Chapter 15.

Mission Two: Arranged Marriage

Today it was still Christmas. We were being escorted to a large auditorium. It was only Christmas morning they had told us that in there worst Korean accents ever. 

"Keep moving." They shouted as they pushed each of us into bathroom stalls with a change of orange prison clothes. 

"Unnie, where are we?" One of my hoobaes asked. 

"I don't know.." I responded as I felt sad for some of the telepaths here.

Half of my hoobaes were 9 years old and up and they were facing a life or death situation. 

I helped my hoobaes with there buttons on there clothes as we headed out to the auditorium. One of the guys put a wheelchair right beside my bathroom stall as I opened it with one hand and got into it. My hoobae pushed me into the auditorium as everyone was behind. Kris wasn't seen until we got inside and he was on top of a stage in a wheelchair. 

Kris was giving everyone a uneasy smile as he had bruises all over his face. There was pain in my eyes seeing him beaten up for trying to escape.

Everyone stared at him as he gave everyone smiles that screamed his pain and story of escaping. 

"K-Kris.." I stuttered as we were brought on the stage. 

"Y-You guys aren't in London anymore." Kris whispered to me. 

I rolled over beside his wheelchair as I smirked. 

"No shat. We're in Paris." I said as his eyes widened a little. 

"How'd you know?" Kris asked surprised. 

"They were speaking French so I assumed it was Paris or France." I pointed out the obvious. 

"Haha, ow.." Kris touched his stomach as he stopped laughing. 

"Are you o-okay?" I asked worriedly. 

"Yeah, I'm-"

Kris was interrupted by the entrance of another group of men, but this time in white suits. One of them was holding a familiar black rusty safe. It was Amber's safe. Kris nudged me quickly as he pointed with his eyes towards the people holding the safe. 

I turned my head as I saw the safe. 

"They're holding the safe to the valuables." Kris gasped. 

"They better not open it.." I said as I gritted my teeth. 

"Let's not bet on that." Kris said as he watched the people in white suits sit in front of us. 

The person with the safe was sitting in front of Kris and I as they were a bit tinier then the others who were buff and looked scary. 

"How are we going to get it back?" Kris whispered into my ear. 

"I have no idea. We can't do anything really.. We're both in wheelchairs for gods sake." I mentioned as he slowly shook his head. 

We both sighed at the same time as we waited for what was happening next. 

A person in a white mask came up to the stage and stared down at us. He was creepily smiling as I could see his cheekbones rising from behind the mask. 

"I brought you kids here today for special training. I also heard about an arranged marriage." The guy mentioned as he clapped his hands together once with joy. 

Myungsoo looked at me as I looked at him. We both gulped as we turned back to look at the ferocious man standing on the stage. 

"What I'd like to say it today.. We'll be planning a wedding. Also world domination." The guy said as he chuckled evily. 

The kids behind me were trembling as I heard the metal chairs moving around by a certain beat. 

"Today, will be Kim Myungsoo and Amber Liu's arranged marriage ceremony!" The guy shouted with his hands in the air. 

He slowly put them down and stared at Myungsoo and I, back and forth as Myungsoo and I were uncomfortable under the mans stare. 

"So, what do you guys think you're doing?! Go to the back and get changed for the wedding!" The guy shouted as his expression turned from happy to demanding. 

The people in white strapped me quickly to my wheelchair as they rolled me out of the auditorium quickly. They had put a cloth with chemicals around Myungsoo's mouth as they took him to the same place I was at. They locked us in a room that had a tunnel, but there was a fan attached to it so we wouldn't be able to escape. 

"M-Myungsoo." I said as I was panicking. 

I waved a hand in front of unconcious Myungsoo's face. Myungsoo was knocked out from the chemicals and I suspected that he wasn't going to wake up anytime soon. 

I sat there still strapped to the wheelchair as I felt uncomfortable. I tried moving around, but it didn't really work out. The wheelchair brakes were stuck so I couldn't turn in the direction I wanted to. 


"Kris Wu." The guy called out as Kris was being beaten up again for trying to run after you with his wheelchair. 

Everyone was watching there hoobae, as the only Super Human in the room was being beaten up in front of there eyes. 

"Please s-stop!" A few hoobaes yelled as the guys put his hand up to signal for the guys to stop beating up Kris. 

"Please s-stop." A hoobae quietly said as each and everyone of the kids stood up out of there seats. 

"Why should I stop young one?" The guy asked with a shrug.

