Chapter 23 : I Finally Figure It Out Pt. One

My Fake Wife

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Since that time I carelessly let Eungi into my condo, everything had change. Jieun, she seems so distant from me.As if I was across the Han River, she won't even look at me. I finally figured it out. I can't live without her. I mean Jieun. Even though 4 months had passed, she is still my contract wife. She is still Mrs. Jang. As my mother had told us, you guys seems like those fantasy couple, Cinderalla, or Princess Bella. I laughed to this day. It was still amiriable.

" Oppaaa ~ " Eungi called my name, laying her body on my bed, resting her head on my pillow. " How long are you going to take ? I'm tired. " I rolled my eyes from a lack of hygene and walked to her, turning off the lights from my desk and laying beside her. I wrapped my arms under her resting head as she snuggle closer to me. For that moment on, I felt that some part of me was missing and I know what is was: my other half.

" Yebo, what are you thinking about ? " Eungi pouted. " You seem puzzled. "

I pinch her cheeks, " Ani. I wasn't thinking about anything. I was just wondering how am I going to finish all the paper work and documents by tomorrow and also, how am I going to face your family next week. " She chuckled.

" You don't have to worry, Yebo. I got it under control. " She explained to me. " I'm going to sleep. Good night. " she quickly kiss one side of my cheeks and turn the opposite way, making me smile to myself. Eungi is the same old Eungi that I met before. She had never changed. 

I stood up from the bed and went back to my desk where I was finishing some paperworks tomorrow. Since I am the president of my dad's company, my parents and hyung expect more out of me. But the more they would think, the pressure I would have from the media. Stress all over again. Too much things are messing me in my head right now. Slowly, I opened the cabinet's drawer and grab a medicine bottle.

It was to treat me from losing my sleep and to treat my loss of hygene. Also, it was to treat me from stress. Sometimes it doesn't work at all. Suddenly, I heard a bang in the kitchen. It sound like pots dropping down from the ceiling. I stood up and turn on the lights. I walked to the noise and found Jieun sitting, eating.

" Jieun ? " I called her name. She turned to look who had called her and found me, standing in the walk way, looking at her as she was microwaving a bowl of rice. She doesn't look that happy to see me like before.

" A-ah, W-Wooyoung ? " She stutter. " What are you- ani, I shouldn't be asking you questions at all. " I can tell she was trying not to make any eye contact with me. I clear my throat and walked over to the fridge and grab a cold water bottle, proceeding to head back, but I can't help it to see Jieun for the first time since we fought last week. The microwave beeps and Jieun opened to take out the rice bowl. 

Before she can even place it back to the table, Jieun drops the rice bowl onto the floor because it was burning hot. I ran to her as the bowl slice open her foot, bleeding non stop. " Are you okay ? Does it hurt ? " I ask her so many questions, but the only thing she reply was:

" I'm fine. No need to worry. " She shoved me off and went to grab the dust cleaner to clean the little glass that is puncherd into millions of pieces off the ground. I help her, but it was still awkward between us. " I clean everything already. You may go now. " She said, heading back to the table to begin eating.

" Ani. I don't want to go. " I told her. I went to open one of the cabinet and took out the Aid-Kit. As I was sitting next to Jieun, I made her face me. " Your foot is bleeding. You should be careful next time. " Slience became her treatment. After I was done, her eyes never look at mines.

" Thank you. You may leave. " She command me. There it was again. I hated when she said that. She make me feel regrettiful.

"  I will, but under one condition. " I said, glancing at her. " Stay with me. Don't go anywhere. I can't sleep. "


It was the next morning. All of my paperworks and documents are finished. Seungho's butler came and worked for me now since he told me he's leaving for England. I grabbed my tux, tied my tie, and fixed my hair before Butler Kim can even touch me. " Young Master " Bulter Kim called me behind the dressing room. " A call came for you." I grab my phone, and answer. 

" Wooyoung-ah. " It was my mother. " I'm hosting a press party today for a family gathering. I want you and Jieun to attend. Appa would be happy when he sees you and Seungho together before Seungho leaves for England. "

" Umma. I don't think-" I was quickly interrupted by my mother.

" Ah- I called Jieun before and she said she could attend. See at five. Honey. " My mom hung up on me. I led out a big sigh, handing my phone back to Butler Kim. Jieun is going ? Why didn't she talk to me about ?

" Yebo ~ Oppa ~ " I heard Eungi called me. I grabbed my suit case and walk down the stairs, seeing Eungi plating breakfast on the table. I smiled and sat down. I notice there was only 2 plates- one for me and one for Eungi. None for Jieun. " Oppa, I made your favorite food today. Omlent and French Sticks. Is it yummy ? " I didn't have the energy to eat, but I nod after I took a bit of the French Sticks. 

