Caught Red-handed

What If I Switch Body With Him?

{Author's rambling}

HI, NEW SUBSCRIBERS! :D Welcome to my silly story (?). Sorry for not updating these days. T^T I was busy with school preparation and doing some trainings for up-coming competition. Gosh~ Anyway, let's continue with the story. ^^ BTW, sorry for the mistakes. I didn't have a chance to check this chapter because my lil bro was so ajhdkalhshascb IknowthatIborrowyourpc! canugiveacoupleofminutestocheck?



"Yah, where am I?" you asked as you woke up. Your knee was already been wrapped with a cloth, Sungjong did it. You sat up in sitting position and massaged your temple. 

"Ah, you're awake." Sungjong said as he arrived with Dongwoo to the hiding place. 

"Are you feeling better now?" Dongwoo asked concernedly. You nodded your head and took a glance at your knee.

"Who did this?" you asked with a low voice. Sungjong smiled sweetly at you.

"I did it. Luckily, I know how to wrap it." you smiled back and thanked him. Then, you suddenly realized that the other members weren't there. So, you asked those innocent boys. Sungjong and Dongwoo looked at each other and sighed.


"Hey, let us go!" Hoya started to scream as he woke up. The guys laughed and poked Hoya's head hardly with a wooden stick. Hoya moved his head, so that he could avoid it. Then, Sungyeol woke up and started struggling. 

"What the fudge are you doing? Yah! Stupids, let us go now." he yelled at those guys. One of the baddies (lol) approached Sungyeol and slapped his face.

"You better shut your mouth or I'll kill you and leave your corpse here alone." Sungyeol gulped down his saliva and stopped struggling. Myungsoo was still unconscious. Sungyeol tried to wake Myungsoo up by whispering.

"Myungsoo, wake up now." he whispered slowly. Myungsoo didn't move a bit. 'Aish. We're going to die now.' he thought.

"So, which one would we kill first?" the leader of the badass (lol) asked. He looked at Hoya then to Myungsoo and lastly to Sungyeol. He smirked.

"Let's kill this talkative boy." he pointed at Sungyeol. Sungyeol's widened in shock and he kept struggling. 

"No! You can't do that to him." Hoya yelled. Two of the badass untied Sungyeol and clutched his arm. The leader pointed the gun towards Sungyeol's stomach.

" I want you to suffer from the pain first and then, I'll kill you." As the guy almost pulled the trigger, Sunggyu burst into the room and knocked the leader's head until bleeding by using the baton. The others who were holding Sungyeol were shocked. They quickly pointed the gun to Sunggyu and shot at his stomach. 

"Argh!" he screamed. Sunggyu fell and landed on the floor.

"HYUNG!" Hoya and Sungyeol screamed. Sunggyu didn't move a bit as he was being shot by those guys. The two guys quickly ran away from the room. Unfortunately, they were caught.

The police had arrived at the place before they could run away. The police rushed into the room and quickly untied Myungsoo and Hoya. Sungyeol and Hoya ran towards Sunggyu and cried.

"Hyung!" they cried. Suddenly, Sunggyu lifted his head and smiled. The two boys' eyes were widened in shock and they quickly helped Sunggyu to sit up.

"Hyung, you're okay!" Hoya said as he hugged Sunggyu. Sunggyu laughed and told the boys that he was using bullet proof vest. They hugged each other happily.

"Luckily you're saved now. Hey, where's Myungsoo?" Sungyeol and Hoya exchanged glares. Sungyeol pointed at Myungsoo who was still unconscious. 

"Wake him up." Hoya nodded his head and went to Myungsoo to wake him up. Then, you came in the room with Dongwoo and Sungjong beside you. You quickly ran to Sunggyu and hugged him. Sunggyu was blushing.

"Wow, I love the way you acted. Sunggyu ruffled his hair and smiled sheepishly. You punched his lightly on his arm and went to hug the Sungyeol.

"You're saved! Luckily you didn't shoot by those badass." you broke the hug and smiled at him.

"Where's Myungsoo oppa?" you said the last word awkwardly. Sunggyu pointed at Hoya and Myungsoo who were walking to them. 

"He didn't know what was actually happened." Hoya said and shook his head. You roundedyour eyes and looked at Myungsoo.

"You meant, Myungsoo didn't know that they were being kidnapped? That's so awesome." the others laughed while Myungsoo still didn't understand and scratched his head.

