Role Model

6 Ways To Love


Zelo groaned as he stretched his long arms in the air. He heavily lifted his body up and rubbed his eyes, his legs forming into a diamond as he brought the soles of his feet together. Mornings were never easy for the baby-like teenager - especially weekend mornings.


Today, however, he was in for a thrill and he knew it; because it was the day he turned a year older. But this year was going to be his most exciting birthday yet because his long hours of practice with Jongup will finally be judged at the talent show happening that night. He was all pumped up for it; even marking the date on his wall calendar as ‘Talent Show Time!’ instead of his own ‘17th Birthday’.


He turned to his bedside table to double check the date. It’s D-Day, alright. He smiled. Now filled with anxiety, he eagerly stepped out of bed and headed for the showers.


After getting dressed, Zelo whistled his way to his brother’s room to inform him that he was leaving. He knocked twice, but when he got no response, he slowly turned the knob to peep inside. It didn’t take him long to figure out what his brother was up to when he heard a snore. He walked in to take a look at his hardworking brother.


He must’ve pulled an all-nighter again.’ Zelo smiled, reminding himself again why he’d always tell everyone that his role model was none other than his older brother, who had sacrificed so much to bring him up after their mother died and left them as orphans.


He tiptoed as he retreated slowly, closing the door as quietly as he could. He grabbed his skateboard, which hang as an artifact in the living room when it wasn’t in use, and headed for the door.


As he crossed the room, he spotted a pair of black and red Jordan Phase on the coffee table. Surprised, he ran towards it and read the card that was placed beside it. ‘Happy birthday, Junhongie. You’ve grown a year wiser now, so behave more like a man and study hard. Hyung will always be behind you in whatever you do. So always do your best in everything. Hwaiting! Love, Hyung.’ He smiled as soon as he read it and was unaware that he was already in tears until he read the last word. He was instantly reminded again how fortunate he was to have such a caring and loving brother.


Without further hesitation, he grabbed his birthday gift and slipped them on. A wide grin spread across his face as they fit perfectly on his feet. ‘Thank you, Yongguk hyung.’ He whispered in his heart and walked out the door to meet three other important people in his life – the two hyungs who represent Tom & Jerry well – he always thought – and his best friend.

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annasoll99 #1
OMG this is so good update soon!!!
Chapter 26: Himchan ommaT^T
Chapter 19: Ommo!! Daehyun is DAEBAK! His sweet! I love this chapter and story! >.<

Hi! Im a new reader by the way^^
Pls keep up the great job!^^
alienjello-dy #4
Chapter 26: nooo himchan noooooo
you should ask her first T__T
anyway new reader here ^^
Chapter 26: Himchan no~ he should've asked her.
I guess ego overtook him. :( I hope they'll make up soon.