Chapter 9.

Mission Two: Arranged Marriage

"Hey, we're back!" I shouted as we walked into the shooting range. 

"Oh my lovely superhumans! It's nice to see you. Have you came back to retrieve your beloved parents?" The person said as the person's face popped up onto the TV screen. 

"Yes, we're back for them." Myungsoo answered as he crossed his arms. 

"Wonderful! Let the games begin!" The person shouted as the lights went off. 

They turned back on as Myungsoo was gone like we planned. 

The plan 

"What?" Myungsoo asked. 

"You can see in the dark right?" I questioned him. 

"Yeah, but what does that have to do with anything?" Myungsoo asked confused. 

I facepalmed myself as Victoria and Kris finally caught on to the plan. 

"When they capture you then you'll be able to find the way to where there hiding everyone." I explained. 

"Wait, how are you guys going to know?" Myungsoo asked curiously. 

"Are you stupid?" Kris asked Myungsoo as Kris flicked Myungsoo's head. 

Myungsoo rubbed the spot Kris flicked and glared at him. 

"I'm not stupid it's just..ohh, yeah I'm a telepath..and you're a telelpath!" Myungsoo finally caught on.

"Gosh, so stupid. I can't believe we were friends." I said as I facepalmed myself. 

"Soo, that's the plan?" Victoria asked.

"Yep, mission accomplished." I said as I explained everything just in case I missed any details. 

End of Plan

"Woah, this is one scary place." Myungsoo said as he was directed towards the other's  that were held hostage. 

"Myungsoo? Is that you?" A british accent was heard from somewhere. 

Myungsoo looked around and found one of his friends tied up in a corner. 

"Liam? What are you doing here?" Myungsoo asked as he helped Liam out of the ropes. 

"I don't know I was at the market and all of a sudden BAM! I ended up here with a major headache." Liam explained. 

"So, they're taking my friends too..?" Myungsoo mumbled to himself. 

"What are we going to do?" Liam asked as he rubbed his wrists. 

"Well, we need to untie everyone and help will be here." Myungsoo said with a nervous smile. 

Myungsoo his mic and fixed it so he'll be able to talk to you and the others. 

You have to get pass a door that leads to a brick hallway. 

"Don't get lost... please." Myungsoo said to himself as he was untying the unconcious Mr. Kang.

I made my way towards a few doors as I secretly escaped. I slowly opened a door that said janitors closet. 

Dude, I don't see the brick hallway. 

It's there keep looking!

I looked around the place, touching the walls and seeing if there were any secret passages. 

"Where the heck is this brick hallway..Oops." I said as I tripped over a broom. 

As the broom fell down, a door opened...leading to a brick hallway. 


"Hello?" I whispered as my voice echoed in the hallway. 

"In here!" I heard yelling at the end of the hall where there was a sealed door. 

Myungsoo.. are you inside?

Yes, I am. It's so scary here. This place gives me the creeps. 

I'll be there in a little. It's going to take some time to get the door open though. 

Take your time. The game doesn't start until another 2 minutes. 

Okie doke. Fighting!


"How am I going to do this?" I said to myself as I stared at the complicated lock on the sealed door. 

"You're not going to do this." A person with a deep voice said from behind me. 

I turned around slowly as a guy with a buff body, an axe in his hands was coming towards me. 

"Aish.." I said as I got into my fighting stance. 

Back during the game

"Let the games begin!" The person said as the lights went off and on. 

Victoria and Kris were still there as they were hugging eachother for dear life with there eyes closed. When they both opened there eyes, Victoria and Kris went away from eachother with disgust on there faces. 

"What? What just happened? You guys are supposed to be gone by now!" The person shouted as he pointed at Victoria and Kris. 

"Seem's like your plan failed!" Kris shouted as he laughed hysterically. 

"No! One of you is gone!" The person yelled as he finally noticed. 

"Nobodies gone." Victoria said as she looked around and shrugged. 

"Your one friend that had the short hair! She's gone!" The person shouted once again. 

"You must be crazy! There wasn't another girl here!" Kris shouted back while putting his innocent face on. 

Back to the brick hallway

"What are you going to do? Kill me?" I said as I waited for the guys first move. 