" It's very good. " I told her. " But, I won't stay to finish breakfast. My meeting with the Prime Minster starts in 45 minutes. I need to go. " She kissed my cheeks as I managed to gather my keys under my pocket. Butler Kim walked me out when I throw my suitcase onto the passenger seat. 

" Young Master ? " He began, knocking on my window. " I believe you forgot one thing, sir. " I rolled my window down.

" What did I forgot ? " Butler Kim handed me a phone that just look like mine and he opened it. " What is this ? Are you scearching illegal things ?! " He chuckled. As he expect, I would ask him that.

" I'm a grown man. I have four kids. Of course, I would. " He jokes. " But, Miss Jieun left her phone this morning. I think she had forgot it. I want you to give it to her since she is taking the city bus. "

I had took the phone from him and put it in my coffe holder. " Okay, thanks. Watch Eungi for me. " My window got rolled up and I drive to look for Jieun at the bus stop. I saw her and stop infront of her. She was wearing the fur jacket that I got her a month ago for her birthday. The same shoes we got when we went to our honeymoon. The same phone that she bought us on our first date. Everything she is wearing was all presents that I got her.

" Hey ? " I waved, getting out of the driver seat. Jieun spotted me and look around to see if anybody saw us two together.

" What are you doing here ? I thought you said we supposed to stay away from each other for a while. " I went up to her, touch her hand, and smack her phone into it. She quickly catch it before it fall to the ground.

" You forgot your phone. Butler Kim told me to give this to you. " I correct her before leaving back to my car.

" Thank you " She mutter. I smiled to myself. Her voice- I miss her voice, but I couldn't do this any longer. I walked back out to my car again and grab Jieun's arm.

" Come and ride with me. " I said, pulling her to the passenger seat, throwing my suitcase in the back trunk.

" I thought you said that we can't ri-" I quickly interrupted her.

" Since you told my mother that we're going to that family gathering, don't you don't want my parents to think that this is all an act ? " She sighs. 

" Sorry, I forgot. " Her sad expression made me feel like I should love her even more. I drove off into the road. The real reason I told Jieun to sit with me was the not the party, but it was because I was lonely.



A lot of people came today at the party. I was in my tux as Jieun was in a white pure dress talking to other folks. Eungi was at home like always since my contract marriage is not yet over. Seungho was a man than ever. He looked like he had stop drinking and had clean himself. I walked over and pat his shoulder.

" I feel like I am growning old, Hyung. " I joked, noticing his dark circles. " You're getting old. "

His face was pissed as he put his hand over my neck and jott me down into a bend so that she could rub my hair. " I'm getting old because of you. "

" For reals ? Chicken " I laughed then he later stop. " How you met Soyeon yet ? Have you talked to her ? " I ask him as he pulled me aside from the other folks.

" I did meet with her after she push me out of her home, but I don't know if she coming to see me at the airport tomorrow though. " I frowned.

" How about you ? Had you work things out yet with Jieun ? " He asked me, which makes me wonder where was she in the dance floor. " Nah. She kept on ingoring me. " Then I found her- laughing, and giggling with guys her age. This made me angry. Everytime she looks at me, she want to get out of my face, but not this time. " Hyung, I'll talk to you later. " I said, walking where Jieun is. " Excuse me, gentlemen. " I introduce myself, wrapping my hands around Jieun's waist. " I want to talk to my wife for a bit. " I dragged Jieun out to the boy's restroom and locked ourselves in there. 

" Wooyoung, what are you doing ?! " She yelled at me while I cupped her face.

" Something that I wanted to do a long time. " I grabbed her waist and as I closed my eyes, my lips came crashing on hers. The tension that I was giving her made her cheeks warm. She was trying to break free, but it made us both fell onto the floor. I trapped her to the wall when I can heard some guy knocking on the door. We didn't answer, but kiss instead. 

" I miss you " This was all that she said to me.



Four more hours left until my flight. Why Soyeon isn't here yet ? I want to see her.



That tension that Wooyoung is giving Jieun gaves me some chills. I LOVE WOOU AND THEIR HOT KISS ! OMG ! What is going to happen next ? Stay tune. Please listen to that song from above. If you have any question, please messages me. THANKS FOR THE 89 SUBSCRIBERS ! Please comment and subscribe. I love you all !



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I'll update soon ! WAIT FOUR MORE DAYS ! PLEASE !


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i love this story, please continue.
Chapter 23: Authorniimmm, please continue this story. I keep on waiting for your update :(