Chapter 31.

Mission Two: Arranged Marriage

"Are you stupid?!" Amber yelled as she smacked the back of Myungsoo and Zico's heads. 

They both rubbed the spot where Amber smacked irritatingly while they were on there knees begging for forgiveness. 

Kris was just lounging on the creme colored cough as he was reading a sports magazine and smirking in the process. 

"We thought it would have been funny.." Zico mumbled. 

Amber smacked his head again. 

Harder this time. 

"DO YOU KNOW HOW SCARED I WAS? DO YOU WANT TO DIE?" Amber shouted as Zico was rubbing his head again. 

Amber sighed while turning in a quick 360 degree circle before facing the two dead meat again. 

"We're really sorry.." Myungsoo mumbled with a puppy pout. 

"Stop with the lips." Amber commanded as she blocked her eyes with the back of her hand. 

If you're wondering what happened to Hyungsik, then here's the story. 

It took awhile to get Hyungsik to disagree to the arranged marriage. The best way to make him disagree was to share the secret and we did. That ended up making Hyungsik go to a mental institution because psychiatrists thought that his powers would be to lethal and he'd probably kill someone with it. Who spilled the secret you may ask? Well, right in this very room lies the person who told the secret. 

Amber did. 

3 months ago in December right before 2013 started; Amber had spilled the secret to the media while Kris came with her. That ended up in a disaster as Kris and Amber ended up being fired from the agency. It was all good to them, but nobody would see them as the same anymore. They would be seen as Aliens instead of Humans even if Amber hadn't spilled the beans. 

Zico and Myungsoo stayed in the agency, but the only ones kicked out were the youngers ones. Society thought we were depriving there childhoods and shoving useless information into there heads. 


"You seem in deep thought over there Amber.." Kris said while taking his eyes off of the magazine. 

"What makes you say that?" Amber asked while looking over at him. 

"Well, your victims are in the kitchen eating the pasta." Kris smirked as Amber's eyes widened. 

Amber ran to the kitchen and slammed the door open as she saw 2 monsters eating over the pot with chopsticks in their hands. Amber rooled her eyes while heading over to them. 

"That pasta isn't for you." Amber gritted her teeth while smacking the boys upside the head again. 

They rubbed there heads and frowned while dropping there chopsticks into the sink. 

"You guys are such kids!" Amber shouted while picking up another set of chopsticks to stir the boiling pasta. 

Kris entered the room and sat at the counter, waiting for his food. The other boys followed suit and just sat there as if they didn't make anyone mad. Those innocent boys. 

(Back to Amber POV)

"Here's your Pasta and I swear it is a lot better than yours." I told Kris as he smiled and digged in. 

The boys looked dumbfounded. 

"I'm not your Mom! Get it yourself!" I said amused at there reactions. 

They boy got up and hurriedly grabbed food. 

We ate until our stomachs were full and the pot was empty. Soon, we all ended up in the living room laying down with eachother and enjoying TV. Zico and Myungsoo had fell asleep on the floor while Kris and I were telling eachother jokes. 

Our relationship wasn't a secret anymore.. I even heard in Kris' mind that he was going to marry me. I think he forgot that I can read minds. Anyways, I'm a little too excited now about it. 

Kris moved his head onto my lap as I ruffled his hair. 

"I'm thinking of letting my hair grow out so I can look more like a girl." I suddenly brought up as Kris' eyes widened. 

His expression had a little diva-ness in it too. It was pratically screaming -gurl, what you talking about?- Oh, I laughed at that expression. 

"I like your hair short." Kris confessed with love in his eyes. 

"Haha, if you haven't noticed.. my hair is a little shorter than yours. I want to at least have longer hair than you." I said with a laugh. 

"Fine, but only to your shoulders. If it goes pass that then chop,chop, and chop!" Kris replied as he did the chop motions with his hands. 

"Haha, shut up and go to sleep." I said while thumping his forehead. 

Kris got up slowly and stood up from the couch with a hand outstretched for me to grab it. I looked at him confusedly. 

"What?" I asked as I looked at his hand weirdly. 

"Let's go to sleep." Kris replied with a laugh. 

"Oh! Sorry, I'm a little out of it today." I said while scratching my head. 

"It's okay. Let's go." Kris responded as he turned off the TV and put the extra blankets over the boys. 

"Aww~ you're so sweet." I singsonged as we headed to the bedroom. 

"Oh shutup." Kris replied as I shrugged my shoulders cutely as him. 

Kris laughed and headed to the bed. 

Kris took all the blanket. 

That son of a- 

"Are you cold?" Kris asked as he his side to face me. 

Are you seriously asking me that?

"NO, I'M JUST SHIVERING LIKE I'M IN THE NORTH POLE! I'M NOT COLD AT ALL KRIS." I sarcastically said while I rolled my eyes. 

Kris chuckled while putting the blanket over me and bringing me to his chest. 

"Not so cold anymore?" Kris asked while resting his head on top of my chin. 

"It's actually very warm." I mumbled as I snuggled into his chest. 

Kris chuckled as there were vibrations from his chest. I laughed too as we both fell asleep in eachothers arms. 


LOL. jk.. Anyways.. yeah it's ending soon :( 

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cheekylittlechubba #1
Chapter 32: The BEST!!!!
Chapter 32: it's so cute ending. nice krisber story. please update more krisber fic.^^
Chapter 32: nice happy family ending...
love the story n thanks so much for making this story author-nim..
im waiting for ur new KrisBer ff ...
hwaitingggggg O.O XD
krisber_1806 #4
Chapter 32: huhuhuhuhu...
Its ending.
Happy ending.
Great n nice fic.
Anyways, how cuuuuuuuuute! It all just flashed in front of me: little Krisber babies running around...KYAAAAAAAAAAAH ♥♥♥♥♥ >____<
Thanks for the great Krisber read :)
/sends looove ♥/
Chapter 31: haha.. myungsoo n zico such a kids, how about they have a real kids?
n myungsoo-zico will be the good uncle..
KrisBer is so perfect.. more fluffy stuff please
its so sweeeeeeeeeeeettt.. :*
krisber_1806 #7
Chapter 31: Finish??
Not sequel??
cutiekoala #8
Chapter 30: :O is it Hyungsik?
wow, that delivery guy isn't a normal person..
krisber have to be together no matter what..
krisber_1806 #9
Chapter 30: what hapend??
Update soon.
SpagheTae #10
love the genre! ;))