Can't think of a title...

Confused Feelings

Kevin's POV



I was surprised by the kiss but ofcourse I liked it. I gathered myself from the incidient and kissed him back. I was a bit bothered though. Not by the kiss, it was perfect, but what he said to me bothered me. He said that he loved me. I know I like him alot but I don't know if I love him.... I pulled away from the kiss because I was in desperate need of air

"Kevin...." Eli mumbled out of breath.

" you mean it?"

"Mean what?"

" Did you really mean it when you said you loved me?" He slowly straightened his body and grabbed onto my shoulders and looked me straight into the eyes.

"Kevin......I love you with all my heart, with all my fiber in my body, every breathe I take I take it for you!"

"But we haven't known each other for that long ad have you gotten over Jenn that fast?? I thought you loved her?" I looked down to the floor not wanting to make eye contact with him.

"Kevin..." I kept my eyes glued to the floor not answering him

"Kevin......." I still did not give him an answer. He then pulled my chin forcing me to look at him.

" you love me?" I was shocked by the question but I already knew the answer.

" you alot..."

"Yeah but do you love me?"

"Eli it's barely been a month....and we barely expressed our feelings for each other for one......." I looked into his eyes to see how he would react to this. His eyes looked hurt but also........confident? Eli pulled me into his chest pulling me into a tight embrace.

" matter how long it takes I will make you love me!"

"Eli I'm sure I'll fall in love with you someday....but just not today, it's just to quick...I" I couldn't speak anymore cause Eli moved in for another kiss.

"It's okay Kevin...I will wait forever if I have to!" I smilled at how romantic and corny he just sounded. I pinched his cheek and giggled.

"Soooo Eli.......Does this make you my boyfriend?" I giggled

"Well only if you want me too" Eli said with a really low and romantic. Ugh his voice was melting me haha

"Well I don't know..." His eyes flew open


"Haha oh Eli ofcourse I want you to be my boyfriend!" I laughed and pinched his cheeks

"Well then should I ask you properly then??" I blushed

"How are you going to do that?" He just smiled at me. He pulled away from our embrace and got down on one knee

"Oh my gay" I said but realized I said gay instead of God. I laughed a little

"Kevin Woo....will you take me, Eli Kim as your boyfriend?"

"Ofcourse I will" I shot up and hugged me again but this time spinning us both around. He kissed me when he stopped

"Oh gosh Eli you are such a dork" I gave him a little peck on the lips.

The day passed by quickly and me and Eli spent most of it being all lovey dovey with each other.. It was dinner time and my mom still wasn't back from work.

"Hey Eli, do you wan't some din diin?"

"What is a din din?" I laughed at his question

"It's my way of saying dinner" He laughed and nodded. 

"Okay what do you want to eat?" I asked

"Surprise me" he said with a smirk. I smiled rolling my eyes. I was thinking of what to cook when an idea popped in my head. I took off my sock and put it on a plate. I walked over to Eli and put it on his plate

"Dinner is served" I said with a smile. I thought he would be disgusted or something but before I knew it he bit the out of my sock!

"EEwwwww Eli what the hell?" I said with wide eyes. He just burst out laughing causing me to do the same. I put back on my sock and washed the dish I put it in. I just decided to make some steak and mashed potatoesut out the steak and put it under hot water in the sink to defrost. I then pulled out potatoes and a potatoe peeler. I walked over to the trash can and started to peel. As I was peeling I felt a strong set of arms wrap around my waist from behind me.

"Eli I'm trying to make you dinner"

"You've been doing things for me all day. Let me do something for you now......." I then felt him run up my body and rub my . I flinched. He then started to my neck and used his free hand to fondle my but.

"E-Eli w-what are you doing?"

"Skipping straight to dessert" He breathed the words in my ear causing me to shiver. I then felt his hand move down from my to my crotch. I jumped and pulled away

"Y-ya Eli, it's too soon for that...." He smiled and walked closer to me

"I'll wait forever if I have to" He winked at me causing me to blush. He noticed and giggled. I punched him lightly on the arm. I never knew Eli had this erted side to him........I kinda liked it.







A/N hey guys I hope you liked it. By the way my laziness came back so I didn't check the spelling sorry hehe. 


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Ukissnoona #1
Chapter 24: :( how did Kevin die? He can't...... I love this story, it was so heart touching.
Chapter 24: Omg I really got shocked in the ending.
I'm so freaking serious.
My heart skipped a beat.
I was like, maybe Kevin was taking a day off from school because of the heartache?
Omg I'm so shocked that I had my mouth open. :(
What did Kevin do that he died? CRYING
Chapter 23: *crying in the corner right now* (;A; ) Y U NO KEEP KEVIN ALIVE?!
Chapter 22: Eli, you bastard! How dare you hurt our Kevin? I'm going to kick your ___ so badly right now. Come to me, I will teach you something.
Please, update soon
My poor Kevin T^T
Chapter 22: Noo....why Eli??? Q.Q