Expressions from you

The Rich Boy *Hiatus*

Expressions from you



Taemin sat on his knees in the snow, Minho's head in his wet lap.  

He the older males face, still singing with his raspy voice his own song. As he looked down to his fingers he noticed his red fingertips and palms. He stared at his covered wet hands in disgust and guilt. He had Minho's blood all over his own clothes and skin. 

Taemin shut his eyes and breathed deep in and out. Minho wasn't going to die from the loss of blood, he encouraged himself. But it was so much...

The younger boy tried to wash the red liquid away, he used the white snow beside him and sighed as his hands were now frozen.Taemin breathed at his fingers and looked down at Minho's relaxed face. He breathed, Taemin thought, he breathed and that was the only thing he cared about right now.

He began to the older males black hair and watched his hands for a few seconds.

The forest was quiet and you couldn't see anything that was farther away than five meters but as Taemin heard a noise he turned his head shocked around, looking though the darkness. As he didn't hear or saw anything he began to hope that it was just a small animal that wanted to pass by quickly. He searched again for something living but nothing was to see.

Please... Taemin wasn't sure for what he begged exactly but he wanted that nothing bad happened to them again at least not so soon. The young male knew that the world was cruel and nothing could change the fact...

He sighed in relief as he was sure nothing would come in their direction and turned his head around without looking to the already death body in front of him. Taemin was lucky that the death boy was covered with snow, so that he wasn't able to see his entire body. His former brown hair was now white and his clothes were also covered with the still falling snow.

Taemin concentrated himself to his one and only true friend and began to his pale cheek again. What should he do from now on? What should he do if Minho was going to die here in the forest? Taemin couldn't leave him here or better he didn't wanted to leave him here but he wasn't strong enough to carry him. If he were able to do that, he would have already save them both. If he weren't so scared and fragile he had could bring his friend back to the Inn by himself.

He hissed at his own thought, that didn't change the situation a bit and his uselessness, that was responsible for not being able to do anything for his childhood firend. What should he do?

Taemin breathed heavily as he began to panic but he settled down as he noticed that Minho grimaced his beautiful pale face in a pained one. Taemin hummed his melody again, to tell the other he was still there and wasn't going to leave him alone. Taemin wouldn't let the older male die. No; he just had to figure out how he could get any help. He stoke the older boys skin and leanded over.

He kissed Minho's forehead slightly, and spread butterfly kisses all over his face.

The young boy whispered gentle and comforting words into Minho's ear and kissed at last his now almost blue lips. He felt too cold but after Taemin did his strange action, he saw a red shadow on Minho's cheeks. Taemin, himself felt his cheeks burning as if they were on fire but he ignored his stupid thought.

He knew that Minho was more than just a good friend to him and he wanted to tell the older male everything what he felt in this very moment like the old times.

Taemin missed the time where he was an innocent and happy child. Where he didn't knew a single think about the cruel world he had to live in.

Taemin missed the time he talked with Minho freely about everything. He could tell Minho freely what he thought, what his opinion was. Minho would always listen even if he was annoyed, maybe because he had to but Taemin was happy that he actually did´it.

Taemin missed the time they played funny, childish games and were running around in the big family house without thinking what the other adults thought about them, without restraint.

He missed all this so much but now that he finally had the courage to speak again, his friend was dying in his own arms. He felt tears in his eyes and tried to hold them back it wasn't the time for selfpity.

He coughed and wrapped his coat tighter around Minhos upper body. He himself was already frozen, his skin was pale with red marks were seen but Taemin didn't cared. He just wanted for Minho to feel warmer...

Suddenly he heard that noise again, now clearer and it was definitely coming in their direction. Taemin close his eyes shut and tried to push every thought in his mind away. He had to hear if something terrible was coming, if he had to prepare himself.

After a few moments Taemin heard heavy breathing and cursing words, that fell as the unknown person ran into trees or other things that stood in the way.

Taemin shivered of the thought that other bad people were coming in they direction but he clearly heard the man though the forest and the snow that was supported to swallow every noise. But it was just one man...

It was so near, Taemin could just stare in the direction he thought the noises were coming from. He watched as a mostly familar figure appeared though the darkness. The weak moonlight helped him to see the person better. At first he saw the black covered foots, than legs and than the rest of the familar statue, he thought he wouldn't see ever again.

Taemin tensed and bit his lower lip to not ask Jongin any questions. He watched the panting figure in front of him with fear but with slightly hope.

