''There are times that I want to let you go, but sometimes I wouldn’t want to let you go. ”- Jung Jin Young.

Unrequited Love

Jinyoung pouted as he listened to Ah-ra. She was always talking about how cool Sandeul was, how handsome he was and not to mention about his singing skills. The way she would laugh at every statement while talking about Sandeul made his blood boil, was his girlfriend really that happy to talking about him? Jinyoung just couldn't understand.

" And... when I thought that he was going to kiss me. He actually...haha! He actually slapped me on the face." Ah-ra grabbed her cheeks as she talked about the incident at the beach.

Jinyoung raised his eyebrows and gently hit her on the cheeks. Ah-ra widened her eyes and confusingly stared into his eyes.

" You sounded so happy talking about him slapping you. So I-"

" You hate it when I talk about Sandeul, right?" she looked straight into Jinyoung's eyes as she questioned him.

He knew that he couldn't lie so he simply nodded his head. The truth was, he was jealous about how Ah-ra was always boasting about how great Sandeul was. Jinyoung too wanted to know what he was in Ah-ra's eyes, no one had ever mention or talked about his good points except that he was good looking and that he was a talented song composer.

" Shin Ah-ra...what do you think about me? Like what am I good at and all..." he bit his lips as he anxiously waited for her to answer him.

Ah-ra stretched her legs out and comfortably rested her head on his shoulders. She took her time to think of the perfect answer, because Jinyoung was different from the rest, it was a little bit difficult to define him in words. Sandeul was a little bit much easier to talk about because he was a cheerful and outgoing person whereas Jinyoung was still mysterious to her because whenever he did good things, he always did it behind her back.

" Romantic?" Ah-ra cheekily answered him and buried her face into his shoulders.

Jinyoung sighed and shook his head. It was a typical answer.

" More...more like how you talked about Sandeul." he uttered those words while gesturing with his hands.

" Then... good looking?" she added on.

" Think about it...like what I'm good at?" he tried to give her a hint by glancing at the guitar in his room.

Ah-ra shrugged her shoulders and scratched the back of her hair. She was about to open to answer him but Jinyoung gave up and stood up first to grab the guitar. He was going to prove to her that he was ten times better than Sandeul and not only that, he was good at playing the guitar as well. Ah-ra excitedly hugged her legs and rested her chin on her knees as she watched Jinyoung holding the guitar close to his body. He looked at her a couple of times and soon he began to play a tune.







Jinyoung strummed the last note and proudly looked up to look at Ah-ra. Like a small child, he wanted to be praised.

" Sandeul plays the piano well too." she stuck her tongue out and chuckled as she tried to annoy him.

" Aish, I'm not doing this anymore. Let's just sleep." Jinyoung kept his guitar away and rested his head on Ah-ra's lap.

She raised her head up to watch the time, it was just 3 in the afternoon. Jinyoung shut his eyes and comfortably rested his head, honestly he was going to miss her so much but he was afraid of making her upset or make her feel bad about leaving, so he was just going to keep quiet and enjoy the time he still had with her. They were left with only one week. Unknowingly, he had bonded with Ah-ra so much that he couldn't bear to leave her.

Ah-ra ruffled Jinyoung's hair with her fingers and softly patted his head. Time was going by way too fast. She was definitely going to miss him but now that it was the smart generation she could probably just give him a call or talk to him through Skype. It wasn't all that bad. 

" I will miss you." he uttered those words with his eyes closed.

" You've said that a gazzilion times." she looked down to look at him and gently his pale cheeks.

This was the first time that Jinyoung was acting like a child after his mother passed away. He remembered doing the same when his mother said that she was going to go on a vacation for a week. So he acted like he had a tummy ache and his mom would let him rest his head on her lap while she rubbed some ointment on his tummy. The last thing that he said to her was that he would miss her a lot. Turns out, the vacation was a trip to the hospital. The surgery wasn't successful and he couldn't even say goodbye. 

" Ah-ra, can I ask for a favor?" he shot back up into a sitting position and rubbed his neck embarrassingly.

Ah-ra carefully listened to his favor and as soon as she heard it, she couldn't help but laugh. 

" Oppa!" she pushed him by the shoulders and tried to cover her red face.

" Can you do it?" he blinked his eyes repeatedly and stood up to take something out of the drawer.

10 minutes later...

" Deeper." Jinyoung happily pointed to his ears as Ah-ra helped him clean his ears.

" Your ears will bleed. Yah...how long has it been since you last cleaned your ears? Eew..." 

Jinyoung laughed as he enjoyed the feeling of somebody cleaning his ears for him. It was so comfortable that he could fall asleep anytime soon. He was too shy to let Ah-ra touch or even see his stomach so he thought of another good alternative to make himself feel better. Turns out cleaning his ears was a good idea. He was finally able to listen better, the world sounded clearer.

" Ah-ra, don't ever think of leaving me again. There is no way you're going to leave me." he voiced out and sighed.

She only nodded her head and silently promised. She was never going to make Jinyoung shed tears ever again, plus they had hurt so many people to be with one another. First, it was Dal-rae. Then it was Sandeul. Including the many girls that were madly in love with Jinyoung at school. With the blessings of Dal-rae and Sandeul, the least Ah-ra could do was to make things work out with Jinyoung. 

Time flew pass as they were having fun, soon it was night time and once again, Jinyoung couldn't bear to let Ah-ra leave. He wanted her to stay for the night; again. It had been two days since she last returned home and her parents were already asking for her but since Jinyoung was the one who personally requested to spend time with her, they relented but Ah-ra wanted to spend some time with her precious siblings.

