Favor from you

The Rich Boy *Hiatus*

Favor from you



Taemin was asked to help out.

Doing things like housework, something he never had done before and GD knew that very well.

The young spoiled child never had to clean or he never had done the laundry all by himself ever before. The actually former master he was, he had protested against those task that were given to him. He wasn't even sure why? G-Dragon had a lot of money and he didn't donate it or anything at least Taemin didn't knew a thing about it, so he had maids to do it?

He was just suddenly asked to clean from an underling, a follower of the mafia boss he didn't rellay knew the name of. Seungri or something maybe?

His task was to clean just a few rooms because he wasn't used to do anything useful and would probably destroy a few things, that was exactly that what this Seungri guy had explained to him with cleaning tools in his hands and a evil grin on his face. Excuse me?

Seungri, or how ever he was called had left the room for a few seconds and now the young, irritated Taemin was standing all alone in his own room. He should start with it and go to the right next to his if he was ready. That would be enough for once, he was told. He should do something useful if he lived here for free and wasn't going to work with the others.

What was that guy thinking? What the was Jiyong thinking? Letting him do those things servants should do?

Taemin looked around in his huge room and sighed as he noticed for the first time how huge it actually was. He couldn't make it in just an hour or so. Maybe he wouldn't make it in a million.

Why? Maybe he, himself was at fault, Taemin grimaced. He had complained about the dirty, dusty room and that he wasn't able to sleep in such a bad enviroment. Yes, completely his fault.

Taemin hung his head and walked over to the big table, putting everything down. Maybe he whould ask Minho for help. He could do everything and then Taemin didn't have to do it. Just play dumb and he does everything on his own.

Good plan but not really nice and Taemins style. I'm thinking very differently nowdays... I never had used that word 'style' ever before. Tao has some bad influence on me.

The lonely boy sighed once more, observing his surroundings very carefully so he could decide where to start. He remained himself how Yoona had always cleaned his bedroom and that had looked very difficult and it was really hard work. She always would cruse under her breath and would sweat after a current amount of time.

She had tried to hid it but it was quite obvious that she hated her job. She always needed to call for some help when she couldn't reach things and since Taemin knew her quite well he was sure that she also hated that fact.

As kid, Taemin helped gladly out. He was lively and interested in every thing around him. He had liked to help out when he had the time to but now he seemed to have forgotten how it worked.

Taemin didn't wanted to do anything he wasn't used to. It was weird for him and he felt embarassed because he didn't cleaned his room like a normal teenager ever before. If he thought carefully about it he had never done anything normal childrens would do in their childhood. 

He was all the time in his family mansion, never really outside seeing the world. Even if he had wanted to go play outside he had to do some homework first. He had to work hard to please his farther.

The rich and if you may say spoiled Taemin had only really played with Isana, Key and Minho if they were there and didn't had something to do. Sure Minho was his since his father had dead and Minho was always by his side for unknown reasons. He was caring and helped him maybe too much out but Taemin never really had paid attention to his actions.

Those three friends of his were the only ones, he had liked ever before, he had trusted from heart on.

From time to time Jiyong and his older sister visited his home but Taemin never had really the time to play those childish games Isana had loved so much.

It had hurt a lot, to see his sister who didn't needed to be the heir, the responsible one, playing around with others.

Taemin shook his head violently as he turned his head to look at his unmade bed. I should start there.



20 minutes later


He finally made it. The bed was well made with no wrinkle or mote on it, just perfect made but soon destroyed as Taemin fell accidently from his cleaning on it.

He had dusted the walls with this weird fluffy thing, he didn't knew the name of but Yoona had always used it. Now he laid backwards in his bed, staring at the ceiling with frustation, dust covered his face and he sneezed full of anger.

"This can't be!", he almost yelled his first words for the day and stomped the air widely to let his anger go somewhere else as an servant or friend of his. He could kill, if he wasn't such a corward and weakling.

"Why does that happen to me? My life was always messed up but comfortable fine.", he whispered to nothing. He thought back at his childhood and coughed. It wasn't that good of a time, to be honest.

