Wet Dream

When You're Here



‘Oh, it’s too much, it’s you, your love, I’m overdosed…”






Kai groaned at the sharp pain hit his head. Felt like he was getting hammered and nailed to the wall but there’s no wound, not even a single drop of blood. He looked around and found himself stuck to a chair, in the middle of Lee Soo Man office. How he ended here, it was too bothersome to care that he preferred to find the reason why he was summoned here.




His lazy eyes shot opened when he heard soft whisper ghosting on his side. Immediately, his senses made him straightened his back in caution at the presence of Luhan sitting at the chair next to him, “I’m sorry, did I startle you?” the beauty asked and sure it only made Kai heart marched wildly. He opened his mouth in a gasp, tried to answer Luhan in a calm tone but his words stuck in his throat at the sight of the man he had crush for.


 Two years past by since they became EXO.


Add another two years before they debuted.


And for the upcoming years in the future, Luhan would still be his first love.


So he stopped facing Luhan with grimace and muttering a low whisper, “Yes.” It’s always easier to say the truth every time those light brown eyes looking into him, “I don’t have idea why we’re here…”


“Really?” Luhan titled his head in a cute way, “you say this place is safe.”


For what? Kai asked Luhan from his gaze, but he found the answer from the weird atmosphere slowly built in between them, from the way he caressed Luhan’s angelic face with the tip of his fingers and from the way Luhan shyly smiled while leaning into his touch, “you say there’s no cctv here, so we can do whatever we want.”


Indeed who would put camera in the CEO room?


“What can we do here?” Kai didn’t mean to say it with smirk, cause now Luhan pouted and accused him from teasing, so he leaned to place a kiss into the pink lips, “I’m serious, I had temporary amnesia right now so you better tell me what we should do…”

“You’re a liar.” Luhan laughed breathlessly into his mouth, which made Kai bit the blond’s bottom lips playfully, then immediately nibbled and it as apology. Luhan avenged him by catching his upper lips and do the same until theirs are swollen and felt numb. Just when they parted to take a breath, Kai attacked Luhan again with an open kiss, with his tongue penetrated Luhan and explored every inch of the hot cavern like he was marking the mouth as his property, forever.




The only word came out from the beauty was his stage name, and somehow it sounded so y that he moved from his chair to top Luhan, giving Luhan more kisses, more , more saliva transferred in between their connected mouth. With their mouth never parted and the inner whimper of the older sent tremor right into his throat, he forced their bodies close, spread Luhan knees wide on his way and let their crotch pressed so they could grind the pleasure to the fullest.




Both of them accidentally moaned when their heat met. What is that? Kai chuckled at ashamed Luhan, before he moved his hips, slow yet steady so Luhan could feel how hard he was and let him know the other was also hard for him. Of course, he was rewarded by the series of breathless moans, but strangely, he found himself scratching only the burning hot crotch with no shadow of manhood so he stopped humping Luhan and looked down,


His view blocked with a pair of soft flesh resided in Luhan chest.


For such a silly reason, Kai felt suffocated with a higher level of arousal. His throat became so dry over the girl features on the ‘supposedly’ boy whom he loved. He touched the s, and let Luhan sang the raw melody of pleas at the way he familiarized them in his palms. Cupping, massaging, grasping like it wasn’t supposed to be there and Kai wanted to test if it was worth to be Luhan’s body part or not.

“Stop it…Kai…” Luhan spasmed, like she was just get drugged by the love potion. She grabbed his wrists, pleaded for him to set both her restless mind and body free, so he released her and kissed her gently, now with love, love, love and only love infused into Luhan mouth. It turned her limp inside his hug as he suddenly found strength to haul her into an embrace then carry her to the red mahogany office desk, distracted her with love on his lips so when she was settled on the table, she shuddered in confusion at her ness.

“You’re so sneaky…!” Luhan grumbled at him, who now standing in front of her petite figure, dark-colored eyes can’t stop admiring every inch of flawless skin and the pink tint spread along Luhan’s paleness. On the flustered cheeks, the swollen lips, the perky tips of Luhan’s small s and the alluring womb-entrance, which now dripping in await. He took a deep breath.


How this could happen?


He wanted to ask aloud but afraid of ruining the mood, so he pecked Luhan’s side and running his lips from her jaw, all along to on her ear with a whisper, “what’s in your mind, baby?” he said while trailing his fingers on her sweaty inner thigh, he could feel she was shivering over his touch and it only poured him with more confidence, “or should I say, Miss Luhan?” he said it playfully, while retreated his face so he could see how the blush on her skin get dark and darker, “I’m your new secretary today so is there anything you want me to do?”

Luhan answered him with a whimper, maybe because his husky words, maybe because his thumb and index finger pinching her weak spot repeatedly. She brought her finger to , tried to sober herself by biting them but Kai only molested her harsher, made the pretty girl shivering even harder until she cried her release, moistening her inner wall and pooled on the surface of the expensive desk.


