Mr & Miss

6 Ways To Love


Yongguk couldn’t believe Himchan had kicked him out of the house before the movie was even over. He wanted to watch one of his favourite war movies he had brought over, but Chohee had the final call and decided to watch ‘Hachiko’ instead. He wasn’t really fond of sentimental movies, but was somehow drawn to this one. He was starting to get absorbed towards the ending when Himchan subtly nudged him, eyeing the door at the same time. Yongguk knew he had to leave to allow some private time the two love birds. Slowly and heavily, he tore his vision away from the TV. He knew he was going to have a hard time sleeping for not knowing the ending to the movie. But with all due respect to his best buddy, he thanked them for dinner and left.


On the way home, he remembered Zelo telling him that they ran out of milk and cereal. If there was one thing that could satisfy Zelo on days he never cooked, the two combined would do the trick. Bearing in mind what needed to be bought, he made his way to the neighbourhood supermarket.


Yongguk was walking down the aisle of the cereal section, when he spotted a lady struggling to reach out for something off the top shelf. With no hesitation, he approached her with a smile.  “May I help you with that, ma’am?”

“Oh thank you. If you could just grab that one for me,” she pointed.


Yongguk easily reached the item and handed it over to her. “Here you go,” he smiled. ‘Wait a minute…’ He observed the lady carefully, having recognized her face.

“Thank you,” she thanked him before she turned to him. As soon as their eyes met, their expressions immediately brightened.


“Mr Bang?”

“Miss Song!”


They laughed. The only times they meet would usually be during Zelo’s parent and teacher conferences, where Yongguk would have to come down to his school. Being Zelo’s form teacher for three years in a row, Miss Song pretty much oversees Zelo’s progression very closely in school, apart from Yogguk, who does so at home. Together, they have been paying close attention to the younger of two sons in the Bang family, but only as far as his studies are concerned. Having caught up in a conversation, they walked out of the supermarket together.


“Zelo seems to be dealing well with school nowadays. I suppose your way of disciplining him is working well?”

Yongguk lowered his head shyly and rubbed the back of his neck. “I wouldn’t say so…he did it all by himself, Miss Song. I know you’ve done a lot to motivate him. Thank you for that,” he smiled.


“It’s my job as a teacher. I’m sure he’ll continue to improve,” she stopped walking. “Anyway, here’s my stop. I’ll see you around then, Mr Bang?”


Yongguk chuckled. “You can call me Yongguk. It kinda sounds weird to be called ‘Mr’ all the time.”


“Alright, Yongguk. You can call me Ji Eun, then. It’s been a pleasure meeting you tonight. Have a good night,” she waved.


“Good night…Ji Eun…” He hesitated a little, considering she was Zelo’s teacher. Yongguk smiled and waved back. Like any gentleman, he watched her walk into the building to her apartment, just to ensure she got home safe. He made his way home shortly after. ‘Ji Eun…’ He mentioned her name again to himself and smiled.

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annasoll99 #1
OMG this is so good update soon!!!
Chapter 26: Himchan ommaT^T
Chapter 19: Ommo!! Daehyun is DAEBAK! His sweet! I love this chapter and story! >.<

Hi! Im a new reader by the way^^
Pls keep up the great job!^^
alienjello-dy #4
Chapter 26: nooo himchan noooooo
you should ask her first T__T
anyway new reader here ^^
Chapter 26: Himchan no~ he should've asked her.
I guess ego overtook him. :( I hope they'll make up soon.