Taemin had a few friends, yeah and he played with them and joked like other kids should do but it was rare for him. He had always something to work on. Learn how to develop business, learn manners, learn martial arts to defend himself and his sister...

It didn't really mattered anymore and he had given up a long time ago. As Isanas suddenly decease, Taemin had stopped learning useless things he didn't needed anymore. He had enough manners and he knew how to talk and he knew how to sell something in the right way.

Sure he stopped talking to anybody but his father didn't complained and let him be in grief. He had given up as well and Minho was now the middle point of his life and his hope.

The taller and older man had almost everything Taemin didn't had. He was well build, manly in that matter. He was nice to everyone, knew manners better than anyone, could speak because he wasn't really related with Isana and didn't felt the pain Taemin felt. He had experience in selling and working activ for someone he maybe didn't liked but had to be with.

Taemin felt tears in his eyes, rolling down his temples. He groaned at his thoughts, Minho had told him he liked him and would serve him to death. He wasn't going to betray his master he was an loyal dog and would it ever be. Minho was too nice for his own good and to understanding. He lived easy going and on impulse.

Choi Minho was everything Lee Taemin wasn't.

Jun had stopped bothering Minho with his option and lessons but Taemin knew that something was wrong and that his father still had those plans in mind. Taemin had ever believed that Lee Jun would come and take his only friend away from him, taking him in business and letting his own son rotten alone in the big family residence were nobody else lived except himself.

Taemin never had thought he would end here, in this bigger mansion of Jiyong, trying hard to not disappoint the latter and get his agreement and help in searching for more proof and possible murderers.

It was hard for the young boy to understnad everything that happened in just one brief month. Getting almost killed, house on fire, running for his life in the cold. He met his old friend and he get to know new people that maybe where in danger because of them.

Taemin wondered what had happened to Sulli, Suzy and father back in the inn. He hadn't really said goodbye and he dind't had the change to show his thankfulness properly. Hopfully the four in the inn weren't hurt or robbed by the gang that had followed Taemin and Minho.

Minho... Minho got hurt and killed someone for Taemin sake. He really was loyal and strong. It still mad Taemin shiver when he remembered that night. it was hard and it hurts. He never wanted to see Minho like that again. Never wanted to see him half dead in his hands and all the blood mixed witht he snow. Taemin never could see snow anymore in that pure way he did before.

The young boy who was lsot in his thoughts heard a door get opened. He didn't bothered to look up and see who it was. If he was going to get scolded for doing nothing, he would show the unknown figure how hard his punches and mean his words could be if he wanted to.

No maybe he wouldn't Taemin had always rejected violence and bad talk and he had never used force on any of his servants. He wasn't like his father and wouldn't ever be like that. Jun was a cruel man and too strict and stiff, not caring for his family and maybe even killing one of them just for the sake of his business.

Taemin felt the anger and madness grow inside of him at that one thought.

"Master?", a voice called out to him and Taemin jumped in his laying position. He sat straight in bed and looked at the tall, black haired man that didn't really changed except of his hair from.

The man walked further into the room and looked around, he made wide eyes as he saw the cleaning tools and the fluffy thing in his masters hands. "Whats going on Taemin?"

The called man just shook his head, an frog in his throat he wasn't able to speak with. "You're not feeling well? Everything alright?", a worried Minho asked as he kneed in front of Taemin. He looked up at the younger and smiled with concern.

Maybe Taemin had a more bad cold as Minho expected. The boy got easily sick and was pretty delicate. Minho had always the feeling Taemin would break if he touched him too much or strongly.  

Taemin shook his head once again as he gestured to Minho to stand up. He himself stood up and both males locked eyes.

"Why don't you talk to me if everything is alright?", Minho had never thought he would say that to the younger.

Taemin was the first to break the eyes contactl. He focued his eyes to the bed sheets he had destroyed and sighed as he played witht he fluffy, black, whithe thing in his hand.

