It's War

Mission Two: Arranged Marriage

We all marched down the staircase to confront Myungsoo and I's parents.

"It's war." I shouted as I was going down the staircase slowly.

"What on earth did you say?" Mr. Cho asked as he stood up from his seat.

"I said it's war. We are not following your rules." Myungsoo said with a little pain in his voice.

Victoria noticed it as she looked down.

"I will not allow this marriage to happen!" Kris protested.

"Daebak, this is starting to sound like a movie." My Dad said as he laughed.

"You are a  sick man." Myungsoo said underneath his breath.

"What did you say?" My Dad asked as he glared at Myungsoo.

"I said you're a sick man! Why would you force your daughter into something she doesn't want to do?" Myungsoo confronted my Father.

"I thought you were nice Mr. Kang. I actually believed that you were a caring father." Kris also added in.

"Are you all going to bash me out now?" My Dad asked as I was prepared to also.

"You will not get them to marry without my permission." A voice came from a microphone.

Everyone looked around surprised.

"When did we get an intercom?" Mrs. Cho whispered to Mr. Cho.

"Silence." The person said.

"Are you the one behind this?" I asked, ignoring the person's words.

"I SAID SILENCE." The person whined. 

I could hear Myungsoo and Victoria laughing to themselves.

"I am the one behind all of this." The person said as the TV magically while showing a person with a mask on. 

"Dude, this is like that SAW movie.." Victoria whispered to me. 

I shivered as I remembered when I first watched SAW with Sunggyu. I stayed up all night with him and I made sure Sunggyu didn't fall asleep. 

"Now, may I please grap your attention." The person said.

We all turned to the TV and gave all of our attention towards it. 

"Thank you very much. We're going to play a game." The person said evily. 

I rolled my eyes. 

The lights flashed off as I looked around in the pitch dark. There was screaming as I felt bunches of hands on me. The lights and my Dad was gone, the Hans, the Cho's, and my friends were wrapped around me. I crossed my arms and moved them off of me. 

"Now one of your members is gone." The person said spookily. 

"Oh, my gosh. Are you freaking kidding me?" I asked obnoxiously. 

"Young lady I will not tolerate that behavior." The person said as screeching was heard from the kitchen. 

Everyone ran to hide as I stayed in my place with Victoria, Myungsoo, and Kris. We just stood there as if we didn't hear anything. 

"You guys are very brave." The person confirmed as he/she wrote something in there notepad. 

"Are you examining us?" I asked as I walked closer to the TV. 

"STEP BACK!" The person in the TV yelled. 

"Why?" I asked as I walked closer amusingly. 

"If you don't step back then you'll die!" The person screeched. 

I rolled my eyes. 

"Hit me with your best shot." I said as I crossed my arms and sat in front of the TV. 

"Aigoo, where's Hyungsik when you need him?" Myungsoo whispered to himself as he played fidgeted with his fingers. 


"What the heck?  Did I just hear my name?" Hyungsik asked himself as he looked up from his paper work. 

Hyungsik scratched his head with his pen as he tilted his head in confusion. Hyungsik groaned as he leaned back in his chair and turned around in it to see the nice view of Seoul. 

"I have no life." Hyungsik said as he turned back to his work while yawning and stretching. 


"What are we going to do?!" Kris screamed. 

"He's going to kill Amber!" Victoria yelled as she went forward, trying to protect you, but it was too late. 

You were already shot by the bullet. Your body was pushed against the couch as Victoria was too late to save you. Victoria got off your body as she knew she was too late. Victoria looked at the blood on her clothes. 

"Yah! Don't fall asleep!" Victoria shed tears as she lightly slapped my face. 

"Victoria get back! It's okay!" Myungsoo pulled back Victoria so Victoria wasn't the next one shot. 

Myungsoo hugged Victoria as Victoria cried into his shoulder. 

Kris just fell on his knees, seeing your body limp and covered in blood on the couch. 

Kris couldn't go towards you. He knew what would happen if he did. 

Everyone turned away from my dead body and bit on there bottom lips from vomiting, crying, or fainting. 

"I'll be back okay?" Myungsoo said softly to Victoria as Myungsoo ran over to me. 

Myungsoo put his hand on your heart as he closed his eyes. 

"MYUNGSOO MOVE!" Victoria screamed as a bullet came towards Myungsoo, but Myungsoo had his shield on. 

"By the power of resscurection. Revival. Heal. Of the 4 places. England, China, Korea, and the U.S. Revive Amber Liu." Myungsoo said as he opened his eyes and you were glowing. 

"WHAT IS THIS?!" The person screamed. 

"To think you were smart!" Kris shouted while laughing. 

"C'mon.. Amber you can make it!" Myungsoo shouted as he slapped your cheek many times. 

"BAM! I'M BACK!" I yelled as I scared everybody. 

I started laughing hysterically as I turned to a serious expression when I saw a bullet go towards the Cho's. 

Oh no you didn't.

"Mr. Cho! Mrs. Cho! MOVE!" I yelled as they looked up from there crying and quickly dodged the bullet. 

"I can't take this anymore..." Mrs. Han said as she fell to the ground. 

"Game start." The person said loudly as the lights turned off and on. 

Mr. and Mrs. Han were gone. 6 people standing including me. 

"Let's head out!" I yelled as I ran towards the door. 

The door was latched shut with many locks. 

"Kris, fire!" I said as Kris blew fire and the door burned to flames. 

"Ugh! It's going to take a while." I yelled as I ran back to the Cho's. 

The lights turned off and then turned back on. Mrs. Cho was gone. 

"Oh my gosh, this is a madman we're dealing with." I said as I put my hand through my hair frustratedly. 

A/N: This is all I could continue with. :) I hope you enjoyed. 

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cheekylittlechubba #1
Chapter 32: The BEST!!!!
Chapter 32: it's so cute ending. nice krisber story. please update more krisber fic.^^
Chapter 32: nice happy family ending...
love the story n thanks so much for making this story author-nim..
im waiting for ur new KrisBer ff ...
hwaitingggggg O.O XD
krisber_1806 #4
Chapter 32: huhuhuhuhu...
Its ending.
Happy ending.
Great n nice fic.
Anyways, how cuuuuuuuuute! It all just flashed in front of me: little Krisber babies running around...KYAAAAAAAAAAAH ♥♥♥♥♥ >____<
Thanks for the great Krisber read :)
/sends looove ♥/
Chapter 31: haha.. myungsoo n zico such a kids, how about they have a real kids?
n myungsoo-zico will be the good uncle..
KrisBer is so perfect.. more fluffy stuff please
its so sweeeeeeeeeeeettt.. :*
krisber_1806 #7
Chapter 31: Finish??
Not sequel??
cutiekoala #8
Chapter 30: :O is it Hyungsik?
wow, that delivery guy isn't a normal person..
krisber have to be together no matter what..
krisber_1806 #9
Chapter 30: what hapend??
Update soon.
SpagheTae #10
love the genre! ;))