"Never mind. You guys are saved now so let's go home and have a rest after a long tiring night." Sunggyu told the chief that they were leaving. The chief thanked them for helping to catch the 'ghost'. He instructed a few policemen to send you guys back home.

You, Sunggyu, Myungsoo and Hoya were in the same car. You sat beside Sunggyu and rested your head on his shoulder. Then, you slowly felt asleep. Sunggyu smiled and put your hand on his palm.

'There will be no more crazy night.'



A conversation with the cast(s):

Dongwoo: Luckily we're save!
Sunggyu: Yeah, I was the hero. Love the way I'm acting?
Dongwoo: Tssk.
Sunggyu: You better not 'tssk' me or I'll not give your teddy back.
Dongwoo: Okay, I'm sorry.
Sunggyu: :(
Dongwoo: What now?
Sunggyu: Ibrokemyglasses.
Sungyeol: Does Sunggyu hyung know how to 'spacebar'?
Sunggyu: Iwillshootyou.
Sungyeol: Why did Myungsoo sleep when we were kidnapped by those guys?
Sunggyu: Can you stop asking.
Sungyeol: WHY?
Sunggyu: Argh! I'm out of here.

-Kim Sunggyu has logged out and ended the conversation. Annoyed-

Dongwoo: YES! He logged out~ AWOOOOOO
Sungyeol: hyung, why did he sleep and didn't notice about it?
Dongwoo: Just ask him. I'm not Myungsoo.
Sungyeol: I've already asked him and he said to ask you. WHY?
Dongwoo: :P Ask Hoya.
Sungyeol: Hoya hyung!

-Jang Dongwoo has logged out and ended the conversation. Annoyed too-

Sungyeol: hyung...
Sungyeol: hyung...
Sungyeol: ...
Sungyeol: Why am I chatting with myself?

-Lee Sungyeol has logged out and ended the conversation. Feeling sad and still curious-


Q and A Corner
The motto: You aksed, they will answer it

From Sachiko_Mikio
To Dongwoo

dinowoo, i loveeeeeee to see ur face when ure scared, B> gimme more, 

From Dongwoo 
To Sachiko_Mikio

Why? I'm cute when I'm scared right? I know it! /clap hands/


From jasumine
To Sunggyu
Uhm... uh... Oppa~ I love you.... AHHHHHH *runs away and hides* 

From Sunggyu
To jasumine

Aw~ That's so cute~ /Wink/



From Thaqifah97
To Woohyun

It's better if you show me your hotness if you want to seduce me kekeke :3 

From Woohyun
To Thaqifah97

Kekeke... <3 I'll~ <3 <3 <3











From Nadhirania_sy97
To Sungyeol

Haha.. Thanks for asking more lines.. oo.. U got tied.. N thanks for the aegyo dear.. Would you date me?? Heheh xD 

From Sungyeol
To Nadhiraina_sy97

I would like to but... Myungsoo didn't let me out. /pout/ Never mind, I'll do aegyo~


From himmaHyunri
To Myungsoo

Hey, I stole your DSLR camera. Show me your aegyo if you want your camera and give me a big hug! 

From Myungsoo
To himmaHyunri

Really? :/ That's why I searched that thing and I couldn't find it. You!


From mkiss-aisb2st
To Dongwoo

Why are you so cute when you get scared?^^ Makes me wanna give you a bear hug to protect you from the baddies o u oV 

From Dongwoo 
To mkiss-aisb2st

Aw~ <3 I was scared as hell. /cry/ give me a hug!  Rawr!








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Updated, guys~


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yo but real talk tho, this is my very first sunggyu fanfic but it is awesome!!!! keep the chapters coming
Chapter 20: daehyun no go away
Chapter 18: omg !! wow !! i can't imagine it !! what will happend next.. i'm waiting for it..

to L
you already dating ?? I'm so sorry because i already disturbed your relationship.. bad english right ?? hope you understand.. again n again sorry for disturbed your relationship !! have fun with 'your girlfriend'
Chapter 19: sunggyu please jealous xD well im anticipating for the next chapter
dahyun_ #6
Chapter 18:
Chapter 18: just ohmergerd this is so awkward i mean your menstrual blood omg mannn your body his body, your *cough* and his *cough* just LMAO update soon ~~~
Chapter 18: To so disappointed in u L..bye Myungsoo /leaves with watery eyes/

Chapter 17: to L

ohh.. no thanks !! just continue killing your fans with your cute face.. *thinking your cute face equal dying* hey, btw do you want to date with me ?? yeah2 i know it just a dream.. but can we ?? i hope we can..