
The Rich Boy *Hiatus*




Taemin's P.O.V.


We arrived at the same day at the place T.O.P wanted us to arrive.

He stopped the vehicle and opened for us the door. At first I was unsure if I could trust him but he was honest before and even if he looked a bit scary he was always nice to me. He never behaviored bad or nasty around me so I took his hand as he helped me out of the coach.

Jongin and T.O.P carried Minho in the black house in front of us. The door was opened by nobody other than GDragon himself. He grinned like an maniac and bowed us into the house. I was startled and didn't answered one of his questions but he didn't mind than he seemed to think I didn't spoke anyway. I let him talk and asking questions I would answer later.

"What happened Seunghyun?", he asked T.O.P and I looked at him pleading. I wanted to tell him, I wanted to discuss with him my situation by myself. I could do it myself now that Minho made me talk again out of fear.

He frowned and looked at me with an angry expression? I couldn't quite tell because he always looked the same to me.

"I lost them as Taemin's maison burned down and some strangers followed them in the forest. I found him today and brought him here, how you wanted me to.", he said after he bowed his head in G-Dragons direction.

I sighed a bit relieved that he didn't told everything in detail but for sure he had to tell his boss what happened. I'm just a civilian and nothing more to him, T.O.P wouldn't listen to me anyway.

I sighed again as I watched Minho. He laid down of one large coach that was big enough for him. I looked around and saw that we were standing in a big lobby.

I wondered if that was GDragons basis? I wasn't so informed about the mafia and their lifestyle, the only thing I knew was that their did most all the time illegal things. Maybe I have to much prejudices, I thought as a really cute little boy walked slowly down the stairs.

"Appa!", he shouted out loud and ran in our direction. I was surprised when G-Dragon bent down and lifted the petite boy in his arms. He smiled at him with a normal grin now and caressed his black hair.

"What are you doing here Yoogeun-ah? I told you to stay above!", GD scoled the little kid and played with him a bit.

I knew that my mouth hung wide open at the unexpected sight in front of me but Jongin had to ruin the mud as he hit my chin and I angry turned to him, than it hurts.

"Yah! Jongin!", I said with my still husky voice, not loud but hearbale.

GD stopped every action and looked at me as If I was the insane one from both of us. "You can speak Taemin~ah? I thought you lost you're tongue a while ago."; he joked and stepped with Yoogeun in his arms forward, looking at me as if I was an exhibit.

I just nodded while my hurting thoat and caughed slightly. Am I going to get sick? I mean I walked in the snow for hours and it was pretty cold outside so I could understand my condition but it was just not acceptable. I couldn't lose my voice so soon after having finally the courage to speak again.

"God thing, I have a lot of questions and I'm pretty sure you want to speak to me in private too, am I wrong?", GD asked me I just shook my head. I really had a lot to say to my old 'friend'.

"What happens with Minho? Aren't you going to treat him probaly?", Jongin suddenly asked and I looked at GDragon with a serious expression in my still cold feeling face.

He stared back at me, his expression was rather emotionless but he shrugged his shoulder and called for a few maids, or what ever you call them here.

"Daesung, Seungri help them carry. Let Taeyang treat him probably understood?"

The both said persons nodded with serious faces on and walked out of the room with Minho of caurse. I was a bit afraid in what was going to happen to him but I decided to trust GD and his followers.

I shooed Jongin with them as safety and he left me with a confused last look. "Let's talk in my office.", GD said to me and handed T.O.P Yoogeun, who happily accepted the change of high.

I chuckled a bit at Seunghyuns facial expression as the small boy grabbed one of his curls and pulled on it. I did the same with my mom as I was a kid and she always scolded me for it. I missed that time but I had to think now of the present. It was important for my life.

I followed GD without another word. I watched my surroundings in awe and wondered what exactly was his job by the mafia. I knew he was the boss and all but as I saw a really antic vase that I recognize I could only think that he must have more in commen with thieves and weapons than I actually thought.

"You like it?", he asked with a silly grin on his small face and opened a wide, wooden door in front of him. I shook my head but he didn't saw.

GD didn't expected an answer, he wasn't used to Taemin's speaking thing yet. He sat down in his armchair and gestured for him to sit down in front of him.