"I swear this guy is like the joker.." Zico mumbled to himself as he rolled his eyes and crossed his arms. 

"Excuse me young man." The guy asked as he pointed out to Zico. 

Zico looked up unexpectedly as he pointed to himself. 

"Me?" Zico asked as he stood up. 

"Yes you. What did you just say earlier?" The guy asked with a smirk. 

"I d-didn't say anything sir." Zico responded with a unexpected stutter. 

"Then son, why are you calling me the joker? This isn't batman kid!" The guy laughed as he walked off the stage evily. 

The guy walked towards Zico as Zico stood up straight in front of him, avoiding eye contact. 

"Now tell me son. Do you read comic books?" The guy asked as he was facing the opposite way Zico was facing, but he was right beside him. 

"Y-Yes. I have a whole collection." Zico proudly stuttered in a cold sweat. 

"That's great. I do too. I love Joker. He always got his way one way or another." The guy laughed spookily as Zico was freaked out. 

There was a small silence as the guy smiled viciously. 

"Boo." He said as Zico flinched a little bit. 

"Take him away!" the guy shouted as the men in white came for Zico and knocked him out also while dragging him towards the room you were in. 

"You guys are little kids. I don't want to hurt you guys." The guy said as he held the chin of a small talented telepathic girl. 

"Y-Yes sir." The young girl replied frightfully. 

The guy walked away with his cane in his hand as he walked by Kris who was on the floor laying down, clutching his stomach while blood was oozing out of his lip. 

"I'm sorry I had to hurt you, but this is for the marriage." The guy said as he bent down on the floor right next to Kris. 

"This plan here is making Kris injured.. Enough to almost kill him. This arranged marriage must go on." the guy laughed evily once again as he threw his hands up in the air looking like the joker. 

A little boy was weeping at the scary sight of this. The guy walked over to the little boy like he was stepping on clouds as he bent down to reach the boys height. The boy weeped a little more. 

"Why so serious? Don't be over-dramatic kids. I will be your new Daddy. Who am I?!" The guy yelled as he looked up to the ceiling while putting a hand to his ear. 

"Our D-Daddy!" The boys and girls yelled back frightened to death. 

"Yes, I am your Daddy. You may call me Daddy now. Dismissed." The guy said as he raised his right hand and the men in white took the kids into the room right next to yours. The wind tunnel seperated both rooms, but it was impossible to get through. 

How are we going to get out? 


A/N: Once again! ;P I always do improv. Chapters... so if you didn't like it I'm sorry. It was just made right on the spot. 

Anywho, I'm burying myself into books. There's 2 days until school is done for! Well, not done for... but I mean like Christmas Break is here. The world is ending also.. haha. Are you serious? THEY'RE NOT BEING FAIR UGH. It's not even B.A.P and EXO's One year anniversary yet. :P Well, none of the rookies anniversaries yet! 

Just gotta wait, and keep swimming like Dory says~! 

Love you all! 

Comments are appreciated, Subscribers make me excited, and Upvotes always turn me into an upright person. :D 

Please do so~ And if you still haven't seen Kim Sunggyu's I Need You music video then heres the link! 

Kim Sunggyu - I Need You MV :

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cheekylittlechubba #1
Chapter 32: The BEST!!!!
Chapter 32: it's so cute ending. nice krisber story. please update more krisber fic.^^
Chapter 32: nice happy family ending...
love the story n thanks so much for making this story author-nim..
im waiting for ur new KrisBer ff ...
hwaitingggggg O.O XD
krisber_1806 #4
Chapter 32: huhuhuhuhu...
Its ending.
Happy ending.
Great n nice fic.
Anyways, how cuuuuuuuuute! It all just flashed in front of me: little Krisber babies running around...KYAAAAAAAAAAAH ♥♥♥♥♥ >____<
Thanks for the great Krisber read :)
/sends looove ♥/
Chapter 31: haha.. myungsoo n zico such a kids, how about they have a real kids?
n myungsoo-zico will be the good uncle..
KrisBer is so perfect.. more fluffy stuff please
its so sweeeeeeeeeeeettt.. :*
krisber_1806 #7
Chapter 31: Finish??
Not sequel??
cutiekoala #8
Chapter 30: :O is it Hyungsik?
wow, that delivery guy isn't a normal person..
krisber have to be together no matter what..
krisber_1806 #9
Chapter 30: what hapend??
Update soon.
SpagheTae #10
love the genre! ;))