What If I Switch Body With Him?

{Author's rambling}

Sorry for not updating for a long time. T^T I've writer's block for this story. I hate it! Well, I'll stop rambling and you may continue to the story~


"LIKE SERIOUSLY NOW? WHY?" you blinked your eyes couple of time. 'AIsh, I shouldn't make that stupid wish. And now, I'm dead!' you thought.

Sunggyu almost bang his head on the wall due to the frustration. 'Now, what I've to do? My reputation will decrease and doom! What should I do now?' Sunggyu thought while pulling his hair.

"Yah, stop pulling it!" you screamed and slapped Sunggyu's hand from pulling the hair. 

"Nara, I need to go to the toilet. Right now!" your eyes widened in shock. It would be complicated since you both switched bodied now. How would Sunggyu take a bath when he's in your body.

And as you all know, switching bodies between a FEMALE and a MALE is the most horrible thing in this world! Well, not for some homo sapiens. Just imagine, switching bodies with the one you hate the most. How would it be like? One word, horrible.

Well, you didn't hate Sunggyu. It was because you didn't want Sunggyu to see yours *cough*, well, you know what. 

"Why you have to go now?" you asked in frustration. Sunggyu twitched his eyebrows.

"But, my stomach hurts! I think I really need to go to the toilet." you clenched your fist. 

"There's no need to go to the toilet. You're not having a stomach ache. It's because of the period. You need to be used with it." Sunggyu whined. 'Why, oh why?'

"Right  now, let's sleep. Maybe we can change back to normal tomorrow." you said without emotion.


You opened her eyes. The first thing you did is going in front of the mirror and look at your face. 'I'm still in his body.' you let out a heavy sigh and headed to Sunggyu's room. You knocked the door.

"Yah, open up!" suddenly, a tap fell on your .You yelped and looked back. It was Dasom with her puppy eyes again.

"Oppa, why unnie is sleeping inside your room?" You gulped down your saliva and rubbed the back of your neck. 

"There's something inside her room so we exchanged rooms yesterday." You made a fake laugh. Blinking her puppy eyes, then, Dasom said,

"Tssk, she's a liar." Dasom headed downstairs, leaving you dumbfounded. 'That little girl! I'll get my hands on you after we switching back.' you went back knocking Sunggyu's room. 

"Open up, now!" you knocked the door as loud as you could. 

"Sunggyu, why are you knocking your own room?" Mdm Kim asked while bringing the basket full of clean clothes. 

"Ah, Nara and I switched rooms yesterday. She said she saw cockroaches inside her room." you said while grinning like a idiot. 'What am I rambling about?' 

"Well, Dasom and I will go at ten today so make sure you take a good care of Nara. Don't let her cry and hurt her." Mdm Kim warned her since you didn't know that she was talking to you. You nodded your head. Mdm Kim went to do the chores before you and Sunggyu went to school.

Suddenly, Sunggyu opened the door. His hair was really messy. You could see the dark cricles under his eyes.

"You didn't sleep well last night?" you asked. Sunggyu shook his head.

"I was struggling with my stomach. I mean, your stomach. It hurt." then, he walked to the bathroom.

"Where are you going?" you quickly grabbed his hand. With his sleepy panda eyes, Sunggyu turned back to look at you.

"To the bath, stupid." 

"But, you're inside my body! How can you take a bath?" Sunggyu rolled his eyes and mouthed 'I don't care'. The atmosphere became tense. You went to go to your room and took a cloth and a sanitary towel. With blushing cheeks, you handed out the things.

"What are these?" he asked, looking curiously at the sanitary towel. 

"Use this cloth to cover your eyes while taking bath. Use this sanitary towel to absorb the menstrual blood." you coughed when it come to the menstrual blood.

"You must change the sanitary towel frequently." Sunggyu took the things and went to the bathroom without saying anything, leaving you dumbfounded. 

"ARGHHHH!!!!" you made a face-palm and pulled your hair. 'Great, just great.'



Q n A Corner:
The Motto: You asked, they will answer it.

From MiszNe99
To Nara

So, what do you think about Sunggyu's body? Do you like it? 

From Nara
To MiszNe99

*Hoya's fav emo* ._. It was disgusting. Seriously. Ask Hoya if you want to know more.



From inpiniteu_king
To Nara

lemme be you and stay in gyu's body kekeke

From Nara
To inpiniteu_king

You wouldn't never imagine how horrible it was. So, you better not to switch body with him.



From Ayo2oya
To L


From L
To Ayou2oya

I'm so popular~ *Flip hair and smirk*



From Nadz_Inspirit13
To L

ohh.. no thanks !! just continue killing your fans with your cute face.. *thinking your cute face equal dying* hey, btw do you want to date with me ?? yeah2 i know it just a dream.. but can we ?? i hope we can.. 

From L 
To Nadz_Inspirit13

After I finish my dates with other girls~


A/N: At this moment, I'll stop this Q n A corner. :)






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Updated, guys~


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yo but real talk tho, this is my very first sunggyu fanfic but it is awesome!!!! keep the chapters coming
Chapter 20: daehyun no go away
Chapter 18: omg !! wow !! i can't imagine it !! what will happend next.. i'm waiting for it..

to L
you already dating ?? I'm so sorry because i already disturbed your relationship.. bad english right ?? hope you understand.. again n again sorry for disturbed your relationship !! have fun with 'your girlfriend'
Chapter 19: sunggyu please jealous xD well im anticipating for the next chapter
dahyun_ #6
Chapter 18:
Chapter 18: just ohmergerd this is so awkward i mean your menstrual blood omg mannn your body his body, your *cough* and his *cough* just LMAO update soon ~~~
Chapter 18: To so disappointed in u L..bye Myungsoo /leaves with watery eyes/

Chapter 17: to L

ohh.. no thanks !! just continue killing your fans with your cute face.. *thinking your cute face equal dying* hey, btw do you want to date with me ?? yeah2 i know it just a dream.. but can we ?? i hope we can..