The boy in Taemins age panted hard and was supporting his upper body with his hands on his trembling knees. He looked up and his eyes catched immediately the dead body in front of him. It wasn't his friend and it wasn't Minho's figure so it must be Jong Up's.

He hissed and looked to his left. His eyes widened itself as they noticed for the first time the unconscious boy in Taemin's thin arms. Was he dead too?

Taemin trembled hard and he bit his lower lips in frustration. Jongin knew that Taemin felt now useless and weak, he felt the same a his father passed away years ago. He sighed and went to his former best friend.

Taemin shifted his body and Minhos away from him. He shook his head violently with big tears in his usually so serious eyes, not saying a word.

"I'll help you bring him back Taemin~ah. Trust me this once, the others are searching for you.", Jongin said with a gentle voice and grabbed Minhos upper body, slowly to not scare Taemin who looked with a blank expression to his face.

Jongin knew that his friend was now not in a good condition and was probaly scared and hopeless. He was like a scared and small animal, that could in any second turn wilder than his real nature was.

Jongin wanted to change his own path and he really cared about his former best friend. Even if Taemin's father had probaly something to do with his father's dead, it wasn't Taemin's fault and Jongin knew how fragile the young boy was after his sisters death. He just had the urgent feeling to help, since he ran out of the inn to find them both, hopefully still alive.

And now he was here but Minho was wounded... Jongin had to do something and that quick.

Taemin didn't said anything and let Jongin try to put the older and heavier man to his back. Taemin watched Kai and a small smile appeared on his tear streaked face. He wasn't sure if he really should believe the boy in front of him but had he another choice? Taemin was too weak to carry Minho back to the inn by himself now that Jongin was there both of them had maybe a chance.

But without a reason he felt suddenly anger and guilt bild in his heart and he began to panic again. Was Kai trying to trick them like the other man did?

"Don't touch him!", Taemin breathed while hanging his head down. He wasn't sure what was right and what was wrong. The whole world could be against him. What was he support to do all alone? Whom can he trust, whom not?

Jongin stopped with his action and stared at Taemin with wide eyes. The boy shook his head again and again, his red hands in his own lap. What to do? It was the first time Taemin did spoke to him and his raspy voice was so familar Jongin felt his heart pounding faster.

He really wanted to help and Taemin just had to believe him, he had no other choice. 

"I'm going to help you Tae. I'll don't chance my mind, I swear." Jongin stared in Taemin's red and puffy eyes and nodded to confirm his seriousness. Taemin sighed and stood up, walked over and helped him wordless with Minho.

"Follow me, close behind ne?", that were the last words Jongin said for a long time.

They walked down a unknown path. Taemins legs hurted a lot fom sitting in the snow for what felt like hours and his whole body felt frozen. It was hard to walk while rubbing his shoulders to keep himself warm.

The boy in front of him was going slower and shifted Minho gentle to another position at some time. He sighed a lot and Taemin felt bad for not doing anything. He asked his friend at some point if he should help him somehow but Jongin just shook his head and walked on. Taemin felt just more useless than before after getting rejected.

They walked in silent for a while but suddenly voices were heard and Jongin stopped in his track.

He looked around in confusion and tried to hear more than the one weak noise. He -shh-ed to Taemin who wasn't even saying anything and went to his knees. He stopped breathing for seconds and heard the very familar voice again.

It was Daehyun one of his former groupmembers and so the other voice belonged to Youngjae, who always followed him.

They both belonged to the group of killers, kidnappers and old thiefs he betrayed hours ago. Jongin knew that they were searching for him and if they found Taemin and Minho in this condition, they were dead in seconds.

What to do?, he questioned himself and looked around. The voice was coming nearer and he began to sweat not able to think of anything helpfully. Maybe hide was the best thing to do now but where? Nothing was there, no hole, no stone, no big tree absolutly nothing close to them.

The forest was not fit for play hide and seek for adults.

Taemin pulled on his coat and Jongin looked back at him. The trembling figure was looking in the other direction. His skin was red and almost blue if Jongin looked closely. The moon appear for a few moments and Jongin could see his friend shivering hard. He watched Taemin as he stood up and pulled him soft but determined with him.

Minho groaned slightly but that was a good thing, so knew Jongin at least that he was still alive. Taemin did a good job with bandaging the wounded boy tightly with his own dark scarf. "Where are we going?", whispered Jongin curious and frustrated about their current situation. That wasn't the plan at all.

Taemin just shook his head, dragging Jongin with him, not saying a word about his behavior or idea he maybe had.

Jongin felt lost and had to trust his friend. As they reached a small hole he grinned to himself. Even if Taemin was tired and dizzy he watched everything around him and remembered things Jongin didn't even knew was there.

