Chapter 1

Our Journey Of Love





Kim Yukwon…


Rich? Yes!

Handsome? Yes!

Perfect human being? Yes!

Girlfriend? NO!

First kiss? NO! Why?


Yukwon family was the richest people in Suwon due to his father successful in Business Company; the youngest sons of Mr. & Mrs. Kim.


Despite being rich, he is not liked his brother; arrogant, playboys, flirting everyday every second. No, he is not like that. He is the type who liked to stay in his house, going out only with his 5 idiotic crazy friends consisted of two gay and unknown three alien.


When, Yukwon parents sent him to Seoul so he would get better education systems, he lived alone in one big apartment that supposed to be apartment for a “marriage” couple. There, he meet those 5 idiotic crazy friends of him.


Money? Don’t worry. Almost every day his parents transit money to his account.


In his school, he wouldn’t deny that he along his friend were famous in the school. He is famous with the girls, including boys’ fallen head over heel with him. However, what made him still single till now? It’s because of his darn scary hobbies that made them didn’t want to go on date with him at all.


Yukwon loves ghost so much. You want to ask something related to ghost, doing a research about it? Just ask Yukwon. You asked him one questions with 5 words, he answered it with thousands of thousand words.


He loves to explore any house that he heard haunted unlike his scaredy friend he love it so much. He doesn’t know why. Every time when he heard from people about haunted house, he is the first one to react. He will challenge, sleeping in the haunted house for at least once/a day. He got disturbed, bothered by them, he got scar from their clawed still he loves ghost. He never gets afraid with it. He believed ghost is not that scary, they have their very own reasons for being like that. It could be grudge, longing for a person, being killed, unpeaceful spirits and anything.


His friend think he is crazy.. He doesn’t mind at all. He just loves ghost. That’s all. Maybe he had born to be friend with ghost.



Today, he heard from a student’s about haunted house in one of villages in Daeju were haunted. The most powerful and dangerous haunted house. Even, paranormal didn’t get to look everywhere; just stayed on the door house made them scare to death, the eerie feeling is very creepy. No one ever went inside the house.


The famous discovery channel "ghost lab" Even, they didn’t dare to carry out their experiment after just by setting up the camera outside the house. In fact, one of the crew died as he tried to enter the house.


Yukwon interested at it. Next week start of their summer holiday, he will stay there for as long as he could. Hearing the story made me him feel excited. He never heard haunted house liked that. Even “ghost lab” was driven away by the ghost so he wondered if he would do the same or play with the ghost.


"You are crazy," Kyung immediately said as Yukwon told his wish.

"No, hyung don’t. It’s dangerous. Well, I allowed you last time because it’s just a normal one but this one it’s scary. It’s dangerous. Have you heard? One man still had the scar from being claw by the ghost, three people had died."

"So what?" Yukwon sipped his drinks.

"Whatever. I just hope you didn’t fall in love with ghost. Mahn.. That will be weird," Zico gave up throwing his arms around Kyung’s shoulders.

"Want to go with me?"

"HELL NO!!!" they hollered together. Yukwon smirked, "Scaredy cat."


*Next week*


"Hyung, did you wrote your last will already? I hope you will give your Xbox to me when you died," Jihoon said. Yukwon laughed, "I will come home safely."


"I love my Xbox to death. There’s no way I would give it to you even if I die."


They now outside Yukwon’s apartment sending him away to the “Neverland” -at least what Yukwon called- Yukwon waved at them as he entered his car. He really can’t wait for it. It’s just two hour ride to Daeju provinces from Seoul.


As he entered the village, it’s just a sullen village, quiet, sound of children playing on the park. With estimated population of people living in here, only around 600 plus. He got out of his car as he park near the playground.


Yukwon smile as he went out of the car. The air is fresh. Not that much of pollution around this neighborhood. He can see there are not many cars used in here. Everywhere he goes he saw a lot of bicycle. Most people just walk around this village.


His stomach grumbled, he decided to eat at an older restaurant, it’s a wooden two storey house who looked liked going to collapse at any second, he assumed at the upper where the people stayed while at the bottom were restaurant.


The inside not so nice, not so bad.. It’s pleasant, with the different aroma circling the inside. It was an old fashion 60s type of restaurant, with an old version of radio with low signals; sometimes there is sound sometimes not. He saw a grandfather sat at the corner, two tables away from where he sat, watching television. The grandmother took his order.


