Wake up please?

The Rich Boy *Hiatus*

Wake up please?


Minho's P.O.V


It was warm around me. I felt a gentle hand resting on my forhead and opened slowly my eyes. Curious about which hand it was.

I wish Taemin would touch me like this and care more about me. But when I opened my eyes I saw a woman's face. I was a bit upset.

The women looked worried. When she noticed that I was awake she opened her full lips. She looked as if she was shocked by my sudden awakening. She wanted to say something but no sound escaped from . 

Her warm hand rested still on my forehead. I tried to say something but my throat was parched and I began to cough.

"You're alright? Wait I'll get you some water.", the girl ran out of the room and came back a few seconds later again. She gave me the water she promised me and I drank it all at once. I was too thristy.

She looked beside me. Concerned and somewhat disappointed. Why?

I turned my still heavy head and saw Taemin's pale figure lying next to me. His face was blank and his eyes were closed. No deep brown eyes looked at me. No new founded emotion I havn't seen in years...

I began to shake all over. The girl saw it but didn't said anything. She took the glass out of my hands and my palms in her hot hands. Her touch felt comforting but it didn't help me. I suddenly felt so empty and guilty. If I had reacted faster, if I had just thought about me being followed as I went back to Taemin's vacation house.

I was the guilty one and because of me Taemin was now in his current condition.

I cleared my throat and looked at the young girl. I wanted to touch Taemin and feel what was wrong with him. Maybe it was all too cold. He was not dead or he wouldn't be lying next to me in a different bed. But I couldn't do it with her here.

As I looked at her I saw how pretty she actually was and that she was really young. She had honest eyes and a cute puppy face. I smiled at her and her cheeks flushed cutely. She was really pretty but not so cute how Taemin was back then as he was younger. What am I thinking in this situation?

"What about my... friend?", I asked her and looked at Taemin. He was still lying there quietly and didn't looked good. I wanted to crawl into his bed and hug him very tightly. Maybe when I hug him he warms up faster. I just wanted to go to him, I must go to him. But as i moved my body the girl grabbed me by my arm. Gently of course but I was a little shocked. She was really strong for such a small body. I looked surprised at her.

"Your friend hasn't woken up yet. We have taken care of his wounds but we can't move him." she smiled encouragingly. I smiled back.

"Thank you. You saved our life. I don't know how I could make it up to you." I sat up on the bad and bowed slightly my head. I felt still dizzy. Her cheeks were now much redder than before, and she held her cheeks shy. Did she knew how cute she looked right now?

Suddenly another young girl came into the room. "Wha...?"

She ran up to me and took my hand in hers. She was a little rough but seemed to be very happy at the same time. She spoke really fast and a lot.

"Are you okay? Do you feel any pain? Are you hungry or thristy? Can you walk? No, can you stand up?  What happened? Why were you in the middle of the night outside in the cold snow?" I was a little overwhelmed at her behave. It was too much all at once I could only watch forming words so quickly.

She was just as nice as the other girl who sat next to me in a chair but her character was quite different. She seemed to be in high spirits who wanted to learn and know everything at once.

When she realized that I didn't answer the many questions she asked me and not even moving my body, she stopped speaking. She looked at me apologetically.  

"Okay, let's start slowly. I know you just woke up.", she nodded to herself and pressed brief her lips together.

"You can call me Suzy and this is my younger sister Sulli.", She pointed to the smaler girl with the glass in her hands. She looked down at her lap and played with the glass of water. She didn'tlooked up as her sister introduced her and looked shy down her cheeks flushed. 

"It's nice to meet you my name is Minho. Choi Minho." I introduced myself with a smile. I looked back at Taemin and pointed a bit sad to his pale figure. I didn't wanted to introduce him, he should do it himself even if he couldn't speak.

But maybe he wouldn't speak his entire life.


A few day later I watched Taemin in his sleep.

He didn't woke up. He was still lying next to me and breathed deep in and out. I was grateful that he did.

I caressed his pale cheek again and again when I couldn't sleep. I watched him every second I could.

As I could move my whole body again I began to help in the guest house. I worked in the kitchen or I helped cleaning the other rooms. Sulli and Suzy were really nice to me and her father was a great man. He did most of the work in his inn by himself he worked hard even if the house was a bit old-fashioned and in this area weren't any people.

"Taemin~ah wake up for me will you? Please.", I begged again and his cheek. He didn't move an inch.

"Why are you doing this to me? I care about you so much and than if i just ask for one single thing you don't even hear me out." I wiped over my eyes and kissed his forehead.

I went in the kitchen and grabbed some water and an apple. I looked out of an small window beside the stove. It snowed heavy and the night remembered me of the night for 8 days.