The animal hole wasn't that big but big enough for them to fit in. Hopefully it wasn't a hole for a bear or other wild and strong animals. He sighed and walked in, trying to see anything in the darkness.

The hole was darker than the forest because the only light outside was currently the moon and the snow. Here in the hole was no snow that could tell them how deep the hollow actually was, but they would just stay there until the voices dissapeared.

Taemin felt to the hard ground and bowed his upper body down to his knees, he cried out loud and shivered harder than before.

Was he haveing a panic attack? Jongin let himself slide down in front of Taemin and sat Minho gently to the free place next to him. It was very narrowed in the cavern but Jongin tried his best to hug his friend in front of him. The boy was ice-cold so he let himself get hugged by his warm friend and burried his crying face in the others chest.

Jongin his hair and rocked himself back and for to calm the young boy down.

Taemin wasn't sure why but he felt comfortable in Jongin arms and calmed down easily. He sniffed and breathed deep out and in to disract himself as he looked up in Jongin eyes. He saw a small smiles on the younger boys lips and he tried to smile back, but it was a forced smile. He was thankful that Jongun was by his side and he wanted to thank the other boy but he couldn't.

Jongin bowed his head and kissed his forehead slightly chuckling as Taemin jumped back and hugged himself. "I understand you even if youre not saying anything Taemin-ah. So everything is fine. I'll protect you from now on.", he said in a cheesy way and winked at the boy in front of him. 

Jongin tried to joke and loose the mood a bit but he was soon serious again as he heard Daehyuns voice near their hideout. He hugged Taemin again and told him to be quiet.

Taemin stopped to breath as he heard the angry voice too and clinged himself on Jongin clothes. He was happy that someone was there with him and that he was able to bring Minho to an safer place but he was afraid that they didn't even made it back to the guesthouse. They had still a long way to go and now that the other men from the inn were searching for them... it would be more difficult.

"Have you see them?", asked someone. The deep voice sounded furious and frustated. The other one who answered had a gentle voice, it was higher and harmonic.

"Of course I haven't seen them anywhere. We are lookimg together for them, pabo!" a smak was heard.

They were near the hole and Jongin could almost hear their breathing. That wasn't good. "Be quiet, I think I heard something over there."

Jongin froze. That couldn't be, no! He wouldn't let Taemin or Minho die. Why should two innocent people die without a reason? That wasn't right at all.
He Taemins trembling head. That's not the point, don't panic too much Kai, he said to himself. Daehyun spoke again now frustated how the other did before and Jongin was glad that he didn't saw the hole they were in or thought about looking into the dark behing him.

"Jae let's go in this direction, Yong Guk is waiting for us at the intersection. Maybe we find Jong Up faster that way. He said he would go along the path and kill them right there."

"But where the is Kai?", Youngjae asked and followed his hyung. He couldn't believe that the young boy tricked them so easily and maybe helped their target to escape. They would definetly try to run away.

Youngjae sighed as his hyung didn't answered his angry question. He himself knew from the beginning that Kai was a weak , no wonder that he tricked them in the most difficult situation. The boy cared too much about his past life.

"Don't cruse so much...", Daehyun just said after a while with a sad voice and both went deeper in the forest.

As they left Jongin began to breath again. He did't noiticed that he held his breath for such a long time. Taemin didn't move and Jongin was just staring in the darkness. Both tryed to calm down from their highs. Only as Minho groaned in pain, both looked in his direction.

They noiticed that it was time to move on and stood up with the help of the other. Jongin rubbed over Taemin's cold shoulders and arms, trying to warm him up but it didn't worked as well as he expected. He sighed and slipped out of his own coat and gave it to the slightly older male.

Without saying a word to another they moved on. 

After some time Jongin saw the lights of the small inn and a smile appeared on his full but trembling lips. He suddenly felt new energy in his bones and walked faster. He felt frozen like Taemin must felt before and he was too tired to do anything after this but he couldn't collapse here and now.

And he had to bring Minho and Taemin away from this place. When the other's saw Jong Up's death body they would begin to search again, he had to leave before they got back here.

He knocked on the backdoor with his foot and sighed as he stood outside of the house. Jongin hoped that every guy was searching for them and Jong Up. Nobody should be there, that would be the best. No more trouble please, he begged and opened his eyes as the door opened.

A man appeared at the door. Jongin didn't remebered his face and he was sure that nobody who looked this scary was in his group. He had an emotionless expression on his face and pulled Jongin in without saying a word. Jongin just let himself get dragged in. He couldn't think carefully and felt too dizzy as he felt the warm air hit his cold body.