I watched GD's action with a small frown on my face because I felt like one of his followers and like he had the right to command me around. He looked like the real boss and like someone who had more power than I had and to be honest he certainly had more but it just didn't feel right for me.

I sat down anyway, I was still exhausted from the long walk in the snow and the long ride. I sighed as I crossed my legs and leaned my back on the soft material of the armchair I sat in.

GD looked at me with his unique emotionless face and sighed too. I felt like an old man, meeting one of his friend to a tea hour.

"Tell me you business and the favor you want to ask me.", Jiyong said and I looked up, directly in his eyes. I began to grin as he discovered my real attention and chuckled a bit now loud so he heard it.

I felt a bit satisfied as I saw how his facial expression changed from relaxe and cool to tense and confused.

He never really had shown that side to me when he visited me in my old family residence. Most all the time he was serious and didn't joked around. He told me what he wanted and I grant him his whish or rejected him.

If you might wonder what I'm talking about... Jiyong just needed my permission for some of his actions, that's all.

I looked at him and nodded after a while. I just wanted him to collaborate with me. Something he wanted for years now.

I had a lot of information that didn't made sense to me, I needed someone experienced to help me and GD had searched for proofs about Isana's death since ages. He maybe knew a lot more than I knew by now.

"I want us to collaborate. I want to know what happened to Isana. She didn't die because of cancer.", I told him and he nodded as if he knew the fact since long ago.

I frowned. The guy really was fast and self-confident.

"What? Why you looking at me like that ah?", he said and stood up from his chair.

He slapped his palm on his wooden table and leaned forward, staring at me as if I was nothing. Nothing to him and he just had to bear with my presence because of some reasons I didn't get. Maybe he had bad attention's too and was just being nice because he had too.

I breathed deep and stared back at him, not breaking the eye contact and he began to shrug his shoulders. GD sat down again as I didn't answered his question and crossed his arms. He began to pout and stared into nothing.

He thought about something and I wondered what it was as he stood up once again and walked around his large table.

"I'll tell you something Taemin-ah. You're stupid, how could you ever believe that Isana died because of some illness, she never had any symptoms or felt sick, right? I heard about somethings that didn't went good in you're family and I know things about you're father you didn't expect. I told you, ne? You should have believed me in the first place.", he paused and leaned on his table.

I bit my lips as he insulted me and my father but he was right. I was too upset and to much into my own grief that I didn't wanted to search for proofes. I was too lazy and just wanted to believe in my father. I know he wasn't the nices but he was my father!

"I collaborate with you Taemin.", he interrupted my thought and my eyes widened itself a bit.

Of course I expected him too. I helped him a lot with his machinations, even if I originally was totally against this whole mafia thing but I had needed some allies in that direction.

Jiyong and I were childhood friends and he really adored Isana back then. So I found it useful to be in good terms with him.

Right decision, I thought to myself as I nodded.

He maybe be a bit rude but he was older than me and had seen more aweful things in the world then I ever would, at least I hoped I wouldn't see them.

I have to admit that he was more powerful than I was at the moment. He was the only one that could help me out and provide me a shelter with my other friends.

"I am very thankful for that and for taking me and my servants in.", I said and bowed my head to him.

"You are, ne?", he chuckled a bit. "I like the way you're troubled about thanking me. I will keep you save and you're friends if you help me find out the whole true about Isanas death.", he said and chuckled to himself.

I bit my lower lip and tried not to frown again, he would be satisfied when I did and that wasn't going to happen another time. 

"Have you ever visited her grave?", GDragon asked me suddenly and I had to hang my head in embarrassment and shame.

"You never have huh?", he just said and looked into nothing. I had visited but not that often I should have. I was to depressed when I saw her name engraved in the stone and the withered flower's around her grave. It was too much and I would alway cry for day's after seeing it.

"I can't believe it to be honest. You're her god damn brother and you never have visited her grave? What the is wrong with you? Are you really that stupid and incapable!", the older male brusted out and hit the wall next to the large window, he had went to.

He trembled a lot and it seemed like he had to suppress his whole anger but I wasn't quite sure why he was so angry. I had forgotten why I should visited her, when it just would me bring more grief and pain.

"To be completely honest you make me sick but I can't help it. You're her only brother and I gave her an promise, so I will help you and you will help me. As long as I have an use for you, you can stay here.", he shooed me out of his office.

