Changes are needed

The Rich Boy *Hiatus*

Changes are needed



Jongin's P.O.V.


I watched Taemin dissapear. He left slowly after the doctor Taeyang. 

The boy hung his shoulders but his head was high raised. He was upset and confused I knew but I couldn't help him. I was just an ordinary boy who had his own problems like don't be catched by B.A.P. If they find me they going to kill me right ahead without explanation from my side. I'm sure of it and I'm too young to die yet.

I really had wanted to help Taemin. At first it was just my mood as I let him escape in the forest near the bridge. I even knocked Jungdae out for him. I don't know if I planned my own escape from my former group since then but I was happy I did that decision that night.

I had been forced to join B.A.P. by an man I didn't even know. He swore I could take revenge on the guy who killed my father but the next thing I knew I was chasing strange people I didn't knew too. I felt bad the whole time. They killed people because it was fun, so they told me one time. It was sick in my opinion but I helped anyway.

I came back to the present as Luhan touched my shoulder slightly. "Back in time, Jongin?", the cute boy asked me and I stared a few seconds in his deer eyes. I nodded at him as I was completely back again.

"So now that the boy is awake let's talk openly.", one fragile looking boy with the only colored cloth said with a very authority voice. Was he the leader or something? I asked myself as all nodded at his decision.

"Why don't you leave kid?", a tall boy with curly hair interfere. He stared at me with creepy wide eyes but he seemed to smile if it was a bad smiled or a nice one... I couldn't quite tell. Both would be that creepy if his eyes would wide this wide.

"Don't be so mean!", Luhan throwed into the room as he caressed absently Sehun's hair out of his sleeping face.

"Stop it! He doesn't matter anyway.", the black haired boy from before said. He walked over with an serious face. The doe-eye looked at Sehun and Luhan on the bed beside me as he rested his hand on the bedrest.

I was rather surprised as I saw him from near. I saw from afar that he was good looking but so close up he looked kind of cute if you could say so. How Luhan but his eyes were a bit different and he looked smaller as the deer. I watched him and didn't noticed at first the others going around the bed to speak to Luhan, taking my view of the cute black haired boy.

If I have seen right, he looked kind of sad. I felt the urgent need to ask him something but I didn't even know what as I opened my mouth. I was thankful that some other black haired guy cutted me of. "How are you Luhan?"

"Yeah how are you? I heard from Dr. Youngbae that Sehun is going to wake up soon.", another guy said.

I looked at all of them and noticed that everyone was kind of pretty or rather handsome. What would those handsome men do in a mafiaclan? I mean not that GD or T.O.P, Taeyang or Youngbae (?) and the other two looked ugly, they were quite good looking too. I didn't saw an ugly soul in this building at all but wasn't that a bit too much?

On guy with blond hair turned to face me, he must have noticed my stare at his back. We locked eyes but he didn't said anything. He looked rather y.... not my type of person at all.

I saw something move in the corner of my eye so I turned my head to look at what it was. Minho flinched in his sleep and he frowned slightly maybe because of the pain from his stiched wound.

I was still worried about him. He seemed really out of it as he woke up and the only think he asked for was Taemin.

It was somehow really strange that the boy asked for Taemin and didn't bothered about his own well being. He really was a loyal little puppy. Taemin must be a good owner if Minho would die for him.

"Don't be too loud Minho-shi is going to wake up!", a now familiar voice said and a shh-sound was heard. I had to smile, Luhan was a really adorable kid. I was still in shock that the little, cute looking male was older that me.

"Alright. We visit another time.", the blond boy said and bowed slightly. He and the rest of the group left the room. Just the cute looking one with the big eyes stayed. His face was still emotionless but his eyes were full of feelings and it scared me a bit. Those eyes were just too much, I needed to look away and he won the staring contest.

A moment later Taemin came into the room without the doctor. He didn't seemed shocked or upset just tired.

My friend went to us and sat down on the edge of Minho's bed. He saw Minho forwn and he slightly touched his leg. The puppy calmed down, just groaned slightly in his sleep.

Nobody said anything and I wondered once again what was going on in Taemin's head?

I hadn't seen him in years but for the few days I was united with him again I saw different sides of him. Sadness, exhaustion, relief and confusion. He was upset all the time and I didn't really saw him smile out of pure bliss or happiness.

These rich and spoiled kid made my heart clench and it did really hurt a lot.

"Is something wrong with Minho?", I asked uncertainly. Taemin looked up and glanced at the other quiet remaining boys in the room. He shook his head and I sighed in relief.

"That's a good thing but what wanted that doctor anyway?" Taemin ignored me while he stared at Minho.

I went impatient and slightly touched his knee, just to get his attention back. He watched my hand and I shivered at his hard glare. I gulped slightly, this boy was somehow really scary. A moment ago in the forest he was so adorable and helpless. Now he was completely different.