He heard the man groaning and turned around. Taemin was in his big arms, unconscious, not moving an inch. 

Jongin dragged himself into the kitchen and sighed in relieve as he slipped Minho body down on a wooden chair. As the weight was liften from his hurting back and shoulders, he immediately broke down in front of an old man. The only thing he heard was loud shouting and the door closed tightly behind him.

He drifted away into his awaited dreamless sleep but was still thankful for the man who carried Taemins cold body into the warm house and was thankful that a girl immediately helped Minho.

He let his eyes close itself and smiled slightly to himself as the soothing sleep overwhelmed him.




Thanks for commenting to this story and waiting for my slow updates! =3

Thanks a lot for the subscriptions! <3

Give you lot of love~


Anyway; that Minho might die in this story wasn't an option from the very beginning. Did you thought I would let him die so easily? No way! He has to live since Taemin has nobody to rely on. God thanks for the savior Jongin...

-> Please bear with my grammatical errors. I'm not in a good condition right now but I wanted to update... ಥ_ಥ

-> I started to rewrite chapters I don't like from the writing here but I don't change infromation so the story is the same.
The first chapter I rewrote was 12, you don't have to read it but if you want and give me some feedback, ne?! ^__^

*puppy eyes*



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I'm going on hiatus or awhile because the next part of this story is pretty difficult.


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Chapter 28: I really love this fic and I hope you can update soon :)
Chapter 28: hey~ :3
i´m so sorry i didn´t give u any comment for so long time :/ i will be honest.. i actually kinda forgot about this story and when i saw update i wasn´t sure what is it about. i´m truly sorry :/ but then i went i re-read it so now i´m totally aware what´s going on and i love this story! :) like i said once (i think) i love these stories about master/butler and this is very emotional and interesting because of events which are happening there :) i was actually very sad while reading about how cold it Tae and how Minho tries and loves(?) him.. it hurt me and i really mean it because u wrote it in so real way, i mean those feelings. well, if i said i will be honest so i have to tell u that with these last chapters story seems to stop in certain spot and someone might find it boring(?) i´m not sure.. u know, like events have stopped. i´m not complaining because i love it the way it is :) but i would like to see more 2min. hmm, how should i say it.. i know u surely have plans with this story so i don´t want to say what should u say because i´m sure u know what you´re doing :) but maybe more 2min times would help :) or even Kaisoo as i read there that Kai has interest in Kyungsoo ;) or i don´t know :) anyway, don´t worry, story is great and you´re doing great job as always :) keep going on :) chapter was great :) looking forward to next chapter :) good luck~
des2bfree #3
Chapter 28: I really luv ur story......i cant wait for ur next updte.....sory I cant give more commment.....bcuz my english very really hard for write what I feel this about this story.....
des2bfree #4
Chapter 28: I really luv ur story......i cant wait for ur next updte.....sory I cant give more commment.....bcuz my english very really hard for write what I feel this about this story.....
Chapter 25: What taeyang wanted to tell taemin about minho healty??
Chapter 24: wow :O i just started reading this and i couldn´t go away till i reached the last chapter, well the last u updated :) it´s great story and i like it because of strong relationship between Minho and Tae. and everything was so touchy and i like it! :D i´m very happy that i found time to read it :) this is another great story from u :) i like it as much as Day Of Getting To Know :)i was angry with Tae at first but then i was thinking what would i feel when i would be in his place. it had it hard so it´s understandable :) and then, Minho´s loyalty... it´s just so cute! :) when Tae first kissed Minho i had tears in my eyes, because he actually spoke to him and even sing :) and i have to say, that even though Jongkey hadn´t big part here, i enjoyed reading it because i love them :D and i´m happy u mentioned them :) i also have to admit that i was a little angry when Minho was all touchy with Sulli and so on but it wasn´t for long hehe. i was glad when Kai came to rescue 2min. i was really relieved :) and now when they are safe i´m smiling like crazy haha. i´m sorry for such a long comment but i had to say my opinion on all chapters :)) u did great job and i´m looking forward to next chapter :) good luck~
Chapter 23: I love the update I really want them to be completely safe...I will keep looking forward to your updates :) Love your fic
Chapter 23: Thanks God their save.. And it's look like they not save yet... Curious with what will happen next...
Chapter 22: Thank you for updating :) Keep up the great job and I love this update they are finally getting help and I hope both Minho and Jongin are fine :) and Taemin as well
Chapter 22: I think that man maybe sulli and suzy father..