When Sparks Fly

6 Ways To Love




Youngjae was waiting by the sidewalk near Woojin’s apartment when he heard the clattering of heels coming from behind. He spun around to find himself facing a whole different person. It was the same feeling he had felt when he saw her after years the other day, just that the noticeable changes today only happened in a span of a few days and he couldn’t believe his eyes. 


Her long hair which was usually straight had seemed to be curled a little today and the left side of her hair is neatly secured with a pink ribbon hair clip. He also couldn’t help but take notice of the eyeliner she had on which beautifully accentuated her almond-shaped eyes more and he thought her pink, rosy cheeks complimented her light shade of lip gloss today. It took him a mere three seconds to catch the details she had on today and for a moment, Youngjae thought he could hear his pulse beating in his ears.


“Fifteen minutes,” he tapped his wrist. “It took you fifteen minutes to get yourself here when it should’ve taken only five.” His complain earned an amused glare from Woojin, who slowly tilted her head and raised an eyebrow as she grabbed his wrist. “Nice try Youngjae. Maybe next time you should remind yourself to put on your watch before you learn to tell time,” she smirked and walked off, causing Youngjae to pump his clenched fist in the air for ‘losing’ to her again.


It didn’t take long for them to reach the carnival and as soon as she saw the Ferris wheel, Woojin pulled Youngjae towards the queue. “Remember how you got scared when we went on this last time?”


Who could forget that? Youngjae looked up to observe the passenger car that was at its highest point when the wheel stopped. He gulped at the thought of going on it again, but this time, not just due to the fact that it was high above the ground.


The car rocked as they got on it and they sat on opposite ends, making it more stable. As the car moved, Youngjae’s eyes were glued to Woojin, who was gaping at the beautiful view from the top. He wondered if she had purposely dragged him to get on it with hidden intentions. “Do you … remember everything that happened on this ride?” Youngjae gave up on his thoughts to talk it out straight with her instead. His question wiped the smile off her face as she shifted her gaze downwards, looking away from him. “Of course I do,” she whispered.


A hand reached out to hers and she turned to look in his eyes. “I meant what I said then,” he said softly. “I … -,” His words got cut off from the shock he got at the jerk of the car, which had now stopped in mid-air. His cheeks deflated as he let out a ‘phew’, but what came next caused him shut his eyes and breathe through his nose. It surprised him how he naturally allowed their tongues to meet, but as soon as he realized, he quickly pulled away slightly to stare at her in wonder. “Woojin,” he called her name out in a whisper.

“Babo, I’ve always loved you. I loved you then, even now,” she responded before crashing her lips onto his again until the wheel resumed its business.


They alighted the ride with smiles on their faces and their hands interlaced. Youngjae kept her hands secured in his until their day came to an end. They now stood again on the sidewalk they met earlier; just briefly gazing at each other, whishing tomorrow would come fast so they could meet again. At least that was what Youngjae wished, but from the looks of Woojin, she seemed to be carrying a different thought.


“Are you okay?” He furrowed his eyebrows in concern. Woojin only had her head lowered and when she didn’t give him an answer, he raised her chin with a finger only to find her eyes welled up with tears. He suddenly became flustered and questioned her while wiping her tears away. “Woojin, what’s the matter?”


She sniffed and tried to cover up her overwhelming emotions with a smile which didn’t last a few seconds. “Mum got a call and I was just told today that I’ll be flying back tomorrow,” she sobbed, her voice getting husky from the crying.


Youngjae tried to keep in his emotions as much as he could, but his wavering voice gave it away. “Do you really have to go?”


Woojin failed to open as her cry worsened and replied with a nod. Youngjae pulled her in for a hug and rested his chin gently on her head, both of them embracing each other with the growing pain of having to bid farewell.

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annasoll99 #1
OMG this is so good update soon!!!
Chapter 26: Himchan ommaT^T
Chapter 19: Ommo!! Daehyun is DAEBAK! His sweet! I love this chapter and story! >.<

Hi! Im a new reader by the way^^
Pls keep up the great job!^^
alienjello-dy #4
Chapter 26: nooo himchan noooooo
you should ask her first T__T
anyway new reader here ^^
Chapter 26: Himchan no~ he should've asked her.
I guess ego overtook him. :( I hope they'll make up soon.