"No, I'm helping you." The guy said. 

I blinked and was suddenly confused. 

Help me?

Yes, help you. I'm a telepath too. I was sent by special forces to take this job and help the hostages. 

"Oh my gosh. This is crazy." I said as I smiled.

"Ok Taecyeon imnida." The buff guy said. 

"Amber Liu imnida." I greeted back. 

"Here's the axe." Taecyeon handed to me as I used it on the door. 

The locked broke off as the door opened slowly showing all the hostages, but a red light make a loud siren go on. 

I turned to see Taecyeon gone as I still had the axe in my hand. 

"You got in!" Myungsoo shotued as he hugged me. 

I patted his back as I saw everyone untied. 

"I got everyone up. Let's go!" Myungsoo said as he motioned for the hostages to get out. 

"Hurry!" I shouted as I ran out of the hallway. 

We were all running down the hallway as men were coming from the entrance, blocking us from getting out. 

"SERIOUSLY?!" I shouted as I handed the axe to Myungsoo who was confused for a second. 

I ran towards the men dressed in black who were blocking the door as a familiar person popped up in front of them with a bright smile on his face. 

"Miss me?" Hyungsik said as I stopped running. 

"Oh my gosh, why are you here?" I asked in disbelief. 

"What? I heard you were in London so I was like 'Why not?'." Hyungsik said as he told his men to move out of the way. 

"Thank you Hyungsik Oppa!" I shouted as I quickly hugged him as he dragged me out of the place. 

"C'mon guys!" Myungsoo shouted to Kris and Victoria who were standing in the middle of the shooting range. 

"We can't move!" Kris shouted as I stopped running and walked towards the shooting range. 

"How did you guys get in t-there?" I asked nervously. 

"I don't know." Victoria said as she was scared to death. 

"Wait! Don't move. I'll get you out!" I shouted as I opened the door to the shooting range. 

I walked in as a gunshot was heard. A bullet flew pass my face as it slid off my cheek creating a little cut. 

Victoria screamed as she held onto Kris. 

"Hyungsik, Myungsoo, I need help!"  I shouted as I tried getting in without any bullets hitting me. 

I rushed in again as 2 bullets were heard this time. 

They all flew past me as I ran towards Victoria and Kris. 

More sounds of bullets came at me as I kept running towards them. 

I finally reached them as Kris and Victoria hugged me. 


I fell to the ground. 

The sound of bullets stopped. 

My vision was blurry. 

I was being shakened. 

All I could see was Hyungsik, Kris, Myungsoo, and Victoria in front of me. 

Victoria was crying on the ground next to my body. 

The last words I heard was.

"Don't die." 

A/N: I'm recovering! Hehe, I'm still very sick.. Ugh, I even missed school. I have so much homework too. :P

Anywho, as I was sick.. I found something quite amusing! 

credit to the person who created this! it's so hilarious~! XD Totally made my sick day!

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cheekylittlechubba #1
Chapter 32: The BEST!!!!
Chapter 32: it's so cute ending. nice krisber story. please update more krisber fic.^^
Chapter 32: nice happy family ending...
love the story n thanks so much for making this story author-nim..
im waiting for ur new KrisBer ff ...
hwaitingggggg O.O XD
krisber_1806 #4
Chapter 32: huhuhuhuhu...
Its ending.
Happy ending.
Great n nice fic.
Anyways, how cuuuuuuuuute! It all just flashed in front of me: little Krisber babies running around...KYAAAAAAAAAAAH ♥♥♥♥♥ >____<
Thanks for the great Krisber read :)
/sends looove ♥/
Chapter 31: haha.. myungsoo n zico such a kids, how about they have a real kids?
n myungsoo-zico will be the good uncle..
KrisBer is so perfect.. more fluffy stuff please
its so sweeeeeeeeeeeettt.. :*
krisber_1806 #7
Chapter 31: Finish??
Not sequel??
cutiekoala #8
Chapter 30: :O is it Hyungsik?
wow, that delivery guy isn't a normal person..
krisber have to be together no matter what..
krisber_1806 #9
Chapter 30: what hapend??
Update soon.
SpagheTae #10
love the genre! ;))