"Why do you have a duster?", Minho asked his master as he noticed his glance.

"Duster?", the young boy asked softly, he cocked his head. Minho pointed to the thing in his hands and Taemin let himself down on the bed with a big sigh.

"Sure it's a duster! Such a simple word for a thing to clean dust.", Taemin slapped his forehead and rubbed his eyes, already exhausted from the day even if he hadn't had lunch yet.


"Stop calling me like that and sit down. I have a favor to ask you."

Minho did just that what he was told. He knew that Taemin never had liked their relationship. Master and servant as friends and only remained advisors. It was hard to get used to it.He was young boy at just nine years old but Minho was happy at the day he could serve Taemin and be closer to him as any other.

Isana was most the time with Taemin and it was fun to see how his master could change as quickly as he did if he saw his beloved sister walking down the corridor, jumping in his arms out of pure bliss.

He would smile widly and soon their would play with her happily father-mother-children. The younger would groan and whine if he had to play the child out of three and ignore Minho after all that because Minho had to carry the child around if Isana commanded her played husband to.

"What for a favor? You could just command me to.", Minho said irritated at the behavoir of his old friend. He never was asked for a favor. Taemin changed too much lately and it was confusing to the older.

Since a few week they stayed in this house and Taemin still wasn't used to the yelling, shouting crowd around him, so why did he change in the first place? Maybe the boys influenced Taemin'S behavoir.

Minho was pretty close to the EXO gang by now and helped out as good as he could. Kyungsoo had some really hard issues to take care of. Minho was in awe as he watched the fragile and small boy kick some asses especially Jongin's. Tao and Kris were also very nice but one didn't talked much and was more in his own world, trying to plan things out for their new mission.

The so called bodyguards were married, something Minho never had heard of. Two boys, in a relationship, like lovers. It was weird but Minho didn't feel uncomfortable around the two. Chen and Xuimin were nice people and funny.

Taemin had some problems with the two, he would stand a few meters away from them and steal glances. Minho had watched the younger and was curious because why? But the older didn't asked, it was rude to do it.

It was pretty awesome to see everyone work hard for their goal. Sure it wasn't legal, not everything they did but Minho felt slight admiration towards the ten young boys.

He had heard form Luhan what happened to them. That one of their close friends was kidnapped and that they tried hard to find him and save him from whatever. Jiyong had promised to help but he never told anyone other than Kyungsoo what he found out.

Kyungsoo didn't talked much and kept secrets for himself. The boy seemed like he didn't trusted his friends anymore or at least that much. Just the important things were told and asked for but Kyungsoo didn't really depended on his friends anymore. Luhan had explained that the young boy was the second leader of ther Exo gang and that Kyungsoo had changed the most out of all of them.

Minho shook his head as he thought about the boy with dark circles under his eyes and the sad expression that lingered everytime on his face. He was glad that Jongin was beside him and helped him out, even if he was annoying and clingy towards the older. It was pretty obvious that Jongin wanted to be close to Kyungsoo.

"ings,... you're listening?", Taemin husky and soft voice asked. Minho focused once again on his friend. He should only look at Taemin if he was together with him. Minho nodded.

Taemin sighed as he shook his head. He didn't even scolded the older for lying to him for spacing out. Minho was busy lately and he never had time for him anymore. It wasn't bad or anything, Taemin didn't need much attention. At least he tried to convince himself that.

"Can you help me with this? I have to clean this room with those things.", Taemin pointed to the table. His shoulders hung and he sighed from time to time. Minho was the first to stand up and he took the duster out of Taemin small fingers.

"I do it for you. Don't bother with it."


"Huh? Something wrong?"

"I'll do it myself. Even if I don't want to.", Taemin whispered the last words under his breath and stood up, cleaning his sore throat. It was hard to speak so much at once.

"But Taemin I'll do it! I don't have anything to do anyway and you are-"

"I SAID I DO IT. Just god damn it help me with it!", Tamein cut off his servant and best friend with an angry voice. Minho didn't understood, maybe his ears were bad or something.

