Chapter 21 : Jokes

My Fake Wife


 " Where are we going ? We just can't leave Soyeon with Seungho. " Wooyoung dragged me from the coffee shop, holding onto my hands. " What if Soyeon run away ? Or, what if she do something to Seungho ? What if Soyen went for sucide ? " Wooyoung let go of my hand and we both stop walking, glaring at each other infront of his car.

" Seungho knows Judo, so I won't worry much. " Wooyoung bless, rolling his eyebrown up. Yeah, right. Seungho is too mature for Judo.I think he rather read boring books all day. 

" That's all ? " I outstouded him. " Soyeon master Kung Fu with a black belt. Yet, Soyeon ranked first during her training and I am more worried than you ". I said.

" Then what do you want me to do ? You want me to take Judo, too ? " I stared at Wooyoung carefully. I don't know if he is mad or if he is fustrated, but he seems heated somehow. I know. It had been a long day. We are both finally in Korea after our honeymoon, and we're stuck in between a mad dog mess. I can see how Wooyoung needed a nap. No, probably he need to sleep. I need to sleep.

" If you want ..." I distance my voice away from his tone as he wrap his hand around his waist. His droopy eyes wanted to close. " I can drive. " He smirk, rubbing his toes together. For the first time, I blushed. I blushed in front of him.

" Get in . " He pointed, smiling. " We'll rest in my apartment " . I got in the car when Wooyoung open my side door. He stood, looking at me weirdly. Suddenly, he grabbed for my seatbelt and covered me with a blanket. " Just because I can't get some sleep, I'm just being nice today. " He closed my door, and began the engine slowly.

I smiled to myself, noticing his weird personailty. " I like it though. Except, I just don't like you " . He quickly step on the engine and began driving.

" I know. "  


 Key punch in; locks turn left and right; doors open- we're in. Actually, I'm in. At his apartment- marble, large, open space, beautiful view, and girls statues in the doorway. " Are they real ? " I asked Wooyoung as he came in, closing the door.

" You weren't supposed to see that ", Wooyoung statter the girls into a closet as I watch behind his dirty little mind. " What was your question again ? " I smile to myself, checking out his huge living room.

" What is behind all that junk in your closet ? More girls ? " I ask him a new question. He smile and his jacket went flying off to a chair.

" Why ? What are you planning to do ? Take over my condo ? " He played his jokes. I ingore his stupid question and enjoy my walks to each room when I was in his hallway. " You want a drink ? " He asked me. 

" I want water " I reply, stopping at his bedroom, which was all a mess. 

From afar, Wooyoung asked again, " Water is not a option. White Cabernet Sauvignon or Scottish Red Wine ? " I twerk my head out from the hallway. Wait ? Wine ? I ask for no wine.

" Is there any option except wine ? " I question him when he brought 2 glass and Scottish Red Wine on the table. I bet he wasn't listening to me. I got out from Wooyoung's bedroom and sat next to him on the floor in between a glass table. He was alreadly pouring me wine.

" I like Red Wine better, so just go with it. " He confessed, pouring himself one. I took a sip from the glass and it taste like- " Ahh, the taste never fade away ". I stared at Wooyoung as he glare at me after his drink. I quickly look away, sipping another.

" Do you still want to continued the thing we had before ? " I asked him.

" You mean at the airport ? " He stop for a breath " Yeah, we got nothing better to do anyway. I'll start. " He pour my glass and sat the glass down. " What do you call a red vet with a red neck ? " I rolled my eyes. I don't know how many time I have heard this kind of stupid jokes. 

" Your mother. " I said. 

Slowly, the wine bottle was nearly gone. Our dizzy mind quickly took it place. I was not drunk at all, or was I ? I don't know, but I can surely tell that Wooyoung was drunk. He has a drinking problem for sure. " Jieun. " He called my name, resting his head on the sofa.

" Mwo ? " I answer also resting my head on that same sofa.

" How can you tell when you're not in love ? " He asked me a question where I can't answer. I had never been in love before, so...

" Why would you ask me that ? " I told him. " I don't know. I had- " Suddenly, my body was pulled off from the sofa and was stuck at Wooyoung's arm length. His eyes twinkle sparkles as I was openly shock on what he was doing. Now, I can see him perfectly. His bare face written that he was in love before and was hurt in the end. His bratty-self was distance from his real self. Finally. 

" I am in pain. " He confessed, can't stop staring at my eyes. " I am hurt. " Inches away from touching my lips, he touches my cheeks. I feel shivers from his cold hands. Suddenly, I realized, pushing him away from me. My feelings were coming back. No, I don't want to feel this. 

" I think you should go to sleep. You're too drunk. " Before, I could even stand up, Wooyoung pulled me back down, laying me on the floor. " Wooyoung, what are you doin-" .

" I think you're mistaken me. " He said, inching down a little closer. " I don't think I'm drunk at all. " I hesitated, closing my eyes, feeling his lips slightly pitching my ends, and drowning in confusion. I trembled, waiting him to kiss me, but instead a knock came to the door. 

I open my eyes and Wooyoung stood up to open the door. I followed behind him and found- " Oppaaa ! Wooyoung opppaa ! " Eungi has tears all over her face as she called Wooyoung's name. She went straight hugging him when she knows that I am here.

" Oh, Eungi ? " Wooyoung was, of course, shock. Okay, now he doesn't sound like he's drunk. " What's wrong ? Why are you wet ? " 

" Oppa, what took you so long ? I was waiting for you to come back. You don't know what I have been through. I miss you " She cried as I watch them act. Wooyoung pulled her off of him and suddenly look worried.

" Wae ? Is something wrong ? " Suddenly, my heart aches. Seeing him worried from her, I was wrong for marrying Wooyoung.

" Something went wrong at my house and my parents kicked me out. They don't want me anymore. " She cried. " Oppa, you care about me right ? You still love me right ? " Wooyoung nod his head. She stop crying for a while, looking at me, finally noticing me that I was watching them all along. " Remember that night we were together ? "

" Yeah, why ? " Wooyoung answer. She wiped her tears when my own tear started coming.

" Well, oppa. You have to marry me right now if you love me. " 



 Seungho is a jackass. A jerk with no feelings. All this whole time, I thought he would be the one or would be the best for me. Yet, karma is a . For me and my child. Now as a mother, I would care for my child. I would raise my child to become healthy and whether, his dad is not here, a single mother is better than a reck relationship. 



 A long time that I updated right ? Well, I am sorry, but school has been an drag all year round. Sorry, for the bad language in Soyeon'sPOV. I didn't mean it, but we all have to understand her feelings. Oh, R.I.P Aya and Paul Walker. Even though you two are different from each other our people still care about you even though we don't know you two. I cried all day long when I found out their deaths. 2013 is just a year where some people can't handle, but anyways, WHY DID EUNGI INTERRUPT WOOU'S MOMENT !? THEY WERE ABOUT TO ... do something that we wanted a long time ago. Why did Eungi want Wooyoung to marry her ? What is Eungi's problem anyway ? Well, find out in the next chapter . Bye ! THANKS FOR THE 86 SUBSCRIBERS ! I LOVE YOU ALL !



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I'll update soon ! WAIT FOUR MORE DAYS ! PLEASE !


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i love this story, please continue.
Chapter 23: Authorniimmm, please continue this story. I keep on waiting for your update :(