Chapter 5 : I Don't Mean To, but We Need To Fake (1)

My Fake Wife


I don't know what the hell is in this world, my father would say I'm getting married. I mean what the ? Sorry, if I cussed, but I can't take it anymore. I'm too young to go through marriage. It just too much -.- I'M JUST 23. LIKE COME ON ! If you think about, I am the lazy type. I don't like girls and their stuborness, but I like their cooking. Food is good. That DOES NOT make me a gay person. I'm totally straight as hell. It doesn't mean I don't like guys, just that I like hanging out with them because they are my homies. You get it ? Girls, I bet your don't even know what am I saying. Guys, you're cool. I like you- as a straight way. Ring ring.

" Mwo? " I answer my phone, with a annoyed tone. " What do you want? "

" YAH, YOU LITTLE BRAT ! WHERE THE HELL ARE YOU ?! YOU JUST LEFT THE PRESSING ROOM FOR A MINUTE AND YOU'RE GONE ! " Oh, it Seungho. Damn, I forgot to tell you guys something. After the interview party thing, I ditch my family. Yeah, I know. You must be thinking Oh my god, Wooyoung. You are such a bad kid and you're so hot too ! Thank you. Thank you. I think myself is hot too. That's why I love my mirror. Anways, I ditch my family to come the mall today. Sitting on one place is not going to help my reflex and also after my dad annouced that I'm getting married-shoot. Hell naw. 

" Yah, Seungho. If you keep screaming like a little girl on the phone, you are going to lose your voice. " I said, walking passed my favorite shoe store, Foot Outlit. In fact, that is a good store, you know. I went there about 120 times before I knew they cheated my money. Stupid bastards can't get a life. I had to run after the guy to get my wallet. I had about 3 thousand dollars and my grandma picture was in there. I can't leave her.

After that I caught that guy 20 feet later, it ended me into a hospital for 2 months. Ah, guys. I look like a superhero that day. Girls was screaming my name, saying that I look so handsome. All they can say " OH MY GOD! WOOYOUNG, LOOK OUT ! ARE YOU WEARING A THONG ?! " That was a hard work day. I had never work out that much of my life. 

" Wooyoung, where are you ? " Seungho ask me in a quite repectful voice. Woah, he listen to me. " Tell me where you are and I'll come and get you. The interview is starting in 15 minutes. Dad doesn't know that you left. All that he knows is that you are using the restroom, doing number 2 " .  Geesh, really ? Really, Seungho ? I'm doing number 2 -.-

" No way. I am not coming back " I whine, walking pass my favorite hair salon. " Forget it. Tell dad that it's going to take a long time. Tell him that I have a stomach ache. If he comes to the restroom, tell him that it stinks like hell " .


" OH MY GOD! IT'S WOOYOUNG! GAHHHHHH! "  Huh? Girl voices. How would girls screamed my name in a middle of the mall.Quickly, I turned back. . Screaming girls with fan signs. Wait, thats my fanclub, DOOZEROJANG. -.- Why are they here ? Did they follow me ?

" Hello ? Hello ? Wooyoung ? DID I JUST HEARD SCREAMING GIRLS ?! Why aren't you talking ? Hello ? Is anybody there ? " As steady as I could, I lend out a clam smile before running away from them. I sprint my hardest and closley hold the phone on my hand. " WOOYOUNG ?! ARE YOU THERE ?! " 

" Yah, Seungho " I yelled through my phone, running from the girls. , they are like dogs. They can't even stop for a breath. " YAH, I'LL CALL YOU LATER " .


" WOOYOUNG ?!?!?! GAHHHHH, I LOVE YOU " Screamed my fanclub. Yes, they are really my fanclub. It was back in the highschool days when I first started my senior year. Everytime I try to get into my car, I would footsteps behind me, screaming to death. I use to thought that I was haunted and I went to those place where you can get clean from bad spirit. Actually in the end, I was not haunted. They say I maybe mental -.- Well, anyways . I was ask by girl if I know fanclub DOOZEROJANG; I said no. And then I met them. The five girls that stalked me: Kim Hyo, age 16, Lee Kim Ho, age 17, Junni Ly, age 18, Rihanna Fo, age 19, and Lee Jo, age 22. Well, Lee Jo is actually a guy, but I was told he's a woman.

" . " I cussed, turning my back to them as I notice there was a dead end in front of me. I thought this mall would be a little bigger, crap. So close, that I could of had run away. Since I don't want to be , I went into a fashion store to the left of me. All I can see is women searching for clothes and myself-well, running away from them, my fanclub. " Excuse me. Sorry. Can I get through ? CAN YOU MOVE ?! " I yelled, causing them to panick. I can still see my fanclub across 20 feet from me, screaming my name. I quickly ran, from what I thought it was the man dressing room, into a room, bumping a girl, zipping her pink dress.