Minho had an shocked expression on his face but he just bowed deeply as apologize and started explaining things to Taemin.

After a few minutes both worked in silence.

Taemin focused on his task, he hadn't much to do anyway and this would distract him a little bit. Jiyong was searching and planning. He had already found something new, an possible informant but he had to bring him to talk. The guy was hard and difficult to get. He had disappeared for a week and Jiyong and Kris were trying to search for his location.

Minho on the other hand wasn't thinking about the matter with the mysterious informant. He was more wondering how his master has changed in a short amount of time. He never had helped out at least not to Minhos known and now the smaller boy tried to wip a window all by himself.

It was pretty amazing and Minho wondered how Jiyong could make him do such things he wasn't used to and that even voluntarily.

"Minho? Help me please!", the young boy called and Minho looked back at him. He couldn't reach the highes window and didn't knew how to clean it. Minho chuckled.

"Please wait a second Taemin." and he left the room. A few moments later Minho arrived with a small ladder in his hands and placed it by the window.

"Maybe you should let me clean the higher windows. You can clean the candlesticks and the furniture, that are still covered with dust and dirt.", Minho suggested and Taemin stared at him without an answer. He seemed to observe Minho's smiling face with his own expressionless one.

It wasn't creepy. Minho had seen that face a lot, lately it had softened and Taemin showed more emotions but sometimes he was still unreadable.

Minho's master nodded his head and went to the cleaning tools, Minho had left on the other side of the room. He started to work and Minho smiled at the back sight of Taemin. It was nice to see him work by himself.

Minho sighed slightly as he started to work on the window. He, himself didn't liked cleaning very much. He had to know a few things and it was basic. Minho wasn't the cleaning devil or anything because that weren't his tasks in the first task. He was there to please Taemin and nobody else.

Minho smiled to hismelf as suddenly the front door was opened and Jiyong apperaed. He walked through it and looked around, maybe searching for Taemin. As he found him he smirked, not what Minho expected and somehow it made him angry.

"Taemin? I'm impressed. I didn't thought you would really clean you're room. As I saw Minho on the window I thought that would be more like you, letting the servants to everything.", G-Dragon nodded to himself as he crossed his arms and leaned onto the open door.

Taemin just stared at him for a few silent minutes.

"Alright, you don't want to talk about my news, I get it.", G-Dragon turned around and waited provoking Taemin to speak and he did. "What for news?", a rough voice asked.

"It's music in my ears when I hear you voice boy. You didn't changed much it still sounds like a dying cat, like in you're childhood.", G-Dragon had always made bad jokes.

"Don't talk like that to my master!", Minho hissed from his place on the window and two men stared at him with expressionless faces. He should keep quiet and Minho looked at the ground. 

It made him mad that Taemin tried to look powerfull in front of Jiyong. He understood Taemin's reasons but the younger boy knew exactly that he hadn't the right here, he hadn't the upper hand here. Taemin wasn't nasty, mean or violent. He didn't belonged here and Minho dind't liked it when the younger male had to go to GD without him.

Minho never knew what they did.

Taemin was just the brother of the girl Jiyong had liked years ago and just becuase of that fact he helped him out. Taemin should understand Minho's worries. Even if G-Dragon had said he would help he still could betray the both easily and let them get caught by the group B.A.P.

It was easy for Jiyong to betray and hurt. It was easy for the mafia boss to kill. He was experienced and cold hearted. It didn't mattered to the mafia boss anymore who was going to sacrifice his life for his.

"Let's go somewhere else." and the mafia boss disappeared through the door he had come from.

Taemin walked close behind, a last glance at Minho. "Thanks for defending me but still don't speak up to GD. Keep you  quiet snd friendly. It's the best for us.", Taemin said as he walked out of the room. "You don't have to help further." and he was gone.

Minho sighed and let himself down to the floor and the soft but dusty carpet. He sat there and waited for Taemin's return, still in his thoughts about what was happening now in GD's office.