"Young man.. I never saw you here," Yukwon smiles at the halmeoni. "Yeah, I kind a staying for a month here, maybe? I came from the city. I want seafood bibimbap," halmeoni nodded her head.


She went away for a few minutes to cook. She placed the food on the table. Yukwon ate it. After he finished, he went to sit next to the harabuchi as halmeoni joined him soon. "Young man, where are you staying for this one month," halmeoni asked him nicely. "I will be staying at the house down the village."


At that, the halmeoni eyes widen, harabuchi also stopped watching TV staring at him. They looked scared. "Dear lovely young man, are you sure? I assumed you must know everything about that house," harabuchi said looking at him worried. Yukwon smile, "I know everything, harabuchi. Every singles thing about that house, what happened there, all about the ghost stories related to the house."


Halmeoni sighed, "If you know but why you still intended to stay there. You know that dangerous right?" Yukwon nodded, "I know. That’s why it brought me here. I intended to explore more. I want to feel it by myself. I love haunted, ghosts. Every ghost had their own reasons why they being like that."

"You think the ghosts will appear and talk to you about their problem?" harabuchi said sarcastically. Yukwon hung his head down biting his lips.


"Young man, you should not go there. You better go home. Even we, the villagers, not even dare to step 10 km near the house. It has been haunted for almost a century." *Century?* hearing that he getting more interested with the house.


"Halmeoni, if you don’t mind.. I’m sure halmeoni knew the history of the house and the family. Who is the ghost? Will you tell me?"

"No, I don’t know anything much about it. Sorry to say young man but I’m a forgetful person. Harabuchi knew more than the villagers in here. His father was best friend with the family that used to live there," Yukwon looked at harabuchi. "No, I wouldn’t tell you anything. There is no used for you to be there. I assumed you must go back to your place," he went out of the restaurants. Yukwon followed him. "Harabuchi please~" he pleaded. No.. This harabuchi he talking is the most stubborn person in the village. If he said no, then no!


Yukwon had been following harabuchi around the town for a few hours already. Failed! He wouldn’t even look at him in the eyes.


He stayed with the grandparents’ house today. He wouldn’t give up, he keep bugging harabuchi when he eating, watching TV, showering. He even waited for him on the toilet door. No words came out from him. Not even the name of the ghost!


Gave up he went to sleep, tired.


"Aren’t you going to tell him everything? I feel sorry for him," halmeoni started.

"No! That place is dangerous. If I told him, he would be interested on living there more."

"Let him be. He is a big, mature young man already. He knew what he is doing. He already knew the consequences. That’s why he ready to take this challenge. Don’t make it hard for him. He just a curious young man," harabuchi just closed his eyes sleeping.


Yukwon wake up, taking his sits next to harabuchi... His body in pain for walking too much yesterday. He look at harabuchi who just staring at him *is harabuchi going to tell me?* "Yes?"


Harabuchi sighed, "It’s started 60 years ago.. I was around 20 something," he started seeping his green tea eyes not looking at him. Yukwon immediately took his sit next to him, pulling out his phone to write notes.


"They were the richest family in this village, consists of three family members, the parents and one son. My father was best friends with the father while myself and the sons were best of the best buddy in the village," he smiles.


"Is the ghosts are the families?"

"No," halmeoni answered as she sat next to Yukwon.


"They were the happiest family everyone know until one day fatal occurred in the family due to my stupid best friend’s father," he clenched his knuckle.

"The wife finally found out the real reasons behind their richness. Every day, every morning he will go to work. The truth is, he went to gamble. Every money they got came from gambling. Not even form his so called work as a bank manager. No one really knew this since he worked outside the village, no one really speculate it until his wife himself found out about him. He not just gambles. He also was having a scandal. He build his another ‘new’ family in the city with his scandal. That jerk, he is gambler plus Casanova. How come he never thought of his own family here," harabuchi looked angry.


"The wife got mad, they fight that escalated him to get out of the house from the villages until now, we never saw him ever stepping his feet here since that day. The wife depressed. My friend replacing his father position by searching for work to support themselves since his mother not going to wake up from this situation.. He lost his teenagers years. Her mother broke up, but then he always been beside his mother. She was his everything. There’s only one thing she always said to him "to save this house"."


