Chapter 13 : Fitting With The Next Two Bride ?

My Fake Wife


 I can't really believe that Soyeon left me with that... that girl, Michelle. It was the best talk ever in my case, but lets just keep it as a secret. Do you think she's jealous of her since she just walks off with those creepy eyes ? Ehy, Ani-ya. She would never be jealous. No, or probably she have to do something important. Maybe I should ask her lat- wait, nah I shouldn't. Might not be the best to ask her since I know that she hates those type of girls, you know.

" Oh, hyung ~ " Wooyoung walk pass me with Eungi in his hands. " I'll see you later, hyung. I've got a date ". He smile, pointing at her like she was the wide princess of death kingdom. Mwo-yah. They made up that quickly ? Ah, right. I remember now. He kissed her when they had a big and all fight.. No wonder she's happy, but I really think he's wrong about this because I see no happiness at all in them.

-- (Flashback)

" Hyung, I kissed her. " Wooyoung sigh across the table as I look out the window " What do I do ? She said that she doesn't like me marrying off to another girl. Should I marry her instead and let us run together and live in China ? " For a second, I thought wow, stupid much.  But then, I realized what he said was his feelings. But China ? Serously ? Couldn't at least run and live in the US.

" And what about Jieun ? What are you going to do with her ? "  I ask. Wooyoung sigh again and pouted.

" Returned her ? " I notice Wooyoung's voice slightly turned pale " I might have to end our contract and pay her. "

" Wait, YOU PAID HER ?! " I shockly yelled, slaming my spit into Wooyoung's face. " how could you- when ? Where ? how ? Yah, what were you thinking ?! How could you pay a woman to marry you ?! "

" Hyung ! It's not like that ! " Wooyoung interupts " You sound like I was paying a stripper. Ehy-ish. " I wasn't that shock that Wooyoung had done it. Wooyoung has done it alot of time (behind everyone's back) and I was the only one who is smart enough to secretly comfort it. As a big brother to him, Wooyoung just wanted to be young and to have fun, but looking after a major company, it's not fun at all. Since my Dad wanted to rest some of his last years, I might not let Wooyoung to look after the company. I think he's not ready. 

" I got scared. " He confessed " I was scared, so I brought her into a contract." I rolled my eyes. It was enough years to play around. We're adults now.

" You were scared ? " I tone out " Well, that's a stupid idea. Did you know what did you just put yourself in ?"

" Since Mom won't let me marry Eungi, why not bring someone else in ? You knew that I love Eungi and want to marry her ". I found him over confidently stupid. Do you know why my Mom wouldn't let them marry ? It was all his fault, going out drinking all night and all day with her. He rarely come home, but if he does, he would be drunk or just wanted to sleep for the whole day. I agree with my Mom about this. I mean Eungi is a great girl, but just not the right one, yet.

" Okay, you said so, but you just have to find a way to bring Jieun out before Mom knows, or you and Eungi won't ever run to China. " I stood up and throw the house key at him. " As a brother to you, I found my other side rotten because of your stupid ideas. It makes me look like a idot. We're grown ups now. Be like a true adult and stop making problems " Wooyoung throw the house keys back at me and stood up.

" I don't think you as my brother, but a step brother. We're not related. At all, so stop. Whether it's my stupid ideas, or not. I need to be with Eungi and she needs me. We love each other and we will be together. " I nodded for a long time and put the keys down on the table and got out of the seat. Like others do, I wallked away.

" Okay, like you say. " I turned back and smiled " Just come back home and comfort Mom. She's at home ... pissed ". When me and Wooyoung have fights, I would be the one that always lose. Not that I'm a stronger man or the fact that we're not related, is because I care about him and he is only caring about himself.

" Hyung, " He last started " We're happy right now. So just trust me. " I really didn't care, but I walked out the door like I didn't hear or saw anything. It's going to be his fault and everyone in the media is going to know about. I ani't saying that I'm going to tell them, but it's unbelieveable that Wooyoung is making a huge mistake.    


I quickly walk into Soyeon's office and found myself in between an arugement. Similar, but with giggling and laughter. " What are you, ladies, doing ? " I question them as Jieun and Soyeon found me behind the sofa they are sitting on. " Am I that funny to look at ? " 

" Ani, just the opposite " . Soyeon joked. I look at her and was about to choke the life out of her but I was too nice of a guy to hurt a woman. Just not to her.