Suddenly I felt a small warm hand on my shoulder. I turned around and saw Sulli worried standing behind me. "You can't sleep?", she asked with a smile and grabbed the water from my hands. She drank a bit and gave the bottle back to me.

I watched her action. She didn't behave any different then before. She was still very shy but sometimes she just did things that surprised me.

"Yeah. I can't and you?"

"The same problem. I'm worried over you and Taemin-ah. I just think he should have woke up by now. I'm afraid that he doesn't.", she said.

As I didn't spoke back at her she looked at me. Her eyes grew wide. "I didn't meant it like that. I'm sure he is going to wake up soon. Sorry Minho-oppa. I really didn't wanted to say this.", she touched my arm and hugged me. I was thankful but my thought were elsewhere.

What is when Taemin isn't going to wake up? What should I do then? I was with him since I was a child. I wanted to be together forever even if he says otherwise. I wasn't sure what I should do if he dead back then in the snow. I'm grateful that he is breathing and is alive but Sulli is right. What is if he doesn't wake up soon?

Sulli hugged me stronger. She took a step back and looked me straight in my eyes. She shook her head. "Don't think about these thinks. Alright? I'm sure he is going to wake up. Really let's go and check it out. Maybe right now he is stretching his body and is looking for you. Come on!" She shoved me back in our room.

We looked both at Taemin's sleeping face and sighed. Of course he wasn't awake.

"Minho~ah. I'm pretty sure he is going to be fine okay? Just sleep, tomorrow is the whole world different. I swear."

"You shouldn't be so nice. We are strangers to you. I'm happy that you are the one who found us but we have to leave this place when Taemin wakes up. It's better we don't grew closer than that. You don't have to be nice or so caring like you are." I tried to say all this things.

I wanted to be with her more because she was funny and cute and i laughed a lot with her as i helped and worked together with Sulli these days. She remained me of Taemin's younger self. When Isana was still alive he was like her and smiled the whole day. I missed this time and maybe because of that I began to like her very much. But it wasn't right my heart belonged to Taemin. Just and only to him.

I sighed deep as she nodded but smiled. I knew that she had also some feelings for me. I overheard her and her older sister for a few days. Both were talking about Taemin and me. Because Taemin took so long to wake up and why we were together. I wanted to leave as there talked about those things but I was curious. Yeah curious of what there thought about us two.

She told her sister about her feelings for me and this is when i really left them alone. I had no right to know it or to deserve it. We known us for a few days. I shook my head an sighed again. "I'm sorry Sulli~ah."

"For what? I know you both are leaving this place but right now i'm just worried about Taemin and you. I said it before right. Anyway i'll go to sleep. See you later!", She waved at me and walked out of the room. She was really a nice person.

I went to sleep after I watched Taemin a while. I felt somehow like a stalker.

When I went to sleep I thought about the days I had been here and smiled. I didn't know that so nice people would exist in this world.

I colsed my eyes and selpt till morning.


I woke up as a small finger poked me in my cheeks. I opened my sleepy eyes and saw how Taemin sat next to me with a smile on his face. It was like seeing a ghost. I felt out of the bed.

"What the hell?", I shouted and looked up. My but hurts. I rubbed it and looked up but Taemin was really sitting there but his smile wasn't there anymore. He looked at me with a angry expression.

"I'm sorry. I was just surprised Taemin-ah. Do you feel alright? Since when are you awake?" I stood up and grabbed his shoulder I wanted to hug him like Sulli did yesterday but I didn't at the end. I couldn't do it. But he smiled at me and nodded happy. He didn't say a word like always but he seemed alright.

Sulli and Suzy came into the room. "What happened?", asked Suzy but then she silented. "You're awake boy?", she said happy and hugged Taemin tightly. I was a bit jealous.

Taemin was shocked by her sudden action and looked at me. His eyes wide open. I smiled back at him.



Sulli didn't said anything. She smiled but she wasn't that happy inside.

Now that the boy Taemin was awake Minho would leave and then she was alone again. Nobody she could talk to and have some fun. Her family will always be there for her but Minho was different. Now she was being selfish. The girl sighed at her own thought and watched the young boy with his brown open eyes. He smiled and nodded at the thinks Minho told Suzy. She looked surprised. What was going on?

"Taemin can't speak. Since long ago.bIt's a long story i can't tell you the details though but I think he is very thankful to you all and he wants to do something to thank you.", as Minho said those things he looked at Taemin with a unsure expression on his face but Taemin just nodded and patted his hands.

He touches him to much. Sulli slepped herself mentally. She was such a horrible girl. How could she think like that. The boy just woke up and yesterday she told Minho that everything is going to be alright. He looks happy. Why was she thinking so bad about the boy who didn't do anything wrong. He had just woken up.

She shook her head again and went out of the room to bring some food. Suzy and Minho had forgotten about her and were talking to the boy who didn't even spoke back at them.