"She said so because their house was being sold up by his idiot father. Her mother doesn’t want to sell it. Even though it was build with gambling money but it’s full with memories in it. Their wedding was held there, their sons were born there. The place where the sons learning his first steps, his first words, everything. Everything started and ended there. My friend does his best working hard; at the same tine never forget to spend his times with his mother who having depressions. His mother loves him so much. Just by looking at his face she will ease up from the entire problem. Until she got sick, not a single word was heard from his father. His mother longing to be hold by his husband, to be hug by his husband for last time but it never reached. She died the next day without both his sons and husband by her side. Of course, my best friend sad as he didn’t get to show the contract of their house which already been back to their arms," harabuchi cried.


"My friend change.. Until now I couldn’t stop remembering his face. He lost the lights. He doesn’t looked liked my friend at all. He stopped meeting us. Then one day, he died, hanging himself up. I still couldn’t forgive him for leaving me. He was my one and only best friend. People said he died because he couldn’t live without his mother but I knew there must be something big happened before his died. He is not the type of people like that. He always stands up. He is a positive man. He will never do that. I still don’t know why."


"So, the ghosts in there, is the sons?" Harabuchi nodded. "he is, people who gone said the ghost was a young teenagers. So I assumed is him," halmeoni said.


"But.. Why did he killed everyone going to the house? It’s not like everyone going to bother him."


"You are right *sigh* he always think people who going to the house was a person who going to steal their house from them. He promised to his mother that he will protect their house. The person he killed is the person who may be bothered him too much."


Yukwon nodded, "but.....," harabuchi started after a long silence. "I think it’s not because of the house. I think.... He just want his revenge.. He wanted to kill his father for making his mother suffered. I’m really sure he want to kill his father but he knew his father probably dead already that’s why he killed persons who associated with him. The first was his step brother and the last one was the step brother daughter. He had no limits between girls and boy."


"I heard about one of the ghost lab crew was killed. I’m sure he doesn’t have any relation with him."

"You are right, young man. That’s why I don’t understand why he killed innocent people too."

"Did harabuchi ever go there? Telling him to not kill everyone? Or I mean talk with him? Calming his spirits down? Did he ever show himself to harabuchi? After all harabuchi was his best friend."

"I did twice but I gave up. He stills the same. He never showed himself to me but I could feel he was next to me when I talked to him. Every time after I talked with him, he would pat my back. That’s all. Young man, please. I don’t want you to be in danger. You better go home. That is not the place for you."

"No.. I’m sorry harabuchi.. I’m still going to be there. I will talk to him," he stands determined.

"If you died that’s not my fault. I’m warning you already"

Halmeoni sighed, "Young man, please listen to us. Don’t go there, no one going to hear you if you going there. It’s the only house in there. What are you going to do if you need help?"


"Harabuchi, what is the name of your best friend?"

"Lee Minhyuk... Lee's family" Yukwon just smile at him, hugging halmeoni before he went to take a shower.




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very_ship_them #1
Chapter 20: No no noooo I don't want it to end T.T *sniff*
Omg I hisestated at first ~should I read it or not
This is so beautiful T.T you are so cute author nim I love you
Ubomb jjang :*
Chapter 20: OMG It's amazing. I love it so much ♥ Thank you author-nim :33
Chapter 20: Hahaha, of course Kwonnie would scare them like that!!
Chapter 20: OMOOO ~ This is bad for the heart T^T
This story is so different from the others I've read so far and it's amazing, autor-nim >///<
Thank you so much *bows
Chapter 20: idk wae but i feel sad-happy at the same time that your story was ended /cries a river/ i am going to reread this again omo, but still congrats for them /appluased/ i rly hope there is a ghost like mhinnie /cries
Chapter 20: waaa ke ke ıf ıt was true ı wanna be ghost and lıve ın block b dorm until one them falls for me kkk. Congratz! Now make another story please? I want the boys to play their own characters ^^
OMG OMG OMG! The ending was so epic! I liked it a lot! I really liked the whole story! Kwonnie is such a dork hiding like that XD And the guys reaction XD This is one of the best stories I ever read. Author-him I'll wait till your next story teehee. No pressure :)