" I'll choke you. " I warned. She grabbed the drink from the table and pinned it up in the air.

" I will galdly die in honor ". She said, drinking it. I raise a eyebrown and decided to talk to Jieun instead of her.

" Hello. " I greet, handing out my hand to shake with her.

" Hello to you ". She shaked my hand. I mean how did she agree to the contract ? She looks like a innocent lady from the store block. Might not be well, but with Soyeon in her side, she's too innocent to be in Wooyoung's daily fake life. 

" Ah, neh. Well, I came up here to take you somewhere ". I annouced. Yes, my Mom just phonecalled me a while ago and scolded me that I should take care of Wooyoung, but too bad his wife more important that he is. " Umma to me to take you two for wedding dress shopping. Should we get going ? " Of course woman should be excited and nervous about shopping for wedding dress, but they look so pump up. 

" Right now ? " Jieun ask. I nodded and pick up her purse bag on the floor for her. 

" Neh, right now ".


We were waiting forever on Jieun. She is like on her fourth dress, I think ? Man, how do men stay in here. It's a shame that there is nothing to do. At least Soyeon is still awake and fully talking to me. " Yah, Soyeon. I have a question to ask you. " I said.

" Mwo ? What do you need ? " She replyed. I was heistating about the answer I want to ask from before. I think she is going to hit me.

" Are you jealous ? " I ask. You suddenly choke on her water that she was about to drink. 

" Mwo? " She repeated.

" Remember when you left me and that girl, Michelle, alone ? Were you jealous ? " I close my eyes waiting her to spit her water in my face. I can't even count how many times she spit on me. I remember when she spit on my aunt's face. What's weirder is that my aunt loves her and thinks that she was being cute. Actually, I have never seen her cute side. 

" Define jealous " She said, but it wasn't a answer that I would like to hear. It was like a 6th grade question from the spelling bee.

" Are you dumb and dumber ? " I ask her " You don't know what it means ? "

" Yah, I do know, but thanks for pointing out the dumber part. " She said. Omo, just like that. Always answering back with the cool attutide. That is why I like her. " yah. I don't think I can answer your ques- "

" You're jealous. " I smile in joy. See, if you can hear her lonely tone, it really easy to tell that she is jealous or not. Since I know her for 8 years, it's really patheic to see Soyeon lie.

" What ? Wait, no " She's covering it up. I suddenly laughed and couldn't hold myself because of her jealously. So this is her cute side. HA, it's not cute at all. 

" Hyung- " A voice sound like Wooyoung behind me. I stop laughing and turn with Soyeon. I was right. It is Wooyoung. " What are you doing here ? " I was a bit confused. I thought he was at his date.

" I should be asking you. I thought you were going somewhere with Eungi ? " I ask. He touch his nose and pointed at the other dressing room aside from Jieun's fitting room.

" Eungi wanted to try some wedding dress before watching our movie at 5, so we came to the nearest shop. " He said. " How about you ? Why are you here with Soyeon ? "  Before we both can speak, the two fitting room curtain opens and our six eyes with on them. 

" Oh, this is bad ". I murmured. Soyeon looked at me and I looked at her. We were worried if Jieun ever fing out that Woo-

" Hunny ! HOW DO I LOOK ? -"

" Soyeon, do I look -"

They were in unison until they face each other in the same wedding gowns. Long, puffy, and sparkly. I stood up and face Wooyoung in a mad treat.

" Unnie ... " It was quiet.



Seungho pulled me out from the room and glare at me with his mad eyes. " Are you guys getting married ? " I shook my head and don't know what to say. It was awkward.


Author's Note:

         Okay, Wooyoung'sPOV is not part of the story. It supposed to be for the next chapter, but how do you like it so far ? I'm sorry if it took a lot of time to wait and read this chapter. I was really stuck on how Wooyoung will act when he found Eungi and Jieun together in the same wedding dress and how will the wedding drees will look like. It took me 3 hours until I found the right one. It might not be good looking, but I quite like it. And what is your favorite part in the whole chapters (1-13) I wrote ? My favorite part was when Wooyoung and Seungho was fighting and Seungho always lose because he cared. WELL, BROMANCE ! So, I'll update soon and here's the wedding dress that they wore :






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I'll update soon ! WAIT FOUR MORE DAYS ! PLEASE !


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i love this story, please continue.
Chapter 23: Authorniimmm, please continue this story. I keep on waiting for your update :(