I really want to hit or kick something. The way he treated me for no good reasons.

I know that I did a lot of wrong decisions and I did go the wrong way and now I was in deep trouble because of my wrong behavior but I couldn't change it anymore.

My whole life didn't went the way I wanted it to. It never went by nobody, it's fate that I'm here now. I didn't laid half dead or already in heaven in the cold snow in that forest anymore. Minho was by my side and now I had Jongin.

I just had to try and make the right decisions now. I just have to hope that everything is going to be alright. I have to beg for what I want and I will do so if nothing is going to work in an other way.

I sighed and went down to the hall, hoping I could meet Minho  soon. Save and bandaged.

He would calm me down.


A/N: I know this is just short and just a conversation and I know it doesn't make much sense.
*I had a writer block for this and yeah I just wrote something so I could begin with the next chapter.

I didn't edit this one yet... soo sorry for the mistakes!

I think the next chapter's are going to be longer and some new people are going to appear. kekeke~


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I'm going on hiatus or awhile because the next part of this story is pretty difficult.


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Chapter 28: I really love this fic and I hope you can update soon :)
Chapter 28: hey~ :3
i´m so sorry i didn´t give u any comment for so long time :/ i will be honest.. i actually kinda forgot about this story and when i saw update i wasn´t sure what is it about. i´m truly sorry :/ but then i went i re-read it so now i´m totally aware what´s going on and i love this story! :) like i said once (i think) i love these stories about master/butler and this is very emotional and interesting because of events which are happening there :) i was actually very sad while reading about how cold it Tae and how Minho tries and loves(?) him.. it hurt me and i really mean it because u wrote it in so real way, i mean those feelings. well, if i said i will be honest so i have to tell u that with these last chapters story seems to stop in certain spot and someone might find it boring(?) i´m not sure.. u know, like events have stopped. i´m not complaining because i love it the way it is :) but i would like to see more 2min. hmm, how should i say it.. i know u surely have plans with this story so i don´t want to say what should u say because i´m sure u know what you´re doing :) but maybe more 2min times would help :) or even Kaisoo as i read there that Kai has interest in Kyungsoo ;) or i don´t know :) anyway, don´t worry, story is great and you´re doing great job as always :) keep going on :) chapter was great :) looking forward to next chapter :) good luck~
des2bfree #3
Chapter 28: I really luv ur story......i cant wait for ur next updte.....sory I cant give more commment.....bcuz my english very bad.....so really hard for write what I feel this about this story.....
des2bfree #4
Chapter 28: I really luv ur story......i cant wait for ur next updte.....sory I cant give more commment.....bcuz my english very bad.....so really hard for write what I feel this about this story.....
Chapter 25: What taeyang wanted to tell taemin about minho healty??
Chapter 24: wow :O i just started reading this and i couldn´t go away till i reached the last chapter, well the last u updated :) it´s great story and i like it because of strong relationship between Minho and Tae. and everything was so touchy and i like it! :D i´m very happy that i found time to read it :) this is another great story from u :) i like it as much as Day Of Getting To Know :)i was angry with Tae at first but then i was thinking what would i feel when i would be in his place. it had it hard so it´s understandable :) and then, Minho´s loyalty... it´s just so cute! :) when Tae first kissed Minho i had tears in my eyes, because he actually spoke to him and even sing :) and i have to say, that even though Jongkey hadn´t big part here, i enjoyed reading it because i love them :D and i´m happy u mentioned them :) i also have to admit that i was a little angry when Minho was all touchy with Sulli and so on but it wasn´t for long hehe. i was glad when Kai came to rescue 2min. i was really relieved :) and now when they are safe i´m smiling like crazy haha. i´m sorry for such a long comment but i had to say my opinion on all chapters :)) u did great job and i´m looking forward to next chapter :) good luck~
Chapter 23: I love the update I really want them to be completely safe...I will keep looking forward to your updates :) Love your fic
Chapter 23: Thanks God their save.. And it's look like they not save yet... Curious with what will happen next...
Chapter 22: Thank you for updating :) Keep up the great job and I love this update they are finally getting help and I hope both Minho and Jongin are fine :) and Taemin as well
Chapter 22: I think that man maybe sulli and suzy father..