
What If I Switch Body With Him?

{Author's rambling}

Kyakyakyakya (insert Dongwoo's laugh here) XDD They finally switched bodies! Thanks for the comments. Upvote is Love~ :3 /shameless. Oh, due to the body switching, please don't be confused with Nara or Sunggyu kay? Nara is Sunggyu and Sunggyu is Nara. XD


"What are you doing inside my body?" you screamed out as you saw yourself in front of your eyes.

"I was about to ask you the same question. WHAT THE HELL ARE YOU DOING IN MY BODY?"

"I DON'T KNOW! DON'T SCREAM AT ME!" you messed your hair.

"Yah! Yah! Don't mess my pretty hair!" Sunggyu pulled your hand from your head. Both of you began fighting with each other and suddenly,

"Yah, yah~ What happened to you guys? Why our house suddenly out?" Mdm Kim went out from her room with Dasom beside her. Dasom was tucking Mdm Kim's sleeve while hugging her bear.

"We don't know... Don't blame us... It was the thunder..." Sunggyu and you said in stuttering voice.

"Okay then. Keep your voice down. I need to go somewhere tomorrow." 

"Where do you want to go, aunt?" Sunggyu asked without thinking since he forgot that you used mom to call Mdm Kim.

"Aunt? I told you to call me mom, right?" Mdm Kim smiled and patted his head. Sunggyu startled and nodded his head.

"I forgot." he made a fake laugh and scratched his head.

"I'll go to Cheon-seok Village tomorrow. I'll bring Dasom along. But make sure nothing bad happens when I'm away for two weeks."

"TWO WEEKS?" you yelled in shock.

"Yes. Why are you shocked, Sunggyu?" you were speechless. You thought of something to answer.

"Ah~ Nothing. That's too long." 

"I know. I want to go to sleep now. Make sure you didn't make any noises again. Especially you Sunggyu." Mdm Kim and Dasom went inside the room.

"I think  we need to discuss about this." Sunggyu said. You nodded your head in agreement.


You were facing Sunggyu. You couldn't believe that the wish came true. After all, you only wanted to finish your assignment, well, not yours, and stayed away from the Pesky. 

The ligtning could be heard again. You crossed your arms and let out a heavy sigh.

"I think we switched bodies because of my stupid wish." you said without hesistant.

"What? You made a wish? To switch body with me?" Sunggyu was a bit shocked. He couldn't believe that you made that kind of wish. 'Well, at least I still love this body switching.' Sunggyu naughtly thought.

"What? Why are you smirking like that?" you asked as you noticed Sunggyu was a bit weird. 

"Nothing. Just thinking of something." you shook your head and let out a heavy sigh again. 

"Now what I've to do! I shouldn't wish that stupid wish. This is all because of that Pesky!"  you screamed will pulling your hair, Sunggyu's hair actually.

"Yah, don't pull my hair like that. I went to salon earlier." he said and grabbed your hand from pulling the hair.

"Do I look I care? What I care right now is to switch back to the original me! God, save me please!" Sunggyu laughed poked your head.

"But how we can switch back? You're smart right. So try to think of it." you bit the bottom of your lips and thought.

"I don't know." 

Out of the blue, Sunggyu jumped a bit due to a pain on his stomach.

"Ouch, it hurts! What did you eat?" you tilted your head. You didn't eat something bad earlier. 

"I didn't eat anything." Then, a thought suddenly popped on your mind.

"Oh, no! I'm on my period days!" Sunggyu widened his eyes. 




Q n A Corner:
The Motto: You asked, they will answer it.

From Ayo2oya
To L

okay then lets go~ 

From L
To Ayo2oya

Don't you want to hold my hand? Why are you so fast? :3



From Thaqifah97
To Woohyun

Omg oppa lookkkk! Your wife exchange body with Nara!!! What are u going to do with your wife now? Divorce gyu and marry meeeeee! ♥ 

From Woohyun
To Thaqifah97

For some reasons~ I still love him. XD JOKING! But, I'm still young. ;---; Be a gyneacologist first and I will marry you after that. :3 *pinky swear



From Nadz_Inspirit3
To L

yah kim myungsoo !! stop killing me with your cute face !!! but you always nekkohaja XP

From L
To Nadz_Inspirit3

Okay, I will never kill people with my cuteness. I'll kill people with my coolness. :)






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Updated, guys~


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yo but real talk tho, this is my very first sunggyu fanfic but it is awesome!!!! keep the chapters coming
Chapter 20: daehyun no go away
Chapter 18: omg !! wow !! i can't imagine it !! what will happend next.. i'm waiting for it..

to L
you already dating ?? I'm so sorry because i already disturbed your relationship.. bad english right ?? hope you understand.. again n again sorry for disturbed your relationship !! have fun with 'your girlfriend'
Chapter 19: sunggyu please jealous xD well im anticipating for the next chapter
dahyun_ #6
Chapter 18:
Chapter 18: just ohmergerd this is so awkward i mean your menstrual blood omg mannn your body his body, your *cough* and his *cough* just LMAO update soon ~~~
Chapter 18: To L...omg..im so disappointed in u L..bye Myungsoo /leaves with watery eyes/

Chapter 17: to L

ohh.. no thanks !! just continue killing your fans with your cute face.. *thinking your cute face equal dying* hey, btw do you want to date with me ?? yeah2 i know it just a dream.. but can we ?? i hope we can..