"Your Kyungsoo right?", he asked the big eyed boy, who was still standing at the end of Sehun's bed, fingers clenched at the rest. 

Taemin stared up at the boy and waited for an answer, he didn't really needed.  

Kyunsoo nodded and I breathed deep out. I didn't noticed that I held my breath in the first place. Something is weird with me. This whole god damn house was strange and confusing as hell. Taemin kept acting confusing and is ignoring me, his saviour and I didn't get the people living and working here.

"What are you going to do with us helpless people?", Taemin joked with a weak smile.

God damn was this kid confusing! I let my head fall back and I stared blankly at the high and wooden ceiling not getting anything anymore.



Taemin P.O.V.


I remaided by Minho's side the whole day. I didn't bothered about anything and I didn't eat much.

Luhan left soon after my small conversation with this Kyungsoo guy and Jongin trailed behind the doll. I don't know where he is going to or why he is following this kid but I was happy that I was alone now.

Taeyang had said we needed to change our appearance and that really soon if we wanted to hide. We had to work together with G-Dragon and we should keep quiet as good as possible. Not attracting any attention

He also said even if I was the master in my former family residence and the heir of my family buisness if I didn't wanted to die yet I should listen to what his boss, Jiyong said.

Alright, I could do that if they helped me find the murder of Isana and the real reasons. I had heard from Taejun some things but I still was unsure what 'the heard thing' could be.

If Minho and me could live as long as possible together I was happy. Taeyang said that Minho's condition was good. He was a bit out of it as he woke up but he wasn't that bad injured. The wound was stitched and it would heal fine. I just hope he was right than I was still worried about him and that groan and his uncontrolled trembling didn't made me feel any better.

I fell asleep on his bed, squeezed next to him. The next thing I noticed was hot skin touching my forehead. I opened my eyes and saw Minho's open, brown eyes looking at me.

He smiled and I just couldn't keep my own grin and let it form on my full lips.

It was a such good feeling to let all your emotions and feelings out. I almost shrieked out of happiness but I just hugged him slightly. He grunted at my touches so I guessed his wounds was still burning and hurting.

"I'm sorry.", I tried to say but my voice was rough and still husky.

I let myself get checked by Taeyang and he said that I had a slight fever and my throat didn't looked good. I had a cold and should drink much and stay in bed. One thing I did with Minho, the other thing was impossible because I didn't really knew how to cook tea or where I should get some.

"It's alright." Minho let a breath out and it hit my hot face. "Your sick, master?", he guessed and I nodded, he must had felt my fever as he kissed my forehead.

I sighed as he hugged me back and I wondered why I let it happen in the first place. He still called me his master after all. We never were that close before but maybe the things and adventures we had shared so far made us closer than ever.

It didn't felt that bad I have to admit. I felt loved and Minho had always cared for me even if I was nasty and ungrateful for what he gave and did for me. What everyone gave and did to me when I lived peacefully in the family residence, may alone because no one from my family actually wanted to spend some time with me.

"Taemin did the doctor say anything to you?", a soft and deep voice asked me, bringing me back to the present. I opened my eyes once more to look at the angel that saved my life. I caressed his cheek and thought about his anwer. Changes are needed, Taeyang had said.

"We have to dress and behave differently. I explain it to you some other time."

"No! Explain now I'm not sleepy anymore and if it's important we should do it really soon.", Minho protested and I chuckled. Even now when he was still hurt he wanted to do everything to get us save. To get me save.

"We have to change our whole looks from the tip of our hair to our toes. We have to act like underlings and such stuff, because we could be still followed by the group of murders B.A.P or other guys who don't agree with me searching."

"Underlings? I'm just your follower and no other. What do you mean by that anyway?", Minho asked me in a quite serious voice. He just cared about that?

Minho frowned stark and I felt the need to smooth his forehead, so I did with the tip of my fingers.

He held his breath but I didn't really noticed at first. It was a normal gesture for me and I didn't meant anything bad. I thought about his question for a while as I kept touching his red face.

"We have to act that way and nothing more. I hope so because I for sure aren't going to kill people or steal stuff.", I said absently. Minho breathed deep out and I looked up from his collarbone in his tense face.

I grimaced. "I'm sorry once again. I didn't meant to remind you.", I nuzzled my nose into his neck and waited for him to relaxe.

"It's alright...", he trailed of and nothing was said after that. I should think more carefully about the things I want to say.




A few days after, Minho was released from the hospital room and the changing began.

Jongin didn't changed much, his hair was cut and colored by a guy named Tao, who looked really scary in Taemin's opinion and he became lessons in behave form a guy called Kris or was it Wu Yi Fan?