He still didn't notice that he was watched and that Taemin wasn't coming back for a few hours.



A/N:  • Not edit yet.

I'm disappointed with myself. I don't know how this story is so far... Nobody is reading this or am I wrong? 

I don't get any comments or such. No feedback and yeah It hurts. I'll try really hard but I don't have the passion to write this anymore. It makes me somehow sad to not get anything.

I really am thankful for my dear readers even if silent ones but... It would be so great if someone is telling me whats going on? Is this fic maybe boring, nya I mean not appealing? Should I change things? I get doubts here...

I'm in a hole right now and I need some hands to help me out...
I know I'm begging here but please~? *puppy eyes nobody can resists* 

► I'm in UK now for a week.
I don't have the time to update this story for a few weeks.


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Thank you!
I'm going on hiatus or awhile because the next part of this story is pretty difficult.


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Chapter 28: I really love this fic and I hope you can update soon :)
Chapter 28: hey~ :3
i´m so sorry i didn´t give u any comment for so long time :/ i will be honest.. i actually kinda forgot about this story and when i saw update i wasn´t sure what is it about. i´m truly sorry :/ but then i went i re-read it so now i´m totally aware what´s going on and i love this story! :) like i said once (i think) i love these stories about master/butler and this is very emotional and interesting because of events which are happening there :) i was actually very sad while reading about how cold it Tae and how Minho tries and loves(?) him.. it hurt me and i really mean it because u wrote it in so real way, i mean those feelings. well, if i said i will be honest so i have to tell u that with these last chapters story seems to stop in certain spot and someone might find it boring(?) i´m not sure.. u know, like events have stopped. i´m not complaining because i love it the way it is :) but i would like to see more 2min. hmm, how should i say it.. i know u surely have plans with this story so i don´t want to say what should u say because i´m sure u know what you´re doing :) but maybe more 2min times would help :) or even Kaisoo as i read there that Kai has interest in Kyungsoo ;) or i don´t know :) anyway, don´t worry, story is great and you´re doing great job as always :) keep going on :) chapter was great :) looking forward to next chapter :) good luck~
des2bfree #3
Chapter 28: I really luv ur story......i cant wait for ur next updte.....sory I cant give more commment.....bcuz my english very bad.....so really hard for write what I feel this about this story.....
des2bfree #4
Chapter 28: I really luv ur story......i cant wait for ur next updte.....sory I cant give more commment.....bcuz my english very bad.....so really hard for write what I feel this about this story.....
Chapter 25: What taeyang wanted to tell taemin about minho healty??
Chapter 24: wow :O i just started reading this and i couldn´t go away till i reached the last chapter, well the last u updated :) it´s great story and i like it because of strong relationship between Minho and Tae. and everything was so touchy and i like it! :D i´m very happy that i found time to read it :) this is another great story from u :) i like it as much as Day Of Getting To Know :)i was angry with Tae at first but then i was thinking what would i feel when i would be in his place. it had it hard so it´s understandable :) and then, Minho´s loyalty... it´s just so cute! :) when Tae first kissed Minho i had tears in my eyes, because he actually spoke to him and even sing :) and i have to say, that even though Jongkey hadn´t big part here, i enjoyed reading it because i love them :D and i´m happy u mentioned them :) i also have to admit that i was a little angry when Minho was all touchy with Sulli and so on but it wasn´t for long hehe. i was glad when Kai came to rescue 2min. i was really relieved :) and now when they are safe i´m smiling like crazy haha. i´m sorry for such a long comment but i had to say my opinion on all chapters :)) u did great job and i´m looking forward to next chapter :) good luck~
Chapter 23: I love the update I really want them to be completely safe...I will keep looking forward to your updates :) Love your fic
Chapter 23: Thanks God their save.. And it's look like they not save yet... Curious with what will happen next...
Chapter 22: Thank you for updating :) Keep up the great job and I love this update they are finally getting help and I hope both Minho and Jongin are fine :) and Taemin as well
Chapter 22: I think that man maybe sulli and suzy father..