No More Secrets

6 Ways To Love



When Jongup kept messing up on their choreography at practice, Zelo couldn’t help himself from wondering what was keeping him out of focus. Jongup rarely frowns, but today, his face told Zelo something was bothering him.  As soon as the session was over, Zelo approached him to ask. “Hey, you okay? You seem to be a little bit out of spirit today,” he frowned in concern.


Jongup let out a sigh. “It’s just about my date with Hana the other day. I’m not sure if I’ll have a chance to go out with her again,” he confessed.


“Well why don’t you go ahead and ask her now?” Jongup looked up to him in an instant and Zelo lifted his chin, pointing to the door. Jongup turned around to find Hana standing with her head lowered. He felt his heart weighted down by the sorrow on her face, but instead of showing it, he walked up to her with a gentle smile.


“You don’t have to worry about what happened. I just hope you’re fine,” he said.


She seemed surprised to see that he wasn’t mad about it. Seeing him smile made her smile as well and the matter was cleared up as soon as they chuckled bashfully at each other.


“I’d like to make it up to you today,” she said.


“Are you sure?” He asked with a tint of concern in his voice.


“Well, there’s a carnival in town so I was thinking maybe we could go together.” Jongup smiled at her invitation, but when the thought of them getting caught again appeared, he grew worried. “Are you sure that’s okay?” He asked again.


“Well, maybe you can get Zelo to come if he wants,” she suggested.


“Hang on a second!” He jogged over to Zelo and came back seconds later with a cap in his hands. “Here,” he put the cap on Hana’s head. “That would do the trick. Now no one can tell it’s you,” he smiled and they both broke into laughter.




Zelo decided to tag along since it’s been quite some time since he’d been to a carnival. He decided to wander off on his own so Jongup would have his second chance to sweep Hana off her feet without any pressure.


He chose to walk along the game booths when suddenly from a distance, he spotted someone familiar. It’s the little girl. He glanced around to see if anyone was with her but when he saw no one, he started towards her.


“Hey little girl, remember me?” He greeted. The girl seemed startled to see him and could only afford to respond with a single word. “Oppa?” She blinked a couple of times before the ice cream in her hand.


Zelo squatted down to her head gently while asking, “You’re not here alone, aren’t you? Who are you here with?”


The girl briefly shook her head before pointing to someone behind him. “With Hyeyoung unni!” She gasped for a moment after answering it and quickly covered with one hand. Zelo squinted his eyes at her suspiciously before turning around.


He couldn’t believe the person he saw before him. His mouth fell agape as he stood up to meet the person’s eyes. Hyeyoung? Florist noona? Confusion spread across his face. Only after he realized she was wearing the same necklace he received on his birthday did he clearly begin to see the whole picture.

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annasoll99 #1
OMG this is so good update soon!!!
Chapter 26: Himchan ommaT^T
Chapter 19: Ommo!! Daehyun is DAEBAK! His sweet! I love this chapter and story! >.<

Hi! Im a new reader by the way^^
Pls keep up the great job!^^
alienjello-dy #4
Chapter 26: nooo himchan noooooo
you should ask her first T__T
anyway new reader here ^^
Chapter 26: Himchan no~ he should've asked her.
I guess ego overtook him. :( I hope they'll make up soon.