..!!" Uiza yelled then looked around to search for Kris but she failed because Kris was already gone

The next thing that he knew was Tao's face is near his face "*growled* ITS JUST A FREAKING DREAM..!! *sighed in frustration* I don't want to wake up if I'm back here as- *suddenly remembered that Tao was there* Ummmmmm *rubbed his eyes* What happened??" but Tao didn't replied and just staring at his face shockingly "Why are you staring at me like that?? And even your face is too close to my face.. Just spit it out.." Uize said lazily

"*mumbling* What kind of black magic is this and who did this to you?? So awesome.." Tao said while examining Uize who's still confused about his behavior "*slapped Tao's cheeks lightly* Are you in drugs Tao?? Just let-" Uize stopped when he suddenly remembered everything that happen earlier, about Tao who already knew that he's a girl even though Uize didn't informed him about that. 

It's just that Tao was really good at sensing people "You piece of- *sighed* How could you hide this from us?! I mean-" Tao immediately get his phone from his pocket "They need to know about this-" Tao was interrupted by Uize "Aniya!!" Uize yelled and tried to snatch Tao's phone from him but he failed because Tao was so freaking tall. 

"Stop trying Uiza.." that words from Tao stunned Uize. Uiza? Is that what Tao just called him? "H-how can you say that I'm Uiza?! Uiza is my sister, a-and maybe-maybe she has many attitude that same as mine.." Uize asked bravely but deep inside he wanted to just run away and hide forever

"*sighed then chuckled* You got to be kidding me dude.. How can you lie like this in front of me when the evidence is already here??" Uize jaw dropped when Tao said those words. Tao saw Uize's face and telling him that he really have no idea what's he talking about. 

"You really don't know huh?? *Uize didn't respond and just stared at Tao* Look at yourself.." Tao handed his phone to Uize "W-what are you doing??" Uize asked while trembling "Just look at yourself already..!!" Tao wanted Uize to look at his reflection through his phone's camera. He did what Tao just said and look at himself "OH MY FREAKING G-!!" he didn't even finished what he wanted to say because of the shock that he felt.

"I'm Uiza again.." she whispered then suddenly kneeled down

"What??" Tao asked innocently then kneeled down too to pat Uiza's back when suddenly, Uiza hugged Tao because of her happiness "I'm Uiza again.." she whispered near Tao's ear then buried her face in Tao's neck. 

She cried because she's back to her own body again and at last, her suffering from being a boy finally ended. Maybe she wishes to be a guy at first, because he thought it will be fun but then when her wish came true she realize in the end that it's a bad idea.

Tao hugged her back and patted her head. He wanted to ask questions about that curse or whatever that thing was but he felt that it will be a burden to Uiza's situation so Tao just let her cry on him until she calm herself down.

Finally Uiza released the hug "Are you alright now??" Tao asked worriedly then Uiza look up at him "Sorry if I suddenly hug you.. I'm always like that if I wanted to cry, so yeah.. Thank you.." Tao wiped Uiza's tears "It doesn't bother me don't worry.." then he hugged Uiza again and patted her back. 

Uiza felt her heart beat fast because her face was too close from Tao's chest and felt protected at the same time "So what now?? So you will keep this as a secret??" Tao asked and Uiza just shrugged nervously in response "Actually there is someone that already knew about this from the very beginning.." Uiza confessed. 

"Jinja!? Who??" at first Uiza hesitates but then "It's Kai.." Uiza informed then Tao widen his eyes "So that's why he's so freaking jealous when I'm with you.." Tao said to himself "Excuse me what??" Uiza asked curiously

"I said you should tell him that you're back since he already knew about this.." Uiza bit her lower lips "I-"

"You what??"

"I think I can't.. N-not now.." Uiza said then cried again because she knows that it will be hard for the both of them if she will reveal it right away "If not now, when??" Tao raised his voice because he don't understand why she can't. 

"I just don't know okay..!! I'm so scared that they will just get mad at me after this.. And I don't know what to do if that happens so just give me some time okay.. I will tell them when I'm ready.."

"*sighed* Okay okay.. Just-just don't cry okay??" Uiza sniffs and wiped her tears "Well it's your fault mister.. You suddenly raise your voice and that makes me terrified.." Uiza informed then pouted her lips "*Shoot!! Don't act like that..!!* I'm sorry okay.." then look away from Uiza's cute face "Let's just go home.." Tao then grabbed Uiza's wrist

"Go home?? In your place??" Uiza asked with a questionable look "You want to stay here??" Tao asked back then Uiza shook her head "Well, I don't want to leave you here alone.. And you said that you need time right?? *Uiza nodded* So I decided to let you stay in my place for a while.."

"Jinja?! Thank you Tao-sshi..!!" then Uiza hugged Tao tightly "O-okay okay..!! *released the hug* Y-your hug is so tight I can't- *saw Uiza's eyes smile then stopped for a moment* I-I can't breath.." then looked away "Promise I won't bother you.."

"Good.. Just tell them about this as soon as possible okay??"

"Yes sir..!!" then Uiza do the salute pose

They went home immediately so they won't catch a cold because of the cold weather.




OH MY GLOB!! Uiza's back..!! ahahahaha XDD Keep on reading guys *3*

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Chapter 25: Is it finished?! Di ko nagets yung last T_T
Chapter 13: Okay... I'm half-way throughout your story... Uize's pretty girly despite his boyish tendencies and Jessica is really creepy in my opinion...
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Chapter 26: *Humming
Tee-hee! :)

Tsk! Tsk! That scene! so epic... xD
Chapter 26: Naloka ako doon sa scene ah!

Medyo bitin, dre TT^TT

Buti kapa may natapos na ako wala pa O u O
ang saya
Chapter 23: I will bite you..!! XDD thanks for cleaning it for me ^_^
Chapter 23: -____-
*Le cleans the confetti
Make sure to clean your confetti after throwing them, mmmkay? xD
Hihihihi... :3
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