She went to the kitchen and told her dad about the current situation. He was happy as well. Her father made breakefast for the boys and gave it to her. She walked again in the room. "I'm sure youre both are hungry right? Here something to eat. Suzy fahter said we should help we have guests.", she said to her older sister and gave Minho the food. As she touched his hand she blushed a bit. She loved his touch even if he didn't. She smiled at Minho.

The boy beside him looked at her. She didn't know what to say to the younger boy. It was a awkward silence between the two. After a few seconds she nodded at Taemin and went out of the room.

What does Minho think now about her? Was he mad that she wasn't happy or that she didn't spoke with his friend? She slapped herself again.

"What's wrong with you?", asked her sister and held on of her hand. "Why didn't you say anything? Taemin is awake, aren't you happy even a bit?"

Suzy looked at her with a worried expression on her face. She knew how her sister felt about Minho. She liked Minho a lot as well but she was really happy that Taemin was awake now. She didn't understood what was going on in Sulli's head.

"Everything is alright I'm just a bit surprised that he is awake now. I'm happy but I'm still worried.", Sulli said to Suzy with a serious expression. She shook her head again for lying to her sister but she was worried.  

Five men were sitting in the dinig room. Half dead with wet clothers and tired eyes. Two of them were sleeping already. Two older were eating the food her father had made. The other one looked around and grinned as he saw the both girls standing in the corner of the room.  He waved at them.

"Would you like to be with us for a while? We would like to stay a bit longer."



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I'm going on hiatus or awhile because the next part of this story is pretty difficult.


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Chapter 28: I really love this fic and I hope you can update soon :)
Chapter 28: hey~ :3
i´m so sorry i didn´t give u any comment for so long time :/ i will be honest.. i actually kinda forgot about this story and when i saw update i wasn´t sure what is it about. i´m truly sorry :/ but then i went i re-read it so now i´m totally aware what´s going on and i love this story! :) like i said once (i think) i love these stories about master/butler and this is very emotional and interesting because of events which are happening there :) i was actually very sad while reading about how cold it Tae and how Minho tries and loves(?) him.. it hurt me and i really mean it because u wrote it in so real way, i mean those feelings. well, if i said i will be honest so i have to tell u that with these last chapters story seems to stop in certain spot and someone might find it boring(?) i´m not sure.. u know, like events have stopped. i´m not complaining because i love it the way it is :) but i would like to see more 2min. hmm, how should i say it.. i know u surely have plans with this story so i don´t want to say what should u say because i´m sure u know what you´re doing :) but maybe more 2min times would help :) or even Kaisoo as i read there that Kai has interest in Kyungsoo ;) or i don´t know :) anyway, don´t worry, story is great and you´re doing great job as always :) keep going on :) chapter was great :) looking forward to next chapter :) good luck~
des2bfree #3
Chapter 28: I really luv ur story......i cant wait for ur next updte.....sory I cant give more commment.....bcuz my english very bad.....so really hard for write what I feel this about this story.....
des2bfree #4
Chapter 28: I really luv ur story......i cant wait for ur next updte.....sory I cant give more commment.....bcuz my english very bad.....so really hard for write what I feel this about this story.....
Chapter 25: What taeyang wanted to tell taemin about minho healty??
Chapter 24: wow :O i just started reading this and i couldn´t go away till i reached the last chapter, well the last u updated :) it´s great story and i like it because of strong relationship between Minho and Tae. and everything was so touchy and i like it! :D i´m very happy that i found time to read it :) this is another great story from u :) i like it as much as Day Of Getting To Know :)i was angry with Tae at first but then i was thinking what would i feel when i would be in his place. it had it hard so it´s understandable :) and then, Minho´s loyalty... it´s just so cute! :) when Tae first kissed Minho i had tears in my eyes, because he actually spoke to him and even sing :) and i have to say, that even though Jongkey hadn´t big part here, i enjoyed reading it because i love them :D and i´m happy u mentioned them :) i also have to admit that i was a little angry when Minho was all touchy with Sulli and so on but it wasn´t for long hehe. i was glad when Kai came to rescue 2min. i was really relieved :) and now when they are safe i´m smiling like crazy haha. i´m sorry for such a long comment but i had to say my opinion on all chapters :)) u did great job and i´m looking forward to next chapter :) good luck~
Chapter 23: I love the update I really want them to be completely safe...I will keep looking forward to your updates :) Love your fic
Chapter 23: Thanks God their save.. And it's look like they not save yet... Curious with what will happen next...
Chapter 22: Thank you for updating :) Keep up the great job and I love this update they are finally getting help and I hope both Minho and Jongin are fine :) and Taemin as well
Chapter 22: I think that man maybe sulli and suzy father..