“Poor girl,” Kai looked at the mess, before he grabbed both Luhan shoulders and made her looked into his eyes, “Missy, tell me what should I do to help you…”


“ off…” said Luhan under her breath.


“Huh?” Kai grinned mischievously as he repeated the words, “ you?” he really enjoyed it when Luhan shot him a glare, but as she tried to speak again, Kai occupied her with another deep kiss.


“Well, shall I, then?” he towered over Luhan, let her rested on the table as he positioned himself in the right place and strengthen the bond by holding her hips still, ready to fill himself into her tight heat.


And that’s when he woke up, hard and neglected.




Kai stared at the coffee machine. It was new, and the only person familiar with it was Minnie hyung. But he’s not in need of coffee right now, only wandering around in the kitchen bringing his empty-black mug, thinking the best way to kill himself so he don’t have to dream about she-Luhan or dreaming about making love to this she-Luhan. It happened since he was introduced to Luhan during their training time, but this ‘wet dream’ started haunted him every night when EXO shared apartment and he had to see Luhan too often than it should.

He loved Luhan, it’s a public secret, but it doesn’t mean he wanted to sleep with Luhan. This love was purely platonic, that he enjoyed being around the older and he enjoyed admiring Luhan eyes, Luhan smile, even Luhan derpiness, in a package of cuteness. And Kai was always weak with cute things.


“Hhhhhh, what should I do….” He sighed in defeat.


Usually he will blame it at Luhan, for being so angelic and innocent, for having beauty beyond any other human, and for being so kind to him even though all he did was fooling around with the older.




Kai was this close to heart attack, when he heard Luhan called his real name. He felt his body froze as his mind tried to find the right answer to the silent question of why he was here instead having some rest before their departure to Shanghai.


“Hey?” It was impossible to hear footsteps on this granite floor but he knew Luhan walked towards him, he knew Luhan approached him before a hand patted his shoulder, “Jongin, are you okay?”


Judging that I’m just dreaming of you in woman body and was about to enter your heat after molesting your , I’m not okay. Said him mentally, but he didn’t dare to say it out aloud so he tried to calm himself and finally faced Luhan so he could made up story about how he can’t sleep because he was nervous about fan-meet.


“Hyung, can I be honest to you?”


But no, his mouth decided to say something else.


“Yes?” Luhan blinked, confusedly.


“I want to you.” he tries to shut his mouth up, for making Luhan eyes got widened in shock and made the older looked at him with fear, but he can’t be stopped anymore, not when he’s still hard from his dream, “so I give you five second to leave me alone and never talk to me ever again, or I'll make you my girl and have my way on you right here, right now.” He melted, defeated to his beastly side as he could only watch his lips muttering, “1…”




Luhan startled and deep inside Kai shouted for the older to run and hide.






Please, Kai pleaded to Luhan who was still so close to him, please leave me before it was-




Too late.


Kai already planted his venom on Luhan lips.





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Chapter 26: Finally I can finished it,., all of them was beautiful,., well of course because it's KaiLu,., I hope you won't stop writing and keep on spreading KaiLu love all around the world.,. KaiLu <3 forever,., thankz for this btw,.,
Chapter 26: My KaiLu heart ~
Chapter 26: I liked all his stories. From the beginning to the end, being too caught up with their stories.
Chapter 26: aww
sehun is so wise with his words XD
but then the way he mentions sekai, it's kinda ruined his speech XD

who can forget kailu? those two who always stand side by side? those two who whispering right into each other ears? those two who stare each other deeply? kai whom did on the stage by pinching luhan's nip*le? (lol, that moment is one thing i will surely always remember * XD) we could even see between them.

i miss kailu so much :"
Chapter 26: Never ever say gooodbye to kailu.. Forever kailu... <3
Ugh.. This is soooo beautiful. I hope this is the truth they're facing right now..
Chapter 26: I won't and I will never ever forget them. Kailu is a precious thing to me, they brought me to a reality that a shadow relationship can be possible all those haters will tell they are not real but why everytime Luhan needs something Kai won't hesitate to give him a hand and the same with Kai when he needs something Luhan always there for him. In my opinion Kai still loves Luhan, CHOPPER IS LUHAN AND CHOPPER IS ON HIS PHONE!!! KAILU IS REAL AND THAT'S FOREVER! No one can forget their love and friendship~
Chapter 26: i will never forget kailu, is almost my everything and we're celebrating in facebook page right now
and i made a video for them
i love it
deerparisa #8
Chapter 26: Awww.... The last was the best.
lilacsky #9
Chapter 26: Somewhere in one of those interstellar dimensions, THIS is exactly happening orz.
Thank you for : the rare Kai / Jongin's pov about his testimony on how love is a legit growing pain called Luhan.
This is so endearingly bittersweet..
fluffyns #10