Shinwoo was going for the heart surgery after she left and Dal-rae had changed her mind and decided to stay in Korea. So at the end of the day, Ah-ra was going to Macau to study alone. She sighed at the thought of it. Jinyoung still had a grip of her and begged her to stay by blinking his eyes and making that pathetic yet cute face.

" Fine..." Ah-ra gave in and shoved him aside.

She had already used up the last set of extra clothes that she had, and Jinyoung was frantically searching for something that she could wear. Ah-ra rolled her eyes and shook her head, if it was Sandeul, she could have just borrowed his shirt and wore it over easily. Jinyoung was too skinny and even his biggest and baggiest shirt wouldn't be able to cover half of her legs. 

" This, I only have this shirt and umm...shorts..."

" Can't I just borrow something from Yoona's room?" Ah-ra voiced out her frustration and remembered that there were some woman's clothings in the house.

Jinyoung shook his head and explained that his cousin had locked her room up so there was no way he could get her clothing's. That was when he remembered that he still had some of his mother's clothings left in the storage room. He zoomed to get those clothes and after doing so, he painstakingly ironed them to make sure that the germs were killed and his Ah-ra wouldn't get rashes from wearing dusty clothes.

" It fits perfectly!" Ah-ra twirled around in the night dress and admired herself in the mirror.

Apparently, Jinyoung's mother had a taste for vintage and lacey dress. As she admired her reflection in the mirror, Jinyoung cupped his chin while sitting on the bed and lovingly watched Ah-ra. His mother would have been happy to see this, he thought. 

" You're the first." he announced all of a sudden.

" Huh?" Ah-ra turned around and immediately sat next to him.

" I meant...you're the first to touch something that belonged to my mother." a soft smile appeared on his face as he explained.

" So this is something you haven't done with Dal-rae onni?" Ah-ra excitedly questioned him as she proudly wore the nightdress.

Jinyoung nodded his head and fixed the first button on her neck. He had always felt bad about not being able to be Ah-ra's first, not being able to repay her feelings back to her when he perfectly knew how that little girl had always liked him. He had thought that her puppy love for him would last only for that period of time and the rest was history but who knew that Ah-ra's love for him could last that long.

" Shin Ah-ra, you loved me for 15 years. Won't you get bored of me?" the both of them slowly got under the covers and he stretched his hands out for her to rest her head on it.

" You can't count that as 15 years anymore. I fell for Sandeul, so that was cut short." she laughed as she tried to make him jealous.

" Did you really ever love Sandeul?" he tried to not sound as if he was mad and cleared his throat.

" I did like him a lot. He was a kind person, he was the first person who didn't shun me after Dal-rae-. Ah...that was because he was her little brother that's why. But overall, he is really a good person. Too bad we didn't really work out because you turned up." she added on and laughed.

Jinyoung moved his head up and down as he listened, whatever she said was indeed true. If they hadn't met each other on the first day of school, Ah-ra and Sandeul would have probably ended up together.

" Shin Ah-ra, want to know something?" his voice slowly faltered as his eyes were getting heavy.

" What is it?" 

Jinyoung softly let out a sigh and embraced her into a hug. 

" We may not be each other's first but...this is cheesy... you're the last." he clenched his teeth as he uttered those words.

A few seconds passed and there wasn't any reply, he peeked to only see Ah-ra soundly asleep. He sighed the second time and stared at her porcelain face, was she really leaving? Was she going to be alright alone? Those were his worries. 

Looking back into the past, he had always been sceptical about arranged marriages. But to think of it again, his mother was probably blessing him from somewhere above. Jinyoung as a person was someone who craved for love and companionship, he had always been afraid of being alone. The fact that he could compose extremely good love songs were because of his experience with Dal-rae and also from reading some romance novels.

The night was going deeper and so was Ah-ra's soft snoring. 

" There are times that I want to let you go, but sometimes I wouldn't want to let you go. So before my heart wants to let you go, growing old together isn't a bad idea." he carefully whispered those words into her ears and tucked her in.




(A/N: Sorry for not updating in a long time. Been busy <3 and thank u all for reading Unrequited Love. Haha, yup, sad to say it is coming to an end. It's the start of a new term for me and have a great day ahead! ^o^ Thank you you :))








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I finally had the time to update! Thank u guys for all of ur support. ^^


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Potahyun #1
One of the best sandeul fic that I've read <3
Paboly_Nisa #2
Chapter 50: omg wonderful story !
Paboly_Nisa #3
Chapter 34: LOL. i got tricked !
Paboly_Nisa #4
Chapter 31: omg.. I ship Ah-ra and Jinyoung though ..
Paboly_Nisa #5
Chapter 6: omg so Dalrae was the one who pushed Ahra
Chapter 50: I think that this is the perfect ending because I've always shipped Jinyoung and Ah-ra... but it somehow hurts... the good guy always get tossed aside. I really liked how the characters matured as time goes by... Especially Sandeul's... :(
Best story I've read so far... ^^ HWAITING!
Chapter 49: I cried :(
You-shayna #9
Chapter 50: I teared up when I was reading the last few chapter, especially the fight. Nice story. Loved it. It was DAEBAK!! I loved it when you included the members of Infinite. :-))
Chapter 50: It hurts... my baby deullie... Just thinking he's in pain makes my heart hurt.. T_T
Thank you~ best fanfic i've ever read.