Taemin just hoped he didn't had to behave the same way. The boys hair was cut and colored in a color Taemin didn't expected at first. It was yellowish with a hint of gold, like Kris had and somehow Tao managed curls in it. Taemin became a new set of clothes form Kyungsoo and the once spoiled Taemin hat to admit that they didn't looked that bad. Just black... wasn't really his favorite color.

He didn't complained and just watched after he was finished Tao work on Minho's stubborn black hair.

Minho kept quite and let himself get dragged to every corner of the house. His hair was now short but still black. He was asked to undress and Kyungsoo gave him a new set of balck clothes similar to Taemins.

The said boy smiled at that. He was happy that Minho was now able to dress the way he wanted to. Not really but at least he felt warm and comfortable in it.

Since his fathers dead he had to dress like the lower level. Minho was never poor in the first place but after the terrible incident Taemin's father took care of him and demanded for him to dress in thin and raw clothes. Taemin was always concerned about the boys well being but he, of course didn't voiced it out loud.

He kept quite out of fear for the punishment his own father would give him and because he wasn't able to speak.

As everything was finished and Minho said he would be fine, they both were asked to attend the so called behave classes and Minho dragged his master with him.

Like the kid Taemin actually still was he protested but at the end of the day he sat in a chair and listened to Kris explanations and perspective. He felt stupid and his pride was hurt but he kept listening because Minho had asked him to.

The only lesson he really didn't showed up to was 'defending yourself in a proper way.'



A/N: I'm sorry this short chaoter took a while and the next chapter isn't going to be any sooner or longer... 

I'm soo sorry!!!

I'm quite busy with school, exams in every damn subject... How? Why me? It's but I have to attend and learn for it.



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I'm going on hiatus or awhile because the next part of this story is pretty difficult.


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Chapter 28: I really love this fic and I hope you can update soon :)
Chapter 28: hey~ :3
i´m so sorry i didn´t give u any comment for so long time :/ i will be honest.. i actually kinda forgot about this story and when i saw update i wasn´t sure what is it about. i´m truly sorry :/ but then i went i re-read it so now i´m totally aware what´s going on and i love this story! :) like i said once (i think) i love these stories about master/butler and this is very emotional and interesting because of events which are happening there :) i was actually very sad while reading about how cold it Tae and how Minho tries and loves(?) him.. it hurt me and i really mean it because u wrote it in so real way, i mean those feelings. well, if i said i will be honest so i have to tell u that with these last chapters story seems to stop in certain spot and someone might find it boring(?) i´m not sure.. u know, like events have stopped. i´m not complaining because i love it the way it is :) but i would like to see more 2min. hmm, how should i say it.. i know u surely have plans with this story so i don´t want to say what should u say because i´m sure u know what you´re doing :) but maybe more 2min times would help :) or even Kaisoo as i read there that Kai has interest in Kyungsoo ;) or i don´t know :) anyway, don´t worry, story is great and you´re doing great job as always :) keep going on :) chapter was great :) looking forward to next chapter :) good luck~
des2bfree #3
Chapter 28: I really luv ur story......i cant wait for ur next updte.....sory I cant give more commment.....bcuz my english very really hard for write what I feel this about this story.....
des2bfree #4
Chapter 28: I really luv ur story......i cant wait for ur next updte.....sory I cant give more commment.....bcuz my english very really hard for write what I feel this about this story.....
Chapter 25: What taeyang wanted to tell taemin about minho healty??
Chapter 24: wow :O i just started reading this and i couldn´t go away till i reached the last chapter, well the last u updated :) it´s great story and i like it because of strong relationship between Minho and Tae. and everything was so touchy and i like it! :D i´m very happy that i found time to read it :) this is another great story from u :) i like it as much as Day Of Getting To Know :)i was angry with Tae at first but then i was thinking what would i feel when i would be in his place. it had it hard so it´s understandable :) and then, Minho´s loyalty... it´s just so cute! :) when Tae first kissed Minho i had tears in my eyes, because he actually spoke to him and even sing :) and i have to say, that even though Jongkey hadn´t big part here, i enjoyed reading it because i love them :D and i´m happy u mentioned them :) i also have to admit that i was a little angry when Minho was all touchy with Sulli and so on but it wasn´t for long hehe. i was glad when Kai came to rescue 2min. i was really relieved :) and now when they are safe i´m smiling like crazy haha. i´m sorry for such a long comment but i had to say my opinion on all chapters :)) u did great job and i´m looking forward to next chapter :) good luck~
Chapter 23: I love the update I really want them to be completely safe...I will keep looking forward to your updates :) Love your fic
Chapter 23: Thanks God their save.. And it's look like they not save yet... Curious with what will happen next...
Chapter 22: Thank you for updating :) Keep up the great job and I love this update they are finally getting help and I hope both Minho and Jongin are fine :) and Taemin as well
Chapter 22: I think that man maybe sulli and suzy father..