Love Blossoms

6 Ways To Love


The day after his miracle performance, Daehyun went to the park to find Minyoung. He wasn’t certain if she had been there last night, but he was sure it was her presence that gave him the courage to perform and he wanted to prove that. As soon he reached the hill, he looked up to see a silhouette of her playing her guitar, with the sunset in the background. Daehyun felt his heart fluttering at the beautiful sight and smiled sheepishly to himself as he made his way up.


“You were at the festival last night, were you?” Minyoung’s eyes rounded in surprise. She stopped strumming her guitar, but didn’t turn around to face the owner of the voice. She knew very well who it was, but she couldn’t bring herself to face him. Daehyun grew impatient when she didn’t answer and motioned to stand before her. “Answer me,” he begged. “Please. I just need to know.”


Yes, I was there … and I fell in love with your voice. In fact, I fell in love with you the first time I saw you. She wanted to say, but she knew how crazy that would sound. “I … I was,” she answered softly but shortly, not wanting her feelings to be revealed – yet.


The moment he got his answer, Daehyun took her guitar with one hand and grabbed her wrist with the other. “Come with me,” he requested. Minyoung was too startled to even refuse his request and absent-mindedly allowed him to drag her along.


Within seconds, she found them standing on a stretch of pathway where a lot of passersby were. Daehyun stood a few feet away from her, looking into her eyes with the guitar in his arms. She wasn’t sure what he had in mind, but she stayed to witness his next move.


“This is for you,” Daehyun said, never tearing his sight away from her. The attention was now on them and a small crowd started to gather to watch. Minyoung brought her hands together and rubbed her arms when she felt eyes on her. When he started playing, she could make out muffled words from the crowd saying how romantic it was. She felt blood rushing to her cheeks when she heard someone had thought he was her boyfriend. She noticed Daehyun hadn’t taken his eyes off her at all while playing and singing to Lunafly’s ‘How Nice It Would Be’. For a moment, she found herself mesmerized, especially by the lyrics.


I wanna fly away (I wanna be with you)
And I’m dreaming again (I wanna be with you)
I really didn’t expect anything
I just only liked you
But I keep getting my hopes up

Eating lunch with you
Finding a nice cafe with sunshine
Talking about this and that and laughing
Walking on the street with the sunset
Saying goodbye in front of your house
How nice would it be


When the song finished, the crowd applauded and Minyoung realized the amount of people gathered had doubled. Daehyun slowly approached Minyoung with a smile. “I was right. You were my miracle last night,” he said.


“What do you mean?” Minyoung asked.


They took a seat on a bench before Daehyun explained it to her. “Last night was the first time I overcome my fear of singing on stage,” he paused to look at her. “I couldn’t have done it without you,” he continued.


Minyoung tilted her head in wonder and asked, “Why would you have stage fright? And what did I even do to help you overcome it?”


Daehyun’s expressions began to lose its colour. He took a deep breathe while bending forward, resting his arms on his knees as he stared at his feet. “My grandfather was a singer. He died after being shot on stage. I’m not sure who did it or why that person did it. My mum has been keeping the details from me, but the tragedy just keeps haunting me,” he explained.


Minyoung softened upon hearing his answer. “I’m sorry to hear that,” she gently consoled him. In return, Daehyun only shook his head with a weak smile and faced her. “I know this might sound crazy to you, but I think you’re the only person I can ever sing to without having to fear about anything. Whenever I sing to you, everyone else around me disappears and all I see is you,” he confessed.


Minyoung turned her head away to hide her smile. She felt her heart racing and facing Daehyun would only make it worse. She found herself speechless at first, but quickly composed herself before turning back to him. “You’re different from all the other guys,” she began. “I’ve never been approached before … and you really surprised me when you did. Th-thank you,” she stuttered a little for being nervous and shy at the same time.


“No, thank you,” Daehyun replied with a smile.


They were both immersed in their conversations that they almost didn’t realize the sun was now gone and the sky was beginning to darken. “I should be going now. It was nice talking to you, Daehyun.”


“It was nice knowing you, Minyoung. I’d love it if we could meet up again like this,” he replied.


“You know where to find me. I’ll see you soon,” she smiled and waved to him before making a move.


“You too!” Daehyun yelled back, now that they were a distance apart. It took a while for him to respond because he was smitten by her charms for a minute. He had a smile plastered on his face throughout his way home, unable to hide all the happiness he felt.

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annasoll99 #1
OMG this is so good update soon!!!
Chapter 26: Himchan ommaT^T
Chapter 19: Ommo!! Daehyun is DAEBAK! His sweet! I love this chapter and story! >.<

Hi! Im a new reader by the way^^
Pls keep up the great job!^^
alienjello-dy #4
Chapter 26: nooo himchan noooooo
you should ask her first T__T
anyway new reader here ^^
Chapter 26: Himchan no~ he should've asked her.
I guess ego overtook him. :( I hope they'll make up soon.