Before she can scream, I cover , without even looking at her, shhing her to be quiet. " Shhh " I whisper as my fanclubs, I think, went quiet. After 20 seconds, it was clam. I can relax again. " Thanks. " I said, about to leave. From my fact of this area, I look up and found the same girl. This must be my unlucky fate. " OH- YOUR THAT ONE LADY " I screamed, pointing at her " HOW DID YOU GET IN HERE ?! "

Yep, unlucky fate it is. I met a dead person, -.- I should kill her the first time I met her.

" HOW DID YOU GET IN HERE ?!?!?! " She repeated me, covering her chest and her thighs. Does she think I'm going to do something to her ? Okay, lady. I am not a . " GET OUT ?! I AM GOING TO CALL THE POILICE " . Really ? the poilice ? What are they gunna do ? Just keep me out.

" Hello ? 119 ? " She said, calling on her phone. UGH, THIS WOMAN ! " Yes, I got an emercancy here and there is a trying to me and and- " I quickly grab the phone away from her and push her to the wall, like a whale shipping off his waste. This woman is serious going to get kick.

" Sorry officer ! " I said, acting. " It just that my wife is, you know, cranky sometimes about- 

" WHAT ?! WIFE ?! " She repeated, trying to get the phone away from me. Yes, I mentioned wife. What's so wrong about that ? It's not like I'm going to marry her or something.

" Neh " I said, covering . " It just that we're having our first day at Seoul and we're having a fun day today. She's just scared because I mentioned the word '' to her. " ? Serouisly, wooyoung -.- serouisly " Yes, sir. Yes, sir. I'm sorry to bother you. Sure, why not. Thanks. Goodbye " After that, I hang up, giving her phone back.

" YAH DO YOU WANT TO DIE ?! " I yelled, causing her to heat up the room with her hot pink dress. Ugh, not now Wooyoung.

" Me ? " She said, pointing at herself. " Do I want to die? Neh, I wanted to die. I should of be in the parking lot so you can run me over 200 peices and would rather go to hell then being in a small room with you, you worthless murder. "

Okay, the first time I almost ran over her I didn't see her. I know I did a mistake BUT IT WASN'T MY FAULT TO CAUSE HER TO BE VERY UNPLEASEANT IN THIS WAY. See I told you I don't like women and their nasty old face-like this one. The hot and spicy one.

" Mwo, are you high or something ? " I whisper to myself before getting out of the dressing room without her noticing me. Man, she was pissed as hell.Whew, I'm not going to go back there again. Before I can go home and find me a new wife, flashing cameras and new reporters was surrounding me like ants crawling up to bite my neck.



"  IS IT A GIRL ? "

Ugh, these reporters are so freaking annoying. Why am I born a rich life ?Quickly, I ran back into the dressing room, opening the door in a instant. I can't even believe this that I'm going to to the death door. -.-

" AHHHHHHH ?! " She screamed before I can look back. 

" Stop with the screaming, would you ? " I ask, polity as she cover her chest, again.

" I THOUGHT YOU LEFT ?! YOU UGLY FILTHY ERT ! " -.- Wooyoung, why are you still here ?

" You shut your mouth " I whined " If you speak again, I'm pretty sure I'm going to ert you " Well, actually, when I saw her with her pink dress on- ert mood on, but she didn't notice. She got a tone hot body. " I need you to do me a favor " I ask her.

" I don't do favor " She respond with a ugly expression on her face. Slowly, I rise my hand on her shoulder as she tumble back to the mirror. This is a way to start a relationship. Well,kind of a relationship if you boys don't want to get kick in the part. " Wha-what are you doing ? Yah, stop it.Stop it, your ert.  " She warned, closing her eyes. I can't believe I'm saying this, but...

" Will you...please be my wife ? "

LovelyBlue13says: OH MY GLAD ! I HAVEN'T SEE YOU GUYS A FOR A WHILE NOW ! FINALS HAS PASSED and I fail one of them T.T Failure me-oh well, I still have my asianfanfics :) This is part one guys. Part two is coming up. I didn't do corrections yet, but I'll do soon ! BYE !      




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I'll update soon ! WAIT FOUR MORE DAYS ! PLEASE !


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i love this story, please continue.
Chapter 23: Authorniimmm, please continue this story. I keep on waiting for your update :(